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Russia brands Quran Translation by Elmir Kuliev as extremist

Koi tumhara DNA to nahin' change kiya tha, tumm nay to Quran kee ayyat banna dee. Ghalti insan say hoti hai. That's it, now back to Empress # 3...... :D

Khud ne he changing ki thi humhain koi shok nhi tha kisi ki behan bane ka :D
I am trying to prove nothing ,but trying to tell you people to control the wahabbis and their minions. Or else the whole world will be against islam.Read my former posts.

Enemy of islam were existed in the past, are there in the present and will be there in the future

Its nothing new here. You dont need to worry about Islam or its protection :)
Koi tumhara DNA to nahin' change kiya tha, tumm nay to Quran kee ayyat banna dee. Ghalti insan say hoti hai. That's it, now back to Empress # 3...... :D

Your harm is full of wifzzz but buri baat apki behan nhi mujhe taras ata hai dekh kar :cray:
Thank you :) i wasn't aware about it. :)

That's called Hadith-e-Nabwi.

By the way here are some verses of Quran - Just see the difference if you don't translate world "Hadith" and use it as it is. For example below are some verses where word "Hadith" is used.




Ch: 31 Verse 6-8
A) And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment. And when our verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly as if he had not heard them, as if there was in his ears deafness. So give him tidings of a painful punishment. Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds - for them are the Gardens of Pleasure.

B) And of the people is he who buys the "Hadiths" to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment. And when our verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly as if he had not heard them, as if there was in his ears deafness. So give him tidings of a painful punishment. Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds - for them are the Gardens of Pleasure.


Ch. 39 verse 23
A) Allah has sent down the best statement: a consistent Book wherein is reiteration. The skins shiver therefrom of those who fear their Lord; then their skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah . That is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whom He wills. And one whom Allah leaves astray - for him there is no guide

B) Allah has sent down the best Hadith: a consistent Book wherein is reiteration. The skins shiver therefrom of those who fear their Lord; then their skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah . That is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whom He wills. And one whom Allah leaves astray - for him there is no guide


Ch. 45 - Verse 6
A) These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after Allah and His verses will they believe?

B) These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what Hadith after Allah and His verses will they believe?

Anyway - God knows best

So you mean @Hyperion does have the right to have his own Hadiths??

I'll working on a new 7.62mm design with micro-nuclear warheads then!

There are already many looking for me, one more will not make any difference :pop:
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Vk-man stop saying im not hindu yindu again and again. You are one according to Indian constitution. And dont worry about Islam, it has universal message and have 2 billion followers. Its not punjab exclusive like certain religión. Tara Singh refused idea of non-punjabi dalits converting in mass
Not necessarily.......... by the looks of what is going on right now, I have a hard time believing them.......... do yourself a favor in these difficult times, and reference the Quran only. Leave the interpretation of Hadith to the more knowledgable amongst you!

Man, I thought I was the only one here who believed in the quran alone. It's nice to see other people think the same.
No, I do believe in Hadees as well, however, only that agree with Quran (fortify it, not negate the teachings of Quran). On the other hand, I do not follow Sunnah, as that was meant for it's own era.

Man, I thought I was the only one here who believed in the quran alone. It's nice to see other people think the same.
"reference all Hadiath with the Quran" + reference the Hadees according to a particular verse, which needs to be itself referenced to Makki/Madni history @ time of nazool + the social norms of that particular era, down to the month.

Interpreting Hadees is beyond the abilities of layman, which actually translates to 99% of Muslims today!

I can actually convince you that "parda" is harram for unmarried women, with cross-referencing!

Exactly!. You arent too far from what I say.
Man, I thought I was the only one here who believed in the quran alone. It's nice to see other people think the same.

You believe in Quran and Quran tell you to obey messenger

Whatever the messenger gives you, take it; and whatever he forbids you from, abstain from that."

"Obey Allah and obey the Prophet and render not your actions in vain."

"Whoever obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys Allah."

so i did not get this logic of believing in Quran and rejecting the hadiths which are saying and deeds of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

Vk-man stop saying im not hindu yindu again and again. You are one according to Indian constitution. And dont worry about Islam, it has universal message and have 2 billion followers. Its not punjab exclusive like certain religión. Tara Singh refused idea of non-punjabi dalits converting in mass

He is either hindu or qadyani thats for sure :)
No, I do believe in Hadees as well, however, only that agree with Quran (fortify it, not negate the teachings of Quran). On the other hand, I do not follow Sunnah, as that was meant for it's own era.

I disagree that the hadiath and Sunnah are different frames of reference. But then its a theological view. In either case, a lot of Hadiath(unless explicit on a spiritual topic) are also exemplars on how X was dealt in Y conditions.
e.g. For a crime you need 4 unwavering or strong testimonies(evidences) that it occurred. One piece of evidence cannot incriminate a person and there must be others to support it. Pretty much similar methods are used in any modern investigation such as DNA and other forensic evidences or perhaps camera feeds and others.

The men and women were all that were available at that time and hence that was used as the exemplar. The example of needing more women simply demonstrates the need for strong and unshakable evidence than anything else. However, when you hand the same exemplar to an person whose only exposure has been a madressa or closed loop society...then their judgement cannot go beyond the confines in which their brains were taught to think.
Yara, I wasn't totally clear there. What I meant to say was that, we can work out sunnah mu'akkada, in line with with modern methods, keeping in line with the norms of present day and age, as long as they stay true to the spirit of "cumulative Quranic teachings".

On the other hand sunnah ghayr mu'akkada, should be left to an individuals ability to process, however, it's a shame that we have made the latter the basis of "being a true Muslim"!

Furthermore, most of my replies here are for the rest of ungifted children of Islam (meaning not you), who need to be shepherd either with a stick or something that their limited minds can process. As I said earlier, understanding the gist of Sunnah vis-a-vis Quran-e-Kareem, within a wider context (e.g. our uneducated masses ++ not necessarily their 'education' level ++), is not everyone's cup-of-tea!

I disagree that the hadiath and Sunnah are different frames of reference. But then its a theological view. In either case, a lot of Hadiath(unless explicit on a spiritual topic) are also exemplars on how X was dealt in Y conditions.
e.g. For a crime you need 4 unwavering or strong testimonies(evidences) that it occurred. One piece of evidence cannot incriminate a person and there must be others to support it. Pretty much similar methods are used in any modern investigation such as DNA and other forensic evidences or perhaps camera feeds and others.

The men and women were all that were available at that time and hence that was used as the exemplar. The example of needing more women simply demonstrates the need for strong and unshakable evidence than anything else. However, when you hand the same exemplar to an person whose only exposure has been a madressa or closed loop society...then their judgement cannot go beyond the confines in which their brains were taught to think.
That's called Hadith-e-Nabwi.


Let me take a bit of liberty to try and explain this verse..

In Verse 6, the word Lahu is in the earliest arabic as light hearted, funny, or relaxed(which may also be poetry or music) etc. So the world Lahu-wal-Hadees is best defined as Banter. Light talk , etc. Since the literal translation of Hadees is talk and not specifically the talk of the Prophet.Hence, the second translation seems of less merit.

Also, is all Lahu wal Hadees Haraam?(as suggested by certain current "ulema" and "muftis" who are revered to ban music) NO. This verse is itself explanatory on what is Haram.. banter or chiding that is meant to mislead a person into Harm or from truth. Otherwise , light jokes, teasing is all part of what we are as social beings.
The Prophet himself engaged in light banter.. A man came to him asking for a camel.. the Prophet answered Ill give you the child of a camel.. the man was perplexed and kept asking for a camel while the prophet repeated the same.. until the Prophet said.. that all Camels are the Children of Camels..

So neither is this Ayah referring to the Hadiath of the Prophet to lead people astray , nor is valid for the other purpose the first translation is interpreted as.. essentially to declare all that Haram that these "ulema" see fit. Whereas the rule for declaring Haram is the strictest and must be based on solid, direct reference to meaning with multiple proofs rather than analogy or extended examples.
The leniency that is on interpretation of Halal and the Strictness that is on Haram has been reversed in today's times.


Ch. 39 verse 23


Ch. 45 - Verse 6

Lets look at the first verse here from Surah Zumar..

The literal meaning of hadiath is talk/statement.. Again, to take this to only mean the Prophet's hadiath is incorrect as it is analogous to taking the word talk to always refer to TED talks.
next word of focus is Mutashabihann.. which is not reiteration.. but the meaning is more close to "being similar".. hence it may be interpreted as similar or balanced but definitely not closer to reiteration. Ill skip the rest of the Ayah for sake of the topic.

The next Ayah from Surah Jatiha is the same in terms of Meaning of Hadiath.. i.e. statement.. Nothing to do with the Hadiath of the Prophet nor is it mentioned.
However, if someone who is not interested in truly searching the depth of the Quran and Sunnah and goes on copy paste translation from websites, they are probably going to go on a tirade on the word Hadiath and how they are accurate and everything.

The easiest way to look at the meaning of the Quran is to understand the Arabic of the times and then to literal Arabic meanings.
So first it is Arabic as it was used in those times.. with the metaphor...then the meaning that was used in those times. And then literal if for the layman. The word Hadiath may be associated with the Prophet but the proper term is Hadiath-ur-Rasool-Allah.
By its own the word Hadiath is just... Statements.
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