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Okay mate, I'll look to into it. But, @Azizam doesn't have any right to call him 'old pervert' and honestly, I didn't find anything in that post that indicates anything 'pervert', maybe he should change his way of thinking. It's not his first time though.

About negative ratings, I'll talk to @Daneshmand and get back to you.
If repeated mention of "ladies" which indicates his insane obsession of women in Europe doesn't make him a pervert, I don't know what else. Maybe iquite honestly he was called this many times before and famous as an unmarried middle aged man losing himself when seeing a woman. I am on phone right now and when I am on computer, I will further back my point.
@Daneshmand would you like to speak something in your defence?
@Serpentine could you please look into such case?


Thank you, dear @Slav Defence for asking my point of view.

Sometimes, very mundane and cheap stuff are of such importance in another dimension that it becomes inevitable for an ethical person to take stern action, whatever in one's power and capacity.

In the past weeks, a refugee crisis in Europe has caused the ever dormant European racism to wake up again on international stage. The appendages of this racism became active on forums and social media from the vile and bile of the net such as stormfront to unique specialist forums such as this place. Threads were being opened with a single objective, dehmanization of Muslims. Not unlike what Europeans had done with Jews throughout history.

Certain individuals here with whom I was debating, for example on this thread or alternatively on this other thread, were at the core of this whole fiasco. The individual in question here was going around and provoking anti-Muslim feeling around the forum. Please note the shamelessly bare undertone of the comments below, the consequences of which go beyond a forum, the quality of its posts and the desired balance between discipline and bustling necessary for the forum to grow. It goes into the realm of calling for holocaust of Muslims right in the open:

Like I said, muslims only understand force as you can even see in this very own thread how some muslims live in the safety of west and wish its destruction. This is all thanks to Europe's soft policies and reluctance to give these trash what they are asking. Europe is turning into a joke unless they get some backbone.

Please note that, in the above comment, a call is being made for an exclusive "force" to be applied to Muslims. What force? I guess you and I both know what force. European history can provide illustrations of such a force.

What's with women, women and women? Muslim perverts seem to be obsessed with women wherever they go. In the middle east, they forcefully capture innocent women and rape. In the UK, Pakistanis have a reputation for raping underage girls. Perhaps, a tradition that comes from the "perfect human being"? This is kind of culture that comes from muslims.

Please note that, criminals do live in all communities and countries. That is part of humanity. But singling out a community of hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis living in UK, for the actions of a few, and then generalizing it for Muslims while calling for application of force is unacceptable in my opinion. By the way sexual crimes, such as serial rapes, pedophilia and such other crimes are much more common among the white community and the statistics are there to prove this point. But the above comment has not been made to address sexual crimes. It has been with one single objective in the mind of the poster: dehumanization of Muslims.

A movie can't alter the image of something whose core is all about violence, segregation and discrimination.

Here, the poster is talking about Islam. He throws the subject of the thread, the image of Islam, outside the window and makes a definitive and fatalist statement.

Only outcome of this is massive rise of far-right and another possible holocaust. When that comes these idiotic leftists are equally responsible for what happened.

The threat is obvious here. A call is being made for holocaust of Muslims with responsibility for such a holocaust assigned to those Westerners who are sympathetic to Muslims for being sympathetic to Muslims. That is merely having sympathy for Muslims in West can become responsible for their holocaust. Can you see the twisted mentality being promoted against Muslims? "Even loving Muslims can kill them".

These are not joking matters. And not limited to this forum. Tens of millions of Muslims live in Western countries. Almost all with exception of a few, live peaceful and fruitful lives, contributing to the communities they live, and sending remittances to their home countries. But a deep hatred of them, do exist among certain racist segments of these Western communities. Let's not kid ourselves here.

If tomorrow for some reason sh!tt hits the fan. A false flag operation, a "lone-wolf" crazy or some other crap happens, the lives of tens of millions of Muslims could come under threat. On the roads, on the subways, in their homes and in their work places. It only takes an already laid down mind frame and mindset for mob mentality to take over and do some irreparable damage to Muslim communities in West. The mind frame and mindset being promoted and laid down in those threads I mentioned above. Unfortunately I, @Atanz and a couple of others were the only ones who responded to the call of deterring the formation of this mindet in those threads.

I am under no illusion, that if such a tragedy happens, no Muslim state, no international Islamic organization or even any non-Muslim organization will come to the aid of Muslims in West. Neither the capacity exists nor perhaps the will. The only way, and LITERALLY, the only way would be for Muslims to deter such mindsets and their aims from forming in the first place. The most effective way in this preventive solution would be to ridicule, sideline and drive into irrelevance the holders of such vile mindsets.

Dear @Slav Defence , picture yourself as a Muslim girl (it does not matter whether she is Pakistani, Iranian or Turkish) with a colorful headscarf travelling with couple of thousands of people in a subway at night. Suddenly the news comes that the sh!tt hit the fan in that city. What kind of mindset you want to be around that girl? The kind of increasingly shameless and aggressive mindset displayed on those threads calling for "action", application of "force" and holocaust? What about a Muslim man travelling down an alley? Should he be surrounded with a popular mindset that he is a "sexual pervert".

These are the same excuses they used to apply to Jews. From "baby blood drinkers" to "sorcery" to etc which needed the application of "force" to rectify.

I can not go on and make myself responsible for a possible dark future in which, I did nothing to stop the closet case fascists or their enablers. These are no more different than Takfiris. Only at the other end of the spectrum. Muslims have to thread carefully. They are the most vulnerable community nowadays. Almost everything that goes wrong in the world today, is blamed on Muslims directly or indirectly.

I was watching this individual and another one, as they were going around the forum and single-mindedly posting anti-Muslim commentaries. I waited patiently. And at the end of the day, after much deliberation and putting forward logical arguments, marked the posts negative.

I as an ethical person, had to stand up to this. The imperative thing for me, is having done the correct thing. The rest is at your discretion.

Thank you, dear @Slav Defence for asking my point of view.

Sometimes, very mundane and cheap stuff are of such importance in another dimension that it becomes inevitable for an ethical person to take stern action, whatever in one's power and capacity.

In the past weeks, a refugee crisis in Europe has caused the ever dormant European racism to wake up again on international stage. The appendages of this racism became active on forums and social media from the vile and bile of the net such as stormfront to unique specialist forums such as this place. Threads were being opened with a single objective, dehmanization of Muslims. Not unlike what Europeans had done with Jews throughout history.

Certain individuals here with whom I was debating, for example on this thread or alternatively on this other thread, were at the core of this whole fiasco. The individual in question here was going around and provoking anti-Muslim feeling around the forum. Please note the shamelessly bare undertone of the comments below, the consequences of which go beyond a forum, the quality of its posts and the desired balance between discipline and bustling necessary for the forum to grow. It goes into the realm of calling for holocaust of Muslims right in the open:

Please note that, in the above comment, a call is being made for an exclusive "force" to be applied to Muslims. What force? I guess you and I both know what force. European history can provide illustrations of such a force.

Please note that, criminals do live in all communities and countries. That is part of humanity. But singling out a community of hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis living in UK, for the actions of a few, and then generalizing it for Muslims while calling for application of force is unacceptable in my opinion. By the way sexual crimes, such as serial rapes, pedophilia and such other crimes are much more common among the white community and the statistics are there to prove this point. But the above comment has not been made to address sexual crimes. It has been with one single objective in the mind of the poster: dehumanization of Muslims.

Here, the poster is talking about Islam. He throws the subject of the thread, the image of Islam, outside the window and makes a definitive and fatalist statement.

The threat is obvious here. A call is being made for holocaust of Muslims with responsibility for such a holocaust assigned to those Westerners who are sympathetic to Muslims for being sympathetic to Muslims. That is merely having sympathy for Muslims in West can become responsible for their holocaust. Can you see the twisted mentality being promoted against Muslims? "Even loving Muslims can kill them".

These are not joking matters. And not limited to this forum. Tens of millions of Muslims live in Western countries. Almost all with exception of a few, live peaceful and fruitful lives, contributing to the communities they live, and sending remittances to their home countries. But a deep hatred of them, do exist among certain racist segments of these Western communities. Let's not kid ourselves here.

If tomorrow for some reason sh!tt hits the fan. A false flag operation, a "lone-wolf" crazy or some other crap happens, the lives of tens of millions of Muslims could come under threat. On the roads, on the subways, in their homes and in their work places. It only takes an already laid down mind frame and mindset for mob mentality to take over and do some irreparable damage to Muslim communities in West. The mind frame and mindset being promoted and laid down in those threads I mentioned above. Unfortunately I, @Atanz and a couple of others were the only ones who responded to the call of deterring the formation of this mindet in those threads.

I am under no illusion, that if such a tragedy happens, no Muslim state, no international Islamic organization or even any non-Muslim organization will come to the aid of Muslims in West. Neither the capacity exists nor perhaps the will. The only way, and LITERALLY, the only way would be for Muslims to deter such mindsets and their aims from forming in the first place. The most effective way in this preventive solution would be to ridicule, sideline and drive into irrelevance the holders of such vile mindsets.

Dear @Slav Defence , picture yourself as a Muslim girl (it does not matter whether she is Pakistani, Iranian or Turkish) with a colorful headscarf travelling with couple of thousands of people in a subway at night. Suddenly the news comes that the sh!tt hit the fan in that city. What kind of mindset you want to be around that girl? The kind of increasingly shameless and aggressive mindset displayed on those threads calling for "action", application of "force" and holocaust? What about a Muslim man travelling down an alley? Should he be surrounded with a popular mindset that he is a "sexual pervert".

These are the same excuses they used to apply to Jews. From "baby blood drinkers" to "sorcery" to etc which needed the application of "force" to rectify.

I can not go on and make myself responsible for a possible dark future in which, I did nothing to stop the closet case fascists or their enablers. These are no more different than Takfiris. Only at the other end of the spectrum. Muslims have to thread carefully. They are the most vulnerable community nowadays. Almost everything that goes wrong in the world today, is blamed on Muslims directly or indirectly.

I was watching this individual and another one, as they were going around the forum and single-mindedly posting anti-Muslim commentaries. I waited patiently. And at the end of the day, after much deliberation and putting forward logical arguments, marked the posts negative.

I as an ethical person, had to stand up to this. The imperative thing for me, is having done the correct thing. The rest is at your discretion.

I understand your point of view,that is why I called you in the first place.You are provided with full support to encounter such provocative post without any hesitation.In case if you need backup,do not hesitate in mentioning mods as well.


Okay mate, I'll look to into it. But, @Azizam doesn't have any right to call him 'old pervert' and honestly, I didn't find anything in that post that indicates anything 'pervert', maybe he should change his way of thinking. It's not his first time though.

About negative ratings, I'll talk to @Daneshmand and get back to you.
In the light of what my friend @Daneshmand have stated,I have decided to keep all those ratings,since they were justified.I trust upon his wisdom.

I understand your point of view,that is why I called you in the first place.You are provided with full support to encounter such provocative post without any hesitation.In case if you need backup,do not hesitate in mentioning mods as well.


Thank you for giving the opportunity to explain and offering support.

@Slav Defence @Serpentine @Daneshmand @Azizam

I can't believe what I am reading here. To use the words of Al Pacino in the movie "scent of a women" the only bloody quality act here is Daneshmand. He needs a damned medal not being dragged through here. The galls of Azizam to complain is beyond me. If those discussions we had had been alive I would jumped on top of Azizam and given him a hiding. Now let me explain why.

The recent migrants issue has brought all the SOB racists and white supremacists out of the woodwork. I live in Europe and I see it with my eyes. I wil not tolerate these vile racist creatures. I am a secular Muslim but these people demonize Islam and even though I am laid back about religion it annoys me because I know it is plain simple ugly racism. On this forum and others I have taken these racists head on. I am pleased to say that one of the few other people who has taken these racist anti Muslim creatures on is Daneshmand.

I can't believe that for defending our people Daneshmand is in trouble. While these racist European bigots with their anti Islam agenda spew their hatred another type of ugly creature raises their head. That creature is those who are not even white. In fact they make the Syrians look polar, come along and pander to the racists. They join in with the white supremacists racists not knowing that god forbid if there ever comes a day of reckoning they will also be dragged into the camps with the Muslims

Look at this Azizam guy. He was trolling by bringing up the Pakistani sex grooming gangs in some servile hope of being rewarded by his white Muslim hating overlords.

I am not even going to waste any more time on this. In fact I am going to be looking out for Azizam and I am going slap him a negative rating for feeding the racist anti Muslim bigots. I am sure you have sisters, mothers or daughters and some might have headscarves on. If they went out these racists anti Muslim bigots would harass them. People like Azizam would stand by and support those abusers in order to ingratiate himself with the white bigots. To me that is low, low human being. The Europeans bigots are just being European bigots but what is Azizam's excuse. Has he ever lately checked his face in the mirror?

On the subject of Daneshmand and his mention of females he is absolutely correct in his stance. The reason is feminism is a major thorn in the side of these racist anti muslim bigots. As a movement it is opposed to the right wing male dominated neo Nazis. In fact feminism has castrated the arrogant extreme right wing bigot white male. Now they sit there behind their keyboards offloading their anger against Muslims while their women play with their black toys and the Jews make the money out of the banks and wars.

This subject would serve another thread but the bottom line is I agree with Daneshmand having brought up the female angle as indeed I did also to shove it down the throats of the racists. I think Azizam needs censuring for calling D'mand "frustrated" etc. I would have reacted far harsher if somebody called me a "frustrated old man".

The lowest person is those who pander to the extreme right wing racist bigots. This is the last thing you expect out of Sri Lankans or Indian's but sadly it does happen. I feel on this we all need to unite but it amazes me how some people use this as a way to milk this to their supposed advantage. In that thread where we clashed with those extreme right wingers you have no idea what I was calling Azizam when he joined in with those bigots and then brought up that "Pakistan sex gangs". That is the favourite of these scumbags. What they overlook is for every Pakistani there is 100 other sex abusers but the racist media never picks up on that.

I am 100% with Daneshmand. He was one of the few who stood up against these bigots. This is on PDF can you imagine this? Can you imagine us going to Stormfront and saying things?

And Daneshmand have great day mate ........

Ps. When you were going in against those European bigots I had this image of Cyrus the Great charging into the Greeks ....

We get
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If repeated mention of "ladies" which indicates his insane obsession of women in Europe doesn't make him a pervert, I don't know what else. Maybe iquite honestly he was called this many times before and famous as an unmarried middle aged man losing himself when seeing a woman. I am on phone right now and when I am on computer, I will further back my point.
You have no right to get abusive towards his personal life.Wheather he is married or not,this should not be your concern.We keep aliases in order to separate our personal lives and to express our point of view anonymously. Get on your laptop and provide me with your points without getting abusive towards his personal life.You should look at his qualification and hard work and learn from his personal life that how much hard work is required anyway.

@Atanz Calm down,no one is in trouble.

You have no right to get abusive towards his personal life.Wheather he is married or not,this should not be your concern.We keep aliases in order to separate our personal lives and to express our point of view anonymously. Get on your laptop and provide me with your points without getting abusive towards his personal life.You should look at his qualification and hard work and learn from his personal life that how much hard work is required anyway.

@Atanz Calm down,no one is in trouble.


Some of the things these racist have been saying about the migrant thing really annoys me and those who side with them annoys me even more. Did you see that image of that little kid on the beach?
Some of the things these racist have been saying about the migrant thing really annoys me and those who side with them annoys me even more. Did you see that image of that little kid on the beach?
Sir,I haven't.I am too damn dead now days since I have a lot things to wind up in my personal life.Besides all that,seems like there is something wrong with your above post,I can't click on it.

Thank you, dear @Slav Defence for asking my point of view.

Sometimes, very mundane and cheap stuff are of such importance in another dimension that it becomes inevitable for an ethical person to take stern action, whatever in one's power and capacity.

In the past weeks, a refugee crisis in Europe has caused the ever dormant European racism to wake up again on international stage. The appendages of this racism became active on forums and social media from the vile and bile of the net such as stormfront to unique specialist forums such as this place. Threads were being opened with a single objective, dehmanization of Muslims. Not unlike what Europeans had done with Jews throughout history.

Certain individuals here with whom I was debating, for example on this thread or alternatively on this other thread, were at the core of this whole fiasco. The individual in question here was going around and provoking anti-Muslim feeling around the forum. Please note the shamelessly bare undertone of the comments below, the consequences of which go beyond a forum, the quality of its posts and the desired balance between discipline and bustling necessary for the forum to grow. It goes into the realm of calling for holocaust of Muslims right in the open:

Please note that, in the above comment, a call is being made for an exclusive "force" to be applied to Muslims. What force? I guess you and I both know what force. European history can provide illustrations of such a force.

Please note that, criminals do live in all communities and countries. That is part of humanity. But singling out a community of hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis living in UK, for the actions of a few, and then generalizing it for Muslims while calling for application of force is unacceptable in my opinion. By the way sexual crimes, such as serial rapes, pedophilia and such other crimes are much more common among the white community and the statistics are there to prove this point. But the above comment has not been made to address sexual crimes. It has been with one single objective in the mind of the poster: dehumanization of Muslims.

Here, the poster is talking about Islam. He throws the subject of the thread, the image of Islam, outside the window and makes a definitive and fatalist statement.

The threat is obvious here. A call is being made for holocaust of Muslims with responsibility for such a holocaust assigned to those Westerners who are sympathetic to Muslims for being sympathetic to Muslims. That is merely having sympathy for Muslims in West can become responsible for their holocaust. Can you see the twisted mentality being promoted against Muslims? "Even loving Muslims can kill them".

These are not joking matters. And not limited to this forum. Tens of millions of Muslims live in Western countries. Almost all with exception of a few, live peaceful and fruitful lives, contributing to the communities they live, and sending remittances to their home countries. But a deep hatred of them, do exist among certain racist segments of these Western communities. Let's not kid ourselves here.

If tomorrow for some reason sh!tt hits the fan. A false flag operation, a "lone-wolf" crazy or some other crap happens, the lives of tens of millions of Muslims could come under threat. On the roads, on the subways, in their homes and in their work places. It only takes an already laid down mind frame and mindset for mob mentality to take over and do some irreparable damage to Muslim communities in West. The mind frame and mindset being promoted and laid down in those threads I mentioned above. Unfortunately I, @Atanz and a couple of others were the only ones who responded to the call of deterring the formation of this mindet in those threads.

I am under no illusion, that if such a tragedy happens, no Muslim state, no international Islamic organization or even any non-Muslim organization will come to the aid of Muslims in West. Neither the capacity exists nor perhaps the will. The only way, and LITERALLY, the only way would be for Muslims to deter such mindsets and their aims from forming in the first place. The most effective way in this preventive solution would be to ridicule, sideline and drive into irrelevance the holders of such vile mindsets.

Dear @Slav Defence , picture yourself as a Muslim girl (it does not matter whether she is Pakistani, Iranian or Turkish) with a colorful headscarf travelling with couple of thousands of people in a subway at night. Suddenly the news comes that the sh!tt hit the fan in that city. What kind of mindset you want to be around that girl? The kind of increasingly shameless and aggressive mindset displayed on those threads calling for "action", application of "force" and holocaust? What about a Muslim man travelling down an alley? Should he be surrounded with a popular mindset that he is a "sexual pervert".

These are the same excuses they used to apply to Jews. From "baby blood drinkers" to "sorcery" to etc which needed the application of "force" to rectify.

I can not go on and make myself responsible for a possible dark future in which, I did nothing to stop the closet case fascists or their enablers. These are no more different than Takfiris. Only at the other end of the spectrum. Muslims have to thread carefully. They are the most vulnerable community nowadays. Almost everything that goes wrong in the world today, is blamed on Muslims directly or indirectly.

I was watching this individual and another one, as they were going around the forum and single-mindedly posting anti-Muslim commentaries. I waited patiently. And at the end of the day, after much deliberation and putting forward logical arguments, marked the posts negative.

I as an ethical person, had to stand up to this. The imperative thing for me, is having done the correct thing. The rest is at your discretion.


Thank God I am not the only one to correctly understand this mentally twisted and religiously bigoted poster. Negative ratings won't stop his hatred that he has been spewing on this forum; his main purpose on this forum is to ridicule and abuse Islam. He has been doing it for long and his history of posts needs to be audited for racial comments he has been making.
You have no right to get abusive towards his personal life.Wheather he is married or not,this should not be your concern.We keep aliases in order to separate our personal lives and to express our point of view anonymously. Get on your laptop and provide me with your points without getting abusive towards his personal life.You should look at his qualification and hard work and learn from his personal life that how much hard work is required anyway.

@Atanz Calm down,no one is in trouble.

Here's the other thing, he kept insulting European women but when a french member did the same with iranian women, he quickly gave him a negative rating. Isn't this called abusing power?

Well, I don't expect much from this forum anyway.

Some of the things these racist have been saying about the migrant thing really annoys me and those who side with them annoys me even more. Did you see that image of that little kid on the beach?
You don't have an idea, do you? Why are you not a,noyed with arabs who refuses take one "refugee"? The problem is not the migrant influx but what they later turn out to be. Just like every other instance, they too will refuse to integrate into European societies, plot to attack the very same people who welcomed them, form ghettos, no go zones etc. The problem is not racist either. Take a look at Vietnamese community in Germany. They are perfectly integrated and contribute to the country. They don't force their host to promote their own culture, they don't plot to attack their hosts, they don't refuse to accept the culture of their host. If you can think for a minute, yoy might why a particular community not only can't intergratr but create millions of problems not only in tge West but also as far as China. This community refuses to move on from the medieval age and keep up with the rest of the world. So keep blaming the rest of the world but there will come a time when Europeans will leave their good face and decide enough is enough. In that day, no one knows what would happen.
@Slav Defence any comments on the gem of a post given a positive rating by gem of a person syedali???
Behaviour of Indian Minister with a Muslim Actor.

On a fake titled video,
A TTA starts religious flame baiting,
His lackey responds with more religious mockery,
TTA gives his mocking post a prositive rating
and the two go into a religious delirious frenzy of mutual thanks and high fives on hateful hypocritical bigoted posts

is this really what this system of Think tanks and positive ratings about on this forum? The sheer hatred the TTA is displaying in every word is frankly making my skin crawl. Sorry for the harsh words but this is truly distasteful.

Also gross generalisations, name calling and generally going crazy with hatred and pulling your hair out in frustration and mumbling inanities earn you a TTA post here?

Why Kalam Represents India, And Aurangzeb Does Not

@Slav Defence you have not replied on my request to check on these positive ratings to a post mocking religion

Behaviour of Indian Minister with a Muslim Actor.

and to a post discussing a poster and full of personal attacks

Why Kalam Represents India, And Aurangzeb Does Not | Page 12

This is the third time I'm bringing this to your attention. Would appreciate a response.
@Slav Defence you have not replied on my request to check on these positive ratings to a post mocking religion

Behaviour of Indian Minister with a Muslim Actor.

and to a post discussing a poster and full of personal attacks

Why Kalam Represents India, And Aurangzeb Does Not | Page 12

This is the third time I'm bringing this to your attention. Would appreciate a response.
@Jango please look into the issue-


Here's the other thing, he kept insulting European women but when a french member did the same with iranian women, he quickly gave him a negative rating. Isn't this called abusing power?

Well, I don't expect much from this forum anyway.

You don't have an idea, do you? Why are you not a,noyed with arabs who refuses take one "refugee"? The problem is not the migrant influx but what they later turn out to be. Just like every other instance, they too will refuse to integrate into European societies, plot to attack the very same people who welcomed them, form ghettos, no go zones etc. The problem is not racist either. Take a look at Vietnamese community in Germany. They are perfectly integrated and contribute to the country. They don't force their host to promote their own culture, they don't plot to attack their hosts, they don't refuse to accept the culture of their host. If you can think for a minute, yoy might why a particular community not only can't intergratr but create millions of problems not only in tge West but also as far as China. This community refuses to move on from the medieval age and keep up with the rest of the world. So keep blaming the rest of the world but there will come a time when Europeans will leave their good face and decide enough is enough. In that day, no one knows what would happen.

You haven't provided me a single proof in support of your claim.On contrary to that @Daneshmand have quoted all your provocative posts in which you were trying to project that clean ups are needed against migrant muslims?
Shame on you.
Anyways,decision have been finalized.

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. .
@Slav Defence

Can you please review the negative rating to my post.

My post was in response to the below post.

The topic was about the Sauid led airstrikes in yemen results in 20 Indians killed. The poster first trolled by bringing Pakistan into the discussion as his first comment.

20 Indians killed in Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen near Hodeidah port

Sencond his comment was to justify Pakistan decision of not joining the war because of high casuality.

I responsded with my below post.

20 Indians killed in Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen near Hodeidah port

and then i got the negative rating. I merely responded to the post. I am not sure what rules are broken to get this negative rating.
@Slav Defence

Can you please review the negative rating to my post.

My post was in response to the below post.

The topic was about the Sauid led airstrikes in yemen results in 20 Indians killed. The poster first trolled by bringing Pakistan into the discussion as his first comment.

20 Indians killed in Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen near Hodeidah port

Sencond his comment was to justify Pakistan decision of not joining the war because of high casuality.

I responsded with my below post.

20 Indians killed in Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen near Hodeidah port

and then i got the negative rating. I merely responded to the post. I am not sure what rules are broken to get this negative rating.
Post 5 reversed-
However,I observed that your intention was to troll.Be careful next time.

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