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Reuters Reporting Typhoon will win MMRCA

False new we have not even started trail on typhoon.
didn't we hear back (through channels) that Boeing had 'won' the Brazil contract? I think we all need to be less jumpy on the situation. Defense contracts are huge business. it's in the best interest of these different parties to 'drum up' false stories in support of their product / false stories of their competition in order to tip the scales in their favour. This sometimes even includes proclaiming (in paid for newspaper articles that read more like ads) false victories of defense contracts.

It's all part of the game, friends.

I take no greater stock in this than reports that Elvis Presley is alive and living in Alabama.
NEW DELHI: India is set to spend a whopping US$ 200 billion on defence acquisitions over the next 12 years to replace its outdated. According to a study by the India Strategic defence magazine, nearly half of this funding, or $100 billion, will go to the Indian Air Force (IAF) which would need to replace more than half of its combat jet fleet as well as the entire transport aircraft and helicopter fleet.

In this case financing 126 (or more) Eurofighters will not be a problems. Besides the amount is not to be paid in lump-sum. We can stretch the payment as per the order schedule.

Sorry the PAK DEFENCE system is not allowing me to post links bcos I am new.
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NEW DELHI: India is set to spend a whopping US$ 200 billion on defence acquisitions over the next 12 years to replace its outdated

Soviet-vintage inventory.

According to a study by the India Strategic defence magazine, nearly half of this funding, or $100 billion, will go to the Indian Air Force (IAF) which would need to replace more than half of its combat jet fleet as well as the entire transport aircraft and helicopter fleet.

Sorry the PAK DEFENCE system is not allowing me to post links bcos I am new. To verify my post please google the title. THNX

Please check before posting where post ???
Have to say.

It would make sense.

The USA F16 & F18 will be obselete/outdated by 2020 has F35 enter global service AND USA will always impose sanctions wen the airforce needs them in war situation.

Indians won,t go all russian air force so mig35 is a defo no no with IAF already having SU30 AND pak fa FGFA frm 2020.

That leaves neutral europe. Washington,, moscow will not BE miffed as INDIA will give theM BOTH other BIG orders. for planes radars etc.

EUROPE won,t slap sanctions on a whim and both Typhoon and rafael and indeed
Gripen ng are true late 4th gen fighters.


Great! I think the cost problem was cosidered when Eurofighter team accepted the bid and promoting aggressively.

The wisest choice would be to go for RAFALE with AMPAR or ELTA-2052 AESA Radar.

1)Best Multi-role capability among all the contenders. True Omni-role unlike others that have 1 primary role and other secondary.
2)Can incorporate AMSAR AESA or ELTA-2052 AESA . Rafales are supposed to be fitted with AMSAR in future. It will take time for the planes to arrive and if we go with Hornet then we will be stuck with an old bird when AESA's would be aviable in the market by then. Then when AESA's are added to other planes then it becomes truly a next level plane. Just going for SH because of currently having AESA is foolish and short-term thinking.
3)No influence by either Russia or US in that case because of the deal. Russia already messing with costs of Gorshkov and Sukhoi's and US will keep messing up Indian decisions as it is known to do. Moreover Mig-35 has old airframe design and so does the hornet
4)Why go for planes that are at the end of their life time when we can go for a plane that is at the beginning. We need this bird till 2050 and no way Mig and Hornet designs will have any influence then.Too much maintainence problems with the Mig-29
5)Typhoons are just to expensive and we will have an entirely new line
6)Production lines of Rafales can be on the current ones for the Mirage and IAF just loves the Mirages.
7)Can put Kaveri's on the Rafales and Snecma is already a consultant for Kaveri.
8)India already going ahead with Scorpenes and shows that French stuff is high class. Moreover this will increase French relations just like India increased relations with Israel with defense relations.
9)French-India ties will bring a fourth power to the world along with US,Russia, China and make it truly quadri-polar.
10)Will have access to missiles like Meteor
11)Will have access to French tech and greatly help our LCA/MCA programs and future plane development as we will be exposed to some new things than purely old Russian stuff.
12)We need to ask the French if they are interested in development of a 5th Generation Fighter.
Both Russia and the U.S will not be happy about this.
Actually, that shows that the Indians want to play it safe with their neutrality. Typhoon is an excellent fighter especially when it comes to a large country like India. It seems, Delhi wants to send a message to both countries that it wants excellent friendship with both Washington and Moscow but is still a neutral country. After all, even you played a neutral policy during the Sino-Soviet Split isn't it?

Neutrality is always the best policy... and who knows it better than us Swiss. :-)
ok stupid question .. when is the winner of the tender going to be declared . This has been going terribly slow.:hitwall:
Its 100% going to be between F18SH and Rafale. The Typhoon does not seem feasable. Also can anyone tell me, amongst these three will be able to achieve fastest induction. Other than ToT and costs, i feel this should be an important factor.
well it will be good if order goes to two companies not to a single one

f18 and Rafale has good chance
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