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Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

Third thing we need to be sure of is. In most of Baloch terrorists pics most of them have sat phones we need to use radio tracking for these sat phones to triangulate them.

Thirdly India has a remote sensing IR sat we need to check the location of that sat at time of the incident there are usual patrols on that road and it is difficult for terrorist to track those patrols so the had some additional help.
Third thing we need to be sure of is. In most of Baloch terrorists pics most of them have sat phones we need to use radio tracking for these sat phones to triangulate them.

Thirdly India has a remote sensing IR sat we need to check the location of that sat at time of the incident there are usual patrols on that road and it is difficult for terrorist to track those patrols so the had some additional help.
The Makran coastal highways runs along Arabian sea, is there any chance that the terrorist ingress occurred through the ocean, may be through boats or a shallow water submarine (Indian navy), or terrorists could have come from Afghanistan through mountains and went back after mission is done?
I honestly thought his first tweet would be that they will flood the region with thousands of men and operations will begin in earnest. Instead we have to blame India first, while the murderous rabble carry on patrolling the highways.....
Most of the guys who were shaheed were navy as well.
Seriously the entire navy should locate there, bases everywhere, tens of thousands of marines and 24 hours surveillance.

We need to up our game in Balochistan. I have been saying this since years. Years of mitti pao attitude has made these rats so bold that they did attack in Ormara

WE have more than enough fire power and men that is needed to crush these rats several times. What we lack is will and seriousness. Till then Baluchistan would keep getting hit. IG FC and Corps Commander Quetta need to awake from their long sleep.

The Makran coastal highways runs along Arabian sea, is there any chance that the terrorist ingress occurred through the ocean, may be through boats or a shallow water submarine (Indian navy), or terrorists could have come from Afghanistan through mountains and went back after mission is done?

These terrorists are most probably are present locally in small villages and mountains of Turbat region.

At best they might have came from Iran. No chance of coming from sea.
These terrorists are most probably are present locally in small villages and mountains of Turbat region.

At best they might have came from Iran. No chance of coming from sea.

That is exactly what I feel for years that no terrorism or illegal weapon procurement can take place in Balochistan coastal area without the Iran route. This Karachi Gawadar coastal road is the usual target place, almost half of terrorist incidents in balochistan take place on this karachi gwadar coastal road yet it has not been guarded effectively after so many terrorist events on this particular road. In ideal case every inch of this road should have been put under strict surveillance given the number of terrorist events on this road.
The Makran coastal highways runs along Arabian sea, is there any chance that the terrorist ingress occurred through the ocean, may be through boats or a shallow water submarine (Indian navy), or terrorists could have come from Afghanistan through mountains and went back after mission is done?
Crossing to Afghanistan at this moment is difficult because of floods in balochistan. So they have to hidding in wild life park or villages arround the area of incident. They will not be moving long distances for now in my understanding. The last news I got was forces are doing search operations for these terrorist and main goal is to get them alive this time.
That is exactly what I feel for years that no terrorism or illegal weapon procurement can take place in Balochistan coastal area without the Iran route. This Karachi Gawadar coastal road is the usual target place, almost half of terrorist incidents in balochistan take place on this karachi gwadar coastal road yet it has not been guarded effectively after so many terrorist events on this particular road. In ideal case every inch of this road should have been put under strict surveillance given the number of terrorist events on this road.

I have been following these guys for years.

The whole insurgency is mostly limited to these areas:

BLA/BLF/BRA etc etc

1. Quetta
2. Dera Bugti
3. Turbat
4. Dera Murad Jamali
5. Dalbandin
6. Khuzdar


1. Quetta
2. Chaman
3. Qilla Saifullah
4. Loralai

Now this is a fact that our security forces have failed to device a proper policy to curb terrorists in these areas. The reason behind is typical "mitti pao" attitude towards Baluchistan and everything associated with it. It isn't difficult. It isn't impossible. It is just matter of will and seriousness.
There has been 2 high profile terrorist arrested in KPK regarding TTP by CTD the news is not confirm till now.

Yes news is confirm CTD has arrested 2 high profile TTP terrorist in Menshera in an IBO.

Want brutal action against BLA/BLF/TTP/ISKP in Baluchistan

The real war is in Baluchistan now and we keep ignoring it.
Want brutal action against BLA/BLF/TTP/ISKP in Baluchistan

The real war is in Baluchistan now and we keep ignoring it.
Real war is every where always remember we have to be correct always and terrorist only have to be correct once.
The news said that they were checking ID cards so this means they were looking for names and address on busses so this means info came from some where and that needs to be traced.

Second thing which needs to be traced is that who is giving these terrorist logistical support. These terrorist cannot move openly so they have logistical support as well we need to track that as well.
the statement reads "....acted on secret information and offloaded the Naval...." so they had prior intel.....
as far as logistics is concerned then this a question that cannot be answered that easily.....IDK how much familiar you are with the on ground situation, but the reality of Balochistan or sindh is very ugly, everything has a price....
Levies / khasadar can be bought easily....cargo vehicles moves between Islamabad and Quetta, as as per the driver well known to me, Levies will turn blind eye for a price.....
Additional to this, am sure you are aware of NCP vehicles parked at Torkham and Chaman border. How do you think those vehicles make it out of the area? Do you think Customs or FC or other LEA not aware of this racketeering ? when a vehicle needs to be move out of the area, a price is paid to concerned authorities, be it F.C or anyone else....
I have personal experience with this .......

So logistical support for such groups is managed in same fashion, most of the material for them moved in through Iran because we still have some buffons deployed along that border who at any price get things in and out unchecked......Cement and other commodities move in similar fashion....

Third thing we need to be sure of is. In most of Baloch terrorists pics most of them have sat phones we need to use radio tracking for these sat phones to triangulate them.

Thirdly India has a remote sensing IR sat we need to check the location of that sat at time of the incident there are usual patrols on that road and it is difficult for terrorist to track those patrols so the had some additional help.
ever since Yadav got nabbed, they have been taking it easy with the Sat phones now.....Dr.Allah Nazar was bombed in his hell hole when he was tracked with sat phones.....

in recent pics released they have not been showing any of the gadgets they have at their disposal....

I have been following these guys for years.

The whole insurgency is mostly limited to these areas:

BLA/BLF/BRA etc etc

1. Quetta
2. Dera Bugti
3. Turbat
4. Dera Murad Jamali
5. Dalbandin
6. Khuzdar


1. Quetta
2. Chaman
3. Qilla Saifullah
4. Loralai

Now this is a fact that our security forces have failed to device a proper policy to curb terrorists in these areas. The reason behind is typical "mitti pao" attitude towards Baluchistan and everything associated with it. It isn't difficult. It isn't impossible. It is just matter of will and seriousness.
it is not mitti pao attitude man, it is lack of consensus and working in isolation.....
you have ISI working extensively in Balochistan, conducting Ops day in and out, tracking down terrorists.....
instead of Military working along them, MI is working parallel to it, in it's own space.....MI recruited contractual Intelligence Officers to working in Balochistan to Monitor the CPEC route.....that is under different wing at MI Directorate....
in a different space, you have F.C with it;s own Intelligence Wing, working at different plane .....this makes it a cluster ****....
what we need is a single coordinated effort to rootout the local support network even if that requires going after the moles in Security Forces itself.....once that is accomplished start hitting the safe havens across the borders....
Real war is every where always remember we have to be correct always and terrorist only have to be correct once.

Baluchistan is the real front now since we never did real operations in that province. The fact that more than a dozen terrorists were stopping and checking vehicles on a main highway is itself a proof that how good control we have in that province.

We still have time. We need to act hard. We need to show our strength in that province. And act continuously without any non seriousness this time.
Why only Punjabi on board targeted, does this mean Sindhi & Kashmiri etc are left alone? None of these groups have a central aim. That’s why its so stupid the Indians and other external actors salivating at a ‘Baloch’ resistance - there is no such thing but 10-15 groups with different aims and goals.

If they ever get their strange goal of ‘independence’ they will end up fighting amongst each other for another 100 years.
they targetted the Military personnel, that was the aim.....however i know for sure that they target people on ethnicity too.....a friend from Islamabad was visiting few friends in Karachi. They were on their way to Ormara when their vehicle was stopped. IDs were checked, since other passengers of the vehicle were Balochis, with one exception, they were 'requested' to leave the Friend behind (who was from Islamabad).

They refused to leave their friend and asked that they be left alone....their was exchange of words, finally few calls were made to the Tribal leaders and only then those buffons left the guys alone - unharmed....but a warning was given.....
Baluchistan is the real front now since we never did real operations in that province. The fact that more than a dozen terrorists were stopping and checking vehicles ................

It is really very unfair that a whole pashtun region in FATA namely north waziristan and earlier Swat had a full scale military operation where people were uprooted from their homes but no such whole scale military operation has ever been done in any area of balochistan even though balochistan has far more terrorists and terrorist organizations operating there and regularly executing terrorist attacks. This sends a very bad message to pashtuns of waziristan and swat.
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