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Rinkle,Asha,Lata to live with husbands

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Love to see reaction of Indians they should know when to cry or when to not and this has exposed our traitor media to and clearly shown they have been funded by west and Indian Agencies
more damage has been done by our own media than any indian or indian media...
I still dont get why we Indians try to fight the case of Hindu minorities in Pakistan. They are as Pakistani as rest of them and are Pakistan's problem. If they are being exploited, its upto Pakistan to do something about it or not. Just by being Hindus, they suddenly should not become dearer to us, just like rest of them are not any dearer to approx 200 million Muslims in India...

It is a historic burden that India has to bear for succumbing to Jinnah's Direct Action Massacres and the communal partition demand. The responsibility is not only for victimized minorities, but even extends to Muslim opponents of communal partition, such as Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan.
The girls were raped, converted, married to Muslims. What future do they have except for living with those rapists in conservative society like subcontinent? I just someone in your family wouldn't have to go through the same ordeal.

Why would a beautiful college going girl want to marry a monkey like him if not you force her?

The girls were raped, converted, married to Muslims. What future do they have except for living with those rapists? I just someone in your family wouldn't have to go through the same ordeal.

Or they ran off with Muslims, what recourse do the parents have than to claim to their community that it was forced.
Or they ran off with Muslims, what recourse do the parents have than to claim to their community that it was forced.

Do you seriously believe this girl would run off with the above guy?


Anyway the events have been highly documented in Pakistani media.
Do you seriously believe this girl would run off with the above guy?


Anyway the events have been highly documented in Pakistani media.
Sir Indians need to stop crying their funded propaganda has been exposed now they should now focus on problems with girls in their country not ours
Do you seriously believe this girl would run off with the above guy?


Anyway the events have been highly documented in Pakistani media.

She said so. Under oath. Repeatedly. On the media. Repeatedly. In public, in private. Repeatedly.

Kabhi toh maan na hi parega.

Why would a beautiful college going girl want to marry a monkey like him if not you force her?

That guy seems equally matched to her in looks.

Moreover... Who hasn't heard of hotter chicks hooking up with just average guys before?
She said so. Under oath. Repeatedly. On the media. Repeatedly. In public, in private. Repeatedly.

Kabhi toh maan na hi parega.

Anyone would do the same in her position. Like I said what else can she do except for accepting her rapist to live a life with dignity for rest of her life. We are talking about a village girl in conservative Sindh belt, not a modern upright rich urban girl in Karachi, Lahore or Delhi, Bombay.

That guy seems equally matched to her in looks.

Well Asim you need to get your eyes checked. Just watch the video with the two.

Anyway I'm not saying this just because the girl was Hindu and been converted to Islam, but because the same unfortunate fate awaits thousand of hapless girls in rural subcontinent where they have to accept their rapists as husband to live their rest of life in dignity. Only in her case, conversion has been added an insult to the injury. Just think about girl by not looking through a religious prism.
She said so. Under oath. Repeatedly. On the media. Repeatedly. In public, in private. Repeatedly.

The one time she was allowed to speak in Court, she begged to be killed in Court.

The next time the Chief Justice made sure that she was given no chance to speak.

As per other reports, she was brought to Court in a drugged condition.
the "kangaroo court" did punish the countrys prkme minister..and investigated the president...so much for a kangaroo court eh?

Pakistan is pretty good at punishing, hanging and assassinating political leaders since they are usually powerless. Just shows how bitter and utterly disgusting the Pak politics is and how the judicial system is involved in politics.One would like to know if there has been any action taken against army men or sentences awarded to terrorists.

Do you seriously believe this girl would run off with the above guy?


Anyway the events have been highly documented in Pakistani media.

Isn't that guy previously married with 4 kids?
It's not that crimes against women don't happen elsewhere.

But when kidnapped teenagers have to beg to be killed in the Supreme Court, it truly shows the depths of savagery.
The one time she was allowed to speak in Court, she begged to be killed in Court.

The next time the Chief Justice made sure that she was given no chance to speak.

As per other reports, she was brought to Court in a drugged condition.

Apparently no reputable source truly claims that she said this on the stand. Some people say she said this in court, but no judge, no judicial authority has verified this. Court transcripts are public record and if she said this on the stand there should be evidence for it. Apparently she said this to her mother whom the court allowed to speak with Rinkle/Faryal.

CJP is not a criminal man, he is a highly respectable person.

1. He ended this tu tu main main by putting her in a shelter.
2. Told her to think about it for a few days
3. Told her to give testimony of her final decision.

Now in this case the state can only rule in favor of her decision. So tell me what exactly should have been done? Give her to the family against her stated will? What if their story is BS and her stated testimony is real?

Courts have to go by stated testimonies. Rest all like Pressure was there, there was a crowd (there was a bigger crowd for the PM's support), militants were there... This is all just speculation and non subjudice matters. The state will follow ruling of the court, the court will rule according to the facts presented.
Anyone would do the same in her position. Like I said what else can she do except for accepting her rapist to live a life with dignity for rest of her life. We are talking about a village girl in conservative Sindh belt, not a modern upright rich urban girl in Karachi, Lahore or Delhi, Bombay.


:rofl: good logic!! i guess i should go to interior sindh rape any girl i wish and she will be forced to live with me!!!????? where did you come up with that one seriously!!

and as for raped well MUKHTARA MAI was raped by a villager and she made such a hue & cry the world intervened and so much drama was created that musharraf had to come on tv and say i will look into the matter personally! #

you believe this girl was raped & forced and if she speaks out the world won't come to her rescue? the NGOs won't come wouldn't the media come???
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