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Religious violence erupts in Myanmar

Have you EVER heard ANY American POLITICIAN speak straight forwardly what their plan is and how they are going to go about it?

Blowing takes money...you dont fart and blow things up...you need supplies and money...Yes, FEW VERY FEW as compared to their group and damage caused now

Talon, who says they have to take American money and do what they ask?

I'm not only talking about these Extremist groups, but also many Muslim nations took American funding and followed them into a war, in which vast numbers of Muslims were killed.

Why take their money and use it to kill? Why not just say no?

I don't get it, why is it so hard to say no to America. What is so great about America.
Says the india:


Source ???
Data from which year ??
Talon, who says they have to take American money and do what they ask?

I'm not only talking about these Extremist groups, but also many Muslim nations took American funding and followed them into a war, in which vast numbers of Muslims were killed.

Why take their money and use it to kill? Why not just say no?

I don't get it, why is it so hard to say no to America. What is so great about America.

Which wars are you referring to precisely?

In case of Pakistan, they were a Cold War ally and at war with India over Kashmir. If I'm not mistaken, China and Pakistan do cooperate where their interests intersect.

Mutual interests I'd say.

In case of the Iraq-Iran wars, well.....Iraq mostly had Soviet equipment back then. They had Western backing too!

America backs whichever party serve their interests.

And most importantly, the party that is set to win. Period. That is one of the reasons why America supported Israel during the Arab-Israeli Wars.
Which wars are you referring to precisely?

In case of Pakistan, they were a Cold War ally and at war with India over Kashmir. If I'm not mistaken, China and Pakistan do cooperate.

Mutual interests I'd say.

In case of the Iraq-Iran wars, well.....Iraq mostly had Soviet equipment back then. They had Western backing too!

America backs whichever party serve their interests.

And most importantly, the party that is set to win. Period. That is why America supported Israel during the Arab-Israeli Wars.

They have a choice, they can turn it down. They can always turn it down.

I just think it's strange that these guys are telling me how bad America is.

I KNOW how bad America is, I doubt many people know better. But the people telling me this, their countries have invited in the US troops onto their own sovereign soil, and even followed them into war.

I'm asking, why? Since apparently they know what America really is, why are they helping them at the cost of their own sovereignty?

Just say no.
Burmese Muslims should migrate to Dar-al-Islam lands so that they can live peacefully in their devotion of Allah.

Indians Muslims should also have that option.

so you want to transfer your problem to somewhere else ?:D
My government does not have power like KSA, Pakistan , China , India, you call yourself regional power and going to be super power when you have responsibility in your region but doing nothing, thank you come again

arabs are busy in blow jobbing each other on the name of freedom for people

Don't know about the others but Bangladesh complains of India interfering in their affairs yet you want India to interfere in your neighbours affairs. Sounds like a double standard. No offence but Indian "help" would come to bite us back like from the Bangladesh PDF like crowd.
Damned if we do and damned if we don't. We have taken Myanmar Muslim Refugees. That is enough help in my book. Besides I am sure some day these same refugees will become ungrateful, highlight the Islam first banner, start protesting in some Indian city and kicking the statue of some Amar Jawan....
They have a choice, they can turn it down. They can always turn it down.

I just think it's strange that these guys are telling me how bad America is.

I KNOW how bad America is, I doubt many people know better. But the people telling me this, their countries have invited in the US troops onto their own sovereign soil, and even followed them into war.

I'm asking, why? Since apparently they know what America really is, why are they helping them at the cost of their own sovereignty?

Just say no.

Well, I myself find it odd that people happily fly American warplanes while burning American flags at the same time. It really is strange.

It really depends which country or situation we are looking at.

Back in the days of the First Gulf War, the Saudis along with the other Arab states had little combat experience against an enemy with nearly a decade of war experience.

That is one of the reasons why the Saudis invited the Americans against Saddam's forces in the first place. And that is what caused people like OBL and his ilks to burn.

He rightly pointed out that once the Americans step onto Arab soil, they'll never leave. So yes, there was criticism. But they can't do anything against the decisions of their leaders.

Are the Arab leaders lazy? Ye could say that. Even today, those Islamists in the Middle East blame the USA for much of their problems. But that voice had been put down by a mighty thumb for decades. Often through repressive means. And that is never beneficial in the long term.

Countries like Qatar on the other hand have their entire national security managed by the US of A, plus American troops based over there. And they don't appear to have any major problems with it. They have their security assured, they don't have to spend much on defense and they can live happily ever after with their abundant resources and low population.

In case of Pakistan in the post 9/11 world. If they said no to America's involvement in Afghanistan, they'd be bombed back to the stone ages by then. Either way, they were already in trouble.

Anyhow, these have little to do with the topic at hand.

Let's make it simple.

Going through this thread..what one gleans is the following:-

1) Indians have a severe hatred for all Muslims- courtesy Razzi. Accepted.

2) We are not particularly powerful, efficient or militarily capable. Accepted.

3) Many posters have claimed that they do not consider Indian Muslims to be a part of the Ummah..even Armstrong says so. Accepted.

So why should a weak, inefficient India, which was ruled by Muslim kings for so long do anything..can it do anything? Instead the powerful and far better Islamic nations should intervene and solve the problem for the sake of the Ummah that we keep hearing about so much. The above is based on the syllogisms and material provided by your fellow Pakistani posters.

Now onto China, I do not know whether @Chinese-Dragon's views are the views of the Chinese government at large..I do not think he has ever claimed them to be so. But judging by China's lack of interest in this affair one can safely say that his view seems to converge with that of his government's.

So China and India at least don't seem to be interested.

More importantly has it occurred to you that both China and India are close to the Burmese government. They have provided us with many things which I have mentioned earlier. They have also provided the Chinese government with many opportunities. As such not only are we not interested in any intervention, diplomatic or otherwise, but it is HIGHLY likely that IF some other country tried to intervene we would stop them in favor of the Burmese government. Either China or India or even both will most probably prevent anyone from intervening in any manner that will harm the Burmese government considering we'd lose our interests. So best of luck to anyone who wants to intervene, OIC or otherwise.

We didn't start this problem and we sure as hell will not expend precious manpower and resources to end it. Its not our affair. Any further discussion on the matter would be futile. None the less if someone fancies leading a campaign into the Burmese forests..that we actually might allow since that someone and all the fool's who'd follow would never return from that god-forsaken place.
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Well, I myself find it odd that people happily fly American warplanes while burning American flags at the same time. It really is strange.

Thanks for the explanations Loki, the post was very informative. :tup:

In fact I only came to the thread to respond to what the OP said here:

even @xuxu1457's county china is doing nothing :sick:

And Talon was telling me how the US was funding trouble all over the world, and I agree with that 100%, but I was wondering why these groups and countries are willingly (and in some cases eagerly) accepting US funding and doing what they are telling them to do.
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Thanks for the explanations Loki, the post was very informative. :tup:

In fact I only came to the thread to respond to what the OP said here:

And Talon was telling me how the US was funding trouble all over the world, and I agree with that 100%, but I was wondering why these groups and countries are willingly (and in some cases eagerly) accepting US funding and doing what they are telling them to do.

America doesn't want allies. They want their very own bitches! :lol:

Plenty of bitches.
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