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Iran sees conspiracy in box office success of Ben Affleck's 'Argo'

Bread and circuses; it's as old as Rome and probably older...

When the economy is in the dumps and there is scant good news around, the masses want a distraction, a "feel good" movie. That's why we have "Taken 2", "Argo", and the top TV series "Homeland". It's all about the all-American white hero saving the world from the evil, subhuman "furriners".
Incidentally none of the three movies/shows you mentioned is anything about saving the world from evil furriners.

Take 2 - a sequel to Taken in which the Albanian groupies of the killed kidnappers try to extract revenge and the father responds. Purely a personal incident and not certainly a world saving mission.

Argo - based on true story. Nuff said.

Homeland - I have no watched this season..but I believe its about saving US and not the world.

What a script writer gets a good enough story and the production houses see some financial sense behind that, a movie is made. Stop looking for boogeymen (or Zionists) beneath your pillows.

yes and you missed out Agend Vinod and Ek tha Tiger.
One needs to understand that Hollywood focuses more on paranoia and boogeyman for major hits. Its about USP of the film. Iran is a hot topic, Pakistan is a hot topic, so they will use it in Movies, TV shows and even make documentaries on heroics of US soldiers.

But at the same time we shouldn't ignore the fine journalism done by few rational and unbiased journalists that points out ill and dark side of American culture, its forces and war crimes. We have just seen a documentary on Rapes in US Army.

So guys, its up to what you really want to see and deduce. If you look broader, you will find that there are people who actually cares about Pakistani people and other so called enemy nations.

All it takes is humility to admit to the fact that other side of the coin is also investigated, not at major level, but yeah, at least at some significant level where as we ignore how other countries don't even allow anything bad about their country.
Incidentally none of the three movies/shows you mentioned is anything about saving the world from evil furriners.

Take 2 - a sequel to Taken in which the Albanian groupies of the killed kidnappers try to extract revenge and the father responds. Purely a personal incident and not certainly a world saving mission.

Argo - based on true story. Nuff said.

Homeland - I have no watched this season..but I believe its about saving US and not the world.

What a script writer gets a good enough story and the production houses see some financial sense behind that, a movie is made. Stop looking for boogeymen (or Zionists) beneath your pillows.

yes and you missed out Agend Vinod and Ek tha Tiger.

In all three cases, the bad guys are the politically acceptable villains, Muslims, and the hero is a white American guy(s).

Saving the world is a euphemism and most people know what it means.
In all three cases, the bad guys are the politically acceptable villains, Muslims, and the hero is a white American guy(s).

Saving the world is a euphemism and most people know what it means.

The Iranian Republican Guards were indeed Muslims and the original villains in Taken were Albanians which ofcourse makes it a no-brainer that the villains in the sequel would also be Albanians if its a revenge plot. :rolleyes:
One needs to understand that Hollywood focuses more on paranoia and boogeyman for major hits. Its about USP of the film. Iran is a hot topic, Pakistan is a hot topic, so they will use it in Movies, TV shows and even make documentaries on heroics of US soldiers..

That's more or less BS. Hollywood is a business and it takes anything which they feel makes financial sense. its fooolish to look too much into it.

And what is wrong if they make documentaries on American heroics ? Dude remember Hollywood is American and they take things which appeal to the American audience. If anyone is not confortable they can stop watching it. Its the same what many of the Indians tell when Pakistanis complain about Indian soaps and movies. Its not for them, so if they dont like it, stop watching it.
The Iranian Republican Guards were indeed Muslims and the original villains in Taken were Albanians which ofcourse makes it a no-brainer that the villains in the sequel would also be Albanians if its a revenge plot. :rolleyes:
If you watch Homeland, you will see how the soldier in captivity is turned into terrorist. But at the same time, what was the reason that pushed him to that limit. You will see how Islam is portrayed. It also shows how love conquers extremism at certain points.

I certainly recommend you to watch this series. You will love it.
If you watch Homeland, you will see how the soldier in captivity is turned into terrorist. But at the same time, what was the reason that pushed him to that limit. You will see how Islam is portrayed. It also shows how love conquers extremism at certain points.

I certainly recommend you to watch this series. You will love it.

Well I am restraining from watching the series right now because I hate seeing things in installments and waiting for the next episode to come. Once the season is over I'll finish the whole season in two days...:D
The Iranian Republican Guards were indeed Muslims and the original villains in Taken were Albanians which ofcourse makes it a no-brainer that the villains in the sequel would also be Albanians if its a revenge plot. :rolleyes:

You still don't get it.

Human trafficking is big business in Eastern Europe and much of it is run from Ukraine/Russia by Christian gangs; it is run in parts of South East Asia by Buddhists; it is run by all sort of people all over the place. However, Hollywood is repenting for the horrible, horrible mistake that America made of helping Bosnian/Kosovar Muslims against Christian Serbs.

Again, in Iran, the movie shows a simplistic version of events tailor made to appeal to American jingoism and xenophobia.

If you can take time away from your anti-Muslim obsession, I suggest you watch Western movies involving black, latino and other criminals. The story will almost always include a member of that particular ethnicity among the good guys to mitigate the racial overtones. That does NOT usually happen when the bad guys are Arabs, Iranians, or Muslims in general. The portrayal is a stark black-and-white picture where the good guys are all Westerners and the bad guys are all Muslims, often with extremely stereotypical behavior
That's more or less BS. Hollywood is a business and it takes anything which they feel makes financial sense. its fooolish to look too much into it.

And what is wrong if they make documentaries on American heroics ? Dude remember Hollywood is American and they take things which appeal to the American audience. If anyone is not confortable they can stop watching it. Its the same what many of the Indians tell when Pakistanis complain about Indian soaps and movies. Its not for them, so if they dont like it, stop watching it.
That' what I said buddy. Hollywood makes movies on recent hot topics as it is good for business. Tell me where I said it otherwise.

I also said that their are other independent film makers that also present other side of the story and I don't understand how that is BS.

Pakistan will oppose Indian shows, but majority do watch Indian shows and channels.

My point is if you are looking at business angle of Hollywood, you should also look at artistic and challenging form of film making which is made to get critically acclaimed and present the truth from other frame of reference.

Believe me, I have seen hundreds of movies, TV shows and documentaries which is the basis of my argument.

Another thing you will find interesting is social temperature for certain idea or field of investigation. But you should also look at media being used for conditioning of people's mind.

Well I am restraining from watching the series right now because I hate seeing things in installments and waiting for the next episode to come. Once the season is over I'll finish the whole season in two days...:D
Have you watched the first season. Its great. The actress truly deserved Golden Globe which she eventually won.
Honestly? Now we are finding conspiracy in commercial movies and tv shows? This victim mentality will turn into schizophrenia one day. Get help before its too late!
Honestly? Now we are finding conspiracy in commercial movies and tv shows? This victim mentality will turn into schizophrenia one day. Get help before its too late!
Buddy, schizophrenia doesn't happen this way. BTW I agree that Iran seeing conspiracy theory is awkward. But again, we have hundreds of movies for developing bad guy image in US to get support of people to wage war against any country.

BTW when are you coming to India ?
Hollywood makes movies on recent hot topics as it is good for business.

Of course Hollywood is in business to make money, but there is no rule that says ideological agendas can't also be mixed in. Often the ideological agenda is positive, as in portrayals of gays, blacks, etc. If someone denies that there is a conscious effort by Hollywood to portray certain groups in certain ways, they are welcome to read the (voluminous) literature on the topic.

As I mentioned, a movie about human trafficking can be made about Ukrainian gangs also, but making it about Albanian Muslims scores ideological points as well.

As for Iran, if you look at Hollywood movies about American adversaries in South America, Vietnam, etc., they usually include some locals among the good guys. That tends to happen much less, if at all, when the adversary is Arab, Iranian, etc.
Buddy, schizophrenia doesn't happen this way. BTW I agree that Iran seeing conspiracy theory is awkward. But again, we have hundreds of movies for developing bad guy image in US to get support of people to wage war against any country.

BTW when are you coming to India ?

Only illiterate and stupid people form their opinion based on movies and tv shows, and I don't think we should really care about such people. I mean does it really matter what a hill billy thinks about me or you or Muslims? Schizophrenia is extreme form of paranoia.

P.S:I am already in India :)

Ah look, it's the intellectually vacuous genius who can utter nothing germane except "victim mentality" in all his posts.

I don't need a certificate of intelligence from a person who thinks that Taken 2 is purposely made to make Muslims look bad. :rofl:
I don't need a certificate of intelligence from a person who thinks that Taken 2 is purposely made to make Muslims look bad.

The issue is not that the movie was made with that specific purpose, but that the villain role, which is generic and can be filled in by various groups, was given to a particular group.

No, I don't expect you to understand that Hollywood purposely portrays certain groups in certain ways. If you accept that Hollywood makes a conscious effort to portray gays and blacks in a positive light, what is the logical reason to deny that the reverse agenda can also be present?

Of course, if you don't accept that a specific, albeit benign, agenda underlies Hollywood portrayal of gays, blacks, etc., then there is no point discussing further. I would urge you to educate yourself about the history of American media, but I honestly can't be bothered.

P.S. Another example, but using French cinema instead of Hollywood. The latest French blockbuster "The Intouchables" is based on a true story of a wealthy, white French paraplegic and his ethnic servant/friend. In real life, the ethnic was an Algerian Arab, but French cinema decided French audiences couldn't handle an Arab hero, so the role was rewritten for a black man.
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