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Rohingya migrants raped at Thai-Malaysia border camps

This is not about bad reception from Thai government. This is because some criminal who happens to be a Thai, or a Thai soldier do human trafficking.

Thailand illegal immigrant detention center is treating them good. Provide free food and shelter. Yet these Royingya goes violently protest for the reasons like
1. Not enough meat.
2. Do not want to clean the dishes
3. Want to bring food to bed halls

Below is the news in Thailand for a group of Rohingya violently protest for the 3rd reason.
'โรฮิงญา'ประท้วงนับ100 เหตุขอเอาอาหารไปกินในเรือนนอนไม่ได้

Perhaps this is not good enough?
They will make you regret for helping them. Philippines took them in and they will soon regret it too.
The logistics alone would be far too complex. But in theory it seems workable if the opposite groups would agree. But the difference is that the Chakma would be leaving behind ancestral lands that fell on the wrong side of British arbitration and the Rohingya are a British import.

Let's not get into that. People here believe it's the other way around, that Chakams were brought to "Korpos Mohol" by the British to cultivate the land, but it's a waste of time arguing who's version is correct.
Need to move forward and settle this issue once and for all.
Let's not get into that. People here believe it's the other way around, that Chakams were brought to "Korpos Mohol" by the British to cultivate the land, but it's a waste of time arguing who's version is correct.
Need to move forward and settle this issue once and for all.

Agreed. But how to move forward in the first place?

BD government are now moving Rohingyas out of the refugee camps close to Myanmar border.
Bangladesh plans to move Rohingya refugees to island in the south | World news | The Guardian

I'd say, Myanmar's approach toward pressuring the BD government is not yielding them any results. I'm not entirely sure if they fully understand as to exactly who they are dealing with, along with the dynamics playing there in Bangladesh's system (both local and foreign).

Do they understand who put that b*tch in power in the first place?
Agreed. But how to move forward in the first place?

BD government are now moving Rohingyas out of the refugee camps close to Myanmar border.
Bangladesh plans to move Rohingya refugees to island in the south | World news | The Guardian

I'd say, Myanmar's approach toward pressuring the BD government is not yielding them any results. I'm not entirely sure if they fully understand as to exactly who they are dealing with, along with the dynamics playing there in Bangladesh's system (both local and foreign).

Do they understand who put that b*tch in power in the first place?

I would say we are winning the PR war in the court of international opinion.

Let's not get into that. People here believe it's the other way around, that Chakams were brought to "Korpos Mohol" by the British to cultivate the land, but it's a waste of time arguing who's version is correct.
Need to move forward and settle this issue once and for all.

Well, you wanted my opinion and I've given it. Bottom line, it's not worth considering but I wouldn't be entirely against it theoretically.
If they wish to return then we shouldn't impede them. The difference is the Rohingya want to return to BD.

Maybe Pakistan could give us a lesson about modern day state stability and how to deal with the REAL Al Quaeda.

We could but after decades being ruled by genocidal regimes (that ended up killing millions of you guys)... You should have learnt the lesson !

And trust me Pak is a billion times better than your country ... Corrupt military junta running rubber plantations , exploited people ... N now bin Ladin monk.
We need to arm the Rohingyas and start sending madrasa mullahs to the arakan to fight for an azad arakan cause. A jihad must be waged for the Rohingyas. If the Rohingya Mujahedeen can do an ISIS and control the gas fields of the state, they have a shot.

The Buddhist idol worshipers are exploiting the Muslim resources its time we help our Rohingya brothers get it back.
Have you been living under a rock ? And fragile state ? North Korea is better than Myanmar.. And Myanmar is better than Pak ?lmao.


Flip flop warrior!

We need to arm the Rohingyas and start sending madrasa mullahs to the arakan to fight for an azad arakan cause. A jihad must be waged for the Rohingyas. If the Rohingya Mujahedeen can do an ISIS and control the gas fields of the state, they have a shot.

The Buddhist idol worshipers are exploiting the Muslim resources its time we help our Rohingya brothers get it back.

You govt needs to have some shame !
Let's suppose they are of bangali orgin but they have been living there since centuries ..

i think u need to read this 1st... kindly give me a book or any historical evidence that shows they live in there since centuries...

No wonder you ppl have been been a stable country your entire modern history.. Lead by one genocidal maniac and another... Meanwhile Su Kyi remains mum like a good hypocrite just because of politics !

You are involved in a genocide on massive scale !

then who suffered Genocide.... if we want to do genocide., no need to take such a long time ( many decades )... we can completely wipe out during Janta regime.. :D

1942 Genocide of Buddhists in Maungdaw District

(Translation of An Eyewitness Account of the 1942 Bengali Riots from the MEG.)

1942 Bengali-Yakhine Riots locally known as the Kalar-Yakhine Ahdikayone in Burmese began from Sittwe the capital city of Arrakan state in Burma in early 1942.
British were withdrawing rapidly from Burma and the Indian soldiers from Rajpur Native Battalions together with the Bengali-Muslims were raping the Yakhine women and girls and killing Yakhine Men and boys all over the Sittwe town during that lawless vacuum.
Finally the Buddhist Yakhines took the law into their own hands and started killing the British Indian soldiers and the Bengali soldiers in Sittwe. The full-blown Benglai-Yakhine riots soon spread to Myaybone, Minbyar, Myauk-U, and Kyauktaw townships.

And once the British were completely gone the Bengali-Muslims had to flee the Arrakan Proper and take refuge in the Maungdaw-Butheetaung area by the border of then India and Burma. Eventually the race riots in Arakan Proper died down as the efforts by the Yakhine political leaders such as U Pyinnyar-Thiha and Bonbauk Thar Kyaw calmed the public.

The Riots Spread to the Border Region

But the fleeing Bengali-Muslims and some educated Muslim leaders from the Maungdaw-Butheetaung region began to incite the local Bengali-Muslim crowd to slaughter the local Yakhine-Buddhists.
(Translator’s note: The ethnic cleansing or the Islamic genocide of the native Buddhists was the crucial part of their long term plan to massacre the native Buddhists and make the area exclusively Muslims so that the Maungdaw-Butheetaung frontier region could eventually be re-established as the Islamic county of India's East-Bengal which become East-Pakistan and later modern Bangladesh.)
Major Kyaw Khine, the Deputy Commissioner of Akyab District, left behind by the British Colonial Government to maintain law and order in the frontier area, tried really hard together with the Bengali-Muslim leaders Yar Sein and Sultan Marmut to prevent the slaughter. But Major Kywa Khin himself was quickly shot and killed by the Bengali-Muslims at the Gutarbyin Village of Butheetauing Township.

The Beginning of Ethnic Cleansing in Maungdaw Town

Armed Bengali Family in the field.
By May 1942 the Bengali-Muslim men from all the Bengali villages in the frontier area and many more from across the border had gathered, armed with guns and swords and spears, and began their genocidal campaign against the Buddhist-Yakhine villages.
The armed Bengalis set up roadblocks, destroyed the bridges, and encircled the Yakhine villages. By then more than 20,000 armed Bengalis had surrounded the Maungdaw town. All the entry and exit points had been completely blocked and the horrifying news of surrounding Buddhist villages being burnt to the ground and their people slaughtered reached the town constantly.
The town was already sheltering hundreds and hundreds of Yakhine refugees from the nearby Buddhist villages. Many were injured or wounded by the Benglai swords on their way to Maungdaw. But now they were trapped in Maungdaw together with the Yakhine-Buddhists of the town.
At about 4 in the early morning one day a large family from the Middle Village (Ahle Ywar) tried to get out of Maungdaw to flee to Butheetaung. But they were attacked by the blocking Bengali-Muslims at the Kanyindan. The whole family was injured and they lost everything on them as they ran back into the town bloodied and bruised.

That day was the very beginning of the wholesale slaughter of the Yakhine-Buddhists in Maungdaw as the armed and blood-thristy (or rather land-thirsty) Bengali-Muslims by Bangladeshi border entered the town.

We carried only whatever we could on us and tried to leave the town like the other Buddhist families. All the streets were choking with the fearful crowd finding nowhere to go as the chasing Bengali mob were getting closer and closer.
Finally everyone ended up in the compound of the Maungdaw Buddhist Monastery already sealed by the government. There we met people fleeing from the villages on the Kanyin Gyaung (Kanyin Stream) at the north of Maungdaw.
And also the people from the Hmaw-win and Magyee-chaung and Ye-phone-byin and Pan-daw-byin villages the nearby villages at the south of Maungdaw. The whole place was filled with loud cries of children and fearful voices of adults. The crowd there that day must be over 5,000, all Yakhine-Buddhists like our family.
Attempt to Rescue the Buddhist Yakhines of Maungdaw
We then heard the news of the arrival of Section-Magistrate Aung Thar Gyaw and a handful of British Ghurkha soldiers. The Magistarte Aung Thar Gyaw was originally coming to Butheetaung Town to collect the government cash from the Treasury Chest there. Once he heard the Bengali-Muslim raids of Maunhgdaw Town he had come down to rescue the besieged Buddhist-Yakhine townsfolk.
At first his plan was to take the whole crowd of townspeople to Butheetaung with the protection of his Gurkha troops as the road to Butheetaung was now controlled by the Bengali-Muslims who would kill any non-Muslim found on the jungle road.

But while waiting and preparing the large crowd to travel a heavy rain came down for a while and soon the news of road blockages due to the landslides and flash floods on the mountain spread among us. So the good Magistrate changed his plan and tried to ferry the crowd out of harm’s way across the Naff River to Takknaff Town on the India side of the border.
By then it was 9 am next day. At about noon the Magistrate Aung Thar Gyaw and English Captain Taylor with the Ghurkha soldiers came to the monastery compound and escorted the crowd to the Maungdaw Wharf where a ferry boat from the Arrakan Flotilla was waiting.
Even after many trips across the river by the big Ferry-Boat our Buddhist crowd was too large and many of us were to be ferried across by the fleet of local sampans.

Burning of Maungdaw and the Slaughter of Buddhists

By night fall we could see rolling flames on the Maungdaw side from Taknaff Town across the wide Naff River. Later we heard the depressing news that tens of thousands of Bengali-Muslims had entered Maungdaw after the town was abandoned and burned down the whole town after taking away everything removable from the Yakhine houses including rice, cooking oil, salt, and every single piece of furniture.

The same ugly fate had also fallen on every single Buddhist Monastery and Temple of Maungdaw Town.
All the Yakhine villages, there were hundreds of them Buddhist villages, on the extremely fertile strip south of Maungdaw Town between the Naff River and Mayu Ranges were completely wiped out by the rioting Bengali Muslims within few days.
While the Yakhine villagers from the foreshore villages like Nga-khu-ya, Chan-byin, Ywat-hnyo-taung, and Tha-yet-oat villages were able to manage to escape by their sampans across the Naff River, the villages far from the river were burnt down and the whole village slaughtered by the rioting Bengali-Muslims.
Even a few Buddhists who managed to trek across the Mayu Range to the Butheetaung and Kyauktaw were hunted down and killed by the Bengali-Muslims from that area especially the Bengali village of Let-wae-tet village near the town of Butheetaung.

Ah-le-than-kyaw Village at the bottom.
Back then the large village of Ah-le-than-kyaw, now the biggest Rohingya village with a large UNHCR supply depot and their area-HQ, was the main Buddhist village with a small police station.
On that day in May 1942 twenty thousand armed-Bengali-Muslims raided the Ah-le-than-kyaw police station and brutally killed all the policemen who surrendered and then all the Yakhine men from the villages.
The blood-thirsty Bengali-Muslims then burned down the village monastery together with more than 500 Buddhist women, children, elders, young Buddhist novices, and the Buddhist monks taking refuge inside the main monastery building. All 500 odd Buddhists inside were burned alive that day by the Bengali-Muslims who want their village and their fertile land and their fishing ground for good. The same fate had fallen also on the nearby village of Tart-htone-byin.
Basically none of the hundreds of thousands of Yakhin-Buddhist living in the villages at the South of Maungdaw Town escaped the warlike wholesale slaughter. Not even a single mongrel dog escaped the slaughter let alone a human being. And all their properties and lands taken by the newcomers from the Islamic-land now called Bangladesh.

Killing of BIA Officers and Soldiers in Maungdaw
Later in June 1942 a BIA (Burmese Independence Army) unit led by Bo Yan Aung captured the town of Butheedaung and they foolishly contacted the Bengalis’ Maungdaw Township Administration in an honest attempt to quell the riots and arrest the Bengali deserters from the withdrawing British army. The BIA unit was somehow invited by the Maungdaw Bengalis to come into the town of Maungdaw.
Nobody really knew why the BIA men wrongly trusted the killer Bengalis with their own lives by going into Maungdaw and accepting their hospitality. That night in June 1942 in Maungdaw the BIA men led by two of Bo Yan Aung's young lieutenants Bo Yan Naung and Bo Myo Nyunt dropped their Japanese arms at the friendly dinner prepared for them at Kanyindan Uradu School (now the Maungdaw Highschool’s Mosque) by completely trusting their Muslim hosts.
While the BIA men were hungrily eating their dinner they were attacked and cut into pieces by the Bengalis. Both Burmese Buddhist officers and all their Buddhist soldiers were killed and their bodies burned to ashes that night.
Yakhine-Buddhist Villages Destroyed by Bengali-Muslims
Following list is the 99 Yakhine villages and their respective number of Buddhist households totally wiped out by the Bengali-Muslims and forever lost from the Maungdaw North region in May 1942.
1. Thit-poke-chaung Village (20 households).
2. Kan-byin Village (43 households).
3. Yay-phone-byin Village (50 households).
4. Pan-daw-byin Village (50 households).
5. Maung-Oo Village (30 households).
6. Khwa-zone-byin Village (45 households).
7. Pyin-byu Village (45 households).
8. Doe-dan Village (200 households).
9. Thet-ke-byin Village (50 households).
10. Wet-pike Village (60 households).
11. Kyauk-chaung Village (25 households).
12. Ponna-sart Village (60 households).
13. The-chaung-ywar-thit Village (50 households).
14. Nghan-chaung Village (50 households).
15. Dar-kyi-sar Village (40 households).
16. Kyauk-pyin-seik Village (30 households).
17. Pyin-phyu-chaung Village (50 households).
18. Yay-khart-chaung Village (50 households).
19. Ngar-sar-kyu Village (60 households)
20. Pyaung-pyit Village (40 households).
21. Pyin-shay Village (30 households).
22. Pha-yone-chaung Village (30 households).
23. Upper Sin-thay-byin Village (40 households).
24. Lower Sin-thay-byin Village (20 households).
25. The-phyu-chaung Village (40 households).
26. Pyar-thar-mae Village (15 households).
27. Taung-phet Village (unknown households).
28. Phout-kyee-daung Village (30 households).
29. Upper Baw-tu-lar Village (42 households).
30. In-tu-lar Village (50 households).
31. Inn-chaung Village (30 households).
32. In-gar-pha Village (40 households).
33. Kar-lar Village (80 households).
34. La-baw-wa Village (36 households).
35. Done-kyaw-pha Village (22 households).
36. Thet-kay-byin Village (75 households).
37. Gyate-chaing Village (40 households).
38. Kaing-su Village (24 households).
39. Tarp-chaung Village (30 households).
40. Ah-le-chaung (82 households).
41. Maung-shwe-zan Village (20 households).
42. Thar-doe-hla Village (40 households).
43. Tart-chaung-chay Village (30 households).
44. Sin-pya-kwing Village (40 households).
45. Shwe-daing Village (46 households).
46. Yay-chan-chaung Village (40 households).
47. Ngar-chan Village (23 households).
48. Ye-aung-sanya-phwe Village (40 households).
49. Upper Kyaung-na-phay Village (30 households).
50. Lower Kyaung-na-phay Village (25 households).
51. Chet-su Village (20 households).
52. Ah-yoe-gya Village (40 households).
53. Kyaw-htwee-chaung Village (30 households).
54. Upper Inn-chaung Village (48 households).
55. Lower Inn-chaung Village (26 households).
56. Shwe-phee-oo-pha Village (25 households).
57. Htauk-ka-lan Village (88 households).
58. Taung-byo-let-wae Village (16 households).
59. Taung-byo-let-yar Village (28 households).
60. Day-tan-nyar Village (22 households).
61. Kun-thee-bin Village (12 households).
62. Kyan-htaung Village (15 households).
63. Tan-chaung Village (18 households).
64. San-htun-oo Village (20 households).
65. East Kha-moung-zeik Village (35 households).
66. West Kha-moung-zeik Village (25 households).
67. Upper Thu-lu-taung Village (50 households).
68. Than-khone Village (30 households).
69. Ma-phyu-ma Village (40 households).
70. Kone-tat Village (unknown households).
71. Khin-pyo-thar Village (60 households).
72. Upper Shwe-ngin-chaung Village (40 households).
73. Nga-yant-chaung Village (50 households).
74. Thit-tone-nar Village (60 households).
75. Pan-shwe-aung-pha Village (20 households).
76. Shew-hla-khine Village (20 households).
77. Ta-man-thar Village (30 households).
78. Cha-doe-yee Village (15 households).
79. Thar-aung Village (30 households).
80. Loung-part Village (30 households).
81. Wet-kyane Village (100 households).
82. Kyet-kyane Village (40 households).
83. Upper Kywe-tha-bout Village (45 households).
84. Lower Kywe-tha-bout Village (60 households).
85. Kyauk-tan Village (50 households).
86. Seint-taw-byin Village (40 households).
87. Upper Gaw-du-ya Village (25 households).
88. Lower Gaw-du-ya Village (65 households).
89. Kyun-bouk Village (35 households).
90. Ta-yein Village (150 households).
91. Tin-thar-ya Village (25 households).
92. Thae-chaung Village (65 households).
93. Nghet-pyaw-chaung Village (45 households).
94. Ngar-san-baw Village (80 households).
95. Let-phwe-kya Village (20 households).
96. Kyout-chaung Village (50 households).
97. Ye-aung-chaung Village (70 households).
98. Yay-nout-ngar-thar Village (20 households).
99. Mee-gyaung-chaung Village (15 households).
The 99 Yakhine-Buddhist villages listed above were the lost villages with known household numbers in 1942. Following list is another 115 Yakhine-Buddhist villages without known household numbers also brutally wiped out by the invading Bengali Muslims in that 1942 Islamic genocide.
1. Lower Baw-du-lar Village.
2. Daing-paing Village.
3. Khaing-oo-pha Village.
4. New Thar-aw-aung Village.
5. Tat-chaung-chay-tee-zar Village.
6. Mee-min-thar-pha Village.
7. Shwe-daing Village.
8. Toung-boke Village.
9. La-mone-kaing Village.
10. Wai-lar-goung-done Village.
11. Tha-lu-chaung Village.
12. Ye-baw-oo Village.
13. The-ni Village.
14. Kyaung-khow Village.
15. Nga-yan-chaung Village.
16. Mee-chaung-khote Village.
17. Thit-tone-nar Village.
18. Mhaing-sri Village.
19. Be-yote Village.
20. Kyout-pyin-hla Village.
21. Maung-seik Village.
22. Phet-wun-chaung Village.
23. Gar-yar-byin Village.
24. Wet-kyane-chay Village.
25. San-gar-bin Village.
26. Nga-phyu-chaung Village.
27. Nat-kyauk Village.
28. Pyaing-chauing Village.
29. Kyin-phaw village.
30. Aung-hla-phyu Village.
31. Thin-baw-hla Village.
32. Mee-daik Village.
33. Nant-thar-daung Village.
34. Gaw-du-ra-the-chaung Village.
35. Sin-oh Village.
36. Kyauk-chaung-chay Village.
37. Gant-daran Village.
38. Lower Gyit-chaung Village.
39. Thit-thee-bin-ahle-byin Village.
40. Laung-done-zedi-byin Village.
41. Han-zar-ma Village.
42. Ngar-khu-ya-chaung-wa Village.
43. Kyar-khaung-htaung Village.
44. Maung-lone-pha Village.
45. Kyet-yoe-byin Village.
46. Ngan-chaung Village.
47. Big Pwint-phyu-chaung Village.
48. Small Pwint-phyu-chaung Village.
49. Chit-san-pha Village.
50. New Nay-pu-khan Village.
51. Old Nay-pu-khan Village.
52. The-chaung sisters Village.
53. Chaung-myouk Village.
54. Tha-lu-chaung Village.
55. Ywar-thit-kay Village.
56. Min-ga-la-gyee Village.
57. Kyouk-hlay-gar Village.
58. Sat-cha-gone Village.
59. The-phyu-gyun Village.
60. Min-kyo-chaung Village.
61. Yee-phone-pyin Village.
62. Khwa-sone-pyin Village.
63. Thit-pote-chaung Village.
64. Kin-chaung Village.
65. Inner Kin-chaung Village.
66. Kan-byin Village.
67. Kyee-gan-phyu Village.
68. Hmaw-win Village.
69. Gyin-chaung Village.
70. Lin-bar-kone Village.
71. Zaw-ma-tat Village.
72. South Ngar-khu-ya Village.
73. Chee-sar Village.
74. Ah-pout-wa Village.
75. Lar-lee Village.
76. Sein-pan Village.
77. Upper Tone-chaung Village.
78. Lower Tone-chaung Village.
79. Kar-dee Village.
80. Ohn-bin-yin Village.
81. Doe-dan Village.
82. Ka-nyin-dan Village.
83. Old Ah-le-than-gyaw Village.
84. Kyan-chaung Village.
85. Thin-ga-net Village.
86. Kyaung-daung Village.
87. Tat-htoe-byin Village.
88. Myin-lut-chaung Village.
89. Myee-chaung Village.
90. Shout-kaing Village.
91. Kyouk-pan-du Village.
92. Baw-dee-kaing Village.
93. Shwe-maung Village.
94. Ah-twin-byin Village.
95. Kyan-dan-chaung Village.
96. Inn-din-gyee Village.
97. Inn-din-chay Village.
98. Tha-win-chaung Village.
99. Kow-dan-kout Village.
100. Thane-khar-lee Village.
101. Done-pike Village.
102. Sin-wut Village.
103. Aung-hla-pha Village.
104. Phout-kyi-chaung Village.
105. Pauk-taw-byin Village.
106. Kone-dan Village.
107. Pa-din Village.
108. Yay-dwin-gyun Village.
109. Cha-yar-dan Village.
110. War-cha Village.
111. Upper Nyaung-bin-gyee Village.
112. Lower Nyaung-bin-gyee Village.
113. Douk Village.
114. Hla-poe-khaung Village.
All together at least 114 Yakhine-Buddhist villages with no exact family counts have been completely wiped out by the Bengali-Muslim kalars.
So if we Burmese still trust and sympathize them Muslim kalars and buy from Muslim shops and use Muslim goods we will soon be in a situation worse than those Yakhin-Buddhist villages destroyed in 1942.
Because in that 1942 Islamic Genocide we lost only Yakhine villages and some fertile remote land but we still have our race, religion, and faith intact as a nation.
But now these illegal Bengali Muslims the descendants of those Muslim killers of 1942 are reinventing themselves as so-called ethnic Rohingyas and trying to gain our citizenship so that they and their brothers millions of Bengali-Muslims from Bangladesh can eventually seep into the proper Burma and swallow us Burmese-Buddhists whole to the extinction.
If our authorities do not take that Bengali-Muslim threat seriously the future existence of our Burma as a Buddhist Burmese nation will eventually be dangerously threatened.

Present days' Buddhist-Muslim race riots originated from that 1942 genocide in Maungdaw
and thus the Buddhist-Yakhines and Muslim-Bengalis (so-called Rohingyas) will
never ever be able to live together peacefully again.
They will make you regret for helping them. Philippines took them in and they will soon regret it too.
Yes. Yet we need to help them for humanitarian reason. Currently we set up a warship as a floating humanitarian center for helping them go to where they want: Indonesia and Malaysia.

i think u need to read this 1st... kindly give me a book or any historical evidence that shows they live in there since centuries...

then who suffered Genocide.... if we want to do genocide., no need to take such a long time ( many decades )... we can completely wipe out during Janta regime.. :D

1942 Genocide of Buddhists in Maungdaw District

(Translation of An Eyewitness Account of the 1942 Bengali Riots from the MEG.)

1942 Bengali-Yakhine Riots locally known as the Kalar-Yakhine Ahdikayone in Burmese began from Sittwe the capital city of Arrakan state in Burma in early 1942.
British were withdrawing rapidly from Burma and the Indian soldiers from Rajpur Native Battalions together with the Bengali-Muslims were raping the Yakhine women and girls and killing Yakhine Men and boys all over the Sittwe town during that lawless vacuum.
Finally the Buddhist Yakhines took the law into their own hands and started killing the British Indian soldiers and the Bengali soldiers in Sittwe. The full-blown Benglai-Yakhine riots soon spread to Myaybone, Minbyar, Myauk-U, and Kyauktaw townships.

And once the British were completely gone the Bengali-Muslims had to flee the Arrakan Proper and take refuge in the Maungdaw-Butheetaung area by the border of then India and Burma. Eventually the race riots in Arakan Proper died down as the efforts by the Yakhine political leaders such as U Pyinnyar-Thiha and Bonbauk Thar Kyaw calmed the public.

The Riots Spread to the Border Region

But the fleeing Bengali-Muslims and some educated Muslim leaders from the Maungdaw-Butheetaung region began to incite the local Bengali-Muslim crowd to slaughter the local Yakhine-Buddhists.
(Translator’s note: The ethnic cleansing or the Islamic genocide of the native Buddhists was the crucial part of their long term plan to massacre the native Buddhists and make the area exclusively Muslims so that the Maungdaw-Butheetaung frontier region could eventually be re-established as the Islamic county of India's East-Bengal which become East-Pakistan and later modern Bangladesh.)
Major Kyaw Khine, the Deputy Commissioner of Akyab District, left behind by the British Colonial Government to maintain law and order in the frontier area, tried really hard together with the Bengali-Muslim leaders Yar Sein and Sultan Marmut to prevent the slaughter. But Major Kywa Khin himself was quickly shot and killed by the Bengali-Muslims at the Gutarbyin Village of Butheetauing Township.

The Beginning of Ethnic Cleansing in Maungdaw Town

Armed Bengali Family in the field.
By May 1942 the Bengali-Muslim men from all the Bengali villages in the frontier area and many more from across the border had gathered, armed with guns and swords and spears, and began their genocidal campaign against the Buddhist-Yakhine villages.
The armed Bengalis set up roadblocks, destroyed the bridges, and encircled the Yakhine villages. By then more than 20,000 armed Bengalis had surrounded the Maungdaw town. All the entry and exit points had been completely blocked and the horrifying news of surrounding Buddhist villages being burnt to the ground and their people slaughtered reached the town constantly.
The town was already sheltering hundreds and hundreds of Yakhine refugees from the nearby Buddhist villages. Many were injured or wounded by the Benglai swords on their way to Maungdaw. But now they were trapped in Maungdaw together with the Yakhine-Buddhists of the town.
At about 4 in the early morning one day a large family from the Middle Village (Ahle Ywar) tried to get out of Maungdaw to flee to Butheetaung. But they were attacked by the blocking Bengali-Muslims at the Kanyindan. The whole family was injured and they lost everything on them as they ran back into the town bloodied and bruised.

That day was the very beginning of the wholesale slaughter of the Yakhine-Buddhists in Maungdaw as the armed and blood-thristy (or rather land-thirsty) Bengali-Muslims by Bangladeshi border entered the town.

We carried only whatever we could on us and tried to leave the town like the other Buddhist families. All the streets were choking with the fearful crowd finding nowhere to go as the chasing Bengali mob were getting closer and closer.
Finally everyone ended up in the compound of the Maungdaw Buddhist Monastery already sealed by the government. There we met people fleeing from the villages on the Kanyin Gyaung (Kanyin Stream) at the north of Maungdaw.
And also the people from the Hmaw-win and Magyee-chaung and Ye-phone-byin and Pan-daw-byin villages the nearby villages at the south of Maungdaw. The whole place was filled with loud cries of children and fearful voices of adults. The crowd there that day must be over 5,000, all Yakhine-Buddhists like our family.
Attempt to Rescue the Buddhist Yakhines of Maungdaw
We then heard the news of the arrival of Section-Magistrate Aung Thar Gyaw and a handful of British Ghurkha soldiers. The Magistarte Aung Thar Gyaw was originally coming to Butheetaung Town to collect the government cash from the Treasury Chest there. Once he heard the Bengali-Muslim raids of Maunhgdaw Town he had come down to rescue the besieged Buddhist-Yakhine townsfolk.
At first his plan was to take the whole crowd of townspeople to Butheetaung with the protection of his Gurkha troops as the road to Butheetaung was now controlled by the Bengali-Muslims who would kill any non-Muslim found on the jungle road.

But while waiting and preparing the large crowd to travel a heavy rain came down for a while and soon the news of road blockages due to the landslides and flash floods on the mountain spread among us. So the good Magistrate changed his plan and tried to ferry the crowd out of harm’s way across the Naff River to Takknaff Town on the India side of the border.
By then it was 9 am next day. At about noon the Magistrate Aung Thar Gyaw and English Captain Taylor with the Ghurkha soldiers came to the monastery compound and escorted the crowd to the Maungdaw Wharf where a ferry boat from the Arrakan Flotilla was waiting.
Even after many trips across the river by the big Ferry-Boat our Buddhist crowd was too large and many of us were to be ferried across by the fleet of local sampans.

Burning of Maungdaw and the Slaughter of Buddhists

By night fall we could see rolling flames on the Maungdaw side from Taknaff Town across the wide Naff River. Later we heard the depressing news that tens of thousands of Bengali-Muslims had entered Maungdaw after the town was abandoned and burned down the whole town after taking away everything removable from the Yakhine houses including rice, cooking oil, salt, and every single piece of furniture.

The same ugly fate had also fallen on every single Buddhist Monastery and Temple of Maungdaw Town.
All the Yakhine villages, there were hundreds of them Buddhist villages, on the extremely fertile strip south of Maungdaw Town between the Naff River and Mayu Ranges were completely wiped out by the rioting Bengali Muslims within few days.
While the Yakhine villagers from the foreshore villages like Nga-khu-ya, Chan-byin, Ywat-hnyo-taung, and Tha-yet-oat villages were able to manage to escape by their sampans across the Naff River, the villages far from the river were burnt down and the whole village slaughtered by the rioting Bengali-Muslims.
Even a few Buddhists who managed to trek across the Mayu Range to the Butheetaung and Kyauktaw were hunted down and killed by the Bengali-Muslims from that area especially the Bengali village of Let-wae-tet village near the town of Butheetaung.

Ah-le-than-kyaw Village at the bottom.
Back then the large village of Ah-le-than-kyaw, now the biggest Rohingya village with a large UNHCR supply depot and their area-HQ, was the main Buddhist village with a small police station.
On that day in May 1942 twenty thousand armed-Bengali-Muslims raided the Ah-le-than-kyaw police station and brutally killed all the policemen who surrendered and then all the Yakhine men from the villages.
The blood-thirsty Bengali-Muslims then burned down the village monastery together with more than 500 Buddhist women, children, elders, young Buddhist novices, and the Buddhist monks taking refuge inside the main monastery building. All 500 odd Buddhists inside were burned alive that day by the Bengali-Muslims who want their village and their fertile land and their fishing ground for good. The same fate had fallen also on the nearby village of Tart-htone-byin.
Basically none of the hundreds of thousands of Yakhin-Buddhist living in the villages at the South of Maungdaw Town escaped the warlike wholesale slaughter. Not even a single mongrel dog escaped the slaughter let alone a human being. And all their properties and lands taken by the newcomers from the Islamic-land now called Bangladesh.

Killing of BIA Officers and Soldiers in Maungdaw
Later in June 1942 a BIA (Burmese Independence Army) unit led by Bo Yan Aung captured the town of Butheedaung and they foolishly contacted the Bengalis’ Maungdaw Township Administration in an honest attempt to quell the riots and arrest the Bengali deserters from the withdrawing British army. The BIA unit was somehow invited by the Maungdaw Bengalis to come into the town of Maungdaw.
Nobody really knew why the BIA men wrongly trusted the killer Bengalis with their own lives by going into Maungdaw and accepting their hospitality. That night in June 1942 in Maungdaw the BIA men led by two of Bo Yan Aung's young lieutenants Bo Yan Naung and Bo Myo Nyunt dropped their Japanese arms at the friendly dinner prepared for them at Kanyindan Uradu School (now the Maungdaw Highschool’s Mosque) by completely trusting their Muslim hosts.
While the BIA men were hungrily eating their dinner they were attacked and cut into pieces by the Bengalis. Both Burmese Buddhist officers and all their Buddhist soldiers were killed and their bodies burned to ashes that night.
Yakhine-Buddhist Villages Destroyed by Bengali-Muslims
Following list is the 99 Yakhine villages and their respective number of Buddhist households totally wiped out by the Bengali-Muslims and forever lost from the Maungdaw North region in May 1942.
1. Thit-poke-chaung Village (20 households).
2. Kan-byin Village (43 households).
3. Yay-phone-byin Village (50 households).
4. Pan-daw-byin Village (50 households).
5. Maung-Oo Village (30 households).
6. Khwa-zone-byin Village (45 households).
7. Pyin-byu Village (45 households).
8. Doe-dan Village (200 households).
9. Thet-ke-byin Village (50 households).
10. Wet-pike Village (60 households).
11. Kyauk-chaung Village (25 households).
12. Ponna-sart Village (60 households).
13. The-chaung-ywar-thit Village (50 households).
14. Nghan-chaung Village (50 households).
15. Dar-kyi-sar Village (40 households).
16. Kyauk-pyin-seik Village (30 households).
17. Pyin-phyu-chaung Village (50 households).
18. Yay-khart-chaung Village (50 households).
19. Ngar-sar-kyu Village (60 households)
20. Pyaung-pyit Village (40 households).
21. Pyin-shay Village (30 households).
22. Pha-yone-chaung Village (30 households).
23. Upper Sin-thay-byin Village (40 households).
24. Lower Sin-thay-byin Village (20 households).
25. The-phyu-chaung Village (40 households).
26. Pyar-thar-mae Village (15 households).
27. Taung-phet Village (unknown households).
28. Phout-kyee-daung Village (30 households).
29. Upper Baw-tu-lar Village (42 households).
30. In-tu-lar Village (50 households).
31. Inn-chaung Village (30 households).
32. In-gar-pha Village (40 households).
33. Kar-lar Village (80 households).
34. La-baw-wa Village (36 households).
35. Done-kyaw-pha Village (22 households).
36. Thet-kay-byin Village (75 households).
37. Gyate-chaing Village (40 households).
38. Kaing-su Village (24 households).
39. Tarp-chaung Village (30 households).
40. Ah-le-chaung (82 households).
41. Maung-shwe-zan Village (20 households).
42. Thar-doe-hla Village (40 households).
43. Tart-chaung-chay Village (30 households).
44. Sin-pya-kwing Village (40 households).
45. Shwe-daing Village (46 households).
46. Yay-chan-chaung Village (40 households).
47. Ngar-chan Village (23 households).
48. Ye-aung-sanya-phwe Village (40 households).
49. Upper Kyaung-na-phay Village (30 households).
50. Lower Kyaung-na-phay Village (25 households).
51. Chet-su Village (20 households).
52. Ah-yoe-gya Village (40 households).
53. Kyaw-htwee-chaung Village (30 households).
54. Upper Inn-chaung Village (48 households).
55. Lower Inn-chaung Village (26 households).
56. Shwe-phee-oo-pha Village (25 households).
57. Htauk-ka-lan Village (88 households).
58. Taung-byo-let-wae Village (16 households).
59. Taung-byo-let-yar Village (28 households).
60. Day-tan-nyar Village (22 households).
61. Kun-thee-bin Village (12 households).
62. Kyan-htaung Village (15 households).
63. Tan-chaung Village (18 households).
64. San-htun-oo Village (20 households).
65. East Kha-moung-zeik Village (35 households).
66. West Kha-moung-zeik Village (25 households).
67. Upper Thu-lu-taung Village (50 households).
68. Than-khone Village (30 households).
69. Ma-phyu-ma Village (40 households).
70. Kone-tat Village (unknown households).
71. Khin-pyo-thar Village (60 households).
72. Upper Shwe-ngin-chaung Village (40 households).
73. Nga-yant-chaung Village (50 households).
74. Thit-tone-nar Village (60 households).
75. Pan-shwe-aung-pha Village (20 households).
76. Shew-hla-khine Village (20 households).
77. Ta-man-thar Village (30 households).
78. Cha-doe-yee Village (15 households).
79. Thar-aung Village (30 households).
80. Loung-part Village (30 households).
81. Wet-kyane Village (100 households).
82. Kyet-kyane Village (40 households).
83. Upper Kywe-tha-bout Village (45 households).
84. Lower Kywe-tha-bout Village (60 households).
85. Kyauk-tan Village (50 households).
86. Seint-taw-byin Village (40 households).
87. Upper Gaw-du-ya Village (25 households).
88. Lower Gaw-du-ya Village (65 households).
89. Kyun-bouk Village (35 households).
90. Ta-yein Village (150 households).
91. Tin-thar-ya Village (25 households).
92. Thae-chaung Village (65 households).
93. Nghet-pyaw-chaung Village (45 households).
94. Ngar-san-baw Village (80 households).
95. Let-phwe-kya Village (20 households).
96. Kyout-chaung Village (50 households).
97. Ye-aung-chaung Village (70 households).
98. Yay-nout-ngar-thar Village (20 households).
99. Mee-gyaung-chaung Village (15 households).
The 99 Yakhine-Buddhist villages listed above were the lost villages with known household numbers in 1942. Following list is another 115 Yakhine-Buddhist villages without known household numbers also brutally wiped out by the invading Bengali Muslims in that 1942 Islamic genocide.
1. Lower Baw-du-lar Village.
2. Daing-paing Village.
3. Khaing-oo-pha Village.
4. New Thar-aw-aung Village.
5. Tat-chaung-chay-tee-zar Village.
6. Mee-min-thar-pha Village.
7. Shwe-daing Village.
8. Toung-boke Village.
9. La-mone-kaing Village.
10. Wai-lar-goung-done Village.
11. Tha-lu-chaung Village.
12. Ye-baw-oo Village.
13. The-ni Village.
14. Kyaung-khow Village.
15. Nga-yan-chaung Village.
16. Mee-chaung-khote Village.
17. Thit-tone-nar Village.
18. Mhaing-sri Village.
19. Be-yote Village.
20. Kyout-pyin-hla Village.
21. Maung-seik Village.
22. Phet-wun-chaung Village.
23. Gar-yar-byin Village.
24. Wet-kyane-chay Village.
25. San-gar-bin Village.
26. Nga-phyu-chaung Village.
27. Nat-kyauk Village.
28. Pyaing-chauing Village.
29. Kyin-phaw village.
30. Aung-hla-phyu Village.
31. Thin-baw-hla Village.
32. Mee-daik Village.
33. Nant-thar-daung Village.
34. Gaw-du-ra-the-chaung Village.
35. Sin-oh Village.
36. Kyauk-chaung-chay Village.
37. Gant-daran Village.
38. Lower Gyit-chaung Village.
39. Thit-thee-bin-ahle-byin Village.
40. Laung-done-zedi-byin Village.
41. Han-zar-ma Village.
42. Ngar-khu-ya-chaung-wa Village.
43. Kyar-khaung-htaung Village.
44. Maung-lone-pha Village.
45. Kyet-yoe-byin Village.
46. Ngan-chaung Village.
47. Big Pwint-phyu-chaung Village.
48. Small Pwint-phyu-chaung Village.
49. Chit-san-pha Village.
50. New Nay-pu-khan Village.
51. Old Nay-pu-khan Village.
52. The-chaung sisters Village.
53. Chaung-myouk Village.
54. Tha-lu-chaung Village.
55. Ywar-thit-kay Village.
56. Min-ga-la-gyee Village.
57. Kyouk-hlay-gar Village.
58. Sat-cha-gone Village.
59. The-phyu-gyun Village.
60. Min-kyo-chaung Village.
61. Yee-phone-pyin Village.
62. Khwa-sone-pyin Village.
63. Thit-pote-chaung Village.
64. Kin-chaung Village.
65. Inner Kin-chaung Village.
66. Kan-byin Village.
67. Kyee-gan-phyu Village.
68. Hmaw-win Village.
69. Gyin-chaung Village.
70. Lin-bar-kone Village.
71. Zaw-ma-tat Village.
72. South Ngar-khu-ya Village.
73. Chee-sar Village.
74. Ah-pout-wa Village.
75. Lar-lee Village.
76. Sein-pan Village.
77. Upper Tone-chaung Village.
78. Lower Tone-chaung Village.
79. Kar-dee Village.
80. Ohn-bin-yin Village.
81. Doe-dan Village.
82. Ka-nyin-dan Village.
83. Old Ah-le-than-gyaw Village.
84. Kyan-chaung Village.
85. Thin-ga-net Village.
86. Kyaung-daung Village.
87. Tat-htoe-byin Village.
88. Myin-lut-chaung Village.
89. Myee-chaung Village.
90. Shout-kaing Village.
91. Kyouk-pan-du Village.
92. Baw-dee-kaing Village.
93. Shwe-maung Village.
94. Ah-twin-byin Village.
95. Kyan-dan-chaung Village.
96. Inn-din-gyee Village.
97. Inn-din-chay Village.
98. Tha-win-chaung Village.
99. Kow-dan-kout Village.
100. Thane-khar-lee Village.
101. Done-pike Village.
102. Sin-wut Village.
103. Aung-hla-pha Village.
104. Phout-kyi-chaung Village.
105. Pauk-taw-byin Village.
106. Kone-dan Village.
107. Pa-din Village.
108. Yay-dwin-gyun Village.
109. Cha-yar-dan Village.
110. War-cha Village.
111. Upper Nyaung-bin-gyee Village.
112. Lower Nyaung-bin-gyee Village.
113. Douk Village.
114. Hla-poe-khaung Village.
All together at least 114 Yakhine-Buddhist villages with no exact family counts have been completely wiped out by the Bengali-Muslim kalars.
So if we Burmese still trust and sympathize them Muslim kalars and buy from Muslim shops and use Muslim goods we will soon be in a situation worse than those Yakhin-Buddhist villages destroyed in 1942.
Because in that 1942 Islamic Genocide we lost only Yakhine villages and some fertile remote land but we still have our race, religion, and faith intact as a nation.
But now these illegal Bengali Muslims the descendants of those Muslim killers of 1942 are reinventing themselves as so-called ethnic Rohingyas and trying to gain our citizenship so that they and their brothers millions of Bengali-Muslims from Bangladesh can eventually seep into the proper Burma and swallow us Burmese-Buddhists whole to the extinction.
If our authorities do not take that Bengali-Muslim threat seriously the future existence of our Burma as a Buddhist Burmese nation will eventually be dangerously threatened.

Present days' Buddhist-Muslim race riots originated from that 1942 genocide in Maungdaw
and thus the Buddhist-Yakhines and Muslim-Bengalis (so-called Rohingyas) will
never ever be able to live together peacefully again.

I like it. People in Thailand do not know this info. I will translate into Thai language and post to Thai website when I have more time. Sad to Rakhine people.
I like it. People in Thailand do not know this info. I will translate into Thai language and post to Thai website when I have more time. Sad to Rakhine people.

Hello Aung Zaya is an idiot troll. Did you check his source? A racist blogspot site
Hla Oo's Blog: 1942 Genocide of Buddhists in Maungdaw District

These infos are mostly put together by the fart of the writer's ars. And it posted a pic in the article which is from Bangladesh liberation war of 1971

Google Images

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These infos are mostly put together by the fart of the righter's ars. And it posted a pic in the article which is from Bangladesh liberation war of 1971

OK..!! let's say.. the pic was fake..!! how do response for other fact..?

Hello Aung Zaya is an idiot troll. Did you check his source? A racist blogspot site

LOL..!! that's racist page..? so how about the source of ur people ever posted..? Rohingya blogger , Rohingya Vision... blah blah... :D

I like it. People in Thailand do not know this info. I will translate into Thai language and post to Thai website when I have more time. Sad to Rakhine people.

yup.. sure.. bro.. !!
OK..!! let's say.. the pic was fake..!! how do response for other fact..?

LOL..!! that's racist page..? so how about the source of ur people ever posted..? Rohingya blogger , Rohingya Vision... blah blah... :D

yup.. sure.. bro.. !!

Post any credible source other than Hila loo loo's
Yes. Yet we need to help them for humanitarian reason. Currently we set up a warship as a floating humanitarian center for helping them go to where they want: Indonesia and Malaysia.

I like it. People in Thailand do not know this info. I will translate into Thai language and post to Thai website when I have more time. Sad to Rakhine people.

You believe a fleeing population raped and killed the invader who supported Japanese in 1942. Use your brain. Entire population of Rohingya had to move out due to riots and persecution as British troops being withdrawn.
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