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Rinkle,Asha,Lata to live with husbands

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How pathetic this country's judicial system is where even when the girl said she wanted to go home to her mother, the judge instead of listening to her asked her to be put in women's shelter run by islamic organisations and where it is proved that the accused politician could easily get some one to pressurize her for weeks to change her statement and threaten her with dire consequences against her family if she did not comply.

How hilarious this courts judgement is that the court allowed 15yr old girl(basically a child) to be raped daily by older men in the name of marriage... How pathetic this judicial system is which does not understand that 15yr old child can be pressurized very easily when threatened..

probably because the pakistani judicial system does not think hindus as human beings...
Isn't that guy previously married with 4 kids?


He is same age as her...Its not possible for him to have 4 kids at this age..
Read a bit before doing your propaganda.
How can hindus find justice in a country where not even one political party supports them...where the goon and thugs who kidnap and rape hindu women have a huge political backing...

it is better to die once and for all rather than suffocate slowly to death...
Even the civil soceity is mute and dont want to help..infact even educated people(as seen here) are proud of the facts that a hindu women had been forcefully converted....the glee seen here at suffering of her and her parents is nauseating..
How can hindus find justice in a country where not even one political party supports them...where the goon and thugs who kidnap and rape hindu women have a huge political backing...

it is better to die once and for all rather than suffocate slowly to death...
Even the civil soceity is mute and dont want to help..infact even educated people(as seen here) are proud of the facts that a hindu women had been forcefully converted....the glee seen here at suffering of her and her parents is nauseating..

you clearly didn't read what i wrote did you. forced well she clearly denied forced! and i wonder how do the people whose family and friends were raped during the bombay riots & gujarat massacre or the killing of christians in orissa live! when till today no justice has been provided to them and narinder modi type men walk free!
Md Ali Jinnah was the "Protector General of the Hindu Minority" once....and the recent condition in pakistan is truly deplorable by mid 2011 400 hindu families have already migrated to India, this kind of situation no doubt has and will dent watevr status pakistan has in the global forum...similary as Dana Rohrabacher did to the image of pakistan its just a matter of time before the world community takes of the note of this kind of situations..
you clearly didn't read what i wrote did you. forced well she clearly denied forced! and i wonder how do the people whose family and friends were raped during the bombay riots & gujarat massacre or the killing of christians in orissa live! when till today no justice has been provided to them and narinder modi type men walk free!

To ur first point- that she denied being forced- why did it take more than a month for the girl to be presented to media..what were they doing..brainwashing her daily by raping and thrashing her and probably threatening her with retaliation against her family if she said any other thing than what was being coached her...
Funny thing when she was giving so called interview to media 'freely'..she was surrounded by 300 men -supporters the politician-thug. So much for being free...She claimed she saw islamic channels and was influenced to convert..when asked by media what influenced her-she did not have any answer, she could not even recite one line from any scripture..And then those supporters ended the interview...so please keep ur BS to urself..

And Secondly, no one denies the injustices committed towards muslims in 1992 and 2002 riots, even though many hindus were also killed. But u know what there are more number of hindus fighting for justice for muslims here in india.. Check yesterdays newspaper where CBI has just concluded investigations against Modi and Advani.In India such crimes happen once in a blue moon..
But in Pakistan it is a daily occurrence and something some of u are very proud of...I think even animals are treated better than Hindus in Pakistan..

Not one political party is even concerned with the lives of Hindus...
Apparently no reputable source truly claims that she said this on the stand. Some people say she said this in court, but no judge, no judicial authority has verified this. Court transcripts are public record and if she said this on the stand there should be evidence for it. Apparently she said this to her mother whom the court allowed to speak with Rinkle/Faryal.

CJP is not a criminal man, he is a highly respectable person.

1. He ended this tu tu main main by putting her in a shelter.
2. Told her to think about it for a few days
3. Told her to give testimony of her final decision.

Now in this case the state can only rule in favor of her decision. So tell me what exactly should have been done? Give her to the family against her stated will? What if their story is BS and her stated testimony is real?

Courts have to go by stated testimonies. Rest all like Pressure was there, there was a crowd (there was a bigger crowd for the PM's support), militants were there... This is all just speculation and non subjudice matters. The state will follow ruling of the court, the court will rule according to the facts presented.

I don't understand why the court made her to stay to a Koranic school? Normally she would be asked to live with her parents or state sponsored asylums, why of all places Darul-Aman?

Suffice to say, I don't find Pakistani courts as very impartial or someone who stands up for minorities, after what happened to Ayesha biwi and Punjab Governor killer.
She said so. Under oath. Repeatedly. On the media. Repeatedly. In public, in private. Repeatedly.

Kabhi toh maan na hi parega.

That guy seems equally matched to her in looks.

Moreover... Who hasn't heard of hotter chicks hooking up with just average guys before?
Nothing will satisfy Indians because they can't tolerate the fact that their propaganda has been exposed so clearly These girls married with their wills and have now left with their husbands but Indians will never stop crying
Nothing will satisfy Indians because they can't tolerate the fact that their propaganda has been exposed so clearly These girls married with their wills and have now left with their husbands but Indians will never stop crying

U dont need to care about what we Indians say...atleast show an iota of concern and think about Pakistani hindus...that should be the only concern for u..

But nothing can be expected from a society that relishes Hindu bashing... I have seen number of videos where hindus are being abused by celebrities and people are clapping on that...

Even govt run channels..a sports channel..which was discussing a future India-Pakistan series turned into a hindu bashing session...i mean what a pathetic group of people and govt who dont even punish such behavior..

How can Hindus find justice in ur supreme court when one of ur judges blamed terrorist attacks in Pakistan on hindus..
U dont need to care about what we Indians say...atleast show an iota of concern and think about Pakistani hindus...that should be the only concern for u..

But nothing can be expected from a society that relishes Hindu bashing... I have seen number of videos where hindus are being abused by celebrities and people are clapping on that...

Even govt run channels..a sports channel..which was discussing a future India-Pakistan series turned into a hindu bashing session...i mean what a pathetic group of people and govt who dont even punish such behavior..

How can Hindus find justice in ur supreme court when one of ur judges blamed terrorist attacks in Pakistan on hindus..
If those girls have done what they have done with their free will why we should listen to other hindus in our country those girls were given a choice separated from ever pressure still they chose to go with their husbands than why Indians are still crying
Hindus who opted to stay back in Pakistan wrote their death sentences then and there,so much for trusting the Quaid's words,as good as written on water.
Only in this case, the Chief Justice made sure that she did not get a chance to make any statement in open Court.

How did he make sure about it? The standard procedure of the court is to give testimony in writing.

When the Raymond Davis case happened, the same letter was submitted to the Registrar. The court followed its procedure and more than likely the procedure was explained when the CJP give 2 days time to the women to think about their decision.

These are aiwai raam kahanian being spun. I'm sure she has a signature on the letter. From the shelter, to the registrar, its been the show of the women.
If those girls have done what they have done with their free will why we should listen to other hindus in our country those girls were given a choice separated from ever pressure still they chose to go with their husbands than why Indians are still crying

Absolutely...but can u guarantee that they had done with their free will..Remember, under pressure, Any person will claim to say that they had done with their free will..did the gov/court even investigate...???

Isnt court's duty to find out if the testimony is being given under duress....?

That to , one of the girl who gave testimony is 15 yr old..Any civilized country does not allow Children's testimony as a fool-proof..coz children are bound to be easily pressurized...

How can the court even allow marriage of a 15yr old..??
To ur first point- that she denied being forced- why did it take more than a month for the girl to be presented to media..what were they doing..brainwashing her daily by raping and thrashing her and probably threatening her with retaliation against her family if she said any other thing than what was being coached her...
Funny thing when she was giving so called interview to media 'freely'..she was surrounded by 300 men -supporters the politician-thug. So much for being free...She claimed she saw islamic channels and was influenced to convert..when asked by media what influenced her-she did not have any answer, she could not even recite one line from any scripture..And then those supporters ended the interview...so please keep ur BS to urself..

And Secondly, no one denies the injustices committed towards muslims in 1992 and 2002 riots, even though many hindus were also killed. But u know what there are more number of hindus fighting for justice for muslims here in india.. Check yesterdays newspaper where CBI has just concluded investigations against Modi and Advani.In India such crimes happen once in a blue moon..
But in Pakistan it is a daily occurrence and something some of u are very proud of...I think even animals are treated better than Hindus in Pakistan..

Not one political party is even concerned with the lives of Hindus...

to your first point without proof it is a rant because anything starting with MAYBE or I SUPPOSE is not a afact!

as for once in a blue moon in india! well i guess you can visit kashmir any day and see how often that "blue moon rises"!!! and as for hindus are worse than animals in pakistan hmmm i am not sure if you knwo about our CHIEF JUSTICE RAMDEV or DANISH KANERIA type of people. but oh well i guess zee news & star news don't report these names to you.
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