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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

LOL. How much more pathetic and you be ?


Unlike you who are spinning facts for pure propaganda.

Unfortunately you are not. You are simply posting an article that exists on Sanghi websites.

The interesting part is that even the part you quote triumphantly, does not claim the destruction of Nalanda. It does take any name. Historians and archaeologists have attributed this to another neighboring Mahavira school of learning. Read the previous messages for more details.
Do you know about the date of authorship of Manusmriti? According to Amebkar, it was composed in 700-800 years back at most.

I was not aware Ambedkar was a Historian :cheesy:

Last I checked Ambedkar had a doctorates in Economics.

Andhaadhun or andhadhundh is an adjective, meaning excessive, unbridled, violent, rash (something like, in blind rage, though dhundh is haze, and not rage)- Is that what your name suggests?
I was Born in Chennai-I am now a citizen of the USA- I have Indian roots so whats your point- I have No Tamil Chauvinism- Tamil and Telugu just sounds better to me- Sanskrit to me as Foreign as Is Urdu/Hindi- No no thankyou- Keep your Sanskrit to your Hindi belt.

Funny how "english" is not "foreign" to you but Hindi is :lol:

USA is not "foreign" to you but "hindi belt" is :lol:

Not only a Tamil chauvinist, but a racist to boot.
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I was not aware Ambedkar was a Historian :cheesy:

Last I checked Ambedkar had a doctorates in Economics.
Ambedkar wrote a lot on History even then I am not saying it's that recent but no scholarship puts it before 2nd century BC with many agreeing on 2nd century AD or later date.
Unfortunately you are not. You are simply posting an article that exists on Sanghi websites.

The interesting part is that even the part you quote triumphantly, does not claim the destruction of Nalanda. It does take any name. Historians and archaeologists have attributed this to another neighboring Mahavira school of learning. Read the previous messages for more details.

I am quoting Tabaqat-i-Nasiri

And yes, it talks about the Raid into Bihar and Bengal and about the Burning of Nalanda university and other universities. Its talks about the capture of Buddhist "Odandapura-vihara" and ransacking of "Hisar-i-Bihar" which was identified as a University later on in the same book.

Ambedkar wrote a lot on History even then I am not saying it's that recent but no scholarship puts it before 2nd century BC with many agreeing on 2nd century AD or later date.

So if many agree that the earth is flat, the earth becomes Flat ? :lol:
I was not aware Ambedkar was a Historian :cheesy:

Last I checked Ambedkar had a doctorates in Economics.

Funny how "english" is not "foreign" to you but Hindi is :lol:

USA is not "foreign" to you but "hindu belt" is :lol:

Not only a Tamil chauvinist, but a racist to boot.

Did I ever mention English in my post?- Lol (Stop pulling stuff out of your ***- I am not you Modi/RSS/BJP follower.

USA is my country now, how can that be foriegn to me-I need a visa to visit India-and yes I am a proud Hindu without the leash called called RSS/BJP- I dont need misguided/ misinformed so called Hindu bigots to tell me so- My mother tongue is Telegu -The correct word I think you were looking for is Telegu Chauvinist. Some education for you on your concept of Hindu.


"sanatana dharma," is what is the correct name for the religion that you are so misguided about, not some non sanskrit word called Hindu- First correct that.-

Is this the level of your argument?
He is just arguing for the sake of it- He is just stunned that there are actually Indians/Hindus here who dont toe the line of this governments narrative.
I am quoting Tabaqat-i-Nasiri

And yes, it talks about the Raid into Bihar and Bengal and about the Burning of Nalanda university and other universities. Its talks about the capture of Buddhist "Odandapura-vihara" and ransacking of "Hisar-i-Bihar" which was identified as a University later on in the same book.

Your intellect and powers of comprehension are amazing.

You say:
It talks about the Raid into Bihar and Bengal and about the Burning of Nalanda university and other universities

The exact quote is:
"Muhammad-i-Bakhtyar, by the force of his intrepidity, threw himself into the postern of the gateway of the place, and they captured the fortress, and acquired great booty. The greater number of the inhabitants of that place were Brahmans, and the whole of those Brahmans had their heads shaven; and they were all slain. There were a great number of books there; and, when all these books came under the observation of the Musalmans, they summoned a number of Hindus that they might give them information respecting the import of those books; but the whole of the Hindus had been killed. On becoming acquainted [with the contents of those books], it was found that the whole of that fortress and city was a college, and in the Hindu tongue, they call a college(Bihar)"

As you can tell Nalanda is not taken by name, but something that you have added. You are not alone in making this falsification. An entire right wing ecosystem in India exists that added this falsification, you are simply a small part of it. This has been debunked by reputed historians and archaeologists.

Listen, if you are going to tell me that Bakhtyar Khilji destroyed other centers of learning, I will not disagree with you. But if you are going to insist that it was Nalanda, then that would not be acceptable as facts do not support it.

Now why you (and the entire Sanghi ecosystem) insists on interpreting the quote as Nalanda is obvious. To evoke emotions of past crime and hold an entire community as guilty. Since the actual Mahavira that was sacked was not famous enough to evoke any outrage, the narrative had to settle on Nalanda.
Did I ever mention English in my post?- Lol (Stop pulling stuff out of your ***- I am not you Modi/RSS/BJP follower.

USA is my country now, how can that be foriegn to me-I need a visa to visit India-and yes I am a proud Hindu without the leash called called RSS/BJP- I dont need misguided/ misinformed so called Hindu bigots to tell me so- My mother tongue is Telegu -The correct word I think you were looking for is Telegu Chauvinist. Some education for you on your concept of Hindu.


"sanatana dharma," is what is the correct name for the religion that you are so misguided about, not some non sanskrit word called Hindu- First correct that.-

You are posting in english you dumb fcuk and called Hindi "foreign".

So spare me your pathetic Virtue signalling.

It takes a LOT of Hubris to be blind your blatant Racism and Hindu phobia to pretend to be more Indian than a real Indian.

He is just arguing for the sake of it- He is just stunned that there are actually Indians/Hindus here who dont toe the line of this governments narrative.

LOL. Go easy on the self importance tambi.

To chicken to post here https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/5-45...to-pay-rupees-10-crores-tn-govt-order.663823/ ?

Your intellect and powers of comprehension are amazing.

You say:
It talks about the Raid into Bihar and Bengal and about the Burning of Nalanda university and other universities

The exact quote is:
"Muhammad-i-Bakhtyar, by the force of his intrepidity, threw himself into the postern of the gateway of the place, and they captured the fortress, and acquired great booty. The greater number of the inhabitants of that place were Brahmans, and the whole of those Brahmans had their heads shaven; and they were all slain. There were a great number of books there; and, when all these books came under the observation of the Musalmans, they summoned a number of Hindus that they might give them information respecting the import of those books; but the whole of the Hindus had been killed. On becoming acquainted [with the contents of those books], it was found that the whole of that fortress and city was a college, and in the Hindu tongue, they call a college(Bihar)"

As you can tell Nalanda is not taken by name, but something that you have added. You are not alone in making this falsification. An entire right wing ecosystem in India exists that added this falsification, you are simply a small part of it. This has been debunked by reputed historians and archaeologists.

Listen, if you are going to tell me that Bakhtyar Khilji destroyed other centers of learning, I will not disagree with you. But if you are going to insist that it was Nalanda, then that would not be acceptable as facts do not support it.

Now why you (and the entire Sanghi ecosystem) insists on interpreting the quote as Nalanda is obvious. To evoke emotions of past crime and hold an entire community as guilty. Since the actual Mahavira that was sacked was not famous enough to evoke any outrage, the narrative had to settle on Nalanda.


I said the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri writes about the Raid into Bihar and Bengal and about the Burning of "Odandapura-vihara" and ransacking of "Hisar-i-Bihar" which was identified as a University later by the author.

He did not call it "Nalanda' because he was an foreign barbarian who did not know the name "Nalanda". But there is no other University in Bihar which looks like a Fort (Hisar)

Odandapura vihara was also the second oldest of India's Mahaviharas after Nalanda University.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
In a separate thread, you claimed all these were unjustified complaints of the radical Hindus. In this, almost verbatim para, you seem to be repeating them as your own.

So what is it?

Dont know how you read that post.
I was answering a fanatic in the language he understands.
Religion is not as important to me as civilizational identity.God is an idea open to interpretation,no one has any proof who is right.They all believe that they are right.I have no problem with muslims who don't want to destroy indian civilization which like it or not has 'hindu' roots.Only with people like this afrazul who want to arabize india under guise of islam.Faith and politics must be seperate.Goes for both aggresive hindutva and political islam.
You are posting in english you dumb fcuk and called Hindi "foreign".

So spare me your pathetic Virtue signalling.

It takes a LOT of Hubris to be blind your blatant Racism and Hindu phobia to pretend to be more Indian than a real Indian.

LOL. Go easy on the self importance tambi.

To chicken to post here https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/5-45...to-pay-rupees-10-crores-tn-govt-order.663823/ ?

I would post in Tamil/Telegu if there was a choice to do so- Why the name calling Mr- Andhadhun-HINDI is Foreign to me and will be- Dont care what you think- Fcuk Hindi-lol.

What Hubris and waht Raccism- I am standing up to my belief being raped by the likes of your kind-I am not an Indian anymore I am an American- Do you understand- A Hindu does not have to be Indian-What a piece of turd.

No self importance here Bhaiya- I cant help it if your Ego is hurt- Yes I asked Dharmi if he knew Sanskrit and here we are- Who is asking and craving for importance?- So Bhaiya go ahead and pray to your Hindi belt/buckle whatever- I can speak and write in Hindi too-Just and FYI. Learning languages and cultures is not an offence, even though they are foreign to my culture.

You really think posting on a forum needs courage?- Dont worry keep the post alive you will get more guests and members visiting it- I already know about some of the good stuff that happens down South in India- Not so much in the Hindi/Hindu belt though- why is that.

Stay the course, you will get your post count up soon.

I said the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri writes about the Raid into Bihar and Bengal and about the Burning of "Odandapura-vihara" and ransacking of "Hisar-i-Bihar" which was identified as a University later by the author.

He did not call it "Nalanda' because he was an foreign barbarian who did not know the name "Nalanda". But there is no other University in Bihar which looks like a Fort (Hisar)

Odandapura vihara was also the second oldest of India's Mahaviharas after Nalanda University.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Once again contradicting your own words. But that is okay, expected, when the point of the argument is not genuine.

Audrey Truschke writes (and I understand if you dislike her):

"Many historians and Buddhist studies scholars have assumed that, after hitting Bihar Sharif, Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar went on to sack Nalanda and that the monks there fled or were killed. As Frederick Asher has recently noted, no premodern writer ever claims that there was a Muslim-led assault on Nalanda. However, scholars have overwhelmingly assumed that the attack took place regardless. They further presume that Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar destroyed Nalanda’s library (working on the supposition that Nalanda had an extensive library at this point in time). Some historians seem to identify Juzjani’s narration of the attack on a fortified city in Bihar to in fact be about Nalanda, which would make for a tighter narrative but is not supported within the Persian text. More commonly, scholars argue—by reasoning rather than based on specific textual evidence—that Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar likely sacked multiple places in Bihar and that Nalanda must have been on that list"

This is all I can say in this matter. Obviously you have a differing opinion, and are welcome to keep harboring it.
I would post in Tamil/Telegu if there was a choice to do so- Why the name calling Mr- Andhadhun-HINDI is Foreign to me and will be- Dont care what you think- Fcuk Hindi-lol.

What Hubris and waht Raccism- I am standing up to my belief being raped by the likes of your kind-I am not an Indian anymore I am an American- Do you understand- A Hindu does not have to be Indian-What a piece of turd.

No self importance here Bhaiya- I cant help it if your Ego is hurt- Yes I asked Dharmi if he knew Sanskrit and here we are- Who is asking and craving for importance?- So Bhaiya go ahead and pray to your Hindi belt/buckle whatever- I can speak and write in Hindi too-Just and FYI. Learning languages and cultures is not an offence, even though they are foreign to my culture.

I am a south Indian you racist turd.

But you in your Hindiphobia saw me as a "bhaiya" and used this RACIST epithet in an desperate attempt to "insult" me. :lol:

Craving Self importance is that desperate guy who goes around telling people that he considers "Tamil and Telugu" superior/important when NO ONE even asked him or Cares a Fcuk about it or him.

Since 1 in 6 american women is a victim of Rape, its no wonder Rape is always on your mind. Also 10% of US rape victims are men so I understand why you would choose to be raped by an Afro American than by a "bhaiya".

Once again contradicting your own words. But that is okay, expected, when the point of the argument is not genuine.

Audrey Truschke writes (and I understand if you dislike her):

"Many historians and Buddhist studies scholars have assumed that, after hitting Bihar Sharif, Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar went on to sack Nalanda and that the monks there fled or were killed. As Frederick Asher has recently noted, no premodern writer ever claims that there was a Muslim-led assault on Nalanda. However, scholars have overwhelmingly assumed that the attack took place regardless. They further presume that Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar destroyed Nalanda’s library (working on the supposition that Nalanda had an extensive library at this point in time). Some historians seem to identify Juzjani’s narration of the attack on a fortified city in Bihar to in fact be about Nalanda, which would make for a tighter narrative but is not supported within the Persian text. More commonly, scholars argue—by reasoning rather than based on specific textual evidence—that Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar likely sacked multiple places in Bihar and that Nalanda must have been on that list"

This is all I can say in this matter. Obviously you have a differing opinion, and are welcome to keep harboring it.

Audrey Truschke :lol:

How low can you go ?

Who is next ? Arudhanti Roy ? Ram punyani ?
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