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Russia brands Quran Translation by Elmir Kuliev as extremist

Actually in the long run bad for you, as I'll be the one to get you......... one day you'll hear a knock on your door, chacha Hyperion will say "cheese"! :D

Good for me but bad for you ... :lol:
On a serious note if they are living peacefully, not harming anyone in the name of Islam there is no problem but if they are causing problems for the society then the bad ones should be removed :pop:

All fingers are not equal there are some good as well as bad people present in their community like all other ..
Actually in the long run bad for you, as I'll be the one to get you......... one day you'll hear a knock on your door, chacha Hyperion will say "cheese"! :D

My father has a gun he don't like people saying cheese :P ) :guns:
I am not happy. I am stating the facts.The sufis are hard at work behind the scenes.Its the wahabbi elements due to whom such adverse reactions are underway.You people need to remove wahabbis or the whole world will be against you.Good luck on that.

They haven't banned the guru granth sahib ,man .I am sikh.

I think its more about upmanship with the arabs who are pestering them.

Majority of Muslims are not wahabi.
That's the thing. The soul of Wahabi can not co-exist in peace with rest of humanity, hence the need for a solution. The thing being debated here is, what sort of solution? It's not open for debate that, do they really need to be fixed, as they do!

On a serious note if they are living peacefully, not harming anyone in the name of Islam ..

All fingers are not equal there are some good as well as bad people present in their community like all other ..
That's an idiotic knee-jerk reaction on their part, a shortcut if you will. You just don't go "ban" stuff, you need to counter it in this day and age with equally potent propaganda, for example get 100 aalims to declare the teachings of "abdul-wahhab" as harram. What will they do next, in 10 years time, when very low orbit satellites will be streaming internet signals, under no states control? Then what - how will they control the flow of information then?

Is that possible?

I have read that only geo-stationary satellites could be used for communication purpose.This is not due to limitation on part of satellite but ground receivers which need to be pointed in a particular direction to receive signals.For a satellite which does not remain fixed at a point above earth, the receiver need to change direction continuously.
Nope. New VLOS grid is being worked out as we speak, where the "ping" is handed over to the next passing satellite. Various works are in the pipeline, maturity is approx 10 years away!

Is that possible?

I have read that only geo-stationary satellites could be used for communication purpose.This is not due to limitation on part of satellite but ground receivers which need to be pointed in a particular direction to receive signals.For a satellite which does not remain fixed at a point above earth, the receiver need to change direction continuously.
And all wahabis are not bad .. :angel:

My best friend from School was a Wahabi and a great and honest guy. Not all Wahabis are terrorists and also i heard they don't like to be called wahabi.
None of them like that nomenclature. They like to be referred to as "Salafists"......... for them "Wahabi" is a derogatory term! :D

My best friend from School was a Wahabi and a great and honest guy. Not all Wahabis are terrorists and also i heard they don't like to be called wahabi.
That's the thing. The soul of Wahabi can not co-exist in peace with rest of humanity, hence the need for a solution. The thing being debated here is, what sort of solution? It's not open for debate that, do they really need to be fixed, as they do!

I don't mind fixing them but your way of fixing is lil cruel .. :ashamed:
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