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‘It’s an atrocity against humankind’: Greek pushback blamed for double drowning

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Mar 2, 2018
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An investigation alleges two men seeking international protection were pushed from a boat off the coast of Samos
The Turkish coastguard pick up refugees cast adrift on lifeboats from Samos in the incident last September.

The Turkish coastguard pick up refugees cast adrift on lifeboats from Samos in the incident last September. Photograph: Turkish Coast Guard

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Katy Fallon in Samos
Thu 17 Feb 2022 08.00 GMT

On 15 September 2021, Sidy Keita from Ivory Coast and Didier Martial Kouamou Nana from Cameroon, boarded a dinghy from Turkey to Greece. Despite making it to the Greek island of Samos, their bodies were found days later, washed ashore in Aydin province, on the Aegean coast.

Interviews with more than a dozen witnesses, analysis of classified documents, satellite imagery, social media accounts and online material, and discussions with officials in Turkey and Greece, have helped piece together what happened over five September days during which the two men died, likely victims of a pushback by the Greek authorities.

What happened to these men, who left their homes to escape political oppression and for a better life overseas, has been investigated by the Guardian, Lighthouse Reports, Mediapart and Der Spiegel.

The Greek prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has frequently denied that pushbacks occur. But there is mounting evidence that would-be asylum seekers are being illegally removed from Greek territory before having the chance to lodge asylum applications.

Keita, 36, left Ivory Coast after taking part in protests against president Alassane Ouattara. He arrived in Turkey in March 2020. Kouamou, 33, a mechanic in Cameroon, landed in Turkey last year, hoping to join his brother who had been living in France since 2014.

Like many before them, both men went to the Basmane district of Izmir, a known spot for people who want to be smuggled into Europe. They were among 36 who then boarded a dinghy from near Kusadasi on the Turkish coast in the early hours of 15 September.

We have to denounce this because it’s inhuman. They hit people in front of us, they traumatised the children

According to testimonies, the boat arrived at the north-eastern shore of Samos around 7am, just as the sun was rising. The area, Cape Prasso, is a peninsula with steep hillsides and perilous drops to the water.

Lawyers working for the Human Rights Legal Project (HRLP) on Samos, 10km from Cape Prasso, received a text from an unknown number informing them of the dinghy’s arrival, with photos taken from land of a Greek coastguard vessel spotted in the area. At 10.25am, the HRLP emailed local police, the UN refugee agency UNHCR, a member of the European Commission based on the island and the Reception and Identification service for asylum seekers on Samos, informing them of the arrival.

The HRLP email, seen by the Guardian, asks that the arrivals be provided with the necessary assistance to register as asylum seekers on the island as prescribed by law. There was no reply.

Shortly after the dinghy arrived, witnesses describe hearing what sounded like shots being fired. In a panic, the people on the dinghy split up, scrambling up the hilly terrain to hide where they could. Eight managed to escape into the countryside but the other 28, including a baby, young children and a pregnant woman, were apprehended by the authorities. That afternoon, it is claimed they were loaded on to a coastguard boat, driven out to sea and cast adrift on two life rafts, a well-documented form of pushback by Greek authorities.

Jean* and at least two others were allegedly strip-searched and beaten. Jean said at least one woman was subjected to an internal physical search by officers looking for money. “The police beat us with the greatest violence,” he said. “I was punched in the face and in the stomach. I was crying.” Pascaline* said she was robbed of her money and her baby was thrown into the life raft “as if you were throwing a garbage can”. “We have to denounce this because it’s inhuman. They hit people in front of us, they traumatised the children.”

The two rafts were picked up by the Turkish coastguard a few hours later. The pregnant woman had gone into labour on the raft and delivered her baby shortly after being rescued.

Of the eight people who initially escaped the authorities in Samos, four would make it to a refugee camp on the island, while the other four were picked up. One woman was apprehended outside a monastery, given a bottle of water and cast out to sea on her own. She was rescued by the Turkish coastguard on 17 September.

The Samos pushback​


1. 15 September A group of 36 people leaves Turkey in a dinghy
2. 15 September The dinghy lands in the Cape Prasso area of Samos. The Greek coastguard are in the area, and witnesses report hearing shots
3. 15 September 28 members of the group are rescued by the Turkish coastguard, after being put into life rafts and cast adrift by the Greek coastguard
4. Eight group members avoid the coastguard and walk inland. Four make it to a refugee camp. Two days later, one further woman is picked up and cast out to sea alone
5. 16 September Three men, Keita, Kouamou and Ibrahim, are apprehended, put into a speedboat then pushed into the water while out at sea. Ibrahim swims to the shore; Keita and Kouamou do not survive
6. 17 September Ibrahim is found by the Turkish police, having wandered for 24 hours after washing up on a Turkish beach
7. 18 September Keita’s body is found by the Turkish coastguard
8. 20 September Kouamou’s body is found in the water, close to shore

After sleeping in the forest overnight, Keita, Kouamou and another man, Ibrahim*, were apprehended on 16 September.

Ibrahim, a former member of the Cameroonian navy, said they were stopped on a road by people identifying themselves as police officers. They were asked for ID and stripped of their phones and money before being put into a car and taken to a port. Ibrahim said they were then loaded on to a speedboat, which he identified as a Rafnar, a vessel used by the coastguard on Samos.

After half an hour, the boat stopped and Ibrahim says that, one by one, the men were pushed into the water. “I resisted,” he said. “They beat me properly before throwing me into the water.” He said he swam desperately, the waves helping push him towards the Turkish shore and on to the beach a few hours from Kusadasi. He said he cried out thanks to God before vomiting.

I feel like I left a part of me in the water

According to Ibrahim, Keita’s body washed up soon after. Friends said neither Keita nor Kouamou could swim. Ibrahim tried resuscitation but it was too late. Ibrahim planted a stick in the sand next to Keita’s body and started walking along the coast.

He was picked up by Turkish police on 18 September, and described to them the events which led to Keita’s death. “They pushed all of us into the sea,” he told the authorities. “They did not provide us with a raft or boat.” He said Kouamou had disappeared beneath the waves.

Later that day, Keita’s body was found by the Turkish coastguard. Two days later, they found Kouamou on the same beach. Ibrahim later identified both bodies in the morgue in Izmir. Medical documents state that Keita drowned and that Kouamou’s body had been found in the sea, close to shore.

While it is impossible to fully verify Ibrahim’s story, two Greek officials with direct knowledge of coastguard operations, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that what he described had happened before, usually to smaller groups of asylum seekers. The rationale is to avoid using life rafts, which are expensive; any public tender for their replacement might raise questions. Both officials said refugees are usually provided with lifejackets before being told to swim back to Turkey.

Refugees rescued from the Murat 729 in a migrant camp on Kos, Greece, on 31 October.
Greece accused of ‘biggest pushback in years’ of stricken refugee ship
Read more

Since December, the Turkish coastguard have recorded 11 rescues of people in similar circumstances.

Over tea in Izmir in October, Ibrahim said he believed it was partly down to God that he survived. “The sea is my friend, I have no fear,” he said. He has since made it back to Greece, where he has registered as a minor. The Guardian cannot verify his age. Months later, he is still haunted by what happened. “I feel like I left a part of me in the water,” he said.

Dimitris Choulis, a HRLP lawyer, is filing a lawsuit pressing for criminal charges to be brought against those involved in the pushback on behalf of some of the 36 people who made that journey on 15 September. “What is very dangerous for our democracy is having police officers overstepping the law,” he said. “My hope is, as a Greek lawyer, to restore the rule of law in the island of Samos, because this is what seems to have been lost.”

Lorraine Leete, from the Legal Centre Lesbos, added: “Pushbacks constitute atrocities against the humankind for which Greece and the EU will have to respond sooner or later, given the hard and accumulated evidence of crimes committed at their borders.”

Kouamou’s body was returned to Cameroon, thanks to savings from his older brother, Séverin. He leaves behind a wife and two young children. “The news of his death broke us all,” said his aunt, Marinette. “His death left me traumatised to have lost such a good son.”

Keita’s family could not raise the money to bring him back to Ivory Coast, and he lies in an unmarked grave in Izmir, thousands of miles from home.

In a statement, the Greek police authorities said: “The Hellenic police authorities, following a strict disciplinary legal framework, investigate every piece of information which is communicated to them and concerns alleged incidents of ill treatment at the borders, including allegations for unprocessed returns (pushbacks), in order that the foreseen by law penalties are imposed and similar behaviours are avoided in the future. The allegations on the breach of the principle of non-refoulement do not meet reality and in fact undermine the work of the Hellenic police at the operational border areas.”

The Hellenic Coast Guard said in a statement: “The practices described and attributed to operational assets and personnel of the coastguard do not correspond with our operational processes in deterring non-authorised border crossings, or dealing with third country nationals during the surveillance of sea borders.”

*Names have been changed

Honestly? Stop the bullshit. Before you accuse us,check your own government and what you've been doing to these people.

You can't kill people in international waters just because they want to come to your country. There may be exceptional cases, even then those responsible will be punished, but you cannot turn it into a systematic brutality.

There is a very large and detailed records about the crimes committed by the law enforcement officers of Greece. And this is not pursied by the Turkish authorities, but European institutions, journalists and lawyers. Recently, a Dutch journalist had to leave Greece just because of what she said on this subject. Soon, the legal process regarding all these will begin in Europe.
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Honestly, I have no remorse for these people who risk their lives and that of their children unnecessarily and drown in the water.
You can't kill people in international waters just because they want to come to your country. There may be exceptional cases, even then those responsible will be punished, but you cannot turn it into a systematic brutality.

There is a very large and detailed records about the crimes committed by the law enforcement officers of Greece. And this is not pursied by the Turkish authorities, but European institutions, journalists and lawyers. Recently, a Dutch journalist had to leave Greece just because of what she said on this subject. Soon, the legal process regarding all these will begin in Europe.
This is bullshit. We have been saving wave after wave of immigrants and refugees that YOU have been sending to us. Your government's doing nothing to stop the traffickers. You keep sending them again and again and you even tried that on the land borders in 2020. Your authorities were heavily involved in misinformation and trying to push them as a human wave towards us. The Turkish police and army were using small drones to throw tear gas on our side,you fired over a Greek police vehicle from your side and there's even footage of a Turkish MRAP trying to tear down a part of the wall at night.

That "Dutch journalist",the woman,was extremely rude in a Q&A with the Prime Minister. We're talking about extremely rude. You know what I've heard about her? She lived somewhere in Greece and got an Afghan "refugee" lover. Also heard she and her dogs always caused trouble to the locals where she lived and from what I understand she's a liberal/leftist hippie. I wouldn't be surprised if she was paid by Turkey or others to accuse us.

It's no problem for greeks they are used to kill women and children their ancestors did the same in crete and in Turkiye.
You got one warning,do you want to get another one? Do you want to turn this into a flame war?

Honestly, I have no remorse for these people who risk their lives and that of their children unnecessarily and drown in the water.
Bhai,look at the three videos I posted and you'll see how Turkish propaganda against us is similar to what the Indians do to you. You know why? They accuse us of every single thing,while they're the ones doing everything to send these poor people to our land borders and our shores.
Just in the last few months, Turkiye has rescued at least 143 asylum seekers from the Aegean Sea in two separate incidents after they were pushed back by the Greek coast authorities. Almost all of humanitarian and rights groups have called Greece to stop its illegal pushback policy against refugees and migrants.

Shooting to unarmed refugees in international waters by Greek law enforcement... Or after capturing them, throwing them back into the sea, taking the refugees' clothes and leaving them to die; All this has been published with evidence. Even extremely anti-Turkish journalists reported these news. The tweet thread in the first message of the title is just one of them. I don't think Greece can get away with all this. May be you protect Europe, but you are criticized by European journalists, NGOs and lawyers. What you need to do is very simple.
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This is bullshit. We have been saving wave after wave of immigrants and refugees that YOU have been sending to us. Your government's doing nothing to stop the traffickers. You keep sending them again and again and you even tried that on the land borders in 2020. Your authorities were heavily involved in misinformation and trying to push them as a human wave towards us. The Turkish police and army were using small drones to throw tear gas on our side,you fired over a Greek police vehicle from your side and there's even footage of a Turkish MRAP trying to tear down a part of the wall at night.

That "Dutch journalist",the woman,was extremely rude in a Q&A with the Prime Minister. We're talking about extremely rude. You know what I've heard about her? She lived somewhere in Greece and got an Afghan "refugee" lover. Also heard she and her dogs always caused trouble to the locals where she lived and from what I understand she's a liberal/leftist hippie. I wouldn't be surprised if she was paid by Turkey or others to accuse us.

You got one warning,do you want to get another one? Do you want to turn this into a flame war?

Bhai,look at the three videos I posted and you'll see how Turkish propaganda against us is similar to what the Indians do to you. You know why? They accuse us of every single thing,while they're the ones doing everything to send these poor people to our land borders and our shores.
I dont care about warnings i will say the truth.
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Just in the last few months, Turkiye has rescued at least 143 asylum seekers from the Aegean Sea in two separate incidents after they were pushed back by the Greek coast authorities. Almost all of humanitarian and rights groups have called Greece to stop its illegal pushback policy against refugees and migrants.

Shooting to unarmed refugees in international waters by Greek law enforcement... Or after capturing them, throwing them back into the sea, taking the refugees' clothes and leaving them to die; All this has been published with evidence. Even extremely anti-Turkish journalists reported these news. The tweet thread in the first message of the title is just one of them. I don't think Greece can get away with all this. May be you protect Europe, but you are criticized by European journalists, NGOs and lawyers. What you need to do is very simple.
This video has been posted a gazillion times by MMM-E.

Do you have any comments on the videos I posted that show your own brutality against immigrants and refugees?

You say you saved at least 143 asylum seekers that were pushed back by the Greek authorities. So tell me,who sent them to us in the first place? Who was it who pushed them to us? Why don't you stop the traffickers?

Give me a break. You're using these people as human weapons against us and against Europe. Just like Lukashenko's did with the flights from Turkey to Belarus and then sending them to the borders with Poland.

Erdogan's Turkey talking about human rights is a joke.
Just in the last few months, Turkiye has rescued at least 143 asylum seekers from the Aegean Sea in two separate incidents after they were pushed back by the Greek coast authorities. Almost all of humanitarian and rights groups have called Greece to stop its illegal pushback policy against refugees and migrants.

Shooting to unarmed refugees in international waters by Greek law enforcement... Or after capturing them, throwing them back into the sea, taking the refugees' clothes and leaving them to die; All this has been published with evidence. Even extremely anti-Turkish journalists reported these news. The tweet thread in the first message of the title is just one of them. I don't think Greece can get away with all this. May be you protect Europe, but you are criticized by European journalists, NGOs and lawyers. What you need to do is very simple.

You talk like hard border protection is a bad thing.

Let me tell you a secret. Nobody cares about NGO and laweyers and journalists anymore. Poland executes migrants at belarus border in the forest. Nothing will happen.

Yes its very simple, we need to make our border to be feared. So far it works perfect.
You talk like hard border protection is a bad thing.

Let me tell you a secret. Nobody cares about NGO and laweyers and journalists anymore. Poland executes migrants at belarus border in the forest. Nothing will happen.

Yes its very simple, we need to make our border to be feared. So far it works perfect.

We have to start with a simple question: who created this problem? Why do you have refugees in Europe? It’s a simple question: because of terrorism that’s being supported by Europe – and of course the United States – but Europe was the main player in creating chaos in Syria. So, what goes around comes around.
We have to start with a simple question: who created this problem? Why do you have refugees in Europe? It’s a simple question: because of terrorism that’s being supported by Europe – and of course the United States – but Europe was the main player in creating chaos in Syria. So, what goes around comes around.

I have no problems with it. They dont get in anymore anyways.

Oh and btw Turkey is one of biggest sponsor of DAESH. Erdogan made even oil deals with fanatics ...
Just in the last few months, Turkiye has rescued at least 143 asylum seekers from the Aegean Sea in two separate incidents after they were pushed back by the Greek coast authorities. Almost all of humanitarian and rights groups have called Greece to stop its illegal pushback policy against refugees and migrants.
Why do not they stay in Turkey?
Is not Turkey a safe country?
What are they afraid of and are they leaving Turkey?
Where do they find the money and pay the Turkish smugglers?
Simple questions that have never been answered by the Turkish government and press.
Why do not they stay in Turkey?
Is not Turkey a safe country?
What are they afraid of and are they leaving Turkey?
Where do they find the money and pay the Turkish smugglers?
Simple questions that have never been answered by the Turkish government and press.

There are at least over 4 million refugees in Turkiye, just from Syria and Iraq. (the number of Syrian refugees under temporary protection is 3,688,238 people. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians were granted citizenship. More than 1 million Syrian children grew up in Turkiye.)

However, the purpose of some of them is to be able to go to Western Europe or the USA. In other words, they want to use both Turkey and Greece as a transit. (my statement above is wrong, it was supposed to be a refugee, not an asylum seeker. English is not my native language, sometimes I can confuse the meanings of words with each other.)


Turkiye is a safe country. A country that has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It is the country that takes care of the most refugees not only within its borders but also outside its borders. You only need to look at international reports for a few hours.

No official here steals the clothes and belongings of refugees and leaves them to die. Had it been otherwise, millions of people would not have sought refuge in Turkiye. Among the millions of people who came, there were criminal elements as well as people from every profile. Unfortunately, these controls were very weak in the past. In addition, the incredible amount of immigration has caused some social problems. Our country's resources are limited, we have experienced many problems, but we have never systematically followed a policy of persecution and repatriation.


These people often set out with the dream of going to Western Europe by selling their valuables or working under difficult conditions for years in the countries they come from. And unfortunately, they lose their money to these smugglers. Even if they pass the Turkiye and Greece stage; as in the news we have seen in the past years, they are robbed by bandits and even directly by border security units in other eastern European countries. Turkish authorities always answer these questions with photo images and statistics. The real is your country is the part that leaves the questions unanswered or throws the ball out.

If you ask my opinion; Turkiye is hosting enough Syrians. Those who do not want to stay in Turkiye within this community should not be forced to stay here. Therefore, the readmission agreement with Europe must be terminated. The purpose of these people (who are trying to cross the borders illegally at the risk of death) is not to stay in Greece. I wish there was another way, but in any case, this is a problem that countries like Germany and France should deal with, not us. Because these people want to go there. These countries(core elements of Europe) are sucking the young workforce from the Balkans, and they depopulate these countries. They catch into the infrastructures of these countries, even state companies. As in the example of Greece, they can unrincipally use the debt stock of the countries for this. In return for all this, he wants to use these countries as border guards. Of course, there are positive things given as charity, but the purpose of these things is to make this robbery happen without being felt. I don't understand the tendency of Greece to become a refugee barrier for these states that robbed it. Just as I can't understand the readmission agreement that my own state signed.



As for the Turkish citizens who fled to Greece, they are divided into 2 groups. The first group is 'Feto structure'. Their belonging is the Atlanticist structure. Terrorists with proven crime and wanted status want to leave the country illegally and seek asylum abroad. They use Greece because Greece does not return these fugitives.

The second group is the other armed terrorist organization KCK/PKK and some other affiliated armed leftist terrorist organizations supported by Greece. Greece is the only country on the European continent to provide training camps and protection to armed terrorist organizations.

For example, the Lavrion Camp is used by the PKK/KCK to recruit rural personnel, financial support, lobbying, and transition to Europe. Many members of the organization who were caught admitted that they received tactical training in this camp during police interrogations. Despite Turkiye's requests, Greece still does not end this policy and its political support, which led to the death of the Turkish people. That's why Greece is a haven for terrorists - if your purpose killing Turkish people-.
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The second group is the other armed terrorist organization KCK/PKK and some other affiliated armed leftist terrorist organizations supported by Greece. Greece is the only country on the European continent to provide training camps and protection to armed terrorist organizations.

For example, the Lavrion Camp is used by the PKK/KCK to recruit rural personnel, financial support, lobbying, and transition to Europe. Many members of the organization who were caught admitted that they received tactical training in this camp during police interrogations. Despite Turkiye's requests, Greece still does not end this policy and its political support, which led to the death of the Turkish people. That's why Greece is a haven for terrorists - if your purpose killing Turkish people-.
That's what the Turkish government claims. But since the Turkish government has the nerve to accuse Greece of being a haven for terrorists,why doesn't Turkey tell us about the thousands and thousands of terrorists they trained,armed,funded and provided safe haven to and where involved in Syria and Iraq? What happened to these tens of thousands of beheaders who were backed by Turkey throughout the war in Syria? The Uyghurs,Chechens and Arabs who went to Syria for "jihad" and ended up killing,looting and destroying the entire country? How many of them fled to Turkey afterwards? How many are still in Turkey and how many were sent to Europe?







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