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Russia brands Quran Translation by Elmir Kuliev as extremist

Do you have any reliable link for that?

Bandar told Putin, “There are many common values ??and goals that bring us together, most notably the fight against terrorism and extremism all over the world. Russia, the US, the EU and the Saudis agree on promoting and consolidating international peace and security. The terrorist threat is growing in light of the phenomena spawned by the Arab Spring. We have lost some regimes. And what we got in return were terrorist experiences, as evidenced by the experience of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the extremist groups in Libya. ... As an example, I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us. These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role or influence in Syria’s political future.”

Meet Saudi Arabia's Bandar bin Sultan: The Puppetmaster Behind The Syrian War | Zero Hedge

» Saudis Threaten Russia With Olympic Terrorist Attacks Unless It Abandons Syria Support Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

As-Safir said Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord. “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” he allegedly said.
Prince Bandar went on to say that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.”

Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria - Telegraph

Bandar Sultan threatened terror attacks on Russia in a meeting with Putin.Could this be the effect of that ?implicit threat that if Saudis carry out something like that they will dismantle salafi/sunni islam in Russia ?

The communists couldn't dismantle religion(any one Christianity or Islam) in Russia....Putin can't either....Putin is hailed for 'standing up' to the west....but he isn't god.You seem to think that Russia is some uber powerful state that can change the world....they lost the cold war....so don't get your hopes too high like many communists did during the USSR era!
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Not necessarily.......... by the looks of what is going on right now, I have a hard time believing them.......... do yourself a favor in these difficult times, and reference the Quran only. Leave the interpretation of Hadith to the more knowledgable amongst you!

It wasn't a joke ..hadith only belongs to NABI (S.A.W)
The phrase here is not "stop listening", but "start confronting" them. What will happen if you stop listening? Nothing. There will be a million other morons who will not only listen, but believe as well. And half of them will be ready to go to jehad for them!

Regarding @Oscar's point, yes, it's wrongful to accuse any particular sect as good and bad people are plenty in all of them, however, if we do a simple statistical analysis, an unusually higher number of them would be found in the "Salafist" school of thought. Now, the question is, why - and the reasoning behind it?

Statistically yes, its easy to equate smoking with lung cancer. But due to the fact that this is theological study and not scientific study we cant use statistics to equate and quantify and not get embroiled in an accusation war.

Not necessarily.......... by the looks of what is going on right now, I have a hard time believing them.......... do yourself a favor in these difficult times, and reference the Quran only. Leave the interpretation of Hadith to the more knowledgable amongst you!

This I absolutely agree with. And more importantly, reference all Hadiath with the Quran.
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The communists couldn't dismantle religion(any one Christianity or Islam) in Russia....Putin can't either....Putin is hailed for 'standing up' to the west....but he isn't god.You seem to think that Russia is some uber powerful state that can change the world....they lost the cold war....so don't get your hopes too high like many communists did during the USSR era!

Lost the cold war? Well there are differing accounts on cold war,whether it was real or fake even.

The communists couldn't dismantle religion(any one Christianity or Islam) in Russia


2 million ethnic Muslims adopted baptism in Russia while only 2,5 thousand Russians converted to Islam - expert

Moscow, November 1, Interfax - The number of ethnic Muslims in Russia who adopted Christianity is 2 million, while the number of the Orthodox who have been converted to Islam is only 2,5 thousand, stated Roman Silantyev, executive secretary of the Inter-religious Council in Russia.

‘Christianization happens not so much as a result of some purposeful missionary activity (in which only Protestants are engaged) as under the influence of Russian culture which has express Christian roots’, Silantyev said in a interview published this week by the Itogi weekly.

According Silantyev, the converts are predominantly Muslims by birth, while ‘those who really confess Islamic values and attend mosque on a regular basis rarely change their faith’.

‘The assimilation of ethnic and religious minorities is an inevitable process in any society. In Russia it is accelerated due to extremist activities’, the Islamic researcher believes.

For instance, he says, as a result of what happened in Beslan, the proportion of Muslims in North Ossetia has decreased at least by 30%, while in Beslan itself, where Muslims had comprised from 30 to 40% of the population, their number has decreased at least by half.

‘As even Muslim sources confirm, after each terrorist action, thousands and may be even dozens of thousands of ethnic Muslims adopt baptism’, Silantyev stated.

Don't underestimate the russian orthodox church.Though Ramzan Kadyrov has a deal that they don't proselytize muslims in Chechnya.
Russia already has banned the hadith and sira . From what I know Sufis are working out something with Putin and united Russia get it unbanned .From what I am reading that some of quotes for killing might be removed.

well russia really improved didn't they? at one point they banned religion all together during the cold war.

Russian orthodox Church is rapidly growing in strength. Also, Russia never accepted the western values of liberalism and its attendant disease of political correctness.

Only a strong religion, and its followers imbued with faith can confront another hostile religion. Western nations are powerless as they have no tools to get under the skin of the enemy. The pious platitudes about equality, liberalism and economic advancement cut no ice with religious zealots who are into a completely different paradigm. Their slogans are just as useless as allurements of heaven and redemption would be for a western atheist.

But Russia and religious countries like India are suitably empowered - for they fight faith with faith.

islam is the biggest growing religion in india and russia. so you were saying?
"reference all Hadiath with the Quran" + reference the Hadees according to a particular verse, which needs to be itself referenced to Makki/Madni history @ time of nazool + the social norms of that particular era, down to the month.

Interpreting Hadees is beyond the abilities of layman, which actually translates to 99% of Muslims today!

I can actually convince you that "parda" is harram for unmarried women, with cross-referencing!

This I absolutely agree with. And more importantly, reference all Hadiath with the Quran.
India does not have guts like Russia .Russia has been a fighter nation like none. There is no comparison to Russia my friend. But yes, the reaction of Russia is a bit overboard and I am hearing that backdoor negotiations are underway.

Tell me man , jews(implicitly) and muslims(explicitly) have been attacking it since its existence.Russians are a paranoid people .Provoking them has always been deadly and has ended normally with total genocide and destruction of the enemy. My advice to muslim people is to reject wahabbism and embrace sufism. It will change a lot of perception of the russian people.

lmao what is wrong with you? russia isn't doing against islam in any form. ofcourse they will fight terrorism but your here trying to convince us with what? you trying to make us sufis? lol i don't see the point of anything your saying, islam is here to stay and no power on earth can destroy it.
You gotta admit, The Emperor has an awesome sense of humor! :D

Better luck next time ..... :sarcastic:

Statistically yes, its easy to equate smoking with lung cancer. But due to the fact that this is theological study and not scientific study we cant use statistics to equate and quantify and not get embroiled in an accusation war.

This I absolutely agree with. And more importantly, reference all Hadiath with the Quran.

Did you mean to say that each hadith should be seen in the light of Quran ... ?? :undecided:
well russia really improved didn't they? at one point they banned religion all together during the cold war.

islam is the biggest growing religion in india and russia. so you were saying?

islam is growing in india not russia as per statistics.

2 million ethnic Muslims adopted baptism in Russia while only 2,5 thousand Russians converted to Islam - expert

Moscow, November 1, Interfax - The number of ethnic Muslims in Russia who adopted Christianity is 2 million, while the number of the Orthodox who have been converted to Islam is only 2,5 thousand, stated Roman Silantyev, executive secretary of the Inter-religious Council in Russia.

‘Christianization happens not so much as a result of some purposeful missionary activity (in which only Protestants are engaged) as under the influence of Russian culture which has express Christian roots’, Silantyev said in a interview published this week by the Itogi weekly.

According Silantyev, the converts are predominantly Muslims by birth, while ‘those who really confess Islamic values and attend mosque on a regular basis rarely change their faith’.

‘The assimilation of ethnic and religious minorities is an inevitable process in any society. In Russia it is accelerated due to extremist activities’, the Islamic researcher believes.

For instance, he says, as a result of what happened in Beslan, the proportion of Muslims in North Ossetia has decreased at least by 30%, while in Beslan itself, where Muslims had comprised from 30 to 40% of the population, their number has decreased at least by half.

‘As even Muslim sources confirm, after each terrorist action, thousands and may be even dozens of thousands of ethnic Muslims adopt baptism’, Silantyev stated.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...n-elmir-kuliev-extremist-8.html#ixzz2gPOibcJY
I am not hindu. Second,Russia is capable of a lot of things .That I know from its past behavior .

That will be seen.I feel the middle eastern zone is heading for more revolutions and wars in coming time.

well russia might be capable of lot of things but its not capable of doing this, islam is a idea, a way of life. suppressing it always makes it grow even faster. you people need to learn from history when you suppress our religion it grows twice as fast. the soviets banned religion all together and even today you have millions of muslims and christians in russia. tyrant can only suppress people not ideas religions or ways of life.
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