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Rising Sun doesn't like to watch the Dragon rise

No Problem but plz have a read ::

Navies described as blue-water navies

These are navies that have successfully used the capabilities of their blue-water navies to exercise control at high seas and from there have projected power into other nations' littoral waters.

* The French Navy (Marine Nationale) has the ability to deploy an aircraft-carrier-based task group and maintains a Continuous At Sea Deterrence included in the Force Océanique Stratégique (Strategic Oceanic Force). France also has a wide range of naval deployments throughout the world.[10]

* The Russian Navy maintains a Carrier Battle Group around Admiral Kuznetsov and multiple Surface Action Groups centered around nuclear-powered Large Battle Cruisers of Kirov Class. Russia also maintains a posture of Continuous At Sea Deterrence (CASD) with its ballistic missile submarine fleet, comparable to United States Navy.

* The United Kingdom's Royal Navy maintains two task forces concurrently (one based around an aircraft carrier and one based around an Amphibious assault ship). At least one task group is deployed at any one time. There are currently two Invincible-class aircraft carriers in operation, with a further one in reserve. The Royal Navy also uses the Ocean-class Landing Platform, Helicopter (LPH) as well as the two Albion-class amphibious transport docks as the centre of a task group. The Royal Navy maintains a Continuous At Sea Deterrence policy via its Vanguard-class ballistic missile submarines utilising Trident missiles. The Royal Navy also supports a number of standing commitments worldwide on a continuous basis.[10]

* The United States Navy maintains eleven Carrier Strike Groups (one centered on USS Enterprise, the remainder on Nimitz class carriers), of which six are deployed or ready for deployment within 30 days, and two ready for deployment within 90 days under the Fleet Response Plan (FRP). The US Navy also maintains a posture of Continuous At Sea Deterrence (CASD) through the Trident submarine-launched ballistic missiles on Ohio-class submarines. It also maintains a continuous deployment of Expeditionary Strike Groups that embark a Marine Expeditionary Unit with an Aviation Combat Element of Landing Helicopter Docks and Landing Helicopter Assault.

Navies with limited expeditionary capabilities

A number of other countries maintain navies capable of a relatively limited expeditionary operation. The Italian Navy operates 2 indigenous aircraft carriers, while the Spanish Navy operates a single indigenous aircraft carrier and the Indian Navy[11][12][13] operates a British-built aircraft carrier. The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force operates 2 indigenous helicopter carriers. All 4 of these navies are capable of limited oceanic operations.[14][citation needed] The Brazilian Navy also owns a French-built carrier but mainly operates in its coastal and regional waters.

The Royal Thai Navy owns a Spanish-built carrier that is largely inactive. Many navies, including the Republic of Korea Navy,[15] Royal Australian Navy,[16] Canadian Forces Maritime Command,[17] Germany Navy and the People's Liberation Army Navy[18] do not operate aircraft carriers but are capable of deploying a limited number of ships away from their home waters either alone or in coordination with "blue water navies".

Nice post:tup:
In my opinion the Japs haven't been muscle flexing because of their Constitution and USN ,but their navy is very well capable of all the things a Blue water navy is capable of given that there is political will.:cheers:
Give me a reason why Japan should not develop a supersonic anti-ship missile themselves,even Taiwan has one? Japan is an Island country, why shouldn't they have a strong navy where sea is their live hood?

Japan is already more powerful than China militarily but one thing stops Japan from re-invading China is China's arsenal of Nukes.
I won't deny this, this might be partly the reason.

Heres a quote from one of the former Japanese prime ministers

The Japanese have always viewed the chinese as sub human cockroaches.

Education: Nakasone's World-Class Blunder - TIME

"So high is the level of education in our country that Japan's is an intelligent society. Our average score is much higher than those of countries like the U.S. There are many blacks, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans in America. In consequence the average score over there is exceedingly low."

At first few people in Japan's remarkably closed and monolithic society, 98% of which is native born and historically chauvinistic, picked up on the horrific implications in the remark.

To be fair to Japan I can't agree with the statement "Japanese have always viewed the chinese as sub human cockroaches". The statement of one minister does not represent the nation.

Besides in Japan Pavilion they had a very strong sentiment about Japan & China cooperation. For the sake of a better future I would like to believe in that.
ASM-3 (XASM-3) (Japan), Air-to-surface missiles - Anti-ship


Radar-guided anti-ship missile.


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is developing the (X)ASM-3 high-speed anti-ship missile as a successor to Japan's Type 93 (ASM-2). The new missile has an integrated solid propellant/ramjet motor and a range of 200 km, or more. It reportedly includes a dual-mode imaging IR and active radar terminal seeker. The missile incorporates several 'stealthy' features including a low radar cross-section design and the use of low-reflectivity composite materials. Japanese reports have suggested that XASM-3 development has been underway since the beginning of this decade. While no public announcement has been made to this effect, the Japan Defense Agency has continued to support technology items that would benefit the XASM-3, such as a ramjet propulsion system. The first concrete evidence of the XASM-3 programme appeared in August/September 2006 when Mitsubishi F-2 test aircraft of the TRDI were seen carrying XASM-3 test missiles.



ASM-3 (XASM-3) (Japan) - Jane's Air-Launched Weapons
To be fair to Japan I can't agree with the statement "Japanese have always viewed the chinese as sub human cockroaches". The statement of one minister does not represent the nation.

Besides in Japan Pavilion they had a very strong sentiment about Japan & China cooperation. For the sake of a better future I would like to believe in that.

So Singapore is a friend of Japan.

Japanese superiority

* The world has come to depend on Japanese technology, especially in semiconductor production.
* Japan must use its technological superiority as a negotiating weapon. It should even threaten to trade secrets with the Soviet Union as a bargaining tool against the US and refuse to sell components that go into US missiles.
* The quality of American goods is low because the level of the workers is low, while the superior education of Japanese workers is a big advantage.
* The Japanese character is innately superior to the character of Americans.

[edit] Japanese assertiveness

* Japanese diplomats are not effective in dealing with westerners, so businessmen accustomed to dealing with foreigners should also take part in trade negotiations.
* Japan should end the U.S.-Japan security pact and defend itself, because this would cost less and end reliance on the U.S.

[edit] American prejudice

* Americans believe that the Caucasian race is superior since the modern era is dominated by the western world, and this prejudice will hurt them in the end.
* Americans and Christian missionaries try to erase local cultures and replace them with Western culture. (See Cultural imperialism)
* Former American colonies are rife with problems, while former Japanese colonies are thriving.
* America's dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan and not Germany in World War II arose from racism because Germans are white people and Japanese are not. (Though at the time of the German defeat in April 1945, the atomic bomb was as yet incomplete and untested until July 16, 1945.)

[edit] Morita's assertions

It is not unusual that Morita, who lived in New York for some time and was one of the most successful and famous businessmen in Japanese history, would have many opinions on U.S. business culture.
[edit] American business

* American business focuses too much on money games like mergers and acquisitions, and not enough on creating real goods and manufacturing power.
* American business focuses too much on short-term profits, such as moving manufacturing overseas, while sacrificing long term overall livelihood.
* American company executives receive too much income, which hurts their companies.
* Employees in Japanese companies form a tight community, so overall results are better.
* The trade surplus with the U.S. is caused by the lack of desirable products made in the U.S.
* U.S. businesses are strong in basic research, but not in product development and marketing
* It is natural for the Japanese government to protect Japanese businesses, as it relies on their tax revenue.

[edit] Japan's image and position

* It is popular to bash Japan, and this is largely the fault of Japanese businessmen overseas who don't socialize with locals and become part of the local community.
* Japanese need to do more to adapt to Western culture and language when dealing with Americans in order to be understood (pointing out that foreigners from other countries have successfully integrated into U.S. society).
* The U.S.'s failure to recognize Japan's importance will hurt the U.S. and the world economy.
* Japan must be conscious of its role as a world leader, and do its part to support the world economy.
* Japan must help build up Asia to strengthen its position as a regional economic leader.
* Japan must give more foreign aid if it wants to be a true world leader. He equates this with doing local community service.

Japanese nationalism

Japanese nationalism (国家主義, Kokka shugi?) encompasses a broad range of ideas and sentiments harbored by the Japanese people over the last two centuries regarding their native country, its cultural nature, political form and historical destiny. It is useful to distinguish Japanese cultural nationalism (see, nihonjinron) from political or state-directed nationalism (i.e., Japanese imperialism), since many forms of cultural nationalism, such as those associated with folkloric studies (i.e., Yanagita Kunio), were hostile to state-fostered nationalism.

In Meiji period Japan, nationalist ideology consisted of a blend of native and imported political philosophies, initially developed by the Meiji government to promote national unity and patriotism, first in defense against colonization by European powers, and later in a struggle to attain equality with the Great Powers. It evolved through the Taishō period and Shōwa periods to justify an increasingly totalitarian government and overseas expansionism, and provided a political and ideological foundation for the actions of the Japanese military (Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy forces) in the years leading up to World War II. Despite its distinctive features (Emperor worship and the ethno-religious character of the state), Japanese nationalism served the same function as and drew inspiration from similar ideologies developed under Western Fascism.

To be fair to Japan I can't agree with the statement "Japanese have always viewed the chinese as sub human cockroaches". The statement of one minister does not represent the nation.

Besides in Japan Pavilion they had a very strong sentiment about Japan & China cooperation. For the sake of a better future I would like to believe in that.

98% of the Japanese population did not find ANYTHING wrong with what their prime minister said. In fact several tv shows in Japan regularly state that Japanese superiority is genetic.

You do not find it troubling?

Look at the things that the Japanese did to Chinese and Koreans during WW2, they make the Nazis look like saints and to this day they are unapologetic.

Compare them to the way the chinese treated Indian prisoners of war

YouTube - Indian soldiers surrendered then fed by the Chinese / Sino-India War 1962

Also after the 1962 war the chinese return all of India's captured weapons, can you imagine the USA giving weapons back to the Nazi's or Taliban?

I for one do not feel safe with an openly racist unapologetic homogenous society running asia.
Dont listen to this fool above he thinks there is a thing called hindu dna ive heard him on many threads talking cobbles.
So Singapore is a friend of Japan.


What does this have to do with my post? Its a personal opnion because I for one do not like to bigotry or discrimination.

If you hate Japan so much please throw out all your Japanese products.

Btw I am writing this from Shanghai, have you even been to China for starter?
Dont listen to this fool above he thinks there is a thing called hindu dna ive heard him on many threads talking cobbles.

Yes but I never said that Hindus were inferior, just that Hindu DNA has never mixed with Tibetan DNA while most Tibetans have DNA that is 40%+ Chinese
98% of the Japanese population did not find ANYTHING wrong with what their prime minister said. In fact several tv shows in Japan regularly state that Japanese superiority is genetic.

You do not find it troubling?

Look at the things that the Japanese did to Chinese and Koreans during WW2, they make the Nazis look like saints and to this day they are unapologetic.

Compare them to the way the chinese treated Indian prisoners of war

YouTube - Indian soldiers surrendered then fed by the Chinese / Sino-India War 1962

Also after the 1962 war the chinese return all of India's captured weapons, can you imagine the USA giving weapons back to the Nazi's or Taliban?

I for one do not feel safe with an openly racist unapologetic homogenous society running asia.

One cannot always let the past pull them back. Japan is technologically superior to most countries and that's no doubt, in this future China should be working with them and not against to build a better one. History just teaches us a lesson to be prepared in case it repeats itself but we should not let it hold us back.

If my ancestors did something bad to each other long before does that mean you and I had to pay for their past sins? I should hope not
One cannot always let the past pull them back. Japan is technologically superior to most countries and that's no doubt, in this future China should be working with them and not against to build a better one. History just teaches us a lesson to be prepared in case it repeats itself but we should not let it hold us back.

If my ancestors did something bad to each other long before does that mean you and I had to pay for their past sins? I should hope not

Magazine plays to Japanese xenophobia | Media | guardian.co.uk

Japanese magazine fans flames of xenophobia | Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture

Except its NOT in the past, this is 2007 and this is one of Japan's top selling magazines

Here is the front page
Yes but I never said that Hindus were inferior, just that Hindu DNA has never mixed with Tibetan DNA while most Tibetans have DNA that is 40%+ Chinese

There is no such thing as hindu or indian dna u total walley! :hitwall:

Time for you to go back school me thinks
What does this have to do with my post? Its a personal opnion because I for one do not like to bigotry or discrimination.

If you hate Japan so much please throw out all your Japanese products.

Btw I am writing this from Shanghai, have you even been to China for starter?

I see...all of a sudden I "hate Japan" so much. *cry*


Its a tabloid magazine, I got friends from Japan, HK, China, India etc if
I wanted to know how their societies felt I would ask them.

Anyway to each his own right? You got your opinions and I got mine and we're not going to resolve them in cyberspace. So lets agree to disagree and leave it at that.
ERMMMMM Guys i am studying Japanese and i am applying to this University in Japan. But i don't like the racial quotes, that Japans' polictics have said. I always thought Japan was peaceful, please tell me i ain't got nothing to worry about.
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