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Remove Pakistan Completely: Bharat Verma

Stable pakistan is not in India's favor that individual point of view in a democratic country.

Reasons are:

pakistani economy will grow

pakistan will get more money for military and nukes

pakistan's image in the world will improve

India will continue to face terrorism

India will continue to face fake currency

the list goes on..............

Good I always respect truth exposers, i hope more Indians expose the reality to sleeping Pakistanis who love to live in their fairy tale world. It is sad to see very few Pakistanis viewing & commenting on this important thread.
Good I always respect truth exposers, i hope more Indians expose the reality to sleeping Pakistanis who love to live in their fairy tale world. It is sad to see very few Pakistanis viewing & commenting on this important thread.

Sir Ji- Bharat Vermon is like Zion Hamid- better to be ignored-
Although i must say Veeru will continue bharats legacy- It will be Veeru Vermon in 2020 :lol:-
Good I always respect truth exposers, i hope more Indians expose the reality to sleeping Pakistanis who love to live in their fairy tale world. It is sad to see very few Pakistanis viewing & commenting on this important thread.

For the same reason, a stronger China is also not good for India.
Bharat Verma = a bit resonable Zaid Hamid.
Surely some pakistanis will take him seriously. The same way some Indians listen to Zaid Hamid.

I am not sure which defence analysis organization Bharat Verma belongs to, but for pakistanis here is one group they should listen to, not because they are right, but because they are influential.
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
for the same reason a strong a strong america is never good for china , it will make the great dragon piss in its pants ........this thread is about india and pakistan , not about you chinese .......

LOL, the last time we fought with America directly, was the 1950's Korean war. In which we pushed America plus 16 of her allies completely out of North Korea.

Not everyone is like India, boasting about "surgical strikes" in 2008, and then going home crying.
Sino-indian trade is more important to india than to China. The total trade amount is no more than 1% of China's GDP.

Wait what?? Dude in the bussiness b/w China and India, China is the seller and India is the buyer now think again whose in loose if this patnership fails.:hitwall:
Nothing but rabble rousing propaganda here. Really, such individuals must be ignored and not given a second worth of attention. Obsessing over the statements made by such individuals ( zaid hamid , Bharat verma ) merely goes on to show the level of our joblessness. The need of the hour is peace and dialogue. All of us seem to be intent on doing everything except what we really need to at this time.
Messing with Pakistan is messing with China, lets repeat this to India this time.

Where were you in 1965 where were in 71 and aahh how can I forget Kargil all these times Pak was standing alone all these times having their a$$$ whopped by us. :woot: . And dude don't bother about others when you are yourself having a hard time with us.
This brotherhood with China is nice and all, but realistically, we have to learn to stand up on our own feet. China has helped us a lot and we're really appreciative of that. We hope to be of help to you one day. But we should not have plans to fall back into the palm of our ally in case of a war, but rather, we should fight ourselves for ourselves and leave the option to the ally, whether it - in its current circumstance - has the capacity and is willing to take the risk to help us.

All I'm suggesting is that when we take a look at hypothetical war scenarios, we should look at it from the perspective that it's just us against them.
Bharat Verma

Oh plz don't do that Stewie is 1000 times better than BV.:)
Buddy, they don't dare anyway. They kept boasting about "surgical strikes" in response to the Mumbai attacks, but we all saw what happened.

Yes you saw what happened but do you know why that happened ???? Stop acting like a genius especially when you know nothing :hitwall:
The inside story is a completely different one.
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