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Rana, Malik get one-year bans, Younis and Yousuf axed from teams

agree with falcon

and now i am wondering who are they going to appoint the next captain for Tests and ODIs.

I think Afridi will take the role for ODIs but what about tests?
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"I am not to happy with the bans -that is a little too over the top" © AFP

Pakistan cricket needed a certain direction. The problem with Pakistan cricket has been indiscipline and the PCB finally decided enough was enough and they have made the call. Fining players is fine, it is always done in cricket but banning players for misdemeanour and indiscipline is a little shocking. I don't know how the fans will react; I don't know how the PCB will react after the fans put them under pressure but they have taken a call.

Everyone felt that indiscipline and infighting bogged Pakistan down during the Australian tour and they lost their focus on the game. I am quite satisfied with the fines but I am not to happy with the bans. That is a little too over the top. As far as the PCB is concerned their real job is to stand by the decision because we have seen them wilt at time under pressure and pressure will certainly be created from different quarters: the fans, the critics and the government, since politics is now very much involved with cricket. It remains to be seen whether they can sustain this.

[But] I think Pakistan cricket will be severely jolted at the Test level because Mohammad Yousuf and Younis Khan were the heartbeat of the Test team. Pakistan have got some serious series' to follow: they play Australia and England in England and then South Africa so it is obviously impossible to replace the talent of these two cricketers overnight. Talent-wise, Pakistan will be tested because I don't see any young, good upcoming batsmen to replace the likes of Yousuf and Younis.

It also means that the PCB will announce a new captain. Some are fighting for Shahid Afridi's cause and some are looking at Abdul Razzaq because I think he is tailor-made for Twenty20 cricket. He has proven himself over a period of time and we have seen that he brings energy and enthusiasm to the dressing room. So I hope Afridi is made the captain. He has paid the price for ball-tampering - he has been heavily criticised and heavily fined. But it remains to be seen whether he concentrate on the job and deliver for Pakistan because he has been under lot of stress and pressure of late

agreeed with ramiz that pcb also wants pakistan too loose upcoming tests thats why they banned pillers of pakitan test team and we also know what yousuf and younis did in last english tour i hope hole nation should stand against ejaz butt and his managemnt for yousuf and younis not for malik or rana
plz bring them back and for GOD sake dont play misbah again and angain and again after failures and failures test are not made for misbah for sure
Overall good decisions to end the palyer power but Kamran Akmal should have been banned as well because he has been surviving with all captains which shows his political abilities in the team. Akmal's performance has caused us games and a fine is not sufficient.

Younas Khan may have played a role but he is still the best option as captain for test team.
No lifetime ban on Yousuf and Younus: Butt
Updated at: 1708 PST, Wednesday, March 10, 2010
No lifetime ban on Yousuf and Younus: Butt KARACHI: Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Ijaz Butt took a U-turn hours after imposing lifetime ban on former captains Younus Khan and Muhammad Yousuf and said that the duo was not banned for life and they can be considered anytime for selection.

Earlier, PCB chose to implement the recommendations of an inquiry committee to also hand out 12-month bans to Shoaib Malik and Rana Naved and fine Shahid Afridi and wicketkeeper Kamran Akmal three million rupees ($35,000) and Umar Akmal two million ($24,000).

"Mohammed Yousuf and Younus Khan... attitude has a trickledown effect which is a bad influence for the whole team (and they) should not be part of (the) national team in any format," the PCB said in a statement on Wednesday.

Pakistan lost every match against Australia in their three-test, five one-day and solo Twenty20 series.

The PCB said the six-member inquiry committee, headed by its chief operating officer Wasim Bari, had based its recommendations on information gathered during several hearings with the players and reports from the team management.

Tafazzul Rizvi, who sat on the inquiry team, said that Yousuf and Younus had the right to appeal and former captain Rashid Latif expected them to win their cases.

"You can't hand out such severe punishments to players of the calibre of Yousuf and Younus Khan," Latif said.

Another former captain Inzamam-ul-Haq was also scathing of the decision.

"Why was action not taken earlier against these players? Why did the board keep quiet for so long when the team was on tour?" Inzamam questioned.
lo gi pehle life time ban lagaya aur ab revoke bhi kar liya :rofl:
The strict action taken by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) against the top players for their dismal performance during the tour of Australia, has drawn mixed reactions from former players. Here's what they had to say:

Inzamam-ul-Haq: "What sort of message are we delivering to the world by taking such decisions at a time when nobody is agreeing to come to Pakistan to play cricket?" © AFP

Related LinksNews : Rana, Malik get one-year bans, Younis and Yousuf axed from teams
News : Waqar 'shocked' at player punishments
Osman Samiuddin : What of the punishers?
News : Ijaz Butt promises action against players
News : Top Pakistan players face fines, bans
Audio: 'Pakistan cricket needed direction'
Players/Officials: Abdul Qadir | Inzamam-ul-Haq | Ramiz Raja | Rashid Latif | Sarfraz Nawaz | Zaheer Abbas
Teams: Pakistan

Players' power was affecting team's performance badly. There was no discipline in the team and it had become impossible for the board to tackle the players. That was why the board has been budging down to players' pressure. The decision is beneficial even if we lose in the Twenty20 World Cup. The move has a lesson for budding players. They will always have in mind that if senior players can be punished, then they too are no exceptions

Zaheer Abbas, former captain

Younis and Yousuf should go to court to challenge the decision. This is not a good decision for Pakistan cricket. The board is not setting a good example before young cricketers. I don't understand the thinking that led them to take such a decision. The committee comprised employees of the PCB and there was no neutral person in it. What sort of message are we delivering to the world by taking such decisions at a time when nobody is agreeing to come to Pakistan to play cricket?

Inzamam-ul-Haq, former captain

Our main problem was discipline, but barring players, I am not sure, it doesn't look nice to just end the international careers of such talented players. It is surprising, but at the end of the day, the PCB needed to make an example and took a step to clean up the lack of discipline in the team. I am sure the players will challenge the life ban though.

Ramiz Raja, former captain

It's a brave step. It's a good decision and will go a long way to arrest the continuing decline of Pakistan cricket and improve the state of cricket in Pakistan besides improving the discipline.

Abdul Qadir, former chief selector and legspinner

Younis I think has been treated unfairly for long now, what was his fault and yet he is banned for life. This is not the way to improve things in Pakistan cricket. If things were so wrong in Australia then what was the team management doing. I am getting a feeling that the board has taken these decisions to save themselves after the recent poor performances and controversies.

Rashid Latif, former captain and wicketkeeper

It's the end of players' power from our national team, which is a very good sign. From now on, every player will be very careful because they know that they can be fined or banned if they violate discipline. Younis and Yousuf had played their innings in international cricket as they have got too old, but Naved and Akmal should have also been banned for one year.

i think the time has came to bring ex chief of pcb general tauqeer zia back butt is complete stupid he is creating from a smalll dissaster bigger dissaster for pakistan cricket team this is not fair yousuf younis should not been given this type of punishment they should have beeen fined i hope and pray to ALLAH that nation should stand now for true heroes i agreee with the ban of shaoib and rana
the decision has already been revoked

Mohammad Yousuf and Younis Khan has not been banned
wellll yousuf and younis INSHAHALLAH will be back but i dont want malik and rana to be back they deserve it from T 20 cahmps first day malik attitude to game was bad i sensed it in srilanka welll the ban on malik and rana was for sure right and we dont need malik
zaki sahab did you agreee that these double Y should be back soon in days time and pcb was harsh on them more harsher than malik and rana
The irrational side of me said I should throw tomatoes at all of them for the shittiest performance I have ever seen @ Australia -- which -- granted -- had the home field advantage and is overall a better team.

In all honesty, PCB is run by a bunch of old clowns who remind me of our politicians; it should be dismantled completely and something new in its place should be formed to represent Pakistan Cricket.

Afridi is a hero though he used terrible judgement; Umar Akmal -- no comment; Shoaib Malik -- gettin sloppy, needs to get his game together; Maulana Sheikh Saab Mohammad Youssef --- resorting to blame tactics, and a terrible team leader though he is a good batsmen when he is focussed (I hope he does away with that damn beard); who else am i forgetting.

If i sound a bit irritable, i apologize. Wednesdays!!
zaki sahab did you agreee that these double Y should be back soon in days time and pcb was harsh on them more harsher than malik and rana

yes it was a harsh decision. Yousuf should have been fined between 2-3 million rupees and put on probationary period like afridi........ and let Younis Khan enjoy his life

Life ban is little too harsh. They have been serving Pakistan since past 12-13 years now and banning them for good all of a sudden is little bit harsh decision. If they didn't want them to play then they should have forced these players to resign themselves rather than banning them for good.

Now the decision has been revoked and i am happy to see other players like Malik being banned for a year and Akmal brothers fined for their attitude
wellll i think if malik is out of team and make one captain for the team not matter what loosses or wins in one team you keep 3 captains this will happen i hope bring back both Y and make captain to afridi for T 20 and ODI and make captain to younis khan in tests for next 2 years time no matter what they perfom
wellll i think if malik is out of team and make one captain for the team not matter what loosses or wins in one team you keep 3 captains this will happen i hope bring back both Y and make captain to afridi for T 20 and ODI and make captain to younis khan in tests for next 2 years time no matter what they perfom

Younis is never comfortable with captaincy

Forget it....... we want somebody else to captain our test side
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