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Rohingya migrants raped at Thai-Malaysia border camps


Jun 10, 2014
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Viet Nam
Rohingya migrants raped at Thai-Malaysia border camps: report
Rohingya migrants raped at Thai-Malaysia border camps: report - Yahoo News

Kuala Lumpur (AFP) - Muslim Rohingya women who were held at human-trafficking camps in Thailand and Malaysia were subjected to gang rapes by their captors, assaults that left at least two of them pregnant, a Malaysian media report said.

Malaysia's state-run Bernama news agency quoted a Rohingya survivor of the camps, Nur Khaidha Abdul Shukur, as saying young women would be taken away nightly from the jungle post where she was held near Padang Besar in Thailand.

She passed through the camp last year, according to the report released late Monday.

"Every night, two or three young and pretty Rohingya women were taken out from the detention pens by the guards to a clandestine place," she was quoted saying.

"They would be gang raped by the guards. Two young women at the camp became pregnant after the gang rape."

The report also quoted her husband Nurul Amin Nobi Hussein saying he witnessed similar crimes taking place at nearby camps on the Malaysian side of the border.

An abandoned migrant detention camp used by people-smugglers is seen in a jungle near the Malaysia-T …
The discovery last month of human-trafficking camps -- and scores of nearby graves -- first in Thailand and then over the border in Malaysia has caused shock and revulsion in Southeast Asia.

Seven camps were uncovered in Thailand beginning in early May and 33 bodies found in mass graves.

In late May, Malaysian police announced they had found 28 camps on their side of the border and 139 graves, which are still being exhumed.

The camps are believed to have been used by people-smuggling syndicates who move large numbers of impoverished Rohingya out of Myanmar, where they face systematic repression, with most heading for Malaysia.

Speaking from the northern Malaysian town of Alor Setarm, Nur Khaidha told Bernama that she entered the country illegally late last year after paying the smugglers to release her from the camp.

Rohingya migrants from Myanmar gather at a confinement area in Bayeun, on Indonesia's northern S …
She said women sometimes were taken away by guards for several days to be used as sex slaves.

Her husband, who said he transited the Malaysian camps earlier in 2014, told Bernama the same occurred there.

"In the night, several of the guards would go to the pens housing the women and take them to a nearby place," he said.

"We heard the shrieks and cries of the women because the place they raped them was very close to our pens, but as the incidents were at night, we could not see what was happening."

AFP was not immediately able to confirm the claims with authorities.

Thai police have arrested nearly 50 people, including some local officials, since launching a crackdown in early May.

Malaysia has said 12 of its police officers are among those being investigated for possible involvement in the camps on its side.

The Thai crackdown threw the human flow into disarray, causing a humanitarian crisis by trapping thousands of starving migrants on boats at sea.

US Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard, who is on a tour through the region to address the migrant issue, told reporters late Monday that she had met some women boat people now in Malaysia and many had endured harrowing experiences.

"It was very clear to me... they had gone through terrible, terrible experiences. They are not in good shape," she said.
Meanwhile muslim countries turn a blind eye to these people... I'm not a very emotional or a religious person but for the sake of humanity atleast Pak being the largest muslim country in the region n an important member of the Islamic world should help them and make their voices heard... SHAME ON ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES!!!

If not than these women should sacrifice their life .. It's better to die than live like this .. Coz muslims a bunch of big mouthed arseholes . Specially the oil rich fags!
Meanwhile muslim countries turn a blind eye to these people... I'm not a very emotional or a religious person but for the sake of humanity atleast Pak being the largest muslim country in the region n an important member of the Islamic world should help them and make their voices heard... SHAME ON ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES!!!

If not than these women should sacrifice their life .. It's better to die than live like this .. Coz muslims a bunch of big mouthed arseholes . Specially the oil rich fags!


A Yazidi captive's tale: Sold by ISIS as a sex slave - CNN.com
nah my point is Christian countries are doing the same thing. turning a blind eye.
Yazidi aren't Christians (and guess whose Fk ups lead to the creation of ISIS).., also we (Pak) are supporting Nigeria in its fight against those bastards... Be it equipping,training or maintaince of their aircrafts etc.

nah my point is Christian countries are doing the same thing. turning a blind eye.

Muslims are just as capable of these horrendous acts.

And Christians aren't .. Fuk well .. One only has to ask the lords Salvation Army or the war crimes in Vietnam,Iraq,Serbia, Chechnya or perhaps world war to understand christian morality... Genocides,mass rapes..
Yazidi aren't Christians (and guess whose Fk ups lead to the creation of ISIS).., also we (Pak) are supporting Nigeria in its fight against those bastards... Be it equipping,training or maintaince of their aircrafts etc.

who created ISIS?? they seem to have the support of Muslims :blink: they are quoting the Qu'ran. who are they fighting? :P
who created ISIS?? they seem to have the support of Muslims :blink: they are quoting the Qu'ran. who are they fighting? :P
Bunch of assholes who came looking for WMD's.. Disbanded the iraqi military (apart from commiting war crimes like gang rapes,murders,Abu gharib) and than tries to install s puppey govts .. Alienated the iraqi population... And than tried to arm "liberal" militants in Syria .. Unfortunately they armed the wrong dudes .. And now those invaded countries are in a "cluster fuk" kinda situation ..

Similarly the warlords in Afghanistan also had the same morals as the dou du g fathers of America till they actually fuked anerica in the arse and became enemies .. Or should I say "frenemies" as you are trying to mend the bridges with em these days in Qatar or UAE.
Guys, lets get back to the topic and not make this into a debate on Islam.

@C130 , its not fair to associate radical heretical groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram with Islam. The former are nothing but deluded and misguided religious fanatics who prefer to take verses from the Holy Q'uran out of context to fulfill and satisfy a political agenda. They are no different that the thousands of heresies that sprouted from Christianity such as the Gnostics, Iconoclasm, Pelagianism, Waldensians....

Let's keep this discussion about Rohingya and not degrade a beautiful religion, which is a fraternal branch of Abrahaminism. Let us remember that Islam and Christianity profess a similar faith, and the belief in the same Almighty Providence. The manner of prayers differ, there may be variance in theological doctrines, but in the end, the prayers are to the same G-d.
This is not about bad reception from Thai government. This is because some criminal who happens to be a Thai, or a Thai soldier do human trafficking.

Thailand illegal immigrant detention center is treating them good. Provide free food and shelter. Yet these Royingya goes violently protest for the reasons like
1. Not enough meat.
2. Do not want to clean the dishes
3. Want to bring food to bed halls

Below is the news in Thailand for a group of Rohingya violently protest for the 3rd reason.
'โรฮิงญา'ประท้วงนับ100 เหตุขอเอาอาหารไปกินในเรือนนอนไม่ได้

Perhaps this is not good enough?
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