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Attack On Indian Mission, Herat

This afghan is a piece of Shyte, a coward at best, he think pak won't go past 100, bastard doesn't know we can fuckk them up any time, no need for army or state, pakistani Pukhtoons are enough to send these bastards to Kingdom come.
Oohh just another day on PDF.

Lowlife dal khor Pakistanis celebrating a terror attack, forgetting that TTP and BLA are fist fucking them.

as usual their asses are burning beacuse the Afghan-India friendship.

Modi has come to power, well it is going to be a good time for our region, we need to flush these Osamas out of our region.

aya ta pa pakhto khabarey kawalai shey afghani namak haram??
So tell me afghans how do you feel about your women doing rear guard action in Pakistani brothels?,

When will you take these whores and your starved out people back?.

Bastards, talk Shyte be men enough to come to our border and say something, we will cut u afghan pigs down to shape.
shu ... be lost.
That history book you neglected will haunt you in more ways than you may ever think of.

you have a picture of Zia ul Haq. He, with his links to Maulana Ludhianvi, considered Afghanistan as among the strongest countries in Islam.
Dallagan Khalaq.
Don't worry about these people my friend. Remember there are people on forums who are paid to create animosity between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The same people who will preach about "Aman ki asha" for India and fight to the death against others, the same way Geo does.
Remember where satellite news channels are sponosered, it's a lot cheaper and easier to get paid for posters.
A False Flag attack staged by Indian's with their Afghan counter-parts to seek attention as Indians are known to be attention seeking whore's to to let them notice by Stake holder's...I mean how it makes any sense that some gunmen start Firing randomly at a greater distance from the said target and then conveniently blame them on Taliban who have a History of infiltrating much more sophisticated security systems....

You Bangali have nothing to do with Afghanistan.

what a saffrron bigot like you have anything to do with Afghanistan...
its better to keep the discussion civil

if Afghanistan has interests with india for economic prosperity, why should it matter to Pakistan?

Pakistan can also compete to provide economic prosperity to Afghanistan much much more tha india
Only if this was true.
The only Dalkhor and bachi baz bastards around here are afghans.

Sad bastards who can't look after their own people who leach of us, these dalkhors and their women work as street cleaners and prostitutes.

So next time you spit Shyte out remember who you are, a dalla.

Talibans and Russians have fist ficked and raped your mothers so hard that the you are the end product a imbred bastardos.

Wo Wo you must be awarded nishan-e-haider for proving your loyalty to pakistan this way. You crossed the red lines in attempt of earning brownie points from @zarrar alvi and co and i see you pinked. You have appeared as @Khan-khilji during pink time.

Dhal-khor means Dhal-eater, is that even an insult? yet it provoked you so much that you insulted pashtun women who just happen to live on other side of a line drawn by sir durand.
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