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Rouhani is at it again

Iran is facing sanctions because of Trump. Aside from Trump, there was UN, EU, Russian & Chinese agreement that Iran was largely in compliance with the nuclear deal negotiated between Iran and other world powers and the UN.

That said, my issue is more with a religious figure holding so much power than the IGRC.

The Ayatollah should step aside from politics and become a purely religious figure similar to the Pope.
plus whats the use of irgc if u have army airforce and navy . these religious figures are using irgc to tighten their grip on the country and indirectly natural resources .
DNC Lawyers Argue Democratic National Committee Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms
Attorneys claim the words 'impartial' and 'evenhanded'—as used in the DNC Charter—can't be interpreted by a court of law
By Michael Sainato • 05/01/17 9:08am
On April 28 the transcript was released from the most recent hearing at a federal court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on the lawsuit filed on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters against the Democratic National Committee and former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for rigging the Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton. Throughout the hearing, lawyers representing the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz double down on arguments confirming the disdain the Democratic establishment has toward Bernie Sanders supporters and any entity challenging the party’s status quo.

Shortly into the hearing, DNC attorneys claim Article V, Section 4 of the DNC Charter—stipulating that the DNC chair and their staff must ensure neutrality in the Democratic presidential primaries—is “a discretionary rule that it didn’t need to adopt to begin with.” Based on this assumption, DNC attorneys assert that the court cannot interpret, claim, or rule on anything associated with whether the DNC remains neutral in their presidential primaries.

The attorneys representing the DNC have previously argued that Sanders supporters knew the primaries were rigged, therefore annulling any potential accountability the DNC may have. In the latest hearing, they doubled down on this argument: “The Court would have to find that people who fervently supported Bernie Sanders and who purportedly didn’t know that this favoritism was going on would have not given to Mr. Sanders, to Senator Sanders, if they had known that there was this purported favoritism.”

Jared Beck, the attorney representing Sanders supporters in the class action lawsuit, retorted that the DNC Charter is not akin to political rhetoric a politician would use during a campaign, but rather an inherent and important part of democracy in America. The entire argument of the DNC in this lawsuit is to conflate the promises of a political candidate with those of an election arbiter bound to neutrality by the DNC Charter, and to claim that fraudulent inducement cannot ever be proven as the DNC attorneys allege, “I think there’s an impossible showing of causation.”

“People paid money in reliance on the understanding that the primary elections for the Democratic nominee—nominating process in 2016 were fair and impartial,” Beck said. “And that’s not just a bedrock assumption that we would assume just by virtue of the fact that we live in a democracy, and we assume that our elections are run in a fair and impartial manner. But that’s what the Democratic National Committee’s own charter says. It says it in black and white. And they can’t deny that.” He added, “Not only is it in the charter, but it was stated over and over again in the media by the Democratic National Committee’s employees, including Congresswoman Wassermann Schultz, that they were, in fact, acting in compliance with the charter. And they said it again and again, and we’ve cited several instances of that in the case.”

Later in the hearing, attorneys representing the DNC claim that the Democratic National Committee would be well within their rights to “go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.” By pushing the argument throughout the proceedings of this class action lawsuit, the Democratic National Committee is telling voters in a court of law that they see no enforceable obligation in having to run a fair and impartial primary election.

The DNC attorneys even go so far as to argue that the words “impartial” and “evenhanded”—used in the DNC Charter—can’t be interpreted by a court of law. Beck retorted, “I’m shocked to hear that we can’t define what it means to be evenhanded and impartial. If that were the case, we couldn’t have courts. I mean, that’s what courts do every day, is decide disputes in an evenhanded and impartial manner.”


Argument from DNC Attorney. US District Court

The judge then questioned the DNC lawyers about what the Democratic National Committee does and what it is responsible for—and the DNC lawyers had trouble answering these questions. “I’m 90 percent on that,” responded the DNC attorneys in response to a question as to whether the DNC funded State Primaries.

The judge ended the hearing by stating to both parties he would issue an written order on the DNC’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit, though no specific timeframe was given as to when that decision may be handed down. If the class action lawsuit moves forward, it would entail a discovery process that would open up the inner workings of the Democratic Primaries and force figures like Wasserman Schultz to testify in court on their actions and decisions during the Democratic Primaries.



The last time the people chose the candidate in Amerika was Jimmy Carter, and the media allowed that to clean up the White House from scandal. There would have been a revolt if Carter was not push forward.

The whole US political system is corrupt and where CEOs choose and the public is given predetermined options that the CEOs like.

It's literally corporate fascism and corporate control of state under the illusion of a democracy and I truly believe that would be the end result of any so called "Capitalist Democracy"
Because if you allow pure profiteers and corporation full on control of your countries main media outlets and at the same time allow them to bring money into politics then of course that's where your country will eventually be headed towards it's like adding 2+2 and sitting back and expecting a different result other than 4!
And only a delusional fool would sit back and assume that elected reps that got elected because of this company and that company once elected are going to choose polices more beneficial to the regular Joe over the very ppl that got them elected.
And if we ever allow that in a country like Iran there will be no way even rich Iranians and companies would be able to compete with foreign corporations so if you add capitalisms into the mix the end result of this path would be an Iranian government controlled by Google, Amizon, Boing, GM..... With the Iranian ppl being left with only an illousion of a more democratic society.
plus whats the use of irgc if u have army airforce and navy . these religious figures are using irgc to tighten their grip on the country and indirectly natural resources .
It's not our business how Iran wants to structure her military and whether they have a need for the IGRC. One could argue the US Marines are a bit redundant themselves.

However, the Ayatollah in Iran carries a great degree of respect from Shia around the world, and that influence makes it our (Pakistan's) business because at 20% of the population, Pakistan has perhaps the second largest Shia population in the world after Iran. In my opinion the position of the Ayatollah should be separated from politics and it should focus solely on the theological side of things.
It's not our business how Iran wants to structure her military and whether they have a need for the IGRC. One could argue the US Marines are a bit redundant themselves.

However, the Ayatollah in Iran carries a great degree of respect from Shia around the world, and that influence makes it our (Pakistan's) business because at 20% of the population, Pakistan has perhaps the second largest Shia population in the world after Iran. In my opinion the position of the Ayatollah should be separated from politics and it should focus solely on the theological side of things.
its an open forum .
these so called "revolutionaries" are simply looting iranian people and iranian resources :) . keeping common iranian citizen under heavy sanctions .
the only promise irgc gave since 1979 was of protection and hitting usa and israel. their bubble bursted the day usa eliminate soleimani and they inform iraq (indirectly isa) before strikes.
its an open forum .
these so called "revolutionaries" are simply looting iranian people and iranian resources :) . keeping common iranian citizen under heavy sanctions .
Sanctions are a result of Trump and the pro-Israel lobby in the Republican Party that always opposed the nuclear deal at the behest of Israel.

And can you provide credible sources supporting your argument that the IRGC is ‘looting the Iranian people and resources’?

the only promise irgc gave since 1979 was of protection and hitting usa and israel. their bubble bursted the day usa eliminate soleimani and they inform iraq (indirectly isa) before strikes.
We’re talking about the US here - very few countries in the world can stand up to her military might, if any.

Pakistan could prevent US drone strikes on her territory - that doesn’t mean we disband the PAF.
the only promise irgc gave since 1979 was of protection and hitting usa and israel. their bubble bursted the day usa eliminate soleimani and they inform iraq (indirectly isa) before strikes.

How does the US assassinating Soleimani "Burst" their bubble? That was rather cowardly, and unexpected act. It was nothing impressive. It was an infantile move in this regional game of chess. As for Iran's strike on the US base, whether they informed then or not, that was still an act of war. And incase you have missed it, despite the warning, 100's of their soldier are suffering from TBI today. If anything, Trump's bubble has burst given he claimed any Iranian attack will be met with "full overwhelming force". So, where is it then?
Once Rouhani is removed, we will see a revitalization of our ground forces

Our ground forces? What exactly do mean by Ground Forces? With the Basij we have hands down the largest infantry force in the region!
Iran in terms of infantry support weapons is one of the top 5 countries in the world and probably has one of the top 4-5 largest stocks of ATGMS and we're not even producing them at max capacity.
In terms of producing infantry equipment we are fully self sufficient and can produce anything based on need.
In terms of producing tactical vehicles of all kinds we are again fully self sufficient and have massed probably the largest fleet in region.
In terms of artillery again self sufficient and can produce as needed

If by ground forces you mean our Armored Units (Tanks, APC, IFV.....) Since we have no intention of invading any foreign towns or cities then equipment needs to be built modified and armed based on requirements of that terrain to defend against each specific threat in the best possible way and at the lowest cost and that's not always with tanks...
Also when your going up against an enemy with superior air power then spending too much money on Tanks becomes more of liability than an asset! Add to that Iran's terrain.... Even in the 80's at one point Saddam had a Tank force 5 times the size of ours and yet he couldn't even hold on to an inch of our territory....

If it was up to me the main area I'd wanna work and further improve on is UCAV's, Armed UGV's, Armed Unmanned Missile boats & Subs, .... and especially when it comes to UCAV's if we are not going to properly invest in mass producing our own 5th Gen fighters then at least we need to invest in building one of the top 3 largest UCAV fleets in the world......
Our ground forces? What exactly do mean by Ground Forces? With the Basij we have hands down the largest infantry force in the region!
Iran in terms of infantry support weapons is one of the top 5 countries in the world and probably has one of the top 4-5 largest stocks of ATGMS and we're not even producing them at max capacity.
In terms of producing infantry equipment we are fully self sufficient and can produce anything based on need.
In terms of producing tactical vehicles of all kinds we are again fully self sufficient and have massed probably the largest fleet in region.
In terms of artillery again self sufficient and can produce as needed

If by ground forces you mean our Armored Units (Tanks, APC, IFV.....) Since we have no intention of invading any foreign towns or cities then equipment needs to be built modified and armed based on requirements of that terrain to defend against each specific threat in the best possible way and at the lowest cost and that's not always with tanks...
Also when your going up against an enemy with superior air power then spending too much money on Tanks becomes more of liability than an asset! Add to that Iran's terrain.... Even in the 80's at one point Saddam had a Tank force 5 times the size of ours and yet he couldn't even hold on to an inch of our territory....

If it was up to me the main area I'd wanna work and further improve on is UCAV's, Armed UGV's, Armed Unmanned Missile boats & Subs, .... and especially when it comes to UCAV's if we are not going to properly invest in mass producing our own 5th Gen fighters then at least we need to invest in building one of the top 3 largest UCAV fleets in the world......

Have you seen the state of our troops and equipment in our army drills? Driving Pickup trucks, no helmets, and motorcycles during a Armored unit drill

What ever happened to the future soldier program? Most of our infantry are as well equipped as they were in 1980. We have infantry equipment, and support equipment, but no funding and distribution of said equipment is clearly NOT being done. IRGC troops in Syria lack professionalism that is required by a modern military like Turkey. Every Turkish soldier or Russian Soldier in Syria is at the moment perfectly equipped with all sorts of tactical support equipment, infantry equipment, tactical vests, Kevlar helmets by basic army standards.

We are obviously not upgrading T-72S models to Karrar standards due to lack of budget, any sort of issue that occurred in Syria would wipe out our armored units exactly like the Syrian Army. The T-90 changed the game.

When Iran is running special operations forces in Syria you'd think, they'd be equipped with the latest infantry equipment in Iran but the reality is a strong no. I don't see much improvement in 30 years, and it honestly does not cost a lot to upgrade at least 3-4 brigades with the latest rifles and infantry equipment, small tactical drones, comm systems, and bullet resistant vests/helmets.

I hate seeing Iranian troops with such minimal equipment!

This below would barely cost a thing in Iran for IRGC Navy Special Forces, instead they are driving around in what look like fishing boats.

Of course, drones, BMs and CMs and Submarine/mining technology is crucial to Irans force multiplier effect and should be prioritized but if you are sending troops into battle, the least you can do is give them the best equipment available. When you see the Iran-Iraq cooperation military drills, The Iraqi troops are miles ahead of Iran in equipment, its honestly a bit embarrassing for us.
Sanctions are a result of Trump and the pro-Israel lobby in the Republican Party that always opposed the nuclear deal at the behest of Israel.

And can you provide credible sources supporting your argument that the IRGC is ‘looting the Iranian people and resources’?

We’re talking about the US here - very few countries in the world can stand up to her military might, if any.

Pakistan could prevent US drone strikes on her territory - that doesn’t mean we disband the PAF.
where are inlranian nuclear weapons ? nowhere .
common iranian peoples are under sanctions since 1979 and still no sign of nuclear weapon .
did revolutionaries attacked isreal ? nooooo
did they drag usa out of middle east ? noooo
the myth of irgc bursted when the inform iraq (indirectly usa) before missile strikes .
iran isnt invincible . irgc chickenedout when push comes .
the only beneficiaries of all this is irgc generals and mullah brigade who are looting iranian resources and people . with no significant achievement.
where are inlranian nuclear weapons ? nowhere .
common iranian peoples are under sanctions since 1979 and still no sign of nuclear weapon .
did revolutionaries attacked isreal ? nooooo
did they drag usa out of middle east ? noooo
the myth of irgc bursted when the inform iraq (indirectly usa) before missile strikes .
iran isnt invincible . irgc chickenedout when push comes .
the only beneficiaries of all this is irgc generals and mullah brigade who are looting iranian resources and people . with no significant achievement.
Are we USA to attack other countries without making coordination with that country.
where are inlranian nuclear weapons ? nowhere .
common iranian peoples are under sanctions since 1979 and still no sign of nuclear weapon .
did revolutionaries attacked isreal ? nooooo
did they drag usa out of middle east ? noooo
the myth of irgc bursted when the inform iraq (indirectly usa) before missile strikes .
iran isnt invincible . irgc chickenedout when push comes .
the only beneficiaries of all this is irgc generals and mullah brigade who are looting iranian resources and people . with no significant achievement.
Exactly, I've been a supporter of all things Iran and I have been critical of the USA, not to mention how much I hate the MEK and Israel but I've come to see that there is no way we can win with this leadership and government, not now and not in the future. I now realize that the only way Iran can move forward and realize it's potential is with massive reform, if no reform then we need to revolt against these undemocratic government ideology. They've tried for 40 years and I think it's time for a change.
Exactly, I've been a supporter of all things Iran and I have been critical of the USA, not to mention how much I hate the MEK and Israel but I've come to see that there is no way we can win with this leadership and government, not now and not in the future. I now realize that the only way Iran can move forward and realize it's potential is with massive reform, if no reform then we need to revolt against these undemocratic government ideology. They've tried for 40 years and I think it's time for a change.
iran should move with the world . no point in putting iranian under samction and delivering nothing.
Have you seen the state of our troops and equipment in our army drills? Driving Pickup trucks, no helmets, and motorcycles during a Armored unit drill

What ever happened to the future soldier program? Most of our infantry are as well equipped as they were in 1980. We have infantry equipment, and support equipment, but no funding and distribution of said equipment is clearly NOT being done. IRGC troops in Syria lack professionalism that is required by a modern military like Turkey. Every Turkish soldier or Russian Soldier in Syria is at the moment perfectly equipped with all sorts of tactical support equipment, infantry equipment, tactical vests, Kevlar helmets by basic army standards.

We are obviously not upgrading T-72S models to Karrar standards due to lack of budget, any sort of issue that occurred in Syria would wipe out our armored units exactly like the Syrian Army. The T-90 changed the game.

When Iran is running special operations forces in Syria you'd think, they'd be equipped with the latest infantry equipment in Iran but the reality is a strong no. I don't see much improvement in 30 years, and it honestly does not cost a lot to upgrade at least 3-4 brigades with the latest rifles and infantry equipment, small tactical drones, comm systems, and bullet resistant vests/helmets.

I hate seeing Iranian troops with such minimal equipment!

This below would barely cost a thing in Iran for IRGC Navy Special Forces, instead they are driving around in what look like fishing boats.

Of course, drones, BMs and CMs and Submarine/mining technology is crucial to Irans force multiplier effect and should be prioritized but if you are sending troops into battle, the least you can do is give them the best equipment available. When you see the Iran-Iraq cooperation military drills, The Iraqi troops are miles ahead of Iran in equipment, its honestly a bit embarrassing for us.

1st off the fact that our guys use dirt bikes & RV's has to do with the requirements of our terrain and years of experience in truly understanding their value in our terrain after years of war during the Iran-Iraq war.
And if we had all the money in the world they would still be requirement and a vital tool for us!

As for everything from a Safir jeep to pickup trucks to other larger and armored tactical vehicles these are all tools and you have to understand that with the Basij we have one of the largest infantry forces in the world and of course there is no way we can hand everyone a Toophan TV and our guys need to learn to use every tool they have not just the cool looking ones. Let the Americans puppets live under the delusion that they are somehow too good for pickup trucks, a pickup truck should be seen as nothing but a tool used based on requirement nothing more nothing less!

As for the Turkish & Iraqi militaries looking more professional because of a few cool looking gears that's just absurd! Deedgoohet khaily sathi e Aziz!
1st off this Iraqi Military you speak of that has all this nice looking gear that the Americans sold them is the same military that abandoned Mosil and allowed Daesh to disarm them by the tens of thousands and if it wasn't because of us and our gear their entire country was on the verge of collapse
As for the Turkish military in Syria the Turks are fully capable of driving heavier equipment into Syria because they boarder Syria where as we have to airlift everything so no doubt there would be a massive and notable difference in gear. However, when it comes to experience the scales are well tilted on our side and what truly makes one a pro is experience and the training born from that experience and NOT cool looking military gear!

As for what Id like to see in Syria id much rather see a larger number of light UCAV's Quads & UGV's operating there instead...
1st off the fact that our guys use dirt bikes & RV's has to do with the requirements of our terrain and years of experience in truly understanding their value in our terrain after years of war during the Iran-Iraq war.
And if we had all the money in the world they would still be requirement and a vital tool for us!

As for everything from a Safir jeep to pickup trucks to other larger and armored tactical vehicles these are all tools and you have to understand that with the Basij we have one of the largest infantry forces in the world and of course there is no way we can hand everyone a Toophan TV and our guys need to learn to use every tool they have not just the cool looking ones. Let the Americans puppets live under the delusion that they are somehow too good for pickup trucks, a pickup truck should be seen as nothing but a tool used based on requirement nothing more nothing less!

As for the Turkish & Iraqi militaries looking more professional because of a few cool looking gears that's just absurd! Deedgoohet khaily sathi e Aziz!
1st off this Iraqi Military you speak of that has all this nice looking gear that the Americans sold them is the same military that abandoned Mosil and allowed Daesh to disarm them by the tens of thousands and if it wasn't because of us and our gear their entire country was on the verge of collapse
As for the Turkish military in Syria the Turks are fully capable of driving heavier equipment into Syria because they boarder Syria where as we have to airlift everything so no doubt there would be a massive and notable difference in gear. However, when it comes to experience the scales are well tilted on our side and what truly makes one a pro is experience and the training born from that experience and NOT cool looking military gear!

As for what Id like to see in Syria id much rather see a larger number of light UCAV's Quads & UGV's operating there instead...

I understand your points, and yes you cannot equip every basij with Toophan MRAPS etc... but considering the number of Iranian IRGC in Syria, which could be a few thousand. It's not expecting much to ask for them to be with the best individual infantry equipment available.
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