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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

What happened Visa got rejected- Better luck next time. You might be from India and that is sad to say, thank god your kind are a minority still- Pricks and Turds like you are the ones that need to eradicated first-Now go and shove your Hindi and Sanskrit up your Diarrhea invested mouth or whatever- LOL-The only racist I see here is you.

lol.... typical gulti seeking visa and mocking Indians for wanting to stay in India :lol:

My kind voted Modi to power so its safe to say they are in a overwhelming majority. Only pdf is a safe space for your kind.

Keep licking my Diarrhea Sanatani bobby Jindal. It will add "color" to your cheek.

What comeback- It was not even a competition- Looks like you tasted it - Was it like Rasam- Thats too much information man. Ok Bhaiya now go back to lynching someone or raping someone.-- Shoo.

Still licking. Feeling homesick ?
lol.... typical gulti seeking visa and mocking Indians for wanting to say in India :lol:

My kind voted Modi to power so its safe to say they are in a overwhelming majority. Only pdf is a safe space for your kind.

Keep licking my Diarrhea Sanatani bobby Jindal. It will add "color" to your cheek.

Still licking. Feeling homesick ?
- Keep doing your thing man- Go Bhaiyya Go!


Still licking. Feeling homesick ?

One more for you- Go get em Tiger.

They are SO different. Their manners are exquisite, and from the heart. My friend, a business associate, invited me to his children's celebrations of their birthday (he had clubbed together two of them, being close together). I had to tell him what I had kept to myself, that I was about to undergo a procedure. Imagine my astonishment when he turned up at the hospital with enormous slices of cake! Our social classes differ, but he has a perfect confidence in his station in life, and in his own worth, and deservedly so.

I travel a lot by bus. Our area has a large Muslim component. It is ALWAYS the Muslim mamas sternly telling their daughters to give up their seats to me, and I have had pitched battles with them, telling them not to be silly, and that I was not a crippled old man yet.

I buy my vegetables from a young woman, a pavement vendor, opposite our apartment block. Her little fellow of ten or eleven years of age turned out to be good at math (at arithmetic, at this age), and I always have a duel with him, asking him tough ones (for his age); he gets a tenner if he gets them all, in spite of his mother's embarrassment. When she found I was genuinely interested, she very shyly told me that her little daughter wanted to be an air-hostess! The next day, the child (she is in her teens) turned up to ask for my good wishes! I felt so proud of this little family and so engaged in their aspirations and hopes.

This is the humble people; as for the aristocrats, you have to meet their match. The most elegant people I have had the fortune to meet, utterly confident in their culture and their social standing.

I am so glad you have met some of them.

This reply was truly a treat to read Joe. Thanks.
because it isn't a "religion" in the Abrahamist sense to begin with

atheism and agnosticism is halal !

try wrap your head around that for a bit.

No one needs to wrap their head around it, since it's just your bullshit modernist reinvention of Hinduism, similar to your claim that everyone in India is considered a Hindu.
Please mention the discoveries of the mughal,safavid and ottoman times.None except in luxury consumption which is where all their money and attention went while the west got ahead.
First of all buddhism is indic and indian.Interestingly where did the buddhists of india come from?From within the hindus.Brahmins like chanakya were teachers at taxila.Hindu kings also patronized these universities.Whether they were hindu or buddhist is besides the point.The point is the massive damage done to indian civilization as a whole by their destruction.

Their replacement by madrasas were a failure.When europe was establishing oxford and cambridge we had this.Indian mathematics had produced stellar works from aryabhatta, varahamir,bhaskar,brahmagupta etc.But between 13th century and until beginning of 19th century when british reestablished universities there is a huge gap with no major works.The madrasa system has historically failed to produce anything progressive.Yes it did produce good calligraphers and spread persian literature.Theology and islamic jurisprudence is of no use outside ulema class.
Mughals also can't escape responsibility for totally neglecting india's naval progress with their central asian ideas.the mughals and ottomans couldn't stop the tiny portugese.Ultimately the indian ocean that used to be an indian lake during time of imperial cholas went to europeans.So when afrazul talked of golden age and bringing civilization its funny and hypocritical.Who will teach whom?The world learned how to count properly from indian mathematicians,not the other way round.

The bit in red needs correction.

From Zanzibar to Molucca (Malakka) and points beyond, it was Pax Islamica for several centuries. Turkish naval energy, which was prodigious and dominated the Mediterranean, was concentrated on their oceanic waterfront, and had little or nothing to do with the Indian Ocean. The Portuguese, and thereafter renegade English and French, voyaging as pirates, burst into an essential peaceful common market constituted of the littoral countries of the Indian Ocean rim, and were essentially bulls in a china shop. It is unfair to blame either the Mughals or their predecessors, or the Safavids, or the mercantile ports of south-east Asia for neglecting sea power, because there was nothing to neglect; the principle applied, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

I agree with the rest of your rather caustic note.

No one needs to wrap their head around it, since it's just your bullshit modernist reinvention of Hinduism, similar to your claim that everyone in India is considered a Hindu.

Reinvention in Hinduism took place very far from the Hindutva movement, which essentially was a European graft into 19th century intellectual thought.

My suggestion is that you stick to abuse, because it is beyond your intellectual capacity to make an analytical and critical examination of Hinduism.

Yes for whole Kashmir but GB was NEVER be part of Kashmir so its plebiscite is out of questions and why you want only Pakistan to remove its forces from aszad Kashmir India should do the same according to UN RESOLUTIONS retreat forces from both Azad Kashmir and INDIAN OCCUPIED KASHMIR BY INDIA AND PAKISTAN

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this is not correct.

Just Thanked you-Bhaiyaa- Appreciate the post.
Not sure what they meant-But hey none of your rant made any sense anyway-

This @Andhadhun is a pain in the, uh, elbow. Ignore him. He really brings nothing to a discussion.
Reinvention in Hinduism took place very far from the Hindutva movement, which essentially was a European graft into 19th century intellectual thought.

Ok, Guru-ji. All Indians, even the Muslims and Christians are Hindoo. Atheism and Ahmadiyya are both Hindoo schools of thought because they were formulated in India. What else am I missing here?
Ok, Guru-ji. All Indians, even the Muslims and Christians are Hindoo.

No, they are not. That is the very silly and childish Hindutva-vadi formula.

Atheism and Ahmadiyya are both Hindoo schools of thought because they were formulated in India. What else am I missing here?

LOL. Stop it, I didn't mean to be unkind. But don't get out of your depth.
No, they are not. That is the very silly and childish Hindutva-vadi formula.

I don't see how you can say it's silly and childish when you already think atheism is "halal" for Hindus. You've already opened up the floodgates for the Hindutva-vadis who think that Christians and Muslims are Hindus too.

LOL. Stop it, I didn't mean to be unkind. But don't get out of your depth.

because it isn't a "religion" in the Abrahamist sense to begin with

atheism and agnosticism is halal !

try wrap your head around that for a bit.

Only partially correct answer.

I am quoting from a very eminent historian, so don't take this as my claiming borrowed feathers as my own. A close study of the paths to salvation for each of the three main streams, Saivism, Vaishnavism and Shakta streams, reveals that there is a definite path with intermediate way stations marked for each (in one life, this is not one of those expansions that proclaim that multiple generations are needed to achieve salvation). The surprising thing is that each is precise and definite, and each is completely different from the others.

There is reason to think of the Sanatan Dharma as resembling the Abrahamic typology of three different religions, with almost identical concepts of God.

The complication, of course, is that there are many variations other than the three main branches, so analysing this and preparing a taxonomy of 'Indic' religions is a lifetime voyage.

I don't see how you can say it's silly and childish when you already think atheism is "halal" for Hindus. You've already opened up the floodgates for the Hindutva-vadis who think that Christians and Muslims are Hindus too.

They hate this 'atheism' complication. Their view is rather different, and very European, of a third-class intellectual category, and it is not something even worth the time. Unless one is politically inclined, and has a need to combat their ideas politically and therefore a need to understand their ideas first.

It's complicated. It may not be worth your investment of time into it.

Why its not correct READ the U.N. resolutions ABOUT Kashmir its clearly says both forces should be retreat from whole Kashmir

I wasn't referring to that at all. It's a long story; I'm not sure if you want to go along for the ride.
Yes for whole Kashmir but GB was NEVER be part of Kashmir so its plebiscite is out of questions and why you want only Pakistan to remove its forces from aszad Kashmir India should do the same according to UN RESOLUTIONS retreat forces from both Azad Kashmir and INDIAN OCCUPIED KASHMIR BY INDIA AND PAKISTAN

Mate..I don't want anything...the requirement is per resolution. Read.

The Resolution[edit]
The final resolution adopted had two parts. The first part increased the Commission's strength to five members and asked it to proceed to the Indian subcontinent at once to mediate between India and Pakistan. The second part dealt with the Security council's recommendations for restoring peace and conducting a plebiscite. This involved three steps.[5][6]

  • In the first step, Pakistan was asked to use its "best endeavours" to secure the withdrawal of all tribesmen and Pakistani nationals, putting an end to the fighting in the state.
  • In the second step, India was asked to "progressively reduce" its forces to the minimum level required for keeping law and order. It laid down principles that India should follow in administering law and order in consultation with the Commission, using local personnel as far as possible.
  • In the third step, India was asked to ensure that all the major political parties were invited to participate in the state government at the ministerial level, essentially forming a coalition cabinet. India should then appoint a Plebiscite Administrator nominated by the United Nations, who would have a range of powers including powers to deal with the two countries and ensure a free and impartial plebiscite. Measures were to be taken to ensure the return of refugees, the release of all political prisoners, and for political freedom.
The resolution was approved by nine votes against none. The Soviet Union and Ukraine abstained.[7]
Mate..I don't want anything...the requirement is per resolution. Read.

The Resolution[edit]
The final resolution adopted had two parts. The first part increased the Commission's strength to five members and asked it to proceed to the Indian subcontinent at once to mediate between India and Pakistan. The second part dealt with the Security council's recommendations for restoring peace and conducting a plebiscite. This involved three steps.[5][6]

  • In the first step, Pakistan was asked to use its "best endeavours" to secure the withdrawal of all tribesmen and Pakistani nationals, putting an end to the fighting in the state.
  • In the second step, India was asked to "progressively reduce" its forces to the minimum level required for keeping law and order. It laid down principles that India should follow in administering law and order in consultation with the Commission, using local personnel as far as possible.
  • In the third step, India was asked to ensure that all the major political parties were invited to participate in the state government at the ministerial level, essentially forming a coalition cabinet. India should then appoint a Plebiscite Administrator nominated by the United Nations, who would have a range of powers including powers to deal with the two countries and ensure a free and impartial plebiscite. Measures were to be taken to ensure the return of refugees, the release of all political prisoners, and for political freedom.
The resolution was approved by nine votes against none. The Soviet Union and Ukraine abstained.[7]
So??? Where its say Pakistan should retreat all its forces from its Kashmir,this only refer to retreat pakistani national and tribes
And last Wikipedia is unreliable source anybody can edit without valid source
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