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reforms for the united nations organization

@jamahir If you were a Bangladeshi, you could be another Red Maulana :china:
You know of him?

Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wow... i didn't know of him and you you are right... i could have been the next "red maulana", only more dashing and tharki. :tup:

Maulana Bhashani is regarded as the proponent of anti-imperialist, non-communal and left-leaning politics by his admirers in present-day Bangladesh and beyond
but later he gave provided leadership to a mass uprising against the regime in 1968-69 with support from Fatima Jinnah.
Bhashani was known to have a Chinese connection and was the leader of pro-Chinese politicians of East Pakistan.

i likes.
except for generally in south america, there is no unity in the other regions you mention... how will you select the representative nation from such politically/socially disparate and warring nations??

Not select but elect. These regions should be allowed to elect via ballot a states (the state that wins the majority) that would represent the geographic entity. Regional power brokers supported by majority would eventually come out as winner and would represent the interest of the region. Peaceful way of enlarging UNSC without engaging in another world war !

though security is one part of it, yes?? other part is non-military cooperations, like in health, education, culture, space, maybe technologies etc

for these nations you mention... "Russia, China, Brazil, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, NK, and other nations that are being destroyed by the west sanctions and wars.."...


Such an alliance is not ready to come into being. The whole purpose of the UNSC is to enforce the will of the UN declarations and maintain "world peace". Now the problem is NO country on Earth has the ability to project itself across the world aside from the US.

What would happen if for example Iran invaded a neighbor like Iraq did in the first gulf war? Or Argentina attacks Brazil? Or Nigeria invades Kenya etc etc. Could China or Russia land 100,000s of troops and vehicles to stop a major conflict on the other side of the world? No it can't. A world order without America at the head of it is toothless.

When China and Russia have 10 supercarrier battle groups floating around the oceans then we can talk about a new world order, until then we have to accept the current one.

China and India will not be ready to make the world a multi-polar one for at least another 20 years. At that's only speaking economically: both countries need to build up their soft power, indigenous technology and diplomatic reach.

UN was not created so that every country can have an equal voice, UN was created by the great power victors of WW2.

USA, USSR, China, Britian, France were the 5 largest countries in the world at 1945 (UK and France were #1 and #2 largest colonial empire), these 5 created the UN to prevent WW3, the other countries join because it is the cool thing to do.

If India does not like the permanent member system, India can leave the UN and create its own nation club.

I think these countries are still the main power blocs in the world. Maybe you could argue Japan or Germany could replace France or perhaps even Britain or Russia but no other countries come close to these in terms of national power.

What would be the point in having a UNSC with Indonesia or Brazil or a collection of African countries calling the shots? How can they enforce their will? They can't project power hence they are redudant when we talk about world security,

The UNSC could really be shrunk to maybe the current 5 permanent members + maybe Germany and Japan, the other members are there for only show. The Big 5 call all the shots and nothing can happen without their approval. The rest of the members exist there to give the impression of a democratic process.

Eventually India/Brazil and maybe a few others would be useful additions, but not in the near future.
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