Count in Sohrab goth in Karachi...
Too many Afghan girls are available for prostitution there..Seen it myself...
If you think any country of the world is free of prostitution,you are wrong.
you dont need to be that much revealing....
if you want the discussion to remain civil,you should avoid using dirty words....
I second Safriz...
friendlytroll96... no. @
friendly_troll96 God is that handle difficult... okay... yeah... we haven't reached that level yet... your comment even shames me though I have constantly called for more discussion on topics that are taboo... because no topic can remain taboo if we are to run our country.
Prostitution is a major social menace and an issue that needs to be curbed. Like other things it needs to be discussed and solutions presented but I have also seen a lack of debate on the matter here. Personally I'd like us to be more liberated about that sort of thing... because it is indeed a discussion topic. No reason civil discussions cannot be allowed... but I guess it's just our pre-concieved notions at play again and turning everything into an izzat ka mamla.
I mean I could tell my friend Asif to take a survey about what ethnic groups the workers there belong to and Luffy will still turn it into an ethnic issue with his butt hurting. The issue is the high noses of people like luffy misusing the issue... he got offended (Afghanistan being his spiritual motherland where his fellow Pashtuns have been enslaved) and started insulting Hindkowan/Hazarewal people.
Basically I am an independent journalist... people collect info for me or I do from the internet and I write articles. I have learned that no issue can be ignored or treated as a non-issue. For example there are 20,000 minors involved in prostitution in Pakistan... if we are just going to think of it as a dirty topic and ignore this... how are we going to suggest solutions? Shouldn't these kids be in school? Shouldn't we be making efforts to ensure it? This site is for debate and should remain so. If we run from topics too controversial... we hamper debate. As a journalist I definitely can't avoid a topic because it is by our perceptions "ganda"
I would advise mods and admins to consider this before quickly deleting posts that talk about this. If it is an offensive topic @
WebMaster, @
Oscar @
Aeronaut or @
TaimiKhan can deal with it. Also do note Luffy is a very scandalous finger-pointer who thrives at making allegations like a entertainment reporter looking for ratings. My last comment was stated to make a very solid point. These same comments are made on pashtunforums... luffy there has no issue with them. Has even participated in bashing people there.
By the way there was no need to mention that yaar. Be careful what you say about the topic. That could be another reason mods and people are worried about allowing the topic.
I live in abbotabad, dont open my mouth.
Here Luffy goes on the ethnic tangent again and it lies only on Safriz to stop this thread from becoming one where an ethnic war is being fought, about which I doubt his ability.
Luffy, dear child... you are not a hero from some cheap third rate Afghan (nation) movie made in Kunar running to save a bar Pashtun heroine every time you hear a word about "Afghanistan." Its a nation, its going to be criticized. You had no problem with Pakistan being called all these things on that site you hypocrite... you would always be defending those Afghans (nation). Proves where your loyalty really lies doesn't it? Very debauched of you to act different here and completely be a separate person there.
Safriz... he is trying to pull you into an ethnic trap... its in my paper... do not fall into it at any cost! Instead learn his history and culture and beat him at it.
We are very weak on the ethnic front, because we can't look at the world without disassociating ourselves with these and look down at other ethnic groups. This is why I always tell you. Luffy's entire purpose for being on this site is to make Afghans (nation) happy by starting ethnic wars between our people. I am sure like him, a lot of MQM accounts too are being operated from the sidelines by Afghan KHAD and RAW.
He has been bested in debate many times so that he now runs like an Indian actress does just when the guy starts to get too close... probably leaving the dupatta of her sari having a lack of shame...