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Report claims Greek coastguards throw migrants into the sea

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I would never fly with them because they have a horrible bad safety record. No other national carrier has so many fatal crashs.

Beside that i dont think they would treat greek passengers good.
Can i ask you share the statistical data?
Can i ask you share the statistical data?


In its history, Turkish Airlines has suffered a total of 19 incidents and accidents of which 15 were fatal. A total of 68 crew, 835 passengers and 35 people on the ground have been killed.

My opinion's probably pretty low on the totem pole but I dont blame any country closing down borders. It is their right and saving human life should start from the root. Running away to get a better life through short cuts has its dangers just like anything we do. I wouldnt blame Greece on this as they have legitimate concerns of migrants making their way from Turkey. It wouldnt be out of norm hearing same cases in Turkey.

In its history, Turkish Airlines has suffered a total of 19 incidents and accidents of which 15 were fatal. A total of 68 crew, 835 passengers and 35 people on the ground have been killed.

Take a look here and see f it helps changing perspective

Dude swipe the foam away from your mouth and get rational. Most are simply lazy scumbags who want live a sweet life on welfare money in Germany. What are they running away from in Turkey?

They dont want too work, they want leech off someone and because us...they cant. We kick them out.
They are running away from Syria and Iraq where your western buddies caused wars .
They are running away from Syria and Iraq where your western buddies caused wars
The thing is that there are a lot of Afghans,Pakistanis,Tunisians,Algerians,Somalis and others from countries that are too far. The Afghans have been terrorising and abusing Arabs and Kurds at the hotspots.
Its called border protection. Nobody wants those here. They are not Europeans, are not christians and not our duty. They also would add zero value tomour country or Europe in general.

They are pushed back and thats a good thing.
What racist statement. So you need to be white and Christian to contribute to Greece? What you forget is that the families of these same refugees helped liberate Greece in WW2.
What racist statement. So you need to be white and Christian to contribute to Greece? What you forget is that the families of these same refugees helped liberate Greece in WW2.

1. Are you kidding me? You claim now afghans, arabs and nigerians helped liberate Greece in WW II? Thats laughable.

2. Its not racist, its a simple fact. And if tables would be other side around and we would need help and ask for asylum, we would be killed or enslaved in their countries.

We protect our border. If you want enter, apply for a visum. If you get a visum, you can enter Greece. If you dont get a visum you cant enter Greece. Very easy concept.
1. Are you kidding me? You claim now afghans, arabs and nigerians helped liberate Greece in WW II? Thats laughable.

2. Its not racist, its a simple fact. And if tables would be other side around and we would need help and ask for asylum, we would be killed or enslaved in their countries.

We protect our border. If you want enter, apply for a visum. If you get a visum, you can enter Greece. If you dont get a visum you cant enter Greece. Very easy concept.
Who helped defeat the Germans while Greece was occupied and hundreds of thousands of your people were massacred? Seriously , don't they teach you history or is it too humiliating for you to remember?
Who helped defeat the Germans while Greece was occupied and hundreds of thousands of your people were massacred? Seriously , don't they teach you history or is it too humiliating for you to remember?

Yes we all remember the large troops from syria, afghanistan and congo who fought Hitler.

Dude you are a funny guy.

You feel no shame? Lying only to justify a workfree life on welfare in western europe?

We wont let them in. Not a single one.
1. Are you kidding me? You claim now afghans, arabs and nigerians helped liberate Greece in WW II? Thats laughable.

2. Its not racist, its a simple fact. And if tables would be other side around and we would need help and ask for asylum, we would be killed or enslaved in their countries.

We protect our border. If you want enter, apply for a visum. If you get a visum, you can enter Greece. If you dont get a visum you cant enter Greece. Very easy concept.

Open your eyes your racist scum

Open your eyes your racist scum

Sorry i dont watch bullshit propaganda.

They are your kind, help them. We have nothing to do with them.

I feel neither mercy nor any feelings for them. Only thing that matters for me is, that they are kept out.

They can ask for visa at embassy.

If they try to get in illegal, we push tuem back. If they try to use violence, we will use violence as well.

P.s...TRT haha ha turkish propaganda channel.

@WebMaster @waz

I strongly condemn racist remarks of this greek which supports the death of refugees.
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