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Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

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There are more anti-Arab hollywood films than Iranians. I can guarantee the majority of the Europeans or the illerate Muricans don't know what's in Iran or their history except the county's name "Iran". So you can't compare them to the ultra war mongering propaganda against Arabs.

Its a movie based on a graphic comic book. Not sure what all the fuss is about?

Most people watching the movie won't even associate these Persians with modern Iran. Ancient Persians didn't look like the ones in this movie and neither did the Ancient Greeks.

Its a fun violent movie and I watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it.
@iranigirl2 why are you living in that racist country ? :o:
and why have you posted it on :pdf: if this discussion is only for Iranians
Stop to cry about a cool movie. Its made for fun and entertainment. If you feel bad about a movie then you have serious problems i think.
please only Iranian join the discussion.

Sequel to the Movie 300 is coming out soon.. and It's more violent and racist than the first one, It totally has the Us vs. Them theme!

What do you guys think?

specially take a closer look at 0:20,0:27,1:03,1:15,1:53..

Artemisia the female Persian commander is depicted as a dark and evil character.

Almost all of our national and historical identity is depicted as dark, evil , immoral, inferior, etc..

Why don't they just name the movie Iranians=Evil and get it over with?

300: Rise of an Empire - Official Trailer 1 [HD] - YouTube

Poster: Totally violent,blood bath, White man standing on top of dead Iranians and ruins of Persian Empire

Most important question, how do we stop Jews from making movies like this?

Take a closer look at whose involved in this movie.(forget the actors and actress, they are just puppet), look deeper...

Director:Noam Murro Born:August 16, 1961 in Jerusalem, Israel (Jewish)

Distributed by:Warner Brothers Pictures ( all important people in WB are Jewish)

Barry M. Meyer Chairman and CEO, Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. a division of Time Warner 9 (Jewish)
Alan F. Horn President and COO, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(Jewish)
Jeff Robinov President of Production of Warner Brothers Pictures, a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (Jewish)
Polly Cohen President of Warner Independent Pictures, a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (Jewish)
Martin Shafer Chairman and CEO of Castle Rock Entertainment, a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (Jewish)
Bruce Rosenblum President of Warner Brothers Television Group, a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(Jewish)
Peter Roth President of Warner Brothers Television Production a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(Jewish)

Good website about Hollywoodism


Such movies are just for idiots around the world that have not read 1 page of history .

The ones that care about history , read dozens of books , etc to know what the reality was .
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Such movies are just for idiots around the world that have not read 1 page of history .

The ones that care about history , read dozens of books , etc to know what the reality was .


I'm beginning to believe in this although one part of my mind says there are good and bad people in every group .

" I would have killed all the Jews of the world, but I kept some to show the world why I killed them " Adolf Hitler

No, thats wrong, such movies are made to entertain and earn money. I don´t know what the problem of iranians is. How insecure must someone be to be mad because a movie?

Do you think i should be mad about Asterix movies because Asterix always punchs romans?
No one has to make a movie to degrade Iran. Iranian government voluntarily does the job. The same people who want to destroy Persepolis, claim Cyrus tomb as something else, restrict ancient Iranian traditions are offended by 300.
Stop to cry about a cool movie. Its made for fun and entertainment. If you feel bad about a movie then you have serious problems i think.

We wouldn't have any problem if it was listed in fictional category but when it comes to our history and the greatest and most civilized empire the world has seen up to know it causes problem .
Beside that, 300 is about a comic novel and from historic point of view it is accurate. The fight of Sparta of the 300, the battle of Marathon and the complete destruction of the persian fleet was a great victory not only fro greece but all of europe. Leonidas was alwaso honored in the roman empire and that event changed history. We were able to hold barbarism and orientalism out of europe. No european want live under persian dictatorship and our entire society today bases on that victory.

It was persia that attacked greece first and our encestors had evry right to destroy persia for this. Iranians cry about our ancestors burning down persepolis, but that Xerxes first burned down Athens is ok?
No one has to make a movie to degrade Iran. Iranian government voluntarily does the job. The same people who want to destroy Persepolis, claim Cyrus tomb as something else, restrict ancient Iranian traditions are offended by 300.

Have you lived in Iran ?

Have you spoken with a local Iranian to know what he thinks ?
Beside that, 300 is about a comic novel and from historic point of view it is accurate. The fight of Sparta of the 300, the battle of Marathon and the complete destruction of the persian fleet was a great victory not only fro greece but all of europe. Leonidas was alwaso honored in the roman empire and that event changed history. We were able to hold barbarism and orientalism out of europe. No european want live under persian dictatorship and our entire society today bases on that victory.

It was persia that attacked greece first and our encestors had evry right to destroy persia for this. Iranians cry about our ancestors burning down persepolis, but that Xerxes first burned down Athens is ok?

Accurate ?

Yep It can be accurate if we base it on Greek historians .
We wouldn't have any problem if it was listed in fictional category but when it comes to our history and the greatest and most civilized empire the world has seen up to know it causes problem .

lol we see persia as barbaric. It had no democracy and no freedom. Its military was pathetic and it had virtually no science.

You angry that roman soldiers raided persia many times? But never a persian set foot on rome? :D
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