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Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK

Just like that quote about .. Patriotism being the last refuge for the scoundrel ... it looks like religion is the last refuge for the scum in UK.
Well short visits to many countries dont automatically introduce you to the crazy locals you need to live there for longer periods of time to bump into crazy lots :D

Well, 1st step I always do:
Try not to dig up hadith...

The basic thing I do is rely on my own research sure the net can give you a load of crap but if you keep reading - preferably from multiple resources and cross referencing them...Remember Quran said Haq will always standout from batil!

Hadith may be good to teach us alot but alot of them have been fabricated and it cant even be denied anymore....How do you know a hadith is sahih?

1) ask an ulema not your backyard imam of the masjid but one who actually has a degree and knows what he is talking about....preferably knows a bit of Arabic not the Quranic version but the one who knows its grammer and can trace a hadith coz Arabic language can tell you alot about the sentence itself....

2) If it downright contradicts the Quran or another sahih hadith that you know is sahih (no not coz your mom told you or your grandma told you but one which you yourself have researched on) then it def isnt Shahih!

3) do your own research and cross reference everything with multiple sites....

It is not an easy job and not something recommended if your own basic knowledge of Islam is weak then try not to jump into hadith and their science....

I stick to the Quran more often than only do I try a hadith or 2 on the topic and listen to Nouman Ali Khan....or Yassir Qadhi (I think I got the right spelling) ...

For me SOME hadith complements the Quran ...but many take the hadith as the text book and try to compliment the Quran as a reference guide...which is wrong

Well I did talk to people living there. And we do see treatment from taxi drivers, hotel staff etc.

Please don't take it personally, I have no problem remembering 1,000 useless facts about the world, names I'm bad with. I also wanted to target this at people in the UK.

I've seen the British Pakistani community in Canada, US, France, Germany, Belgium etc...

But nowhere is it as bad as it is in the UK. We're an utter disgrace to all, including ourselves.

In the UK, I have not EVER felt close to being discriminated against, only time I've heard racism out in the open is when walking with a friend of mine, almost a decade ago, a little white kid called my friend 'bloody Indian', that's it.

I've never heard anything since, this country is truly great. But even it's limits are being tested and one can see that judging form the response on social media people have had since the Lee Rigby murder.

It certainly does, but our people are lazy, don't work hard, don't play hard, don't venture or work outside their own communities and don't adopt the customs needed to earn a great living which is essential. As for the rest of your post, well said.
Oh, on internet everyone gets abused. Hell, even Pakistani are rasicts towards each other.

You included norwegian who I don't think has ties to UK, so i thought i could chim in here.
I think, UK is still far better and one of the best country to live when it comes to our community.

60 Percent live below poverty line so not much taxes to work on actually .

Most of the Pakistani community is living on social benefits as well
you do know that, child grooming gangs get alcohol to the minor girls along with fancy gifts and promise of unending love.

Gopal Bedi (popularly known by screen name Ranjeet was also known to do that in Bollywood movies.What does that has to with national security?
You know what that reminds me of my dads friend .who was a lazy man and lived on the dole his excuse Britain robbed India now he getting his own back
Yea.. well there are many who feel that way very few have the guts to say it loud...

I have even heard the local gora laughing about it....Not that anyone can deny it...

Plus talk about lazy and dole ....the local Brits live off it too...and when the 3rd generation Asian live off it ...its suddenly wrong? Well I know it is damn wrong but if the locals are doing it why distinguish the 3rd generation Asians (who are as local as the whites are)??

Just food for thought not something that should wreck your conscience or drop your morals....When you have some doing it and then the same some calling spades when others (just coz of their background but now are as Brit as them) are doing it is kinda called hypocrisy!

Most of the Pakistani community is living on social benefits as well
Well, I am not sure why everyone wants to point 1 ethnic group out when a lot of others are too...I blame the people for taking advantage of the system and also the system for having such loop holes! Hence why I admire the Scandinavian model and believe Britian should shift towards it to stop from being leeched!! :D

That's the problem with them collectively. Why only Ahemdiya how about taking counter protest to Anjem Choudhary's protest against the returning soldiers/ I read somewhere that 75% of mosques refused to condemn the grooming scums in their after prayer sermons on fridays.

Middle class need to come on and speak about because they would be at receiving end of the general population's frustration.
Honestly speaking I am not sure why everyone even listens to Anjem Ch?

2ndly why everyone even gives him the publicity he wants by quoting him? or using him as an example...He isnt what others make out of him and by repeatedly pointing him out..even people like me who couldn give a crap about him go and google him to see what new crap he has done making his popularity index rise....hence my advice to you is stop getting him the popularity he doesnt deserve it well it would be a different case were it about him going to jail or something along those lines!
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This is not about that natives are in the same boat. This is about who is mostly responsible of taking the system for granted and Asians are well known of their manipulative mentality. A middle age Asian starts working on how to claim the benefits as soon as he reaches in his 50s'. Middle class Asians who work their asses out blame that actually Asians have shown natives these ways. They are the most unfortunate by being legal in everthing and and by paying taxes. EU nationals are miles ahead of Asians - natives know that and condemn it openly.
This is not about that natives are in the same boat. This is about who is mostly responsible of taking the system for granted and Asians are well known of their manipulative mentality. A middle age Asian starts working on how to claim the benefits as soon as he reaches in his 50s'. Middle class Asians who work their asses out blame that actually Asians have shown natives these ways. They are the most unfortunate by being legal in everthing and and by paying taxes. EU nationals are miles ahead of Asians - natives know that and condemn it openly.
All I am saying is why the single outing of Asians? When every other ethnic group is also leeching the system?
As for who is leeching it more is really debatable coz no proper data on that is available...

Here is one I found:


What does this graph show?
This graph shows the levels of worklessness among working age adults in London by gender and country of birth. It is ordered by the level of total worklessness among women.

Somali men and women have the highest rates of worklessness among all groups shown here. 87% of Somali women are not in paid work, seven percentage points higher than Bangladeshi women, which is the group with second highest levels of worklessness. 62% of Somali men are not in paid work, compared to no more than 33% among men born in other countries are workless.

The high worklessness rate among Somalis maybe one of the reasons for the higher worklessness rate among Black Africans, as shown in the indicator on worklessness by ethnicity. With the exception of Somalis, worklessness rates among other Black African nationalities are quite close to the average; in fact Kenyan men are less likely to be workless than average.

Research by IPPR suggests that these low rates of employment arise because most Somalis arrive in the UK via refugee and asylum routes, rather than via established labour market routes. This is true, but to a lesser extent, of some other groups in the graph.

However it may be interesting to know it is the pensions that is sucking at UK more:


What proportion of the welfare bill goes on benefits to the unemployed? And how has this changed?
It's rising – but we've seen such movements before. At 13% between 2009-10 and 2011-12, the proportion of gross domestic product devoted to benefits is at an all-time high, but this is not the result of a long-term upward trend. Levels in the 1990s to 2008-09 fluctuated between 10% and 12%. The recession resulted in a substantial increase and the overall level has not fallen since. This mirrors the recession in the early 1990s, when the proportion of GDP spent on benefits increased by slightly more at around 3 percentage points.

Between 2001/02 and 2011/12, spending on "social protection" benefits – help given to those in need or at risk of hardship – increased from £156bn to £210bn. This £54bn growth was after inflation, a rate of 34%. At an increase of £24bn, pensioner incomes made up the largest share of the change, around nine-tenths of the growth, reflecting their size within the budget. Housing benefits spending grew at the fastest rate, 62%, because of increases in the number of claimants and the average cost of the benefit. Claimant numbers rose from 3.8 million in 2002 to 5 million in 2012, while average weekly benefit increased from £52 to £87.

If unemployment benefits are reduced, do more claimants find work?

They may stop claiming – but not necessarily go to work. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has carried out a systematic review of international research on the impact of benefit sanctions. This finds, mainly from US research, that sanctions are successful in getting people off benefits, but this may be because they are dropping out of the system altogether, rather than going into decent work. European studies show that the use of sanctions is likely to lead to worse employment outcomes (lower pay and more likely to be back on benefits) than if sanctions are not used. This is because the threat or use of sanctions makes people take lower-quality jobs than if they had been allowed to wait for a better opportunity.

Benefits in Britain: separating the facts from the fiction | Politics | The Observer

@Jungibaaz when you have something like this :


Religion: Immigration has had a dismal effect upon our culture as a whole. The 2011 census said fewer than six in ten in this country now claim to be Christian

Read more: I no longer recognise the Britain I grew up in | Mail Online

presented in your paper...I guess people do freak out....most do settle after awhile....

Any shift from the norm is always scary...and with some words the fear just explodes....Hence why responsible reporting is what is asked off but has really gotten there...
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Gopal Bedi (popularly known by screen name Ranjeet was also known to do that in Bollywood movies.What does that has to with national security?
What does that has to do with the topic at hand?
The Topic

Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK


you do know that, child grooming gangs get alcohol to the minor girls along with fancy gifts and promise of unending love.

My Answer
Gopal Bedi (popularly known by screen name Ranjeet was also known to do that in Bollywood movies.What does that has to with national security?

Your avatar Ranjeet

your .

What does that has to do with the topic at hand?

My bad didn't know topic was Girls and alcohol.
The Topic
Rising Islamophobia and hatred in the UK
My Answer
Your avatar Ranjeet
your .
My bad didn't know topic was Girls and alcohol.
Yes, my reply was in tune with the MO of grooming groups, where as you are comparing real life crime with reel crime. And I didn't knew Ranjeet was doing all this in UK. If you want to troll I have no issues with it, but be a little more creative with it next time.
Yes, my reply was in tune with the MO of grooming groups, where as you are comparing real life crime with reel crime. And I didn't knew Ranjeet was doing all this in UK. If you want to troll I have no issues with it, but be a little more creative with it next time.

Wow dude lay off the alcohol.!!!!!

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