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I don't think you understood what I wrote.
The events of the Arab Spring or similar events will eventually reach Saudi Arabia as well.
I also noted that an American presence would not keep a country from crashing or not, just as you brought Iraq as an example.
I don't hate Muslims at all, please don't say things about me without you having discussed with me before.

Both options are possible together or separately
and you dont belive there 2030 vision they can live without oil?
Iran's run militant training camps, US knows it all, but keep quite! Why?
I think that behind closed doors there are preparations for an attack in Iran, apparently forming a plan of action and a coalition led by the United States.
Iran has failed in destabilizing Egypt, and I doubt Iran alone can subdue general Sisi.
Half of the Egyptians want to remove Sisi from power
Don't forget that in the elections in Egypt, the majority chose Muhammad Morsi from the Muslim Brotherhood

saudies dined this but every one know we do some biusness with them only its stay quite
what funny they dont care even little about the palastine
Nobody cares about them
Even the "Palestinians" don't care about the "Palestinians"

JUNE 17, 2017 09:19

Israel and Saudi Arabia may be on the path to establishing economic connections which would be a precedent in normalizing relations between the two nations, The Times reported.

According to American and Arab sources, the ties would begin with Israeli businesses allowed to operate in the Gulf region, an example being El AL gaining permission to enter and fly through Saudi airspace.

If the two increase relations, both being enemies of Iran, the dynamics in the Middle East would change.
its only a matter of time
both are allied in war against Assad and against Iran and share the same policy regarding middle east security and political landscape.
both are staunch American allies. an open and honest relationship can be beneficial to the region and stop Iranian influence enabling Saudis to Settle Yemeni problem and Israelis to settle Palestinian problem once and for all.
and you dont belive there 2030 vision they can live without oil?
Saudi Arabia will collapse without oil
I believe that in this century there will be a substitute for oil, and then all the economies that rely on oil and gas will collapse
A wishful thinking report.. with 3 sentences, no sources.. mission impossible.. KSA will not accept as long as there is no two states solution..

Don't feed the trolls, Usrael wishes are Saudi wishes in his mind only..
that is a bold statement. I have yet to see any Saudi concern or even a peep over Palestinian matter. Saudis are already Israeli allies regarding Iran and wont care more than the Yemenis they bomb on regular basis.

Israel by far is the most humane (by middle eastern standards) when it comes to dealing with Arabs. no other Arab monarchy has a better record. their disdain for human life outside their royal family is evident from their words and actions.
I don't hate Muslims at all, please don't say things about me without you having discussed with me before.

Ok, I apologize, for my quick judgment (I have deleted my remarks) but when you have Israeli flag, i must believe you also served as Israeli soldier. While, I see Israeli troops, torturing, slaying Palestinian kids like Indians doing in Kashmir. Therefore, I have NO respect for both armies.
Saudi Arabia will collapse without oil
I believe that in this century there will be a substitute for oil, and then all the economies that rely on oil and gas will collapse
so you dont belive they can biuld defence industry and hitech industry like israel?
Saudi Arabia will collapse without oil
I believe that in this century there will be a substitute for oil, and then all the economies that rely on oil and gas will collapse

Not every state, which doesn't have oil collapse.
Saudi economy and industrial situation is far far better than many in the region.
IMO, only big war can hurt Saudi, which I think is already planned by Iran and allies.
Not every state, which doesn't have oil collapse.
Saudi economy and industrial situation is far far better than many in the region.
IMO, only big war can hurt Saudi, which I think is already planned by Iran and allies.
take them the oil will see what heppen
Ok, I apologize, for my quick judgment (I have deleted my remarks) but when you have Israeli flag, i must believe you also served as Israeli soldier. While, I see Israeli troops, torturing, slaying Palestinian kids like Indians doing in Kashmir. Therefore, I have NO respect for both armies.
I do not know about the Indian army (I do not know about South Asian issues)
But we do not kill or torture anyone for no reason (there are seldom exceptional cases of dummy soldiers).
During my service, I was responsible for securing the roads that lead the Arabs to work in Israel. Every morning I sat down to drink coffee and a cigarette with the Arabs. I also advised them to come with a bicycle instead of walking a lot on a dangerous road or getting stuck in traffic.
In the last war in Gaza, I saw just under a mile from the fence a series of booby-trapped houses. One of the battalions called a tank to blow up the houses before they entered, and at the last minute they discovered people and children tied to the telephone lines and the houses.
Some of the people were mentally retarded or mentally ill, and the children agreed to Hamas's "tempting offer" because Hamas gave 10 shekels to each child to be connected to a booby-trapped house.
By the way all the people were released and brought to Israel for treatment.
I never killed or wounded anyone.
take them the oil will see what heppen

Of course no one can take away the oil, and consequently no one can see.
All what we are left with to see how much industry they have, which is best in the region. excluding Turkey.
I'm 100% sure there are less Saudis and far more jobs available in Saudi in non oil sector.
Not every state, which doesn't have oil collapse.
Saudi economy and industrial situation is far far better than many in the region.
IMO, only big war can hurt Saudi, which I think is already planned by Iran and allies.
Not the state,the economy will collapse.(Unless adjustments are made in advance).
There is no need for a major war to overthrow a state
There are other options, such as toppling the government, civil war.
Even great Rome was destroyed from within.

so you dont belive they can biuld defence industry and hitech industry like israel?
In theory they can, but it will not happen.
that is a bold statement. I have yet to see any Saudi concern or even a peep over Palestinian matter. Saudis are already Israeli allies regarding Iran and wont care more than the Yemenis they bomb on regular basis.

Israel by far is the most humane (by middle eastern standards) when it comes to dealing with Arabs. no other Arab monarchy has a better record. their disdain for human life outside their royal family is evident from their words and actions.
Usraeli attacks on Gaza are the worst yet.. I am sure you are aware of them..
As for Yemen, the war there was going on for the last 50 years and no one have talked about its savagery, there was a truce for a few years lately and it was violated by a coup attempt.. KSA does not want to see that North-South Yemen war going on again.. and now it is the one to be blamed for what is going on in Yemen!?
Yemeni situation is very close to the Afghan situation.. and as you know Pakistan had to intervene there before it spills into it.. which it did many times.. So can't blame KSA..
Usrael wants by all means to get close to KSA since it knows that the latter has the biggest influence in the Arab and Muslim world.. and that was refused many times by KSA who as it was stated in the latest Arab summit, put as a condition to any kind of rapprochement with Usrael, the creation of a Palestinian state, nothing less and nothing more.. So no one can say that KSA does nothing for the Palestinian cause..
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Not the state,the economy will collapse.(Unless adjustments are made in advance).
There is no need for a major war to overthrow a state
There are other options, such as toppling the government, civil war.
Even great Rome was destroyed from within.

In theory they can, but it will not happen.

They have already making adjustments in advance. They have established a trillion dollar fund for that purpose.
Civil war has zero chance, handful of Iranian puppies can't succeed more than few terrorist attacks.
Not the state,the economy will collapse.(Unless adjustments are made in advance).
There is no need for a major war to overthrow a state
There are other options, such as toppling the government, civil war.
Even great Rome was destroyed from within.

In theory they can, but it will not happen.
why not?

Usraeli attacks on Gaza are the worst yet.. I am sure you are aware of them..
As for Yemen, the war there was going on for the last 50 years and no one have talked about its savagery, there was a truce for a few years lately and it was violated by a coup attempt.. KSA does not want to see that North-South Yemen war going on again.. and now it is the one to be blamed for what is going on in Yemen!?
Yemeni situation is very close to the Afghan situation.. and as you know Pakistan had to intervene there before it spills into it.. which it did many times.. So can't blame KSA..
Usrael wants by all means to get close to KSA since it knows that the latter has the biggest influence in the Arab world.. and that was refused many times by KSA who as it was stated in the latest Arab summit, put as a condition to any kind of rapprochement with Usrael, the creation of a Palestinian state, nothing less and nothing more.. So no one can say that KSA do nothing for the Palestinian cause..
if we want to get close to the gulf cause they have $$$
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