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Raheel Sharif granted NOC as per due process: Ex MOD Khuwaja Asif


Jun 18, 2017
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United States
ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court on Tuesday was informed that the former cabinet did not issue a No-Objection Certificate (NOC) to former army chief General (retd) Raheel Sharif for foreign employment.

A three-member bench headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Mian Saqib Nisar heard the case in Islamabad.

Additional Defence Secretary (ADS) appeared before the court and apprised the bench about a request made by Saudi Arabia regarding Raheel’s induction in the Islamic military alliance.
The bench was informed that the NOC was granted by the General Headquarters (GHQ) and the Ministry of Defence.

Upon this, the bench inquired whether the GHQ or defence ministry had the authority to grant such permission.

Attorney General for Pakistan (AGP) Khalid Javed Khan also admitted that the NOC was not issued by the federal cabinet which is mandatory in view of the SC judgment.

To this, Justice Nisar asked the matter to be placed before the federal cabinet for consideration. He added that everything should be done according to the law.
The chief justice also said former ISI chief Lt Gen (retd) Shuja Pasha has submitted a reply wherein he denied any government employment.

On the other hand, the ADS further informed the bench that army has begun an exercise to identify those who have obtained foreign citizenship even though the law prohibited army personnel from possessing dual nationality.

The court will resume hearing the case following the end of summer vacations.

The sad state of affairs in this country. Two men who served as high-ranking officials and are privy with critical state secrets are working for other states. As per Pakistani laws they aren't applicable to serve anywhere untill there is a lapse of two years post retirement or are issued a NOC from the government, neither of which happened in Raheel Shareefs case.
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The Supreme Court on Tuesday was informed that the former cabinet did not issue a No-Objection Certificate (NOC) to former army chief General (retd) Raheel Sharif for foreign employment

A three-member bench headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Mian Saqib Nisar heard the case in Islamabad.

Additional Defence Secretary (ADS) appeared before the court and apprised the bench about a request made by Saudi Arabia regarding Raheel’s induction in the Islamic military alliance.
The bench was informed that the NOC was granted by the General Headquarters (GHQ) and the Ministry of Defence.

Upon this, the bench inquired whether the GHQ or defence ministry had the authority to grant such permission.

Attorney General for Pakistan (AGP) Khalid Javed Khan also admitted that the NOC was not issued by the federal cabinet which is mandatory in view of the SC judgment.

To this, Justice Nisar asked the matter to be placed before the federal cabinet for consideration. He added that everything should be done according to the law.
The chief justice also said former ISI chief Lt Gen (retd) Shuja Pasha has submitted a reply wherein he denied any government employment.

On the other hand, the ADS further informed the bench that army has begun an exercise to identify those who have obtained foreign citizenship even though the law prohibited army personnel from possessing dual nationality.

The court will resume hearing the case following the end of summer vacations.
The sad state of affairs in this country. Two men who served as high-ranking officials and are privy with critical state secrets are working for other states. As per Pakistani laws they aren't applicable to serve anywhere untill there is a lapse of two years post retirement or they are issued NOC from the government.

Lets wait and watch... if none is above the law and constitution...!
Pakistan is not afganistan where 10000 generals Fu*k around. They all are answerable be it IJI case or railway cases.
If you guy's recall I was utterly against Raheel being appointed chief of this drama thing. KSA does this to foster or buy influence amongst the Pakistani elite. For instance if you knew as as soon as you retire you might get a job in some US quango which carried attractive remuneration the gross effect would be to make peope biased or apologetic to US. You keep one eye on your your self interest which can conflict with interests of the stare.

Lets wait and watch
What is the point your making, please if you will? That Afghanistan is forte of law and oder - oh sorry it was until ISI f*cked up Afghanistan?
If you guy's recall I was utterly against Raheel being appointed chief of this drama thing. KSA does this to foster or buy influence amongst the Pakistani elite. For instance if you knew as as soon as you retire you might get a job in some US quango which carried attractive remuneration the gross effect would be to make peope biased or apologetic to US. You keep one eye on your your self interest which can conflict with interests of the stare.

What is the point your making, please if you will? That Afghanistan is forte of law and oder - oh sorry it was until ISI f*cked up Afghanistan?
I really wanna know why did the CJP not hold accountable to the persons who let him go?
I remember numbnuts in this very forum were getting orgasms because they heard three names together. Raheel, KSA, Islam. And that fuckin was it. Out with the pen!s and start jacking. The reality is no senior official military or civil should be allowed to get a job in another countres civil/military/political architecture. It creates all sort of contradictions and issues of conflict of interests. Raheel when he become COAS was always going to be a ex-COAS. He could never become a private personm again.
Sheepistani's man, what you gonna do, they still worship AQ Khan for making Pakistan a black sheep of the International community.
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Sheepistani's man, what you gonna do, they still worship AQ Khan for making Pakistan a black sheep.
Yeh I agree with you there. Fcukin sheep. AQ Khan has the single biggest achievement in history of Pakistan that I hope no other Pakistani matches. He placed every baby, child, mother, grandmother in Pakistan in harms way - by making it potentially a target for US air assault. @Sarah Ahmadzai have already tasted the US boot and air missiles and before that Ruissian ordinance. This basket called AQ by opening a nuclear bazaar could have landed Pakistan at the cross hairs of USA attack. And AQ opened this nuclear bazaar for his own personal bank account - to make plenty of $$$$$. Greed. And he risked Pakistan.

And the sheep in Pakistan worship this animal.

And all those KSA/Ummah chumma lovers I would love to ask where the fcuk is Islamic Alliance? Where? Have they freed Palestine? Have they brought peace to Yemen? No where to be seen. Just lot of drama.

The only thing is they [KSA] made a prostitute out of our hero - Raheel. You know prostitute is not only somebody who sells their private parts. Our COAS was 'bought' for KSA to use as a political tool. That is the blunt truth of it. No wonder people like @Saif al-Arab are so concieted and look down on Pakistani's.
Lets not make a mountain out of a molehill. The NOC was requested and it was provided by GHQ. The question is does GHQ have the authority to issue one? We'll find out soon.

@Indus Pakistan - On another forum I spoke with a gora who's company is doing some work with the Saudi coalition whatever the GRS is taking lead on. Apparently there are a lot of ideas floating around and they were trying to focus on Libya but at this very early stage they were suffering with trying to integrate troops, networks, etc together.

Also anyone who thinks AQKhan worked alone for profit is being silly The Pakistani state sold nuclear weapons and AQKhan was the fall guy when it got caught.
Lets not make a mountain out of a molehill. The NOC was requested and it was provided by GHQ. The question is does GHQ have the authority to issue one? We'll find out soon.
Incase you missed it, excerpt from the OP
Attorney General for Pakistan (AGP) Khalid Javed Khan also admitted that the NOC was not issued by the federal cabinet which is mandatory in view of the SC judgment.
On another forum I spoke with a gora who's company is doing some work with the Saudi coalition whatever the GRS is taking lead on. Apparently there are a lot of ideas floating around and they were trying to focus on Libya but at this very early stage they were suffering with trying to integrate troops, networks, etc together.
Hot air. Early stage? What they moving at 0.0000mph. More like when the truth comes out most of us will be dead. This purchase of Raheel was just part of keeping PA submissive to KSA. As long as you there is cushty number waiting for you at retirement you will be influenced.

Also anyone who thinks AQKhan worked alone for profit is being silly The Pakistani state sold nuclear weapons and AQKhan was the fall guy when it got caught.
I am well aware of that. I am not talking about institutional country to country dealings. Even if that is against UN or international rules it can be justified on national interest. For instance I know they exchanged nuclear stuff with North Korea in return for missile technology. I am taling about the 'nuclear bazzar' AQ opened with buddies in Malaysia acting as frontmen. That was altogether another thing. AQ has cleverly tied his dodgy private dealing with what was the national effort and gone on to look like a scapegoat.
when , billions is laundered from pakistan,,,,,,,to ---where ever

so why not launder generals.............where ever--to who ever-

he can sell all his expertise to other states,,,,,,,,,, i wonder if they like to live in pakistan,, after there stars are gone,,,,,,,,,,
@Indus Pakistan what was wrong in sending Raheel to Saudis? We managed both sides and stayed out of Yemen as well. If the purpose was to achieve our objective we did well.

Yes Raheel has performed less than what was expected from him like a $100 billion went to USA in a sec without US tasting any thing from it but we did okay with this whole show. Iran is closer and Saudis are more dependent.

The problem of Pakistan is we cannot throw away both Saudis and Iranians we have to find a balance among them and the Yemen war is the biggest exam Pakistan faced and we have done well in that. We did not killed a single Muslim in Yemen and yet we achieved diplomacy on both ends.
good that raheel helped enslaving yemeni,s by saudie,s money and army ...

would have been better -------liberating kashmir------------and enslaving india

maybe he didnt want another nishan e haider in his family

rather a nishan e riyal from MBS..
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