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reforms for the united nations organization

1. nam was dead the day nasser died.

2. in 2011, the chairman of nam was morsi, the chief of the criminal organization, ikhwaan, which was involved in the western bloc genocide in libya and syria that same year.

3. why was indian army ready to be deployed to iraq in 2003 in support of nato campaign there?? the indian communist groups were the ones to oppose this plan... and it was the same bjp government which created the involvement plan... i will not speak of other such involvements.

4. brics was created by "goldman sachs" for two reasons... (a). create a transition of economy in russia and china from socialistic/state-controlled/nationalistic/local to free-market/western-dominated one, (b). india and brazil were promising markets for western consumer goods.

5. imf is the european version of the western bloc primary money-enslavery agency, world bank... let us not get into the nitty-gritty of it all but instead look at it from a clean big-picture.

No my friend Indian army was not ready to be deployed in Iraq you are mistaken, infact India was buying Iraqi oil under the table under the oil for food program. Also Iraqi army was trained by Indian's.
Your Col Gaddafi never mattered so much in world politics, so even i can say dont mention what he said as its irrelevant.

that really is losing you credibility... he was a real world leader whose nation was invaded because it was a thorn in the eye of western bloc... you disregard the genocide by the western bloc of 200,000+ libyans... you disregard the genocide of a million iraqis.

You know it very well that in India you have a right to your opinion


look at some of the indian members of pdf... quick to jump on me like dogs biting/tearing a cat to death... establishment supporters, who have nothing to offer to humanity, except poisonous nationalistic cheering disregarding the utter injustice within india... when did you cry for the 69 people who died of hunger a few months ago in the tea estates of darjeeling... when did your government's home ministry and foreign ministry and defense ministry cry for them... when did you cry for them...

the present indian prime minister is clearly a criminal, responsible for abetting and shielding his party which is responsible for murder of 2000+ muslims in 2002.

obama is a war criminal and genocider... one must be a idiot or criminal to deny this.

rather than celebrate "all glory be to india", you should have opened a thread questioning your nation's establishment and "legally allowed" systems.

i bring you solution to a human problem and you bring me poisonous words.

On pdf I have declared myself to be an Indian, a woman and a muslim.

a woman?? you never once spoke of the torture of this lady... ( Delhi's unknown Nirbhaya: Horrifying story of teenager who was tortured and gang-raped for days and then left for dead | Daily Mail Online ).

a muslim?? in what way?? you clearly have taken a anti-muslim line.

In fact, I should be asking you why on a pakistani forum you sport Indian flag and yet take an anti-Indian stand?

i am muslim and socialist, wanting a communist humanity... and communism considers nationalism to be a unnatural and anti-human idea... communism existed much before most present states... surely, you must have read an entire thread by me about this.

clearly, you have exposed yourself to be an establishment supporter whose ideas are anti-human, anti-socialism... and anti-islam... should i declare you to be fake-muslim... munafik??
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These days the world is moving towards a multi-polar type vision so the days of cold war politics is not relevant for this day and age. The new world powers would be Brazil, India, China, Indonesia etc
These days the world is moving towards a multi-polar type vision

but some members clearly want western bloc led world, and they are not even westerners.

clearly a case of "more loyal to the king than the king himself".
exactly... that would be democratic... and that would remove need for any special overlord "security council" to exist... all decisions can be taken in the uno general assembly itself.


@Blue_Eyes forgot to tag you in the op.

exactly... that would be democratic... and that would remove need for any special overlord "security council" to exist... all decisions can be taken in the uno general assembly itself.


@Blue_Eyes forgot to tag you in the op.
I will answer tomorrow by editing this message and after reading OP, As I am really tired now, Just got the time to see your post.
Was busy in New delhi and man was it the best day today to rain :p: :D and India pe hi itne issue bhare pade hain, direct UN pe hamla kar diya lol :p:
I will answer tomorrow by editing this message and after reading OP, As I am really tired now, Just got the time to see your post.

Was busy in New delhi and man was it the best day today to rain :p: :D and India pe hi itne issue bhare pade hain, direct UN pe hamla kar diya lol :p:


thanks for making me laugh because some people really make me cry. :)
The U.N. was set up for four reasons:

1) to put down and keep down Germany
2) to help prevent major wars between the Great Powers
3) to help administer and wind down colonialism
4) and to further international cooperation in areas of cross-border concern like health and air travel.

#1 and #3 are no longer relevant. #4 works pretty well.

#2, however, fails to take into account the changing power relationships around the world. Political and military power are thus out of sync, lessening the U.N.'s utility.

There is no minority appeal - only the S.C. can decide which member-states get thrown out for violations of the Charter, not any court.

Much of the Charter has been pushed over its limits. Most people don't realize that the U.N. was NOT set up as a body to make international law; its founders realized this could be abused, so the U.N. is not any form of world government. All resolutions of the G.A. and most in the S.C. are not law. Even the S.C.'s law-making powers are supposed to be time-limited.

Thus the frustrations of the many around the world who gang up on Israel as the scape-goat of all their troubles: if only Israel would do this or that, the world would be a better place? Isn't Israel illegal/illegitimate? This illustrates Israel's geopolitical role (to Europeans) as the finger-in-the-dike focus of Muslim hatred, replacing the millenia-long conflict between Christian powers and Islam. This promotion of antisemitism has fuelled wars at Israel's borders, the decimation of non-Muslim minorities throughout the middle east, and lately terrorism within Europe itself. Yet I don't know if any "reform" of the U.N. is enough to fix this.
It is not about "our case" but the fact that a huge chunk of modern day conflicts are taking place in Muslim countries (Palestine, Syria, formerly Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia etc). Muslims as a consequence need a voice in the security council. The strongest candidate IMO is Turkey. Iran and Saudi would both boycott each other. Pakistani foreign policy has aligned itself with Saudi too much for Iran to like it. Indonesia as a relative outsider might be a favorite for many. Ultimately however an Islamic country needs to be added to the SC.

if religion is brought into picture, then indian government will propose india as representing hinduism ( and buddhism though unsuitable ) because there are billion+ hindus in the world, most of them in india.

why go for any more confusion??

abolishing the security council is the simplest way... all this is addressed in the gaddafi speech... please do watch it.
I agree UN is not capable of controlling the super powers and that Vietnam, Syria and Palestine have been UN's biggest collective failure. But look at the brighter side UN has been only one among many organisations which have shaped the modern international law. for example the crime of genocide was first enshrined in international law in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. And look at the UN peacekeepers, they do vital work all over the world from Cyprus to Korea.
It would be unrealistic to believe that UN would be able to bring US to books, for it cant.
if religion is brought into picture, then indian government will propose india as representing hinduism ( and buddhism though unsuitable ) because there are billion+ hindus in the world, most of them in india.

why go for any more confusion??

abolishing the security council is the simplest way... all this is addressed in the gaddafi speech... please do watch it.

I see your point but lets put it this way, one of the biggest conflicts (or rather occupation) in the 21st century is that which Israel is doing in Palestine. It is not mere coincidence that the strongest proponents of Palestinian rights are Muslim nations (although admitingly they haven't done half as much as they could). However if there's any nation that would go the extra mile and veto a resolution that would further decrease the rights of the Palestinians then it would be a Muslim nation. This is just one example. Of course this is by no means a perfect solution as I said before but it far better than the current makeup of the security council which in no way represents the real geopolitical situation today. Another proposition could be alternating the permanent members between countries in a region. So one North American seat, one South American seat, one Middle Eastern, one South Asian etc.
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@Solomon2 @levina @Bamxa

i am fatigued responding to the hateful posts of razia on this thread... please allow me to continue this particular discussion tomorrow. :)
that really is losing you credibility... he was a real world leader whose nation was invaded because it was a thorn in the eye of western bloc... you disregard the genocide by the western bloc of 200,000+ libyans... you disregard the genocide of a million iraqis.


look at some of the indian members of pdf... quick to jump on me like dogs biting/tearing a cat to death... establishment supporters, who have nothing to offer to humanity, except poisonous nationalistic cheering disregarding the utter injustice within india... when did you cry for the 69 people who died of hunger a few months ago in the tea estates of darjeeling... when did your government's home ministry and foreign ministry and defense ministry cry for them... when did you cry for them...

the present indian prime minister is clearly a criminal, responsible for abetting and shielding his party which is responsible for murder of 2000+ muslims in 2002.

obama is a war criminal and genocider... one must be a idiot or criminal to deny this.

rather than celebrate "all glory be to india", you should have opened a thread questioning your nation's establishment and "legally allowed" systems.

i bring you solution to a human problem and you bring me poisonous words.

a woman?? you never once spoke of the torture of this lady... ( Delhi's unknown Nirbhaya: Horrifying story of teenager who was tortured and gang-raped for days and then left for dead | Daily Mail Online ).

a muslim?? in what way?? you clearly have taken a anti-muslim line.

i am muslim and socialist, wanting a communist humanity... and communism considers nationalism to be a unnatural and anti-human idea... communism existed much before most present states... surely, you must have read an entire thread by me about this.

clearly, you have exposed yourself to be an establishment supporter whose ideas are anti-human, anti-socialism... and anti-islam... should i declare you to be fake-muslim... munafik??
Who are you to declare me a fake? Even if you do so, how does it matter? your calling someone munafik does not make one. In fact, you have exposed yourself to be a regressive madrassa product. And since you have accused me of taking an anti-muslim line, please prove it, show me the evidence where i have said anything against my religion. If you think taking a pro Indian stand on kashmir or any other matter makes me an anti muslim then please find out what is the stand of India's muslim leaders on these issues. Ask Asaduddin Owaisi, Omar Abdualla, Mufti Mohd. Sayeed, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Mohd. Hamid Ansari or any other muslim politicians (other than pro pakistan hurriyat people) what is their stand on kashmir and India's permanent seat in UNSC etc.

Secondly, I am not a political party that i have to take a stand on each and every political issue. I dont have time and bandwidth to read all the threads and make a comment. If i dont make a comment on any issue that does not mean any one can assume anything about my stand. If you are so concerned then please seek my opinion as you have done a few times in past and I may like to respond to you or may not.
We cant rectify nor should expect much from UN. Its firmly in the grasp of western countries and we cant dismantle their veto power as well. So what we need to do is to make its counter part in order to balance the equation and to neutralize it.
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