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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

I am a south Indian you racist turd.

But you in your Hindiphobia saw me as a "bhaiya" and used this RACIST epithet in an desperate attempt to "insult" me. :lol:

Ok Bhaiya- if you say so- And you assumed and called me a Thambi-I am a Telegu- If you are a South Indian you would know who are called Thambi right- From when as Bhaiya become a racist term.

I dont have to insult you- you are doing just fine by yourself.---lol
I note that you added a caveat of "significant" as a qualifier before the word invention. The use of a vague adjective is deliberate because you know that scientific inventions were present during the Ottomon and Mughal years, you just don't want to give them any credit. Therefore, I don't think it would be wise to provide any examples (a simple google search brings up many), because you will simply dismiss them as non-significant, since obviously you have no interest in looking at this objectively, but rather scoring points.

That brings us to the second point. Universities in pre-Islamic India. Sure there were a few, and like any normal civilization that exists and progresses, centers of education were a must. Nalanda, the most famous one, was a Buddhist center of learning. Taxila and Vikramshila, two other famous ones, were also Buddhist Universities. There were also few less famous one, whose names escape me now, but they were all Buddhist centers of learning.

I am quite perplexed that why did the Hindus not establish great centers of learning? Could it be because of the infamous caste system, where education was reserved for only the Brahmin class? Is it possible that in order to get educated, ancient Indians converted to Buddhism, in order to access education? And perhaps that is why these universities flourished?

You then go on to make the claim that the Muslim empires in India, provided patronage to the madrassas, where scientific invention was scarce, and that is what contributed to the eventual colonization of India.

These are very tall claims that take an element of truth and surround it by lies to further a weak position. While it is true that madrassas were patronized by the ruling Muslims, these were not religious seminaries as they are today. During the Muslim world, madrassas were schools where every science was thought. Education was imparted to both Muslims and non-Muslims. The famous pearls of Akbar's court, all Hindus, were all educated in madrassas.

Like every education system, when closely analyzed, flaws begin to appear. This was no exception. Modern historians have noted some of these flaws, namely that education was stale and narrow. Basically a curriculum once established, was rarely modified to meet the evolving needs of society.

Now I am sure we can say that this was one of the contributors of British rule in the subcontinent, but to claim that this was the only contributor or even a major contributor is a stretch.

Please mention the discoveries of the mughal,safavid and ottoman times.None except in luxury consumption which is where all their money and attention went while the west got ahead.
First of all buddhism is indic and indian.Interestingly where did the buddhists of india come from?From within the hindus.Brahmins like chanakya were teachers at taxila.Hindu kings also patronized these universities.Whether they were hindu or buddhist is besides the point.The point is the massive damage done to indian civilization as a whole by their destruction.

Their replacement by madrasas were a failure.When europe was establishing oxford and cambridge we had this.Indian mathematics had produced stellar works from aryabhatta, varahamir,bhaskar,brahmagupta etc.But between 13th century and until beginning of 19th century when british reestablished universities there is a huge gap with no major works.The madrasa system has historically failed to produce anything progressive.Yes it did produce good calligraphers and spread persian literature.Theology and islamic jurisprudence is of no use outside ulema class.
Mughals also can't escape responsibility for totally neglecting india's naval progress with their central asian ideas.the mughals and ottomans couldn't stop the tiny portugese.Ultimately the indian ocean that used to be an indian lake during time of imperial cholas went to europeans.So when afrazul talked of golden age and bringing civilization its funny and hypocritical.Who will teach whom?The world learned how to count properly from indian mathematicians,not the other way round.
Craving Self importance is that desperate guy who goes around telling people that he considers "Tamil and Telugu" superior/important when NO ONE even asked him or Cares a Fcuk about it or him.

Since 1 in 6 american women is a victim of Rape, its no wonder Rape is always on your mind. Also 10% of US rape victims are men so I understand why you would choose to be raped by an Afro American than by a "bhaiya".

I never said that Tamil/Telegu were superior I just said Hindi is not a language that is in my culture- You were the one who made up stories and assumption along the way- Stop being a petulant child-grow up.

Whats this rant about rape now- Thats what you are doing to yourself- Looks like you have picked a perfect screenname for youself- Suits you, Macha.
As I said, I understand if you dislike her. All Sanghis do, because she studies history objectively and not just through saffron colored lenses, and punctures many of the myths propagated by them.

LOL.....sure. Audrey Truschke who tried to convince Indians that Auranzeb was actually a good guy.

One can see how "objective" she is. :lol:
I never said that Tamil/Telegu were superior I just said Hindi is not a language that is in my culture- You were the one who made up stories and assumption along the way- Stop being a petulant child-grow up.

Whats this rant about rape now- Thats what you are doing to yourself- Looks like you have picked a perfect screenname for youself- Suits you, Macha.
His words are verbal diarrhea, avoid him.
Ok Bhaiya- if you say so- And you assumed and called me a Thambi-I am a Telegu- If you are a South Indian you would know who are called Thambi right- From when as Bhaiya become a racist term.

I dont have to insult you- you are doing just fine by yourself.---lol

LOL.... so you prefer Gulti to Thambi ?

Its pretty clear that you used "Bhaiya" as a slur. You don't even have the balls to stand up for your own insults. What a coward.
LOL.... so you prefer Gulti to Thambi ?

Its pretty clear that you used "Bhaiya" as a slur. You don't even have the balls to stand up for your own insults. What a coward.
NO worries- I have been called worse Bhaiya. You are going to show me how brave you are on a forum. A typical BJP/RSS bhakt- Call me Gulti I dont mind. Mind if I ask which part of the South you are from?

Did you like the taste of my Diarrhea ?
Unfortunately No! - I stayed 10 feet away as you defecated and spoiled Yourself as you are doing even now- Making sure to stay way as you smell like a typical
NO worries- I have been called worse Bhaiya. You are going to show me how brave you are on a forum. A typical BJP/RSS bhakt- Call me Gulti I dont mind. Mind if I ask which part of the South you are from?

I have NO doubt that you have been called worse in the US. Probably acted a lot worse too with your racist outlook. Typical Dhimmi born to mental servitude, seeking validation through language chauvinism. I am from India you racist prick. choke on that.

Unfortunately No! - I stayed 10 feet away as you defecated and spoiled Yourself as you are doing even now- Making sure to stay way as you smell like a typical

You were last seen drinking it like rasam and trying to make a comeback. Did it remind you of home ?
Please mention the discoveries of the mughal,safavid and ottoman times.None except in luxury consumption which is where all their money and attention went while the west got ahead.
First of all buddhism is indic and indian.Interestingly where did the buddhists of india come from?From within the hindus.Brahmins like chanakya were teachers at taxila.Hindu kings also patronized these universities.Whether they were hindu or buddhist is besides the point.The point is the massive damage done to indian civilization as a whole by their destruction.

Their replacement by madrasas were a failure.When europe was establishing oxford and cambridge we had this.Indian mathematics had produced stellar works from aryabhatta, varahamir,bhaskar,brahmagupta etc.But between 13th century and until beginning of 19th century when british reestablished universities there is a huge gap with no major works.The madrasa system has historically failed to produce anything progressive.Yes it did produce good calligraphers and spread persian literature.Theology and islamic jurisprudence is of no use outside ulema class.
Mughals also can't escape responsibility for totally neglecting india's naval progress with their central asian ideas.the mughals and ottomans couldn't stop the tiny portugese.Ultimately the indian ocean that used to be an indian lake during time of imperial cholas went to europeans.So when afrazul talked of golden age and bringing civilization its funny and hypocritical.Who will teach whom?The world learned how to count properly from indian mathematicians,not the other way round.

You make a lot of claims. As usual, there are kernels of truth in them, accompanied with a lot of generalizations and some assumptions. Most of it is laid as such to further the narrative that Muslims were the evil empire that stopped the progress of the great Indian civilization.

If you are expecting me to sit here and deny and ridicule ancient Indian contributions, I am sorry but you have found the wrong guy.

You seem to be well read, it would suit your calibre to try and look at things from an objective, non-partisan view, rather than simply using small events in history to determine the acceptability of a certain empire and classify it accordingly.

No empire or civilization existed without merit. No empire or civilization existed without flaws. To pick and choose singular events in history to condemn or commend entire civilizations does not do justice to history or your education.
I have NO doubt that you have been called worse in the US. Probably acted a lot worse too with your racist outlook. Typical Dhimmi born to mental servitude, seeking validation through language chauvinism. I am from India you racist prick. choke on that.

What happened Visa got rejected- Better luck next time. You might be from India and that is sad to say, thank god your kind are a minority still- Pricks and Turds like you are the ones that need to eradicated first-Now go and shove your Hindi and Sanskrit up your Diarrhea invested mouth or whatever- LOL-The only racist I see here is you.
You make a lot of claims. As usual, there are kernels of truth in them, accompanied with a lot of generalizations and some assumptions. Most of it is laid as such to further the narrative that Muslims were the evil empire that stopped the progress of the great Indian civilization.

If you are expecting me to sit here and deny and ridicule ancient Indian contributions, I am sorry but you have found the wrong guy.

You seem to be well read, it would suit your calibre to try and look at things from an objective, non-partisan view, rather than simply using small events in history to determine the acceptability of a certain empire and classify it accordingly.

No empire or civilization existed without merit. No empire or civilization existed without flaws. To pick and choose singular events in history to condemn or commend entire civilizations does not do justice to history or your education.

I agree,i got a little carried away with that afrazul guy.Yes i did generalize in certain aspects.
I have NO doubt that you have been called worse in the US. Probably acted a lot worse too with your racist outlook. Typical Dhimmi born to mental servitude, seeking validation through language chauvinism. I am from India you racist prick. choke on that.

You were last seen drinking it like rasam and trying to make a comeback. Did it remind you of home ?
What comeback- It was not even a competition- Looks like you tasted it - Was it like Rasam- Thats too much information man. Ok Bhaiya now go back to lynching someone or raping someone.-- Shoo.
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