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Remembrance:Tiananmen Square Anniversary




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In the 50s, the Great Leap forward has proved to be a disaster. The political elite in China(mostly Mao who presided over the Great leap forward) decided that China is not committed enough to the communism ideal and China should go further with the Cultural revolution. That decision did not turn out too well.

In the 80s, it is also obvious that things went wrong with the reform of democracy and capitalism, with rampant inflation, inequality, corruption and general economic chaos in the market place that precipitate the dissatisfaction and mass tiananmen protest. Then premier and general secretary of CPC and China, Zhao ziyang, who presided over China democratic and capitalistic reform before Tiananmen protest is sympathetic with the student protester. They considered that China should go further and commit more to the democratic and capitalist cause.

Deng Xiaoping, who had lived through the Great leap forward and the Cultural revolution, was able to face reality and used his political clout to reined back by relieving Zhao ziyang of the premiership and rethink the reform process.

It is fortunate that someone like Deng was there because subsequent events has proved that he has made the right decision.

It already released, there is no so-called tiananmen massacre!

The United States also know the truth, but only to take this as a tool to attack China.

But real people die,

Originally mob attacked soldiers, military repression, but it doesn't matter of slaughter.

I'm glad soldiers to do so!

Some of the Hongkong or Taiwan brainwashed anti Chinese traitors withoutqualification review!
Foreigners are not qualified to comment on!

When I was little, I am influenced by Falungong and Taiwan relatives, think that these students is a hero,

Now, I think, they are just a group of ignorant mob to use,

Very glad they failed!

The purpose of their subversion China failed!

A moment of silence for the sacrifices of the people's liberation army!

the United States Never want to China has advanced , but why will give China "democracy" such good things.
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What is lost in all this is the hoax referring to the massacre at the Square itself where the thousands of students were at.

Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim - Telegraph

Quote “In 2009, James Miles, who was the BBC correspondent in Beijing at the time, admitted that he had "conveyed the wrong impression" and that "there was no massacre on Tiananmen Square.”

The point is very clear. Western media sold the story of thousands of unarmed and peaceful young students were gunned down and rolled over as they were sleeping ???

This was the story that was told to people who want to believe such a thing happened. For a good 20 years !

Here are the facts.
At about 1:00 am, the army finally reached Tiananmen Square and waited for orders from the government. The soldiers had been told not to open fire, but they had also been told that they must clear the square by 6:00 a.m.–-no exceptions. They made a final offer of amnesty if the few thousand remaining students would leave. About 4:00 am, student leaders put the matter to a vote: Leave the square, or stay and face the consequences.[105]
The remaining students, numbering a few hundred, left the square under the military's watch before dawn.

Majority of the death occurred outside the square when the PLA had to fight their way into the square.
Some sources say that protesters first threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at police and army vehicles and lit many vehicles on fire in the streets all around Tiananmen, some with their occupants still inside them. There were reports of soldiers being burned alive in their armoured personnel carriers while others were beaten to death. Therefore, soldiers responded by opening fire on protesters.

Hard to say it was a massacre if PLA had to FIGHT their way through.

Apparently last year, Hou Dejian - a June 4th protest leader, came back to the Mainland from Taiwan to give a surprise performance at the Bird's Nest. This is also the student leader who admitted that he never personally saw any killing/weapons firing/tanks running over people on the Square that day.

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It is called massacre?
what is the definition of massacre?
government want to control the scene by force and there must be toll.This kind of thing is happening in the world but only China.If so,I think MASSACRE is happening in eastern UKRAINE.In western view,right now,those people become separatist and mob but fighter striving for democracy.It is double standard.
If it is a really massacre,how many persons were dead in that MASSACRE?
If possible,I would prefer to talk about JAPANESE NANJING MASSACRE and it caused the death tool of 300,000.That would be more positive.
Some criminals pretended to be students when the protest happened, they killed PLA soldiers first, they burned PLA soldiers alive, what will you gonna do? In the US, if the situation (attack the police and army) happens, the police already shut them down 1000 times. PLA is just too kind, they always try to protect her own people, but they were betrayed.

Fk those all who accuse of CCP and PLA. After watching just a single documentary, you get to know all the situations at that time? So naive!
The enemies can attack you without any reasons. Whatever you say and what you do has nothing to do with this attack. But you could learn who is your real enemy. Its pitty that the students used by those westerners and became the victims. As a expriencer, I am very glad that our country stand steady and became stronger. Those jokers will never give up these kind of socalled 'morally' attack even the 'morally' invasion.
Remember that color revolution, Lybia, Iraq and Afganstan invasion all lead to chaos.
or you can say that you are suprised that Majority of Chinese are not brainwashed by werstern, while we indian are.

Just remember, even Chinese members on this forum who know well about west( good command of english) oppose this, what do you expect of other Chinese?

It is the specialty of evil regime to divert the attention or subvert the mind of their own citizen that they see cause of all evil into some another country and couldn't see the real evil. As uri bezminov said that there was a great propaganda in Russia that America dumps some deadly insect on their soil so that their crop fails. This was nothing but the subversion technique to divert the people attention so that they couldn't see the real evil behind their problems. Obviously you being a Chinese think like that.
It is the specialty of evil regime to divert the attention or subvert the mind of their own citizen that they see cause of all evil into some another country and couldn't see the real evil. As uri bezminov said that there was a great propaganda in Russia that America dumps some deadly insect on their soil so that their crop fails. This was nothing but the subversion technique to divert the people attention so that they couldn't see the real evil behind their problems. Obviously you being a Chinese think like that.
Evil empire? you must refer to your former western masters, those commited the crime of global colonization including india and slavery trading, and then divert world's opinion and painted themselves as saint. Just like you inida committed mass massacre in the blue star operation, while delude that you stand the same moral ground as your former colonizer.

Considering the degree of which you being brainwashed by western media, there is no worth to argue with you anymore. as we all know indian's slavery mentality.
Evil empire? you must refer to your former western masters, those commited the crime of global colonization including india and slavery trading, and then divert world's opinion and painted themselves as saint. Just like you inida committed mass massacre in the blue star operation, while delude that you stand the same moral ground as your former colonizer.

Considering the degree of which you being brainwashed by western media, there is no worth to argue with you anymore. as we all know indian's slavery mentality.

It seems that you are more concern about evil forces of west rather than your own. i do not want to discuss the crime and atrocities committed by Mao in your own country. How 20 million people killed in a whimsical drive of 4 pest campaign. In colonial rule, we had more freedom than what you have today. Try to search the root of evil inside rather than make baseless theories to search it outside.
It seems that you are more concern about evil forces of west rather than your own. i do not want to discuss the crime and atrocities committed by Mao in your own country. How 20 million people killed in a whimsical drive of 4 pest campaign. In colonial rule, we had more freedom than what you have today. Try to search the root of evil inside rather than make baseless theories to search it outside.
haha, quote"In colonial rule, we had more freedom than what you have today. " Can't you be more funny.

Actually, there is a pupolar opinion in China, no better patriotic lessons than the chance to visit India. anyone who advocate democracy will change the mind immediately after staying a few days there. I have been to india as tourist two times and have first hand knowledge of your country, yet you talk to me about the freedom in india. are you a joker? don't make me start.

Your so proud india style democracy already be a laughstock on China website, especially for those who have been abroad. go to ask your countryman who been to China, see how they describe us with envy and admiration. you are really a frog in your democratic well. haha.
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How many different threads are created on this same issue?

Indians members, why don't we also remember Indian atrocities? Like this one:

Jaffna hospital massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As if you have some moral high ground or support the peoples right to self determination only when it suits you of course. But, when it's Palestinians in an uprising against Israeli oppression we all know your views on that.

Cut us a break.
The best way to respond to the so called massacre is not to shut ourselves from it but approach it from two angles:


First, encourage the academia to discuss the issue to the bone and, in doing that, use a highly sophisticated rhetoric. this will scare away the uneducated mobs like the ones on this thread since they will never be able to keep up with the scientific investigation. Thus, in time, the serious part will be relegated to serious (small in number) people.

Second, make fun of it. Yes, humor always soften things up. If people think this is a sensitive issue, they will become over-sensitive themselves. Then the issue will be given a higher regard than it deserves. So, the more you make fun of it, the more the mobs like the ones abound this thread will start thinking it as a not so important issue as they will be perfectly able to understand the content, unlike the academic-content.

Isn't this what the US does with its own history?

So, as a start for the humor part, you may draw sketches that reads:

*On June 4th, 1989, here China fell short of becoming a second India. LOL

*On June 4th, 1989, here, sanitation workers did overtime. He he.

So, Chinese members should assume a light approach and enjoy being the citizens of the second most powerful nation on earth.

When they feel bitter about life, they should simply open the CIA factbook and read some comparative stat on China and India.

Some criminals pretended to be students when the protest happened, they killed PLA soldiers first, they burned PLA soldiers alive, what will you gonna do? In the US, if the situation (attack the police and army) happens, the police already shut them down 1000 times. PLA is just too kind, they always try to protect her own people, but they were betrayed.

Fk those all who accuse of CCP and PLA. After watching just a single documentary, you get to know all the situations at that time? So naive!

Indeed. During Katrina, Heavens knows how many looters they shot on sight. They were all summed up as disaster victim.
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