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Rohingya migrants raped at Thai-Malaysia border camps

Just after the riots on Rohingyas in neighboring Myanmar where hundred of thousands people displaced and many killed. This violence was initiated by the exiled Rohingyas and the local Rohingya sympathizers. No one was killed. BD gov payed for the damage. And took action against the people. But unlike our neighboring Arakan where the killers are freely roaming under the patronage of the gov. Come with something better next time.

The 2012 Ramu violence refers to a series of attacks on Buddhist monasteries, shrines, and houses of Buddhist inhabitants in Ramu Upazila in Cox's Bazar District inBangladesh by local Muslim mobs on the midnight past 29 September 2012. The mobs destroyed 22 Buddhist temples and monasteries and 50 houses in reaction to a tagging of an image depicting the desecration of a Quran on the timeline of a fake Facebook account under the Buddhist male name."[1] The violence later spread to Ukhia Upazila in Cox's Bazar District[2] and Patiya Upazila in Chittagong District where Buddhist monasteries, Sikh Gurudwaras and Hindu temples were targeted for attacks.

An estimated 25,000 Islamists[3] participated in the violence directed at Buddhists and Hindus and over 300 people were arrested in connection to the attacks.

Groups of Buddhist monks and Hindu groups in Burma,[12] India,[13] Sri Lanka,[14] and Thailand[14] demonstrated in response to the anti-Buddhist violence in Bangladesh. InColombo, Sri Lanka, some protested outside the Bangladeshi embassy and a petition was delivered condemning the attacks.

Some windows of the Bangladeshi embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka were vandalized before police arrived and dispersed the protest.[14]

So you are telling me those 25000 mobs were from demolition company and their contract was to demolish property only ?

That particular incident was sparked by a group of Rohingya gang raping a girl. The perpetrators were kept in jail away from the mob that wanted revenge but the mob won out eventually. So technically the ones in Arakan were started by Rohingya, too.

Al jazeera shows it differently. The rape incident was staged by the Rakhine people.

That particular incident was sparked by a group of Rohingya gang raping a girl. The perpetrators were kept in jail away from the mob that wanted revenge but the mob won out eventually. So technically the ones in Arakan were started by Rohingya, too.
how dare you accuse the pure people , stop being ignorant and stop persecuting hard working and good at heart Bangladesh refugees (i mean rohingya people)

Al jazeera shows it differently. The rape incident was staged by the Rakhine people.

yeah the arab channel is the gospel of god and yes 9/11 attack was initiated by government and not peace loving people.
So you are telling me those 25000 mobs were from demolition company and their contract was to demolish property only ?

Still that incident is nothing compared to the riots we see in India and Myanmar

yeah the arab channel is the gospel of god and yes 9/11 attack was initiated by government and not peace loving people.

Same kind of rape case can be seen in Indian NE recently. Where an innocent Indian Muslim was killed brutally by the mob.
These Rohingyas are the resident in Burma under Arakan and British regime. They cant come to Bangladesh anymore as BD is no more a british territory nor arakan territory.

Rohingya, Rakhaine and Chittagonian were in the same country called Arakan since eternity. They had every right to live where ever they liked under the then law. Even under british law they born and settled there lawfully. What you are doing now is not lawful and disgrace to the humanity... Your whole country is acting like fool and you cant even anticipate the enormous damage you are doing to yourself.

then even u cant , why did u talk us letting them to go every where what they want..? r u drunk..? Now our arakan and ur Chittagonian are also in different countries.. got it..!!
These Rohingyas are the resident in Burma under Arakan and

then do u want to know the our muslims ethnic who live in Arakan since centuries ago..?

read it..!!

Kaman Muslims Some Muslim settlement began only after Min Saw Mun (Man Saw Muan) regained the throne of Arakan in 1430 with the help of the Sultan of Gaur. There were some Muslim troops in Mrauk U to protect Min Saw Mun (Man Saw Muan) from the Burmese invasion. About two hundred years later, some followers of Mogul Prince Shah Shuja, who took refuge by the Arakanese king Sanda Thuddhama, joined the descendants of these soldiers. These groups of mercenaries were Afghans, Persians and Moguls. They were called "Kamans", meaning archers in Persian language. Their descendants still live in the Rakhine State, particularly in Akyab (Sittwe) District and Rambree Island. Now they are assimilated into the Arakanese society. Only in religion and complexion do they differ from the Arakanese (Rakhaing/Rakhine), they know the Arakanese language, literature and Buddhist traditions very well. Most of them have Burmese/Arakanese names. They rarely used their Muslim names.

B. Myay Du Muslims There are some Muslims living in Thandwe District. These Muslims are called "Myay Du". They are the descendants of the former "Pagoda Slaves". When King Min Bin (Man Ban) alias Min Bargyi (Man Bargri) reoccupied the Chittagong District in A.D. 1533, he brought back some Bengalis as prisoners of war and let them work as menial workers at Andaw, Nandaw and Sandaw Pagodas in Thandwe. Since they had to do menial works and were not free people anymore, they were called "Pagoda Slaves". In the year 1624, these Bengali "Pagoda Slaves" supported the 'Palace revolution' lead by the 'Duke of Thandwe' and the crown prince then, Min Khamaung, against his own father King Raza Gri. After the aborted revolution against the Arakanese king these 'Bengali Pagoda Slaves' and their families, all together about four thousand people, escaped to the Burmese kingdom of Ava to take refuge. The Burmese king accepted them as his subjects, gave them their freedom by royal orders declaring that they were no longer "Pagoda Slaves", and let them settle in the small town Myay Du. That's why they were known as "Myay Du Muslims". These "Myay Du Muslims", generation by generation, served in the Burmese Royal Army. When Bodaw Phaya's armies invaded Arakan in1784, the descendants of these "Myay Du Muslims" came together with the Burmese Army at Thandwe front. When the Burmese occupied Arakan they let the "Myay Dus" resettle in Thandwe and nearby villages. Since these people had lived about 150 years in Upper Burma, these "Myay Dus" were assimilated into Burmese society. Although their descendants live in Thandwe District, they speak Burmese central dialect instead of Arakanese Thandwe Dialect. Only in complexion and faith do they differ from the Arakanese and Burmese, yet they know the Burmese language, culture and traditions very well. Officially, they have Burmese/Arakanese names. They rarely use their Muslim names in public. See also: Tydd, W.D., Burma Gazetteer, Sandoway District, Vol.A, Rangoon, 1926.

All were already become our ethnic people... But NOT ROHINGYA........
All were already become our ethnic people... But NOT ROHINGYA........

There are many other groups apart from Rohingyas whom Myanmar dont see as ethnic people. Such as Panthay Chinese Muslims.

Ofcourse they would. Then you fall into the realm of conspiracy theories.

They put together the facts there. Which is Arakan wants to get rid of Muslims.
There are many other groups apart from Rohingyas whom Myanmar dont see as ethnic people. Such as Panthay Chinese Muslims.

Panthay and Pathi already got their right..!! :D LOL dont worry others.. just take back ur bangali...!!

In Thai webboard, people is asking the name Rohingya in Siam history records. Found none...

they're asking the name which never existed... hence the result is null...!! :D
What's the situation with the Eurasians in Burma? Do they have citizenship?

illegal immigrants bangladeshi asked to accept them as an indigenous race and want fully citizenship.. bro
illegal immigrants bangladeshi asked to accept them as an indigenous race and want fully citizenship.. bro

Aung zaya you deserve a bitch slap. Those people are not Bangladeshi. Many of them just had roots in East Bengal not Bangladesh.
They were born in Myanmar. Not ours.

why we will..? how do u prove they all born in Myanmar..? LOL
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