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reforms for the united nations organization

No country is going to let go of their veto or their seat at the security council but India should work with BRIC more and G20 to get higher voting powers on forums like the IMF. Security council reform will not take place for another 5-6 years at least in my view.
lol so now we will have members based on religion

that is clearly something to be avoided... and like i said, termination of uno security council is the simplest and only solution.

If there ever has to be muslim representation, it wud be turkey/saudi.
Besides india have very huge muslim population, so india will represent them as well.

saudia does not represent islam... saudia is a monarchy propped up by the western bloc.

turkey is currently ruled by an anti-islam party, who are involved in destroying influential or powerful muslim societies.

india is presently ruled by a anti-muslim party.

but let us avoid bringing all that into this debate.

UN, per se, has no influence if sovereign nations don't agree to it.

then there is no need for uno to remain, yes??

NATO is the most powerful bloc on earth. The only bloc that could challenge it was Warsaw-Pact nations which no longer exists. We must understand the reality. A tiger can not be equated with a jackal or goat. If the world body does not recognize it, very soon it will crumble.

nato is only the most imperialistic, genocidal and quarrelsome military bloc... there is the sco bloc to counter it, only thing is sco has not been as initiative-takingas the warsaw pact of pre-1990.

you should understand the reality of the world... didn't a russian general say last year that russia can reduce usa to dust... was that an empty claim... is russia an empty super-power, like some others??

In my opinion, the UNSC must have members who are top economic and military powers. If there has to be 10 permanent UNSC members then the permanency should be based on their economic and military weightages.

so why bring india into uno-sc, when indian economy has again turned into a aid/loan economy??

economics has been the reason for much oppressions... the western peoples are realizing it... let us not build opinions in favor of economics... money system has no logical future, unless in the minds of the non-logic person.

If a nation declines in her powers then she is replaced.

that is a wrong argument... iraq was powerful, until it declined because of illegal sanctions and two invasions... libya was influential, until it declined because of invasion.

is the uno to be a capitalist corporation which steps dead humans without care and concern??

Narendra Modi had said in his UN speech

let us leave out that person from this discussion.

I would also like to mention that your write up clearly takes anti India position in the sense it opposes India's candidature for permanent membership to UNSC and unnecessarily gives UN a role in kashmir which both India and Pakistan have agreed to resolve bilaterally.

better you jail me for being muslim, socialist, human... may i ask what are you declaring on pdf with the contradiction of your name and your positions??

and may i ask how have india and pakistan decided to resolve kashmir bilaterally??

just end the fkin veto problem solved

right... and that will also remove the reason for "security council" to exist... that is what i have said in the op.

No country is going to let go of their veto or their seat at the security council but India should work with BRIC more and G20 to get higher voting powers on forums like the IMF. Security council reform will not take place for another 5-6 years at least in my view.

you are not really really the op and the discussion, doctor.

uno reform ( not "security council" reform ) will not take years if we don't harping on nationalism and remain satisfied as pawns in the game of western powers.

the "bric" concept is a capitalist concept which calls for bridging totally different political/social systems... how are russia and china any way related to indian establishment and traditional culture... russia/china are east, india is west, brazil/south africa are confused... so let us rid india of slavery to the west first.

why should any thinking person even give legitimacy to capitalist platforms like imf, g20 and world bank... we must reject them.
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The UN is a VOLUNTARY organization.

There are two ways to either dissolve the UN or render it impotent:

1- The US leave the UN.

2- Current members withdraw from the UN.

Simple as that. Nobody forces anybody into joining the UN. Countries could leave the UN, form their own alliance, and act without care for the Security Council.

Finally...This is a stupid thread.
lol so now we will have members based on religion

even that won't help your case

It is not about "our case" but the fact that a huge chunk of modern day conflicts are taking place in Muslim countries (Palestine, Syria, formerly Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia etc). Muslims as a consequence need a voice in the security council. The strongest candidate IMO is Turkey. Iran and Saudi would both boycott each other. Pakistani foreign policy has aligned itself with Saudi too much for Iran to like it. Indonesia as a relative outsider might be a favorite for many. Ultimately however an Islamic country needs to be added to the SC.
then there is no need for uno to remain, yes??
True, it can only provide a platform or act against weaker nations. Iraq grabbed Kuwait and it was punished. Russia grabbed Cremea from Ukrain and no action taken. But better have something than nothing.
True, it can only provide a platform or act against weaker nations. Iraq grabbed Kuwait and it was punished. Russia grabbed Cremea from Ukrain and no action taken. But better have something than nothing.

usa and west destroyed iraq/libya yet remain unpunished.

where are your loyalties exactly??
that is clearly something to be avoided... and like i said, termination of uno security council is the simplest and only solution.

saudia does not represent islam... saudia is a monarchy propped up by the western bloc.

turkey is currently ruled by an anti-islam party, who are involved in destroying influential or powerful muslim societies.

india is presently ruled by a anti-muslim party.

but let us avoid bringing all that into this debate.

then there is no need for uno to remain, yes??

nato is only the most imperialistic, genocidal and quarrelsome military bloc... there is the sco bloc to counter it, only thing is sco has not been as initiative-takingas the warsaw pact of pre-1990.

you should understand the reality of the world... didn't a russian general say last year that russia can reduce usa to dust... was that an empty claim... is russia an empty super-power, like some others??

so why bring india into uno-sc, when indian economy has again turned into a aid/loan economy??

economics has been the reason for much oppressions... the western peoples are realizing it... let us not build opinions in favor of economics... money system has no logical future, unless in the minds of the non-logic person.

that is a wrong argument... iraq was powerful, until it declined because of illegal sanctions and two invasions... libya was influential, until it declined because of invasion.

is the uno to be a capitalist corporation which steps dead humans without care and concern??

let us leave out that person from this discussion.

better you jail me for being muslim, socialist, human... may i ask what are you declaring on pdf with the contradiction of your name and your positions??

and may i ask how have india and pakistan decided to resolve kashmir bilaterally??

right... and that will also remove the reason for "security council" to exist... that is what i have said in the op.

you are not really really the op and the discussion, doctor.

uno reform ( not "security council" reform ) will not take years if we don't harping on nationalism and remain satisfied as pawns in the game of western powers.

the "bric" concept is a capitalist concept which calls for bridging totally different political/social systems... how are russia and china any way related to indian establishment and traditional culture... russia/china are east, india is west, brazil/south africa are confused... so let us rid india of slavery to the west first.

why should any thinking person even give legitimacy to capitalist platforms like imf, g20 and world bank... we must reject them.

India is a founder of NAM it is neither east nor west but does things in the interest of the nation. BRICS is a good platform as it is developing countries who want more of a voice and a say in global matters.

India's share of IMF votes has increased as did China's but still as the economy grows more rights will be given to India.
The UN is a VOLUNTARY organization.

There are two ways to either dissolve the UN or render it impotent:

1- The US leave the UN.

2- Current members withdraw from the UN.

Simple as that. Nobody forces anybody into joining the UN. Countries could leave the UN, form their own alliance, and act without care for the Security Council.

so why is your government constantly using cover of uno to wage genocidal wars... "right to protect" and all that nonsense.

Finally...This is a stupid thread.

says a former usa military soldier who clearly supports genocide, capitalism and imperialism.
nato is only the most imperialistic, genocidal and quarrelsome military bloc... there is the sco bloc to counter it, only thing is sco has not been as initiative-takingas the warsaw pact of pre-1990.

you should understand the reality of the world... didn't a russian general say last year that russia can reduce usa to dust... was that an empty claim... is russia an empty super-power, like some others??
Can SCO counter NATO? Is SCO a defence treaty? In fact, Russia alone can be a counter to NATO on its own. Its powerful enough but not enough for what the russian general claims. Nukes can give asteroid effects.
The purpose was great but recently it's only served purpose of strong.
That Veto thing is sucks.
so why bring india into uno-sc, when indian economy has again turned into a aid/loan economy??

economics has been the reason for much oppressions... the western peoples are realizing it... let us not build opinions in favor of economics... money system has no logical future, unless in the minds of the non-logic person.

First India is not an aid economy. Second, top economies have more loan liabilities than India. Economy means the GDP. If India is not top 5 in economy and military powers then India does not deserve to be in 5 member security council or if India is not top 10 in economy and military powers then India does not deserve to be in 10 member security council and so on.
India is a founder of NAM it is neither east nor west but does things in the interest of the nation. BRICS is a good platform as it is developing countries who want more of a voice and a say in global matters.

India's share of IMF votes has increased as did China's but still as the economy grows more rights will be given to India.

1. nam was dead the day nasser died.

2. in 2011, the chairman of nam was morsi, the chief of the criminal organization, ikhwaan, which was involved in the western bloc genocide in libya and syria that same year.

3. why was indian army ready to be deployed to iraq in 2003 in support of nato campaign there?? the indian communist groups were the ones to oppose this plan... and it was the same bjp government which created the involvement plan... i will not speak of other such involvements.

4. brics was created by "goldman sachs" for two reasons... (a). create a transition of economy in russia and china from socialistic/state-controlled/nationalistic/local to free-market/western-dominated one, (b). india and brazil were promising markets for western consumer goods.

5. imf is the european version of the western bloc primary money-enslavery agency, world bank... let us not get into the nitty-gritty of it all but instead look at it from a clean big-picture.
better you jail me for being muslim, socialist, human... may i ask what are you declaring on pdf with the contradiction of your name and your positions??

You know it very well that in India you have a right to your opinion and hence i gave my opinion. If my opinion is opposed to yours why do you have to utter the words like jail me for being muslim, socialist or human?

On pdf I have declared myself to be an Indian, a woman and a muslim... where do you feel I am contradicting myself? Do you think an Indian (be a woman or a muslim) will oppose India's quest for permanent membership in UNSC or India's stand on Kashmir? In fact, I should be asking you why on a pakistani forum you sport Indian flag and yet take an anti-Indian stand?

let us leave out that person from this discussion.

and may i ask how have india and pakistan decided to resolve kashmir bilaterally??
I may not be a Modi supporter but this man matters the most to my nation and what he says in a world body like UN carries some weight. And what he said about varios Gs I fully agree with him. Your Col Gaddafi never mattered so much in world politics, so even i can say dont mention what he said as its irrelevant.

India and Pakistan signed the Simla Accord in 1972 therein agreeing to resolve kashmir issue bilaterally. That clearly negates involvement of any third party into this issue.

usa and west destroyed iraq/libya yet remain unpunished.

where are your loyalties exactly??
My loyalties are with my nation India. Any doubt?
It is not about "our case" but the fact that a huge chunk of modern day conflicts are taking place in Muslim countries (Palestine, Syria, formerly Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia etc). Muslims as a consequence need a voice in the security council. The strongest candidate IMO is Turkey. Iran and Saudi would both boycott each other. Pakistani foreign policy has aligned itself with Saudi too much for Iran to like it. Indonesia as a relative outsider might be a favorite for many. Ultimately however an Islamic country needs to be added to the SC.

let's say the leadership of these countries failed them , i mean think about it afg was being ruled by taliban before the invasion took place , they use to rule via a sharia law which did horrible things with women . I know in order to be the international police US sometimes overdo's few things or doesn't bring in the transition in a proper manner but taliban had to go someday , if that change would have come from within then it would have been organic & good .

Similarly iraq was being ruled by crackpot dictator , you must read about all the nonsense that his son use to do . All those countries where an invasion took place had a failed leadership and you can't avoid that no matter what religion you follow .

There is no plans of invasion for a turkey or a indonesia or bangladesh , why? reason being they have focused more on building themselves internally wrt to economy , military etc once you do that no one can touch you . Through diplomacy you try to keep things calm around you and improve your position globally .

Getting a muslim country in UNSC won't change anything .
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