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Remove Pakistan Completely: Bharat Verma

Yes you saw what happened but do you know why that happened ???? Stop acting like a genius especially when you know nothing :hitwall:
The inside story is a completely different one.

What did you expect from a "chink" like me?
The reality gentlemen, is that India and Pakistan are here to stay. Unless we learn to co-exist, there can be no real peace. Unless we have peace, we will not have a stable platform to grow or develop. Pakistanis, Indians; south asians in general...are in essence the same people albeit with a little bit of difference here and there. It makes no sense to continue fighting.....not over a piece of land. When you consider it, the reasons we fight for are really quite trivial.
OH wait I missed an I in that word in India we generally call chineese with the name chinki.

I'm pretty sure you don't. Nice try. They say Chini, not "Chinki". I'm pretty sure you deliberately said that word - you kind of crossed a line there for no obvious reasons. Take it easy there. :no:

And if you actually thought it was "Chinki" (by mistake), then you must be pretty stupid. No offense.
Yeah I know, you Indians use this racist slur on anyone with East Asian facial features, even on the NE Indians.

Dear Dragon,

I have told that in anohter thread too.. Don;t generalise about Indians.. Focus on individuals who do that !! India has got people of diverse caste, creed, racial features..
BTW: Do you know Kolkata has a Chinatown ?
You're getting too emotional. Take it easy there, cinderella.

Don't worry about me bhai I am completely in my senses , The reason why I said so is bcoz post #2 is by a Pak and post #9 is by a Chineese(don't want to hurt CD's heart by using word CHINKI) If they can take the views of BV as that of whole India then why can't I.
Dear Dragon,

I have told that in anohter thread too.. Don;t generalise about Indians.. Focus on individuals who do that !! India has got people of diverse caste, creed, racial features..
BTW: Do you know Kolkata has a Chinatown ?

Well, excuse him for taking a little offense to a racial slur. *Cough*
And btw, can you Indians at least tell jack how to say "Chinese" in Hindi, if you are all not like him..? :whistle:
Well, excuse him for taking a little offense to a racial slur. *Cough*
And btw, can you Indians at least tell him how to say "Chinese" in Hindi, if you are not one like him..? :whistle:

Chinese is called Chini(like you pronounce it sugar) in Hindi and China (pronounce it as Cheena) in my language Bengali..
Well, excuse him for taking a little offense to a racial slur. *Cough*
And btw, can you Indians at least tell jack how to say "Chinese" in Hindi, if you are all not like him..? :whistle:

China is called Cheen in Hindi and chinese are called Cheeni.. Funnily enough Cheeni also means sugar in Hindi..

Now I hope CD wont mind if Indians start calling him Sugar this point on :-)rofl: at the gay undertones)

I dont believe it anymore.

Last thing we want is to drag China into a war , We are not Israel , don't drag friends into conflicts , we will fight to the death for our survival if India invades - by ourselves !

Chill dude. Are you always this hot headed?

Nothing sort of things that are mentioned in your OP is going to happen, neither do you have to fight to the 'your death' for your survival if India invades.

In the first place, I too never believed in ama ki asha, neither, I believe that India and Pakistan can be friends, at least for some foreseeable future; however, we can try to be civilized neighbors

There were far more serious events in the last decade such as attack on Parliament or 26/11 that could not prompt a war, so certainly an article by some Bharat Verma is not going to prompt a war, and, moreover, Pakistan has been at the weakest in the last decade since is existence and India at the strongest. This says it all: India has much better things to do than a war

The only events that can prompt a war is Kargil kind of misadventures by Pakistan that was construed by India as a direct attack on its sovereignty. so in essence the ball is in Pakistan's court.
I'm pretty sure you don't. Nice try. They say Chini, not "Chinki". I'm pretty sure you deliberately said that word - you kind of crossed a line there for no obvious reasons. Take it easy there. :no:

And if you actually thought it was "Chinki" (by mistake), then you must be pretty stupid. No offense.

Dude in Delhi people do use this word Chinki for both NE indians and Chineese. If you don't beleave then thats fine with me. We offen used to call one of my freind from Ladakh by Chinki and kanchi.
Well, excuse him for taking a little offense to a racial slur. *Cough*
And btw, can you Indians at least tell jack how to say "Chinese" in Hindi, if you are all not like him..? :whistle:

If you have any probelm with what I said then keep it b/w me and you rater than bringing others into it.
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