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Russia brands Quran Translation by Elmir Kuliev as extremist


this guy doesn't know what he is talking about lol, everything he is saying is his wet dreams. he wants these things to happen not that russia wants to do it, russia is doing nothing to suppress islam in anyway except in @vK_man wet dreams lol.

don't worry about us. we aren't worried about the world. the world can't harm islam even if they tried their best.

Wet dreams?A lot of muslims have converted in Ossetia and tatarstan due to inter religious marriages already.I have a friend who was muslim from Astrakhan who converted and married christian orthodox girlfriend .He also hates the salafi .

don't worry about us. we aren't worried about the world. the world can't harm islam even if they tried their best.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...n-elmir-kuliev-extremist-9.html#ixzz2gR2dm1lk

With this attitude ,islam will be in bad times in the future.Control the wahabbis and minions or there will be trouble a lot more.

Enemy of islam were existed in the past, are there in the present and will be there in the future

Its nothing new here. You dont need to worry about Islam or its protection :)

There were not nuclear,biological and chemical weapons then.Today there are.Thats the difference .

You believe in Quran and Quran tell you to obey messenger

Whatever the messenger gives you, take it; and whatever he forbids you from, abstain from that."

"Obey Allah and obey the Prophet and render not your actions in vain."

"Whoever obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys Allah."

so i did not get this logic of believing in Quran and rejecting the hadiths which are saying and deeds of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

He is either hindu or qadyani thats for sure :)


@Jaanbaz @Pakistani Exile @Meesna

I am sikh as I stated before.
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During the Imperial period the Orthodox Church had much power and they misused it....after the fall of Communism bothe the Russian Muslims(not the Chechens) and the Orthodox Church mellowed down!

Chechens have mellowed down under Ramzan Kadyrov. The salafis are trying to foment a revolt in Dagestan and the orthodox church has become active there in conversions.FSB tends to use the russian orthodox church to counter the wahabbis or extremists where soft power and in terms of hard power ,its MVD or Osnaz death squads like Alpha or russian military troops.
Interesting. Seems Russia is making it clear to the wahabbis that it will not tolerate them and their literature and the way they interpret . But I think that Ramzan Kadyrov and sufi factions will work out a deal with Putin and russian orthodox church by removing extremist quotes that call for killing of Infidel in Quran.

To me ,its a natural response,considering that Muslim are increasingly radicalising across the planet. Russia happens to be one of the first to take a step like this.

@he-man @Tshering22 @Chinese Dragon @jaibi @Imran Khan @Hyperion, @iajdani @Lightningbolt @griffin @Echo_419

@Jade @faithfulguy @Jaanbaz
@vostok @arzamas_16 @Audio

Mr if its only translation and not Tafseer than I can assure you every translation is same no difference Mr difference is among Tafseer not Translation even my signature is translation of an ayat not Tafseer
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@Oscar - IF i agree on the notion that it's impossible to understand Quran without reading thousands of Hadiths and historical events/environment of that time than i think Quran is contradictory with itself when it says that it's easy, final & complete but actually it lacks million of things, and certainly impossible to understand, so clerics are right on making monopoly over Quran like priests have over bible. But i always wonder that how early people became Muslims by just listing the verses of Quran, why God has given incomplete book - when He knew what happened to previous books & teachings of Prophets after their deaths? Yeah - God has taken responsibility to protect Quran till end of times but why He missed many things from book? Weren't those worth protecting? If He thought that it will be protected through sunnah than he was wrong again because He couldn't even protect prayer in correct form which is part of daily routine. But in any case do we really need Quran when we have detailed guidance plus extra guidance in form of books of Hadiths? I don't think so.
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Wet dreams?A lot of muslims have converted in Ossetia and tatarstan due to inter religious marriages already.I have a friend who was muslim from Astrakhan who converted and married christian orthodox girlfriend .He also hates the salafi .

With this attitude ,islam will be in bad times in the future.Control the wahabbis and minions or there will be trouble a lot more.

There were not nuclear,biological and chemical weapons then.Today there are.Thats the difference .


@Jaanbaz @Pakistani Exile @Meesna

I am sikh as I stated before.

Some these Pakistanis just drag us ahamdis into everything. Anytime they see something they don't like, that person/thing must be somehow related to the qadianis. Pathetic insecure people.

You believe in Quran and Quran tell you to obey messenger

Whatever the messenger gives you, take it; and whatever he forbids you from, abstain from that."

"Obey Allah and obey the Prophet and render not your actions in vain."

"Whoever obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys Allah."

so i did not get this logic of believing in Quran and rejecting the hadiths which are saying and deeds of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

He is either hindu or qadyani thats for sure :)

Excuse me heavenly delight, Why did you mention qadianis in this thread? Not everything/everyone you don't like is a qadiani ok?
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Wet dreams?A lot of muslims have converted in Ossetia and tatarstan due to inter religious marriages already.I have a friend who was muslim from Astrakhan who converted and married christian orthodox girlfriend .He also hates the salafi .

With this attitude ,islam will be in bad times in the future.Control the wahabbis and minions or there will be trouble a lot more.

There were not nuclear,biological and chemical weapons then.Today there are.Thats the difference .


@Jaanbaz @Pakistani Exile @Meesna

I am sikh as I stated before.

who the hell has been brainwashing you lmao?
they must have really fucked your head up lmao.
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@Oscar - IF i agree on the notion that it's impossible to understand Quran without reading thousands of Hadiths and historical events/environment of that time than i think Quran is contradictory with itself when it says that it's easy, final & complete but actually it lacks million of things, and certainly impossible to understand, so clerics are right on making monopoly over Quran like priests have over bible. But i always wonder that how early people became Muslims by just listing the verses of Quran, why God has given incomplete book - when He knew what happened to previous books & teachings of Prophets after their deaths? Yeah - God has taken responsibility to protect Quran till end of times but why He missed many things from book? Weren't those worth protecting? If He thought that it will be protected through sunnah than he was wrong again because He couldn't even protect prayer in correct form which is part of daily routine. But in any case do we really need Quran when we have detailed guidance plus extra guidance in form of books of Hadiths? I don't think so.

Your approach is incorrect. Assuming that it impossible to understand the Quran on its own. You will understand it on its own. Most by reading it again and again and again. But, will you understand it fully on the basis of say .. Pickthall's translation which is essentially his interpretation of meanings? Or would you rather discover those yourself through understanding of the Arabic of the Quran by understanding the metaphors of the time and so on?

The problem you complain on does not lie with the clerics and priests, it lies with common Muslims. Why did you let them have all the authority on it? Should you not know enough of the material to be able to judge whether you are being misled by a subject expect?
Were there not subject matter experts at the time of the Prophet? His closest companions or others to help out new converts?
At the same time, there were false prophets as well and people did fall for them too(Musalima proclaimed himself a Prophet during the time of Prophet Mohammad).. why? Because their understanding of the subject was not enough, and they fell for a lie.
After all, if a mechanic swindles you by charging you for a blown gasket while all you had was an incorrectly screwed cap .. whose fault is it?

Even if you stick to only a basic understanding of the Quran.. what is to say that the very basic understanding that you have is incorrect based on an incorrect translation? After all, the Church taught everybody that the earth is flat before Galileo proved it was not.. and now he is remembered for being right.

My point here is, this is not a study of the plot themes or sociology of the Godfather series.. This is the code of your life, the method for your life, your beginning and salvation.. so why would you or any muslim be content with "that's all i want to know about it"?

It is that very complacency that has led everybody to this stage.
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@Oscar it has been said by an author that Quran have different hidden riddles for every individual (According to his/her circumstances) ?? Is that true ??
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@Oscar it has been said by an author that Quran have different hidden riddles for every individual (According to his/her circumstances) ?? Is that true ??

I am no authority, but from the authorities I recognize.. I believe it is. Every person understands the Quran differently in relation to who they are and their life experiences.

A Chemist may see certain truths in it compared to a doctor.... while someone who came from a rich background may see it differently than another from a poor one.

The same way, a person predisposed to conflict or evil may see it differently than one who is good natured.
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I am no authority, but from the authorities I recognize.. I believe it is. Every person understands the Quran differently in relation to who they are and their life experiences.

A Chemist may see certain truths in it compared to a doctor.... while someone who came from a rich background may see it differently than another from a poor one.

The same way, a person predisposed to conflict or evil may see it differently than one who is good natured.

Of-course I am not asking for your authorization ... :angel:

Can I ask you one more question not related to the topic .. ?? :ashamed:
Please go ahead.

There is an ayah about Hijab in Surah Ahzab so what is the relation b/w two (War and Hijab)... ??

I've read it in a book the author explained it but I couldn't get it .. :ashamed:
Excuse me heavenly delight, Why did you mention qadianis in this thread? Not everything/everyone you don't like is a qadiani ok?

So mention word qadyani is major sin or some sort of paap? :D when i said eveyone whom i dont like is qadyani lol

He can mention mirza and his aqeedat for his reforms but we cannot even use word qadyani..dont be such senstive ..i am not going to pass any fatwa on you or others

Just wonder how he know who is qayani here as he quoted some member names :)
There is an ayah about Hijab in Surah Ahzab so what is the relation b/w two (War and Hijab)... ??

I've read it in a book the author explained it but I couldn't get it .. :ashamed:

If you referring to this Ayah, it is better to first see what comes before it and what follows it. The previous Ayah's all discuss Marriage and conduct in marriage apart.

The Surah is not entirely about war, it starts with discussing it but also brings in other subjects. The same is with Many long surah's in the Quran. Moreover, the word Ahzab literally means collection of people. These may be those that oppose the Prophet or those that are part of his following. Hence, the content of this Surah is directed upon life in the collective. How they are to behave in conflict with a party, with their wives etc.

The solution if such discrepancies arise is to go to the root of the word where there is doubt.
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