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Russia brands Quran Translation by Elmir Kuliev as extremist

I think it will have reverse effect, ones who didn't know/care will try to read out of curiosity

From what I think it will be unbanned , though the extremist quotes will be removed in the russian version.

Vk, the thing is that people are free to believe what they want, even the Jews have sects that believe they should murder any Arab kid who even threatens them. Like I said, idiots are everywhere. It is only that the terrorists have had had money and infrastructure to make it possible. The problem is not religious it is sociological. By most stats I have seen terrorist recruitment has gone down drastically, they are tactically more challenged now but there is a problem when the international community pushes the Muslims to feel secluded and unsafe then naturally they cling to such ideologies and act on them. I have said it so many times: this is a symptom, not the problem.

From what I know ,FSB heavily monitors the jews and their synagogues . Also ,some of the russian police textbooks classify the jews as the biggest threat to Russia.
From what I think it will be unbanned , though the extremist quotes will be removed in the russian version.

There are already multiple Russian translations of the quran with the same 'war-verses'....They're going to unban it anyway!
Interesting. Seems Russia is making it clear to the wahabbis that it will not tolerate them and their literature and the way they interpret . But I think that Ramzan Kadyrov and sufi factions will work out a deal with Putin and russian orthodox church by removing extremist quotes that call for killing of Infidel in Quran.

To me ,its a natural response,considering that Muslim are increasingly radicalising across the planet. Russia happens to be one of the first to take a step like this.

@he-man @Tshering22 @Chinese Dragon @jaibi @Imran Khan @Hyperion, @iajdani @Lightningbolt @griffin @Echo_419

@Jade @faithfulguy @Jaanbaz
@vostok @arzamas_16 @Audio

Don't get too happy they have banned the translation not the Quran itself. Why would they ban the Quran there are millions of Muslims in Russia and all of them are not terrorist. Obviously the courts must have seen something in the translations that is not right.
As for the ''violent'' verses. There are verses that apply to war. Nowhere does the Quran say to kill innocent people.
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Interesting. Seems Russia is making it clear to the wahabbis that it will not tolerate them and their literature and the way they interpret . But I think that Ramzan Kadyrov and sufi factions will work out a deal with Putin and russian orthodox church by removing extremist quotes that call for killing of Infidel in Quran.

To me ,its a natural response,considering that Muslim are increasingly radicalising across the planet. Russia happens to be one of the first to take a step like this.

@he-man @Tshering22 @Chinese Dragon @jaibi @Imran Khan @Hyperion, @iajdani @Lightningbolt @griffin @Echo_419

@Jade @faithfulguy @Jaanbaz
@vostok @arzamas_16 @Audio

Is it sm thing similar to ruskies trying to ban bhagwat gita?-
Bhagavad Gita trial in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seems like russia looking for excuse to ban religious books-
Muslims should follow the judicial route as the hindus did-

@vK_man banning of bhagwat gita was the natural response to what?-
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I think it will have reverse effect, ones who didn't know/care will try to read out of curiosity

"To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction"

Banning a translation is one thing and labeling it as extremist in nature is amateurish act of desperation
Don't get too happy they have banned the translation not the Quran itself. Why would they ban the Quran there are millions of Muslims in Russia and all of them are not terrorist. Obviously the courts must have seen something in the translations that is not right.
As for the ''violent'' verses. There are verses that apply to war. Nowhere does the Quran say to kill innocent people.

I am not happy. I am stating the facts.The sufis are hard at work behind the scenes.Its the wahabbi elements due to whom such adverse reactions are underway.You people need to remove wahabbis or the whole world will be against you.Good luck on that.

Is it sm thing similar to ruskies trying to ban bhagwat gita?-
Bhagavad Gita trial in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seems like russia looking for excuse to ban religious books-
Muslims should follow the judicial route as the hindus did-

@vK_man banning of bhagwat gita was the natural response to what?-

They haven't banned the guru granth sahib ,man .I am sikh.

[Bregs];4827635 said:
"To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction"

Banning a translation is one thing and labeling it as extremist in nature is amateurish act of desperation

I think its more about upmanship with the arabs who are pestering them.
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Russia has had a history of supressing Muslims due to her traditional rivalry with Turkey and then Britian which had considerable Muslims. The Soviets banned all religious propogation; following the breakup of USSR the Chechnyan rebels also gave Russia a reason to suppress Muslims, sadly, the war on terror has given Russia greater leverage to oppress Muslims.

Russia just hates Muslims because for centuries Tartars and Turkic Muslims used to rule over Russians. Some of these rulers were very oppressive and even burnt Moscow. Russia massacred many Muslims of Central Asia and killed and expelled Tartars from Ukraine. Russia is not a friend of Muslims and never has been.
Russia just hates Muslims because for centuries Tartars and Turkic Muslims used to rule over Russians. Some of these rulers were very oppressive and even burnt Moscow. Russia massacred many Muslims of Central Asia and killed and expelled Tartars from Ukraine. Russia is not a friend of Muslims and never has been.

Turkic muslims did not rule Russia.A lot of wars happened with the mongol tatar khanates .Turks did burn Moscow and massacre a lot of russians which ultimately led to adoption of extremely genocidal policies by Russians against muslims in the Tsar and Muscovy era.

Golden horde did and they were tengri ,but russia destroyed them. One thing I know is that russians have track record of vengeance to extremes when provoked.
imo there is nothing wrong in any holy book. but followers make different meanings of what holy books say.
Turkic muslims did not rule Russia.A lot of wars happened with the mongol tatar khanates .Turks did burn Moscow and massacre a lot of russians which ultimately led to adoption of extremely genocidal policies by Russians against muslims in the Tsar and Muscovy era.

And what was the fault of Caucasian Muslims? Russia invaded their countries and destroyed their culture and settled large amount of Russians there. When did they ever invade Russia? did they deserve to be expelled from their homelands and be killed and starved to death on the way to Siberia?
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