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JUNE 17, 2017 09:19

Israel and Saudi Arabia may be on the path to establishing economic connections which would be a precedent in normalizing relations between the two nations, The Times reported.

According to American and Arab sources, the ties would begin with Israeli businesses allowed to operate in the Gulf region, an example being El AL gaining permission to enter and fly through Saudi airspace.

If the two increase relations, both being enemies of Iran, the dynamics in the Middle East would change.
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If the Israelis had accepted the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, more of this would have taken place. Israel could gain a lot if they resort to peace.
If the Israelis had accepted the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, more of this would have taken place. Israel could gain a lot if they resort to peace.
With the right of return to israel?
no way
Well, you will not be always the winner and one day the tables will turn. Then, you will be negotiating from a position of weakness.
no the arabs know we wont accept this
its the end of jewish state they can return to palastine if they want
Well, you will not be always the winner and one day the tables will turn. Then, you will be negotiating from a position of weakness.
Negotiating with whom?
The Saudis? The Sa'ud family will not last much longer, their entire government is destined to collapse sooner or later.
The "Palestinians"? They will never be above us. They don't build a state, an economy, an infrastructure and a culture. They build terror and poor people. This is the "Palestinian idea."
For Israel, the 1967 lines are the borders of Auschwitz
And millions of Arabs between the Jordan and the sea is Birkenau
The Saudi proposal is not good (for Israel).
Besides, the most correct thing for Israel now is not to interfere and mix with elements in the Middle East.

no the arabs know we wont accept this
its the end of jewish state they can return to palastine if they want
Do you want to think again why settling millions of Arabs in Judea and Samaria is not a good idea?
Negotiating with whom?
The Saudis? The Sa'ud family will not last much longer, their entire government is destined to collapse sooner or later.
The "Palestinians"? They will never be above us. They don't build a state, an economy, an infrastructure and a culture. They build terror and poor people. This is the "Palestinian idea."
For Israel, the 1967 lines are the borders of Auschwitz
And millions of Arabs between the Jordan and the sea is Birkenau
The Saudi proposal is not good (for Israel).
Besides, the most correct thing for Israel now is not to interfere and mix with elements in the Middle East.

Do you want to think again why settling millions of Arabs in Judea and Samaria is not a good idea?
they will try to reach israel cause life here is good can make problems
We knew the Saudi and co were puppets of Israeli govt this is why still they have the kingdom running no democracy their which USA openly in courageous
they will try to reach israel cause life here is good can make problems
I will give you some details:
There are about 11-12 million Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians"
Of which 1.5 million are in Israel, 1.8 million in Gaza and another 2 million in Judea and Samaria
This means that the right of return is supposed to be the right of about 6 million people.
Between the Jordan River and the sea - in other words, in Israel, Judea, Samaria and Gaza, there are already about 12 million people already.
The population in Israel is growing by one million every 7 years.
The population in Judea, Samaria and Gaza is also growing every year.
In addition, the population that is supposed to arrive is a rapidly growing population.
Gaza is already on the brink of population explosion.
Now you want to think again??

fake news as always

we don,t want any sort of relationships with you people

stop posting nonsense
When you say "we" you mean yourself or your government?
Because your government strongly wants contact with Israel

We knew the Saudi and co were puppets of Israeli govt this is why still they have the kingdom running no democracy their which USA openly in courageous
They are the puppies of the Americans
The puppet of Israel is Abu Mazen.
This is very flattering, but Israel is far from being the United States.
A wishful thinking report.. with 3 sentences, no sources.. mission impossible.. KSA will not accept as long as there is no two states solution..

fake news as always

we don,t want any sort of relationships with you people

stop posting nonsense
Don't feed the trolls, Usrael wishes are Saudi wishes in his mind only..
A wishful thinking report.. with 3 sentences, no sources.. mission impossible.. KSA will not accept as long as there is no two states solution..

Don't feed the trolls, Usrael wishes are Saudi wishes in his mind only..
KSA will be under Iranian rule soon (perhaps not...)

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