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Rumour that Turkey bought a carrier.


Feb 8, 2010
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According to same latest information, Turkey bought the HMS Invincible

The UK light carrier..

interesting ...
Wow.. if true.. welcome to the exclusive club. :cheers:
Two earlier reports..

Bidding ends for HMS Invincible


The online sale of former Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Invincible has closed, with the winning bid due to be announced in early February.

The online sale of former Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Invincible has closed, with the winning bid due to be announced in early February.

Invincible, which has had all of its weapons, technology and engines removed, is being sold off by the MoD's Disposal Services Authority. The ship has remained in Portsmouth since being decommissioned in 2005.

The MoD has not disclosed details of the bids received, although one British-based Chinese businessman is said to have offered around £4m in a bid to turn the aircraft carrier into a floating school.

Leavesley International, the firm which recycled HMS Intrepid in 2008, has also confirmed it has put in a bid for the ship.

The ship's s scrap value is estimated at around £2m.

The MoD has said that the ship will not necessarily be sold to the highest bidder, and that many factors would be considered before a sale was approved.

One stipulation of the sale is that the carrier can not be refitted for military purposes.

In late 2010 it emerged that Invincible's sister ship HMS Ark Royal, which was earmarked for decommissioning in the 2010 defence review, could be preserved for use as a tourist attraction on the Thames. Friday, 07.Jan.2011, 19:56 (GMT+2)

SeaNews Turkey - Bidding ends for HMS Invincible

Looks like Invincible is off to Turkey

Chinese bid for UK aircraft carrier fails

Beijing, Feb 2 (PTI) A Chinese businessman has said he failed to win the bid to buy a junked British aircraft carrier put for auction in December last year despite offering double the expected price, claiming that his offer was turned down due to "political reasons".

Lam Kin-bong a UK-based Chinese businessman from south China''s Guangdong Province offered five million pounds (USD 8.02 million), more than double the expected price, but still did not win the bid because the British authority said he "failed to provide all the necessary information."
The light aircraft carrier HMS Invincible was decommissioned in 2005 and was stripped of engines and weapons. The 17,000-ton hull was sold on Disposal Services Agency, an online auction platform under the UK Ministry of Defence, Shanghai Daily reported.

"I feel quite disappointed because I planned to turn the warship into a floating international school on the coast of Guangdong," Lam, 48, told the Hong Kong-based Wen Wei Po newspaper.

A Turkish ship recycling factory won the bid at a price Lin said was far lower than his.

Lam who runs a restaurant chain in Birmingham said he would continue bidding for other decommissioned warships on the online platform.

Wen Wei Po said many suspected Lam failed the bidding due to "political reasons." But Lam said his intention was purely commercial.

"My intentions are purely commercial and have nothing to do with the military. We convert it into an international school to help foster communication and cultural ties between China and Britain," he said.

China till has no aircraft carrier and it is currently refurbishing an aircraft carrier bought from Ukraine in 1998, which will be its first such vessel.

The aircraft carrier had served for 28 years in naval campaigns including conflicts in the Falklands, Iraq and the Balkans. The 500-metre-long warship could carry 22 warplanes and nearly 1,100 sailors.

Looks like Invincible is off to Turkey

So Turkey has edged past China in the bidding race.
If the news is true then what will turkey do as the news tells that it cannot be restore for military use.
No ! as per the report it cannot restore for military use .

The ship can be restored for military use.. it is easy.. just not cheap.

The ship was bought for peanuts..

if turkey spends about 400-600$ million on it, it can become operational again. in about 2-3 years or so .

The problem is that turkey has no VTOL aircraft, but it can easily serve as an attack helicopter carrier ship .. don't see why not, plus it will be cheaper to operate as a helicopter carrier and command ship
The ship can be restored for military use.. it is easy.. just not cheap.

The ship was bought for peanuts..

if turkey spends about 400-600$ million on it, it can become operational again. in about 2-3 years or so .

The problem is that turkey has no VTOL aircraft, but it can easily serve as an attack helicopter carrier ship .. don't see why not, plus it will be cheaper to operate as a helicopter carrier and command ship

Then i think turkey should place order for F-35B from usa .:cheers:
Well.. we have to invade jewish state somehow

but good news for my country.
I hope that it will be worth using for commercial use.
if not order some f35b on it and bam!
I can see us using this for R&D for our LPD project. Maybe even a operational training ship.

However i would like to wait for more info on this matter before speculating any further.
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