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Reuters Reporting Typhoon will win MMRCA

If I had $10 Billion to spend on modernizing a fighter force, with Transfer of Production Technology + re-investment in the country; I would choose the Eurofighter Typhoon hands down. I simply see no downside, it is one of the top 4th Generation aircraft around today, which will not only greatly boost the buyers' Air-War capabilities but also add to their pool of expertise in Aerospace and Defence engineering. With the Typhoon and the Su-30MKI, India would be operating, on paper, two of the best fighters in the world. You could say that after the United States (F-22 and F-35), by 2020 India could, possibly, field the finest Air Force in the world in terms of aircraft quality.

However, unlike me, an arm-chair general, Indian decision-makers have to think of many other things. Numbers, specific Air Force requirements, international relations, strings-attached, re-investment, etc. will all play a part, and they all have to be balanced with the cost of the aircraft (which is immense).

If this news is true, then good for India. If it isn't, well, it's still good enough for them. As Pakistanis, we must now prepare for the worst and develop our counter-measures. Pakistan Air Force evaluated and/or tested every aircraft in the MMRCA except the MiG-35, so we have the expertise to build short-term countermeasures. In the long term, however, we will have to develop the FC-20 and the JF-17 to specifically meet and overwhelm the Indian Air Force with a numerically inferior force. It can be done, but will require a lot of effort. The good thing is, with the way thing are going, it seems we won't have to really worry about the MMRCA until about 2015, after the expected date of our FC-20s.
If this is the case, then also let us know why does EF is competing for MRCA in a first place.

So one day you can celebrate IAF is gonna get supirior F-16s then pakistan IAF is gonna get F-18 Mig-35 combo and the other day Gripen and EF combo... you guys are fanboys and big time jokers.
Why does IAF have to be so attention seekers? PAF has also evaluated EF-2000 Rafale Gripen but made very little public drama.

Btw do you even know how much KSA 72 EF-2000 costs?
So one day you can celebrate IAF is gonna get supirior F-16s then pakistan IAF is gonna get F-18 Mig-35 combo and the other day Gripen and EF combo... you guys are fanboys and big time jokers.
Why does IAF have to be so attention seekers? PAF has also evaluated EF-2000 Rafale Gripen but made very little public drama.

Btw do you even know how much KSA 72 EF-2000 costs?

The typhoon comment is not from IAF. Check your sources pl..
So one day you can celebrate IAF is gonna get supirior F-16s then pakistan IAF is gonna get F-18 Mig-35 combo and the other day Gripen and EF combo... you guys are fanboys and big time jokers.
Why does IAF have to be so attention seekers? PAF has also evaluated EF-2000 Rafale Gripen but made very little public drama.

Btw do you even know how much KSA 72 EF-2000 costs?

What is the point in your post ? Are you suggesting that EF is not a cost vise viable platform for IAF..
If I had $10 Billion to spend on modernizing a fighter force, with Transfer of Production Technology + re-investment in the country; I would choose the Eurofighter Typhoon hands down. I simply see no downside, it is one of the top 4th Generation aircraft around today, which will not only greatly boost the buyers' Air-War capabilities but also add to their pool of expertise in Aerospace and Defence engineering. With the Typhoon and the Su-30MKI, India would be operating, on paper, two of the best fighters in the world. You could say that after the United States (F-22 and F-35), by 2020 India could, possibly, field the finest Air Force in the world in terms of aircraft quality.

However, unlike me, an arm-chair general, Indian decision-makers have to think of many other things. Numbers, specific Air Force requirements, international relations, strings-attached, re-investment, etc. will all play a part, and they all have to be balanced with the cost of the aircraft (which is immense).

If this news is true, then good for India. If it isn't, well, it's still good enough for them. As Pakistanis, we must now prepare for the worst and develop our counter-measures. Pakistan Air Force evaluated and/or tested every aircraft in the MMRCA except the MiG-35, so we have the expertise to build short-term countermeasures. In the long term, however, we will have to develop the FC-20 and the JF-17 to specifically meet and overwhelm the Indian Air Force with a numerically inferior force. It can be done, but will require a lot of effort. The good thing is, with the way thing are going, it seems we won't have to really worry about the MMRCA until about 2015, after the expected date of our FC-20s.

101% agreed. Well we dont have such money and also lots of agenda's against Pakistan especially from US side and we are not able to buy any single weapon from Russia as well. Infact we cant afford double engine fighter jet especially. On the otherside if India choose Typhoon definitly indian politics (relations) gonna strong with European countries. US already not interested to sell as weapons because of zionist agenda or whatever you say. Well we have at last only one option to buy weapons from China. Unfortunlty Chine still far behind in State-of-the-Art tech. We dont know much about J10. Plus we dont have money to buy Rafale or such Aircraft so better to spend money on Anti missile/Aircrafts missile technology for Defence. But in longterm war we really need 4 + atleast 150-200+ Aircrafts.

What is the point in your post ? Are you suggesting that EF is not a cost vise viable platform for IAF..

IAF can not afford EF in large numbers and the cost will exceed well over 12 billion dollars mark. simple as that.
The 12 billion dollar mark is not at all the budget of this procurement!....no government releases told the actual budget so far.....this mark is actually estimated by the media... .all the iaf and goi has so far is that they shall procure 126 jets,with a chance of extension of order.
come my dear indian members start now from here.now Typhoon is world best fighter all scrap f-16 f-18 su-37 mig -35 refale are dust infront of Typhoon.it can wipe out f-22 and f-35 easly 5th gen fighter Typhoon selected by indian mrrca.and don't forget from today Typhoon7th gen fighter plane.1 sqadron of Typhoon can wipe out 1500 jf-17 thunders.........!!!!!!!

its even better from 9th gen F-220 MADE IN USA IN FUTURE

and its is cabable to fire 15 amraams or r-77 at a time.range of typhoon is more then boing 777 lr which can round any were in world with out refuling.speed is mac-9 9300km per hour.remeber its best block of typhoons in world saudis and other use last decade typhoons.radar range of typhoon is 3000 km if its fly from india radar cover whole sauth asia including iran china.pakistani awacs and radars blind to detect it just because its from IAF.and brothers always remember it can carry 10 nuclear bombs at a time. tommorow we see this on indian media i write simply before them.:lol:

sorce????????? indian media and defence.pk indian members lol

Are you talking about JF - 17?:rofl::rofl:

A single JF -17 = 1000 F-22?:blah::blah:

Stop trolling. :wave:
So one day you can celebrate IAF is gonna get supirior F-16s then pakistan IAF is gonna get F-18 Mig-35 combo and the other day Gripen and EF combo... you guys are fanboys and big time jokers.
Why does IAF have to be so attention seekers? PAF has also evaluated EF-2000 Rafale Gripen but made very little public drama.

Btw do you even know how much KSA 72 EF-2000 costs?

Mind your language friend.

India can surely afford EF but i don't think they will go for it.

MM Singh is in favor of US relations. The selection will be on political grounds.
here's the link for the video of the EF !

anyways i just want to know in what order the PAKISTANI members would rate the MMRCA competiors. Rankwise .

my order is :
1. Rafale = EF

most people would put f18 above but i really dont agree.
in what order the PAKISTANI members would rate them. Really want to know :-)
@ stealth I want them to buy this.

Because Turkey is heard be to willing to sign a contract to manufacture (TAI?) 300 Typhoons as 100 of them would be for TUAF .( i will get you some more details Eurofighter says Turkey deal to take at least 2 years)

"" (From BBC Monitoring International Reports)

starts search for substitutes of F-16s"; carried by Pakistani newspaper The News web site on 20 October Islamabad: Pakistan would acquire hi-tech multi-role aircraft for its air force from other sources if F-16s were not supplied by the United States, highly placed sources told The News on Sunday [19 October]. They said Islamabad has started making search in the international market for the substitute planes. They said Pakistan has not given up hope for the supply of F-16s, as the authorities in the United States still stand by their earlier commitment.

Pakistan will go for more than one source for its needs of high-tech planes even after getting more F-16s, as it has done in the case of medium-tech and low medium-tech planes, which are fulfilling the purpose in an excellent manner, the sources said.

Islamabad is eyeing on Eurofighter, which has outsmarted F-16 and other contemporary planes in various roles. The Eurofighters are available to Pakistan on cash payment but the supply of the planes would commence in a couple of years, which could make the proposition difficult for Pakistan, the sources added.

Link :Article: Pakistan preparing to "thwart any threat", says air chief ahead of China... | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy

Pakistan and China, in the meanwhile, are accelerating the pace of production of their joint venture of multi-role plane JF-17 Thunder.""

We can not by F-18 E/F to counter their Super hornets but we would be able to buy Typhoons From Turkey and their cost would be low because of low
Labor cost.

So Typhoons VS Typhoons if it happened that would be first time in the History that India and Pakistan would be using the Same Platform.

So you got that " Why " i want Indians to buy Typhoon ??;)

* Now they will say that where would we get money from , Typhoon sale to India will block sale to Pakistan yada yada , let me answer it too.

"" Giovanni Bertolone, chief executive officer for Alenia Aeronautica, the Italian partners of the Eurofighter group that promotes the fighter in Turkey, said that the proposal involves the final assembly of the entire program beginning with the manufacture of aircraft for Turkey. An Alenia official said that the assembly work would involve about 100 aircraft for the Turkish Air Force plus over 300 aircraft the Eurofighter group hopes to sell to other buyers.

He said if Turkey became the group's fifth partner, it would be tasked with promoting the fighter in countries with which it has friendly relations, like Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates ""

Link: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-aviation/1312-eu-plans-sell-eurofighter-typhoon-pakistan-through-turkey.html

Just photoshopped :P

Would Typhoon become another Indian nightmare?

Here they go again, as per their analysis and expert opinion

India can't afford EF and Pakistan can:rofl::rofl:

My friend, stop having wet dreams and talking like Zaid Hamid.:bunny:
IAF can not afford EF in large numbers and the cost will exceed well over 12 billion dollars mark. simple as that.

Buddy last time i heard it was 12+ Billion dollars MMRCA. Bet it 10 or 12 india can afford them. If we not had threat from two neighbours then mig35 would have won. It was two neighbours threat that typhoon a front runner. While india already planning to make france happy by inviting naval version jet fighters for indian Navy. India playing top game to make everyone happy.
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