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Report claims Greek coastguards throw migrants into the sea

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Bhai,the rumors that started coming out after this whole thing were that she had a house somewhere in Greece,locals were frustrated by her behavior,her dogs and that she at some point got an Afghan refugee as a lover.

I'm not sure if it's the one who had talked in a very rude manner at some of our politicians back in the '90s,while making a documentary about Greece's support for Serbia during the Yugoslav Wars,but if that was her in that documentary as well,she was extremely biased and tried talking to a minister as if she was an interrogator.

Who tells me she's not on the payroll of Turkey or some NGO? Imagine an Indian reporter going to Imran Khan and talking to him like this about "Afghan refugees trying to get into Pakistan" etc.

In reality she would have been told to shut up,arrested and sent to jail. And you know it.

Her name is Beugel, she lived in a villa on Hydra. She had a young afghan as lover...she is a old women...so its really sick in a way. I guess she exploited his situation .
Gone, gone with the wind.

But seriously you are a funny guy. You really believe free people should not fight occupation. 😂

Your worldview is not consistent. According your own worde earlier you said that of course people can fight against enemy forces. But apparantly not against you guys, then its all different.

You know whats your trauma? We greeks destroyed your empire. We were the beginning of the end. We started to destroy it and once we were free, it started evrywhere to collapse. Thats your trauma buddy.

She was not a journalist. She was an activist with an agenda
Lmao greeks didn't destroy anything let alone the Empire. The first reason of the defeat was internal strife, the second most important reason were the 200 years continuous wars against Tsarist Russia.

greece was just one of the many roaches that would be crushed soon or later the real power that destroyed the empire was not even Britian or France it was Russia.

Brits and French were a joke in that war Turkish army captured 40k British soldiers in Iraq. The french occupied Antep later they retreated without firing a single bullet because people strated to rise up.
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Her name is Beugel, she lived in a villa on Hydra. She had a young afghan as lover...she is a old women...so its really sick in a way. I guess she exploited his situation .
Yup,I remembered correctly. That was her in the documentary about Bosnia,blaming the Serbs and Greeks and being rude to people,asking them like an inquisitor "Why do you support Karadzic? Why do you support Milosevic??" and Pagkalos kicked her out when she tried to interview him. She was rude to him too.

Check this out:

"She worked as a documentary producer for the Dutch public broadcaster IKON. She produced the film Geloof, seks en wanhoof about love and sexuality in an increasingly multicultural Netherlands.[4] In 2014, she made the documentary film Uitgebloe(i)d? about menopause, aimed at "breaking the taboo" around the issue, inspired by her own experiences.[5]"
Gone, gone with the wind.

But seriously you are a funny guy. You really believe free people should not fight occupation. 😂

Your worldview is not consistent. According your own worde earlier you said that of course people can fight against enemy forces. But apparantly not against you guys, then its all different.

You know whats your trauma? We greeks destroyed your empire. We were the beginning of the end. We started to destroy it and once we were free, it started evrywhere to collapse. Thats your trauma buddy.

She was not a journalist. She was an activist with an agenda
You just ignore whatever you don't like. I didn't say you can't fight against occupation forces, i said you can't kill women and children even in war. But you're a joke according to you it is okay to kill children and women.

Read again
How can greek destroy Ottoman Empire an Empire vs a city. It is same as saying my village in Ethiopia can defeat NATO. 😅
You bring your children and women into land that is not yours means you bring them in danger.
I wonder if the same rule apply to you.

Check the first video I posted. And open your eyes. Your government is using them against us and the EU. Wake up.
And, I wonder why refuges are there in first place. You invaded their countries with promises of democracy and freedom. It is time you deliver because they have already paid the price. The burden is entirely on you.
Lmao greeks didn't destroy anything let alone the Empire. The first reason of the defeat was internal strife, the second most important reason were the 200 years continuous wars against Tsarist Russia.

greece was just one of the many roaches that would be crushed soon or later the real power that destroyed the empire was not even Britian or France it was Russia.

Brits and French were a joke in that war Turkish army captured 40k British soldiers in Iraq. The french occupied Antep later they retreated without firing a single bullet because people strated to rise up.

You are wrong amigo. Our refolution against this brutal tyranny was the first to shatter the empire from within.

The moment we won our freedom was the beginning of the end. Bulgars, Romanians...all started to rise up and fought their freedom. We shattered the halfmoon.

This is what historians say:

"In the long-term historical perspective, this marked a seminal event in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, despite the small size of the new Greek state. For the first time, a Christian subject people had achieved independence from Ottoman rule and established a fully independent state, recognized by Europe. Whereas previously, only large nations (such as the Prussians or Austrians) were judged worthy of national self-determination by the Great Powers of Europe, the Greek Revolt legitimized the concept of small, ethnically-based nation-states, and emboldened nationalist movements among other subject peoples of the Ottoman Empire. The Serbs, Bulgarians, Albanians, Romanians and Armenians all subsequently fought for and won their independence."

Its because of our revolution, that we and others can live in a free world and not under such a disgusting abomination.

And in a free world we can defend our borders and we defend our borders sucessful. Turkey tried to use those migrants as weapons and failed. Remember when Erdogan again and again threatened to send migrants? He doesnt do anymore. When he did we used even giant win machines to push the migrants back and in the end Turls had to send busses to ship the migrants back.

There are two sides to dance this dance amigo. One side that send sthe migrants and one that allows them in. Our fierce border protection created safety not just for us but for all of Europe.

Yup,I remembered correctly. That was her in the documentary about Bosnia,blaming the Serbs and Greeks and being rude to people,asking them like an inquisitor "Why do you support Karadzic? Why do you support Milosevic??" and Pagkalos kicked her out when she tried to interview him. She was rude to him too.

Check this out:

"She worked as a documentary producer for the Dutch public broadcaster IKON. She produced the film Geloof, seks en wanhoof about love and sexuality in an increasingly multicultural Netherlands.[4] In 2014, she made the documentary film Uitgebloe(i)d? about menopause, aimed at "breaking the taboo" around the issue, inspired by her own experiences.[5]"

If she would be a male she would be arrested as pedo. Old rich women hunting young guys is often overlooked.

You just ignore whatever you don't like. I didn't say you can't fight against occupation forces, i said you can't kill women and children even in war. But you're a joke according to you it is okay to kill children and women.

Read again

Why do you send women and children and shield infront you then? Its your duty to evacuate tgem to savety. You used them as shields.
How can greek destroy Ottoman Empire an Empire vs a city. It is same as saying my village in Ethiopia can defeat NATO. 😅

Simple thing, leading by creating something one can look up too. The moment we won our freedom, all others saw that the Empire can be defeated. It was this moment that all others started to revolt too. The moment we Greeks defeated the turks, Serbians, Romanians, Bulgarians ect all saw that they can win their freedom. Uprisings started evrywhere. They won their independence and freedom too. Same thing all tyrannic regimes die.

There is only darkness but the moment the light of hope is ignited, a fire wipes the darkness out.

I wonder if the same rule apply to you.

And, I wonder why refuges are there in first place. You invaded their countries with promises of democracy and freedom. It is time you deliver because they have already paid the price. The burden is entirely on you.

If we would occupy foreign lands with greek troops and build up a tyranny, it would be same for us. When the people rise up.

Why the refugees are there? They are mostly lazy hobos who want live a bling bling life without working. Sucking sweet welfare delivered from the woke leftist europeans in Germany.

Real refugees dont make it this far. Those who are most often young, fat and healthy, wearing expensive clothes and having iphones.

Sadly for them, hard reality hit and from 2015 onwards they first were stuck in mudfilled camps or starting from 2019 were pushed back in boats. Numbers of migrants who tried to do the route through Greece collapsed because our hard border protection.

Oh we do deliver. Tear gas, batons, sharp wire fences and a robust mandat to protect our border. Its a burden im 100% willing to pay.
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If we would occupy foreign lands with greek troops and build up a tyranny, it would be same for us. When the people rise up.

Why the refugees are there? They are mostly lazy hobos who want live a bling bling life without working. Sucking sweet welfare delivered from the woke leftist europeans in Germany.

Real refugees dont make it this far. Those who are most often young, fat and healthy, wearing expensive clothes and having iphones.

Sadly for them, hard reality hit and from 2015 onwards they first were stuck in mudfilled camps or starting from 2019 were pushed back in boats. Numbers of migrants who tried to do the route through Greece collapsed because our hard border protection.

Oh we do deliver. Tear gas, batons, sharp wire fences and a robust mandat to protect our border. Its a burden im 100% willing to pay.

You invade their country, destroy it, take there resource and you want to complain when they come knocking to come for a new home.
You invade their country, destroy it, take there resource and you want to complain when they come knocking to come for a new home.

1. We invaded nobody

2. I dont complain. We have functianal border protection now, so its not a big issue anymore.

3. When did we invade Morocco or some african shitholes like Ghana?

Funny commercial. They did fly migrants to belarus. When the EU gave a 24h ultimatum to stop this or destroy turkish airlines, the turks stopped it within hours...

The turk only understands the voice of force.

Funny commercial. They did fly migrants to belarus. When the EU gave a 24h ultimatum to stop this or destroy turkish airlines, the turks stopped it within hours...

The turk only understands the voice of force.

The advertisement for Turkish Airlines is perfect. It is watched again and again itself. Not only celebrity actors such as Morgan Freeman, Sylvia Hoeks, Kevin Costner, Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman etc. but also most famous people in different fields like Messi, Kobe Bryant, Zack King, Dr Oz etc. and in sports fields activities like Super Bowl, Euroleague, a volleyball team...... Turkish Airlines is a whole new level...
Its called border protection. Nobody wants those here. They are not Europeans, are not christians and not our duty. They also would add zero value tomour country or Europe in general.

But isn't it US/EU sponsored arab spring/civil war regime change which made these people refugees in the first place. They bombed and destroyed authoritarian but stable and progressive countries in ME in order to bring "democracy".
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