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Report claims Greek coastguards throw migrants into the sea

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@WebMaster @waz

I strongly condemn racist remarks of this greek which supports the death of refugees.

I dont support the death of migrants. They are not refugees.

We protect our border. If they try to get in by force they are in danger to die. And their death then is the result of their own actions.

Its called border protection my dear turk.

What you condemn is irrelevant. They will not pass.

My heart and my feelings towards them is as cold as Antarctica.

They are smart peple anyways amigo, since we locked down, not many try to do it anyways.

We help Turkey with this as well. The harder we got, the less try. That means they also stop going Turkey.

Call it an act of mercy.


This is what protects lifes. Not the "hunger games" that Turkey tried to do again and again.

@WebMaster @waz

He basically encourage killing of migrants.

No, i encourage merciless border protection. This saves lifes, since nobody tries anymore. Australia has proven this concept to work.

Im a strong supporter of that concept.

Death count of those migrants is very low now, since they dont try this route anymore. A huge sucess.

The numbers prove me right

Yes we all remember the large troops from syria, afghanistan and congo who fought Hitler.

Dude you are a funny guy.

You feel no shame? Lying only to justify a workfree life on welfare in western europe?

We wont let them in. Not a single one.
Seriously, learn some history:

"In January 1945, the Syrian government announced the formation of a national army and in February declared war on the Axis powers. In March the nation became a charter member of the United Nations (UN), an indication of its sovereign status, and, in April, affirmed its allegiance to the idea of Arab unity by signing the pact of the League of Arab States (Arab League)."
Seriously, learn some history:

"In January 1945, the Syrian government announced the formation of a national army and in February declared war on the Axis powers. In March the nation became a charter member of the United Nations (UN), an indication of its sovereign status, and, in April, affirmed its allegiance to the idea of Arab unity by signing the pact of the League of Arab States (Arab League)."

In january 1945 the war was basicly over. Syria even gave refugee to some of the worst Nazi criminals.

What Greece can do is sending aid to Syria, but nothing else. We dont want this people here and this is absolute through the entire political scene in Greece. Accept it and live with it because this wont change.

Even the holier than holy woke left has given up on this.
In january 1945 the war was basicly over. Syria even gave refugee to some of the worst Nazi criminals.

What Greece can do is sending aid to Syria, but nothing else. We dont want this people here and this is absolute through the entire political scene in Greece. Accept it and live with it because this wont change.

Even the holier than holy woke left has given up on this.
I think you should be honorable enough to apologise, as I have proved one of your assertions to be wrong. Greece spent most of it's time under German occupation and aiding the Germans in genociding the Jews. Like most Europeans you have selective knowledge of history and forget your past.
I think you should be honorable enough to apologise, as I have proved one of your assertions to be wrong. Greece spent most of it's time under German occupation and aiding the Germans in genociding the Jews. Like most Europeans you have selective knowledge of history and forget your past.

No, i was right. Syria entered the war when it was basicly over.

We have no responsibility for them. You know as much as i do, that Greece wont change its border protection. We will not let them in.
The thing is that there are a lot of Afghans,Pakistanis,Tunisians,Algerians,Somalis and others from countries that are too far. The Afghans have been terrorising and abusing Arabs and Kurds at the hotspots.
Well I agree pakistanis,Tunisians etc should not be among those refugees from war torn countries. They are just opportunity seekers. Shameful to admit that in pakistan we have such few people who don't prefer to do hardwork in their own country and prefer to do odd jobs as a second class person in so called developed countries.
Well I agree pakistanis,Tunisians etc should not be among those refugees from war torn countries. They are just opportunity seekers. Shameful to admit that in pakistan we have such few people who don't prefer to do hardwork in their own country and prefer to do odd jobs as a second class person in so called developed countries.
My friend you know how many Pakistanis in Greece have committed terrible crimes? Even against their fellow Pakistanis. They have attacked hard-working Pakistanis who are descent people and only try to make a living.

The Afghans are the worst. They are involved in a lot of brutal robberies,murders,rapes and have even clashed with Albanians for drug territory in Athens.
Many nations have done this

and its just sad to see

very very sad

but this is 2022 and nothing is fair these days

dog eat dog
We don't have any Chechens in Greece

We do had them in Greece. Not many but some. Most went to other countries, like UK. I heared lotsmof horror stories about them
My friend you know how many Pakistanis in Greece have committed terrible crimes? Even against their fellow Pakistanis. They have attacked hard-working Pakistanis who are descent people and only try to make a living.

The Afghans are the worst. They are involved in a lot of brutal robberies,murders,rapes and have even clashed with Albanians for drug territory in Athens.

I agree Afghans but also Chechens are worst. I would say Chechens even worse than Afghans.
Well I know very little about pakistani community in Greece. I think their number is far less than the ones living in UK,USA or Canada. And it's quite a possibility you are confusing them with afghans because we too have a province of pashtun people who speak the same afghani pashto and looks like afghans. I do agree afghans are the worst ,that's why pakistan is no longer welcoming afghan refugees inside pakistan. Those unkhanful people are notorious for biting the hand which feeds them.
Well I know very little about pakistani community in Greece. I think their number is far less than the ones living in UK,USA or Canada. And it's quite a possibility you are confusing them with afghans because we too have a province of pashtun people who speak the same afghani pashto and looks like afghans. I do agree afghans are the worst ,that's why pakistan is no longer welcoming afghan refugees inside pakistan. Those unkhanful people are notorious for biting the hand which feeds them.
I don't think he would call them Afghans then, he probably isn't even going by looks, just by news stories. So it is likely Afghans and not Pakistani Pashtuns.

Also their language is not standardised from what I know, differentiates slightly between tribes. (Someone correct me here if I'm wrong)
Well I know very little about pakistani community in Greece. I think their number is far less than the ones living in UK,USA or Canada. And it's quite a possibility you are confusing them with afghans because we too have a province of pashtun people who speak the same afghani pashto and looks like afghans. I do agree afghans are the worst ,that's why pakistan is no longer welcoming afghan refugees inside pakistan. Those unkhanful people are notorious for biting the hand which feeds them.
When I came here I posted a thread about the image of Pakistani community in Greece. I posted links to articles of many of the biggest cases of Pakistani crimes,but because some of the links were from that Australian pro-Indian site about Greece,people laughed at it and called it propaganda and mocked me. The thread was deleted.

I could find articles about these cases again from other sources and post them if you want. My Pakistani friend told me that many of these were Punjabis.

Afghans terrorized the refugee camps and often ganged up against the Syrians,Iraqis and Kurds. Even the families.
When I came here I posted a thread about the image of Pakistani community in Greece. I posted links to articles of many of the biggest cases of Pakistani crimes,but because some of the links were from that Australian pro-Indian site about Greece,people laughed at it and called it propaganda and mocked me. The thread was deleted.

I could find articles about these cases again from other sources and post them if you want. My Pakistani friend told me that many of these were Punjabis.

Afghans terrorized the refugee camps and often ganged up against the Syrians,Iraqis and Kurds. Even the families.
Well since I've already said I know very little about pakistanis living in Greece so I will not argue.
Maybe you are right. Scums exist in every race,nation,cast ,creed and religion and pakistan is no exception.
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