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Remembrance:Tiananmen Square Anniversary

Jungle folk would always believe any shit you throw at them. Let them believe what they want to believe. Their minds are clouded with delusion from hating anything Chinese.
You got that right, if that Vietcong wants to believe Western media. why not read those articles rebuking the massacre as myths which is also written by Western media right?
Funny you should be asking me for numbers as you already know the Chinese government never released any. So does that make you blindly follow what Westerners have to say? I can see why your jungle is in this poor state with people like you.
China didn't even try to defend itself in this incident. So do we have any choice but to believe in the West?

Jungle jungle, it's way off topic but who can stop that? Even the Amazon is being destroyed as we speak, and Brazil is already a G8 +1. There are more 'urgent' (sacarasm) issues for Vietnam gov to deal with so deforestation has to wait.
No time to laugh at China, since Vietcong right now is far more vulnerable to the US color revolution.
You got that right, if that Vietcong wants to believe Western media. why not read those articles rebuking the massacre as myths which is also written by Western media right?
If Western media report there was and was not a massacre, they are exercising their freedom of speech and the world can choose what to believe in. And the world (or most of it) believed in the massacre story.
No time to laugh at China, since Vietcong right now is far more vulnerable to the US color revolution.
Well, China forced us to this, you know. Out there thousands of anti-commie Vietnamese are screaming to overthrow the communist gov and repleace with a democratic one. They can go fck themselves but who know, maybe one day the communist party will take extreme steps to solve the problem with China. We are Vietnamese before we are communists.
Haha... welcome back. Been a while since your last post ;)
Thnx. I been reading wondering why Chinese posters need to explain and justify every posts to low life viets and curry eaters? Those stupid threads regarding the oil rig are fxxking retarded. Why bother even trying to explain to morons ? This thread same shit. Every year there will be Chinese losers and jap lovers protesting. Let them be.

Man those girls are fugly at the vigil from hk and taiwan.
Just waiting for 2013 pisa results to rub it in indians face.
If Western media report there was and was not a massacre, they are exercising their freedom of speech and the world can choose what to believe in. And the world (or most of it) believed in the massacre story.
You have the freedom to believe in a lie, just as we have the freedom to spread news of Vietcongs aggressive actions forced us to sink your fishing boats.
You have the freedom to believe in a lie, just as we have the freedom to spread news of Vietcongs aggressive actions forced us to sink your fishing boats.
Isn't that why we are all here, believing in each of our own gov and trying to make others believe in it too?
(Sign) The truth is I think we are wasting out time. The other posters could have care less who is wright or wrong. Let's stop our ridiculous comments.
you certainly don't leave a stone unturned when you have the opportunity to criticize China now do you? I don't hear you making any noise when Vietcongs murdered innocent unarmed Chinese workers recently.

Shame on you. You consider the evil regime as the china and not the innocents killed.

Of course I did. read old thread.

You also failed to distinguish between couple of people illegally crossing border were killed and large scale slaughter of their own peaceful citizen by non other than their own government. I am surprised that overwhelming Majority of Chinese (As it appeared from this forum) supports this totalitarian Regime.
Shame on you. You consider the evil regime as the china and not the innocents killed.

Of course I did. read old thread.

You also failed to distinguish between couple of people illegally crossing border were killed and large scale slaughter of their own peaceful citizen by non other than their own government. I am surprised that overwhelming Majority of Chinese (As it appeared from this forum) supports this totalitarian Regime.
or you can say that you are suprised that Majority of Chinese are not brainwashed by werstern, while we indian are.

Just remember, even Chinese members on this forum who know well about west( good command of english) oppose this, what do you expect of other Chinese?
I have been in the west for 17 years and have never been a CCP member.

Actually, 94% of Chinese are not CCP members as well.

My family has zero CCP members as well.

So indicating people like me are all brainwashed when we say something favoring CCP is just for simple people to draw simple conclusion.

If you know nothing about China's history and simply saying democracy will save China and all problems in China will be solved with it, you are either an idiot or someone disguising to destroy China.

It is the same as saying communism is the greatest among all.

Theoretically, democracy should work in China. In reality, it will not at least for the near future. It may when China gets out of developing country status.

Power does corrupt people badly. CCP is also corrupted in many ways. However, at least, it tries many ways to cleanse its bad ones. I am glad those students failed. Otherwise, China will not be what it is today.

CCP is not same all the time. CCP ever made big mistakes.
the inspiration of "choosing CCP anytime" leads to inactivity or lack of moving forward motivation.
Those students are motivations for innovating the CCP. If not change, CCP would be rejected.
That's why we respect their sacrifice. The act of CCP expressed of their limit in facing the facts.

The facts that they are afraid to face the truth, the fact that CCP still control and filter the media, even foreign reporters. The facts that CCP hide their murders in secret. The fact that CCP doesnt know how to say Sorry.
I am surprised that people that are far way and has access to limited information about China think that they know more about events in China than the local Chinese.

Is it that hard to believe that Chinese has access to more information and has far more incentive to learn about historical events in China? Would that be any different from people from other country knowing more about their country?

I often got this impression that these foreigner has an almost caricaturish or cartoonish view of the Chinese people. I think the western media has something to do with that. Why would the Chinese in China be ignorant automaton if all the Chinese elsewhere outside of China has prove themselves to be smart and excel in academy field?

Please understand that China is big, sophisticated and different. Be careful to oversimplify and relying too much on the prejudicial or ignorant (and sometimes both) western media to jump to conclusion on matter concerning China. (I also find it surprising that westerner are not aware that the western media know little about China since their obvious ignorant is pretty easy to figure out)
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Not a single NATO member condemned the violent U.S. backed anti democratic coup in Ukraine and rigged elections with oppression and death threats to any opposition.
No one respected the will of the people when they voted against NATO lapdog EU

But they still put up the same "democracy" tears every year about the old anti Chinese propaganda lies.
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