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Religious violence erupts in Myanmar

Then stop threads proclaiming India as the next super power...Super power kay sapnay dekhna band kero if your hands are tied on humanity!

AFAIK its mainly Pakistanis and to some extent Chinese that call us the next super powa. We never claimed so.
why invade ? i am talking about diplomatic pressure

Different thinking between East Asia(China, N-S Korea, Japan) and other Religious state,we have no stance on religion, religion is a very personal thing, not participate in any religious disputes as national identity. Only call for peace and hope Government of Myanmar can control violence
Doesn't Bangladesh have its share of trouble...why not concentrate on them before poking your nose in affairs of other countries. I think that is the logic of hating the USA as they show the same tendency.

you dumb , on the name of religion they are trying send all muslims and rohingya to bangladesh
we accepted a big size of Rohingya, burmese regime simply pushed to us instead of solving

That was during the previous 2 exodus in late 70s and 91 most likely. I am talking about the recent one. Burmese regime pushed them , they ran for their lives coming to our door step but we shut down the door and heard them screaming to death on the other side. Now U can argue about being soft and accepting them allowing burma to keep ethnic cleansing but I am talking on humanitarian grounds. We allowed them to die and more important burma can keep on doing this massacre as we failed at the diplomatic front as well. BNP didn't do well either in global PR, simply put we lack a concrete strategy regarding the issue, a conflict that is no less significant than Kashmir, palestine or Kosovo. Kosovo happened because US had interest in there and for similar reason Palestine is not getting freed and same goes for kashmir. If we could have got American attention regarding the issue during which Burma was isolated to the core, doing a Kosovo in Burma would have been very possible.
you dumb , on the name of religion they are trying send all muslims and rohingya to bangladesh

Well the fact is the BD government denied to take them...but a section of Bangladeshis were very upset with that decision. Don't worry as long as the government do not accept them there should be no problem.
now a Pakistani intervention would be very relevant.

Not really! pakistan has also intervened in support of arabs against israelis. I never saw any arabs supporting pakistan. It's best if the matter is left to OIC. Maybe they might do something.... MAYBE LOL
That was during the previous 2 exodus in late 70s and 91 most likely. I am talking about the recent one. Burmese regime pushed them , they ran for their lives coming to our door step but we shut down the door and heard them screaming to death on the other side. Now U can argue about being soft and accepting them allowing burma to keep ethnic cleansing but I am talking on humanitarian grounds. We allowed them to die and more important burma can keep on doing this massacre as we failed at the diplomatic front as well. BNP didn't do well either in global PR, somply put we lack a concrete strategy regarding the issue, a conflict that is no less significant than Kashmir, palestine or Kosovo. Kosovo happened because US had interest in there and for similar reason Palestine is not getting freed and same goes for kashmir. If we could have got American attention regarding the issue during which Burma was isolated to the core, doing a Kosovo in Burma would have been very possible.

we did support, we let stay for few days which is not reported in media because it would encourage burma to push rohingya more to bd @Jayanta
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Super powers have nothing to do with humanity..in fact a country in the process of becoming a super power, demolishes all norms of humanity and kills hundreds of thousands..America anyone? Super powers are never humane, they just claim to be humane. A very important distinction that.

More importantly I am not one of the jingos who dreams of any such aspiration for my country. We are far from it anyway.

@Dillinger sooo, all that being tolerant, secular, peace loving Indians is a myth?!
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Not really! pakistan has also intervened in support of arabs against israelis. I never saw any arabs supporting pakistan. It's best if the matter is left to OIC. Maybe they might do something.... MAYBE LOL

OIC will sit on its hands..anything else will mean crossing both China and America since Burma is chummy with both these nations.
Lets not cry when our awami rulers didn't even allow them refuge during the recent massacre. Simply put we failed both on the humanitarian front and diplomatic front regarding the rohingya issue. Though I don't think awami maggots were ever serious on the issue. Any way arakan is no different than Kashmir , Kosovo or palestine. But as I said we failed at the dimplomatic front for decades thanks to political instability and awami dalals at home and now we even failed them on humanitarian front.

@Luffy 500 we are not crying just questioning people and their thinking....just scroll around and you will see hypocrites showing themselves :angel:
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Not really! pakistan has also intervened in support of arabs against israelis. I never saw any arabs supporting pakistan. It's best if the matter is left to OIC. Maybe they might do something.... MAYBE LOL

These guys aint no Israeli's. Perhaps this time your aid might actually achieve a better outcome.
we did support, we let stay for few days which is not reported in media because it would encourage burma to push rohingya more to bd

They were forcefully send back and sometime fired upon. Infact we send them back to death trap, a place where massacre is still going on as we speak. U simply don't get it as it doesn't matter to U other than defending AL. I can't support such stance. Btw what about the gov direction of apprehending any one found to help Rohingyas? In fact a turkish charity org was harassed to distributing food to rohinyas. I know U will come up with all sorts of non-sense defending it but fact is that we also failed on humanitarian grounds.
@Dillinger sooo, all that being tolerant, secular, peace loving Indians is a myth?!

Nope, that's what people do..being tolerant and secular. Governments on the other hand are not so nice, they kill so that they may amass power for their state and for themselves. Did you never read Machiavelli's work?

As far as us being secular goes, we try rather hard to be secular within our own nation..we are not interested in intervening in another sovereign nation..not unless an UN mandate asks us to, the Burmese government itself asks us to OR hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas flood into India.

Besides China is more closer to being a super power than India, let them intervene. After all most of the posters here claim that China is a great friend of Pakistan, Pakistan should petition China for the sake of the Muslim Ummah.
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