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Russia brands Quran Translation by Elmir Kuliev as extremist

USSR is the country that has committed the greatest genocide of Jews, greater than Hitler's Nazis. So Russia is not really a free country.

Jews are not doves either ,It was them responsible for using Germany against Russia in WW1 and instigating the russian revolution ,also majority of CPSU was jewish ,till Stalin decided it was enough and destroyed them en masse in the great purges.Then Trotskyists via their hidden elements instigated Hitler's attack on Russia,but failed again .Today the same Trotskyists are known as neo-cons and again are scheming to destroy Russia. They have been trying since centuries to destroy Russia as Russia destroyed Khazaria which was jewish superpower in Eurasia a 1000 years back. Rothschild funded Napoleon's rise and invasion of Russia.

To me Stalin was a hero who put the jews in their place.
Technically it's even being implemented right now, though not very cheap at the moment! Has been around for ages......

Same idea, new tech! (I think Inmarsat had an implementation ages ago, with the advent of better transponders and better compression and encryption, newer satellites will be able to handle 1000 fold more data)

Note: These satellites also handle data!


Iridium Communications - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The problem that they would face with low orbital satellite is that of coverage area. Satellites could not transmit signal over the horizon and lower the orbit of satellite, less is the areal coverage.

Three geostationary satellites could cover whole planet but you would need large number of satellites in low earth orbit for global coverage and even more if you are trying to transmit signal to satellite receivers which could not change direction.In this case, satellites has to follow each other's wake so that there are no break in transmission further increasing the number of required satellites.

Geostationary satellites would be much cheaper that this system.
Interesting. Seems Russia is making it clear to the wahabbis that it will not tolerate them and their literature and the way they interpret . But I think that Ramzan Kadyrov and sufi factions will work out a deal with Putin and russian orthodox church by removing extremist quotes that call for killing of Infidel in Quran.

To me ,its a natural response,considering that Muslim are increasingly radicalising across the planet. Russia happens to be one of the first to take a step like this.

@he-man @Tshering22 @Chinese Dragon @jaibi @Imran Khan @Hyperion, @iajdani @Lightningbolt @griffin @Echo_419

@Jade @faithfulguy @Jaanbaz
@vostok @arzamas_16 @Audio

I do not see anything unusual. In Russia there are laws against totalitarian-destructive sects and against extremist literature. These laws should be implemented. If in the literature, there are signs of extremism - it should be banned. No matter who wrote it - Aum Shinrikyo, the Wahhabis or Nazis.
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That's exactly my point: there is no 'hate' or 'love' it's all politics. My premise is to challenge this thinking in the Muslim mind.

Oh please ... !! They like to support what is beneficial for them , they aren't favoring Muslims against Israel .. :disagree:

What do you think they wouldn't favor anyone else(Other than Muslims) if they were against Israel .. ??
I think its more sensible to re-write the Quran to make it more humane.

Atleast if not rewrite, edit out the violent portions, or people will keep using it to murder innocents.

Its really upto the peace loving Muslims to make sure their religious scriptures arent misused for the world to start banning it.
Lakh de lanat.... will it be OK to make tissue papers out of Geeta, manhoos? You need serious help.... pronto........ :angry:

Aye manhoos thekedar "peace" kay! Go fix your backyard first..... suppa powwa.........:sick:

I think its more sensible to re-write the Quran to make it more humane.

Atleast if not rewrite, edit out the violent portions, or people will keep using it to murder innocents.

Its really upto the peace loving Muslims to make sure their religious scriptures arent misused for the world to start banning it.
Lakh de lanat :lol:

Did you read it in the Quran too to make toilet paper out of other religious scriptures?

Or is this your version of Muslim rule...in that case my friend, maybe you should start looking for help.
I think its more sensible to re-write the Quran to make it more humane.

Atleast if not rewrite, edit out the violent portions, or people will keep using it to murder innocents.

Its really upto the peace loving Muslims to make sure their religious scriptures arent misused for the world to start banning it.

Well! Its supposed to be the words of Allah. Humans can't edit or modify it.
Well! Its supposed to be the words of Allah. Humans can't edit or modify it.

God is not violent ,but peace loving .I sometimes feel that it was some caliphs or unscruplous ulema who editted hadiths and qurans for their benefit.
I find it so unlikely that a jewish boy polishing a man's shoes would go in the evening and meet his fellow jews to plan about the world order. It's just that Jews have been a lobby in Europe's history, it's understandable because they were always the minority group. Lobbying being answered by genocide is not at all political. So genocide is bad no matter who does it or to whom it is done.

Jews are not doves either ,It was them responsible for using Germany against Russia in WW1 and instigating the russian revolution ,also majority of CPSU was jewish ,till Stalin decided it was enough and destroyed them en masse in the great purges.Then Trotskyists via their hidden elements instigated Hitler's attack on Russia,but failed again .Today the same Trotskyists are known as neo-cons and again are scheming to destroy Russia. They have been trying since centuries to destroy Russia as Russia destroyed Khazaria which was jewish superpower in Eurasia a 1000 years back. Rothschild funded Napoleon's rise and invasion of Russia.

To me Stalin was a hero who put the jews in their place.
I find it so unlikely that a jewish boy polishing a man's shoes would go in the evening and meet his fellow jews to plan about the world order. It's just that Jews have been a lobby in Europe's history, it's understandable because they were always the minority group. Lobbying being answered by genocide is not at all political. So genocide is bad no matter who does it or to whom it is done.

You should read Anthony Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik revolution or Hidden Khazaria.


Rothschild and the British monarchy was responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in India for he was the advisor to british monarchy and ran the opium trade.Even today Rothschild retains great power.
today almost every thing is available online
Read many, many, many books but MRIs reveal a Jew's brain isn't really different from an Palestinian brain. It's a great theory but the science works against it.

You should read Anthony Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik revolution or Hidden Khazaria.
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