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Russia brands Quran Translation by Elmir Kuliev as extremist

Read many, many, many books but MRIs reveal a Jew's brain isn't really different from an Palestinian brain. It's a great theory but the science works against it.

But his(jewish) indoctrination is. Similiar to how wahabbis and extremist muslims indoctrinate against 'kafirs'. Russians are grand chess players.Thats why today they are independent and defiant of USA or the West and jewish forces,which no other nation can stand against.And most jews are Khazar not sephardic.I mean originally from khazaria.

The historical biblical jews are palestinians today.
I agree, Vk, that there are bad people out there. They did terrible things however I do not agree that it has to do anything with their religion or ethnicity. That's just like saying Black people are stupid because of Eddie Murphy, Muslims are bombs because of OBL and so on.

You should read Anthony Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik revolution or Hidden Khazaria.

Stalin-era repressions 'justified' claims new 'anti-Semitic' Russian textbook - Telegraph

Rothschild and the British monarchy was responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in India for he was the advisor to british monarchy and ran the opium trade.Even today Rothschild retains great power.
Don't know, coz it depends on intellect of reader. But if we look at population of morons than it's safe to assume that it's not good.

Before we assume whether its Wahabbi school of thought or otherwise, its best to look at up.

interesting article for those interested in where such problems arise.
Conveying the meaning of the Holy Quran in another language | islam.ru

It does however give its views from the point of a school of thought and hence care should be taken by those who may find some content offensive.
Further on the news.
Exclusive: Russian Court Bans Quran | Stand for Peace

- Colin Cortbus, Stand For Peace Fellow
A Russian court has banned the most popular translation of the Quran into Russian, in a move likely to spark strong outrage.
The ‘October’ District Court in the Russian black sea-port city of Novorossiysk ruled that Elmir Kuliev’s ‘Meaning of the holy Quran in Russian language’ is “recognized as extremist” and therefore banned under Russian legislation that prevents the dissemination and possession of material deemed “extremist”. The court cited an ‘expert’ assessment by the Forensic Centre at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD) for the Krasnodar Territory, which found that the book contained:
“…statements in which a person or group of persons (in particular, non-Muslims ) is portrayed negatively on grounds related to a particular religion; …. statements which address talking about the advantages of a single person or group of persons to other people on the grounds of religion (particularly the Muslims over non-Muslims ); … statements containing the positive assessment of hostile action of one group of people against another group of people on the basis of religion, specifically, Muslims towards non-Muslims; …statements of an inciting character, which can be understood as calling for hostile and violent actions by one group of people against another group of people on the basis of religion, in particular the Muslims towards non-Muslims .”
The translation is a 2002 work by Elmir Kuliev (sometimes written as Guliev), Director of the Department of Geoculture at the Institute of Strategic Studies of the Caucasus. The publication is widely available across the internet, including on websites such as QuranSource , where it is described as a definite Russian translation of the Quran. Kuliev is considered to be one of the leading contemporary Muslim philosophers in Russia. He has even received the Medal of the Council of Muftis of Russia.
The lawsuit leading to the ban was brought by the transport prosecutor’s office in Novorossiysk under general procedure article 45 of the Russian civil procedure code (which allows a prosecutor to act in the interest of unspecified citizens even where no complaint has been filed). The transport prosecutor is believed to have challenged the refusal of a different prosecutor’s office to institute criminal proceedings on the grounds of an offense under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code (incitement of National, Racial, or Religious Enmity), after the book was delivered by mail order to a local address.
Colin Cortbus, a fellow at counter-extremism organisation Stand for Peace, commented: “The Judge’s decision is a sick and criminal throwback to the dark days of Stalinism and national chauvinism.”
Russia’s highly respected Sova Center, which monitors terrorism in Russia, listed the ruling as a “misuse of anti-extremism law” and described it as “ not only illegal, but ignorant and scandalous”. The proscription puts a number of Russian Muslims at risk of prosecution for merely possessing a copy of their religious scripture. The move is also likely to facilitate further bans on other Quranic texts, including those in Arabic. Over twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Union, the state’s drive to discourage religious practise has not yet been abandoned.
Russian courts have previously provoked international condemnation after attempting to ban the Bagavad Gita, one of Hinduism’s holiest texts.
Russia has long-standing problems with a large domestic far-right scene. Some estimates suggest there are over 100,000 violent neo-Nazi activists in the country, some of whom have committed murders and acts of terrorism against Jews and migrants, as well as Muslims from the Caucasus and central Asia. Far-right sentiment was recently legitimized after a strong election result for maverick politician Alexander Navalny in the recent Moscow mayoral elections. Navalny, who came second in the race, has reportedly compared Caucasian immigrants to cockroaches who could be killed with guns in a videotaped speech and, on his blog, has also described religious Jews as “dandies in fox hats and rags”.
God is not violent ,but peace loving .I sometimes feel that it was some caliphs or unscruplous ulema who editted hadiths and qurans for their benefit.

God is not peace loving.....he's practical.....if he was peace-loving he wouldn't make humans who fight each-other(lets face it people have been fighting each other and going to war since the beginning of recorded history).There was never a time where people did not kill other people.Since he made humans as violent creatures who go to war he put rules of war in his book.
God is not peace loving.....he's practical.....if he was peace-loving he wouldn't make humans who fight each-other(lets face it people have been fighting each other and going to war since the beginning of recorded history).There was never a time where people did not kill other people.Since he made humans as violent creatures who go to war he put rules of war in his book.

I am sorry then you are mistaken.God exists everywhere and within us.Its on us to identify God and emerge from the cycle of birth ,death,rebirth.
I am sorry then you are mistaken.God exists everywhere and within us.Its on us to identify God and emerge from the cycle of birth ,death,rebirth.

Before we assume whether its Wahabbi school of thought or otherwise, its best to look at up.

interesting article for those interested in where such problems arise.
Conveying the meaning of the Holy Quran in another language | islam.ru

It does however give its views from the point of a school of thought and hence care should be taken by those who may find some content offensive.

I haven't assumed anything, i always talk in general, because i have seen fundos of every sect - mentality of these are same but others don't get spot light because its easy to shift blame by using buzz word "wahibism".

Good article though, thx for sharing.
I always talk in general sense, because i have fundos of every sect - mentality of these are same but they don't get spot light because blame is easy to shift by using buzz word "wahibism".

Good article though, thx for sharing.

This is why I feel Ahmadiyya reforms are pretty good for islam.Swami Vivekananda,Guru Nanak,Guru Gobind,Kabir,ravidas ji,Swami Dayanand have done a lot to reform Hinduism and challenging manu smriti .I hope you people can reform your sects.Ghulam Mirza,bab ,sufis have tried to reform islam ,but they are/were always challenged by fundamentalists.
This is why I feel Ahmadiyya reforms are pretty good for islam.Swami Vivekananda,Guru Nanak,Guru Gobind,Kabir,ravidas ji,Swami Dayanand have done a lot to reform Hinduism and challenging manu smriti .I hope you people can reform your sects.

Every group be it Religious/Ethnic/Linguistic/etc. which is in minority is normally peaceful.
I do partly agree and disagree also.But muslims must stop listening to wahabbis or such actions will become common place in several nations.

It's not about Wahabbis in every sect there are few elements who are responsible for violence. We must stop listening to "Jali Mullahs". Its more than enough that we have been living in darkness now we should get rid of them.
it's only the translation from 1 guy, there will still be quran translations. Although I see no point as the verses in all qurans is the same. Quran is not an easy book. You gotta look around the verses not just 1 specific verse. You gotta read all verses to truly interpret it. If you only brainwash a kid with 1 verse you can use it for good or for evil. That's the power of the quran. That's why in the quran it says to read it by yourself and never let anyone interpret it for you. Most of these terrorists are poor kids who have had the quran interpreted for them.

Quran is not a piece of cake that anyone could translate it we ought to understand the riddles hidden in Quran..we should to recite it repeatedly. Every time one would find new things in Quran..Its not only about jihad..People choose only specific verses/words which is useful for them.
I think its more sensible to re-write the Quran to make it more humane.

Atleast if not rewrite, edit out the violent portions, or people will keep using it to murder innocents.

Its really upto the peace loving Muslims to make sure their religious scriptures arent misused for the world to start banning it.

This may seem like an absurd idea to many Muslims now, but if we take into consideration how the religion has been "misinterpreted" by some folks around the world and the carnage such acts have caused, it sounds like the most obvious solution to me.
I think its more sensible to re-write the Quran to make it more humane.

Atleast if not rewrite, edit out the violent portions, or people will keep using it to murder innocents.

Its really upto the peace loving Muslims to make sure their religious scriptures arent misused for the world to start banning it.

Because of the earning of few people's benefits , dozen suffer whether it is religious war or political .... :disagree:
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