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Recent Airstrike in Syria Shows Israelis Are Changing Tactics

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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03:47 28.12.2018

Israel's recent airstrike against Syria, which involved the usage of civilian flights as cover for the operation, shows that the Israelis are changing their tactics against Damascus, Peter Ford, the former UK ambassador to Syria, told Sputnik.

Israel's new tactics were detailed in a Wednesday statement by the Russian Defense Ministry, which indicated that six Israeli F-16 fighter jets used two commercial aircraft as cover that were preparing to land in Damascus and Beirut, respectively.

Photos since released by the Israeli company ImageSat map out a 900-square-meter area where strikes reportedly destroyed an arms depot that was housing Iranian weapons. Wednesday's airstrike came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to continue military operations in Syria to counter Iran's military presence.

"It shows a new modus operandi that the Israelis are no longer [as] fearless as they were of their planes being brought down," Ford told Sputnik Radio's Loud and Clear on Thursday.

"Because, thanks to the Russians, the Syrian Army now has improved anti-aircraft defenses, therefore the Israelis are using new tactics, and it appears one of these is to hide behind other aircraft."

As Ford notes, this wasn't the first time that Israel has used such measures to initiate its strikes on neighboring Syria. Earlier this year, in September, Israel was accused by Russia's Ministry of Defense of using one of its aircraft as a shield against Syrian anti-aircraft systems. However, unlike the Wednesday strike, the September airstrike on Syria turned fatal as a Russian recon aircraft carrying 15 servicemembers was destroyed by Syrian anti-air fire aimed at the Israeli jets.

Considering both operations, Ford told hosts Brian Becker and John Kiriakou that new rules of engagement were coming into play for Russia as a consequence of Israel's misstep. "They have effectively taken their Syrian partners off the leash and are saying to the Israelis that the ‘Syrians, if they can manage it, will take down your aircrafts. Don't look to us for any kind of protections,'" he said.

Looking ahead, and taking into consideration the United Arab Emirates' announcement that it would be reopening its embassy in Syria, Ford suggested that the move would pave the way to normalizing ties between Syria and the UAE's close ally, Saudi Arabia, which has supported anti-government forces in Syria's 7-year-long civil war.

"It's just a matter of time before the Saudis resume relations, and before Syria is readmitted to the Arab League," he said.

russia needs to use good quality sam which can differentiate between enemy fighter jets and commercial plane it is failure of airdefense system
The fact that the Israeli Airforce is prepared to use Civilian Airliners as "cover"/to hide behind, just shows how little they respect Arab lives( no suprises here i guess ).

To put civilians in harms way like that, is low. Truly low...
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The fact that the Israeli Airforce is prepared to use Civilian Airliners as "cover"/to hide behind, just shows how little they respect Arab lives( no suprises here i guess ).

To put civilians in harms way like that, is low. Truly low...

Seems that logic runs out the door here , when it comes to Israel.

Every one knows what is the destination of those rockets that Iran is piling up in Lebanon and Syria. You dont have to look far back into history to know that they end up falling indiscriminately on Israel civilians. The use of those missile who can fall anywhere inside populated cities is in it self weapons of terror.

So it is little wonder that Israel does it best to rid itself of this threat before it materialize. In fact it is the duty of Israel goverment to protect its citizens from this threat.

Those here who fail to understand this are are either idiots or more likely a bunch of hypocrites.

I wonder how many here had issues with Russians blowing up Syrian cities on a daily bases ? but when Israel protects itself from Hizb and Iran evil intentions everyone has something to say.

As for the source , sputnicnews ? seriously ?

Israel has been humiliating the Russian made anti aircraft missiles for years now so they come out with this lame excuses.

Hiding behind civilian airliners ? really ? so exactly at who where the syrian firing dozens of anti air craft missiles ?

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Seems that logic runs out the door here , when it comes to Israel.

Every one knows what is the destination of those rockets that Iran is piling up in Lebanon and Syria. You dont have to look far back into history to know that they end up falling indiscriminately on Israel civilians. The use of those missile who can fall anywhere inside populated cities is in it self weapons of terror.

So it is little wonder that Israel does it best to rid itself of this threat before it materialize. In fact it is the duty of Israel goverment to protect its citizens from this threat.

Those here who fail to understand this are are either idiots or more likely a bunch of hypocrites.

I wonder how many here had issues with Russians blowing up Syrian cities on a daily bases ? but when Israel protects itself from Hizb and Iran evil intentions everyone has something to say.

As for the source , sputnicnews ? seriously ?

Israel has been humiliating the Russian made anti aircraft missiles for years now so they come out with this lame excuses.

Hiding behind civilian airliners ? really ? so exactly at who where the syrian firing dozens of anti air craft missiles ?

Give Shaba lands, Golan height & Palestinian lands back then no one would fire rockets at you.
Give Shaba lands, Golan height & Palestinian lands back then no one would fire rockets at you.

Bs that is not why Iran and Hizb attack Israel , they have their own agenda.

Sure Israel needs to sort things with the Palestinians ( better sooner than later ) but that would change nothing in our northern border. Hizb need Israel as an excuse for its armed existence and will not give up on its need to pore fuel into this conflict , same goes for Iran where the mullahs use Israel as a propaganda tool while they strangle their own citizens.
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The fact that the Israeli Airforce is prepared to use Civilian Airliners as "cover"/to hide behind, just shows how little they respect Arab lives( no suprises here i guess ).

To put civilians in harms way like that, is low. Truly low...
They use children as shield...civilian airliners as cover. How low can a jew go....????
Bs that is not why Iran and Hizb attack Israel , they have their own agenda.

Sure Israel needs to sort things with the Palestinians ( better sooner than later ) but that would change nothing in our northern border. Hizb need Israel as an excuse for its armed existence and will not give up on its need to pore fuel into this conflict , same goes for Iran where the mullahs use Israel is used as a propaganda tool while they strangle their own citizens.
You invaded Lebanon back in 1982 & occupied their lands for 18 years till 2000 and still has kept Shaba lands occupied and would consider any resistance against it as their own agenda and terrorism? sure they have agenda "liberation of their lands" be it Syrian, Lebanese or Palestinian ..
Give them back and put an end to occupation.
The fact that the Israeli Airforce is prepared to use Civilian Airliners as "cover"/to hide behind, just shows how little they respect Arab lives( no suprises here i guess ).

To put civilians in harms way like that, is low. Truly low...
They don't consider the Goyem as humans!
You invaded Lebanon back in 1982 & occupied their lands for 18 years till 2000 and still has kept Shaba lands occupied and would consider any resistance against it as their own agenda and terrorism? sure they have agenda "liberation of their lands" be it Syrian, Lebanese or Palestinian ..
Give them back and put an end to occupation.
View attachment 529295

The UN resolution 194 does not say anything about borders.
It was not accepted by any Arab state.
It was not a condition for Israels membership.
The resolution for Israeli membership simply noted previous resolution.
It only allowed Palestinians to return if the were prepared to live in peace with Israel.
They still are not prepared to live in peace with Israel.
Neither Israel, nor Muslim states has paid compensation to refugees.
Very few remain alive of such refugees.
It states that access to holy sites should be granted, something Jordan blocked until 1967, but Israel honours (at least in Jerusalem). The Palestinians plan to not allow any jews to live in a future Palestinian state.
It also states that Jerusalem should be under UN jurisdiction, which the current Arab/Palestinian position ignores with its demand to have East Jerusalem as its capital. Israel has no plans to change capital as well.

General Assembly resolutions are recommendations only, and as no party accepts resolution 194, it will not affect anything.

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