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Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

It is really very unfair that a whole pashtun region in FATA namely north waziristan and earlier Swat had a full scale military operation where people were uprooted from their homes but no such whole scale military operation has ever been done in any area of balochistan even though balochistan has far more terrorists and terrorist organizations operating there and regularly executing terrorist attacks. This sends a very bad message to pashtuns of waziristan and swat.
Same happened with Muhajirs/Urdu speakings too
It is really very unfair that a whole pashtun region in FATA namely north waziristan and earlier Swat had a full scale military operation where people were uprooted from their homes but no such whole scale military operation has ever been done in any area of balochistan even though balochistan has far more terrorists and terrorist organizations operating there and regularly executing terrorist attacks. This sends a very bad message to pashtuns of waziristan and swat.

Exactly. On one hand we come up with all the big claims about gwadar and call it to be next dubai while on other hand terrorists are setting up check posts on our highways.

Till now pm Imran Khan hasn't even bothered to condemn thus act of terrorism from his Twitter account. Same is the case with corrupt scums like bilawal from opposition.

This shows how serious we are towards this attack.

I am sure no action would be taken this time too. And most probably 4 months later or 5 months later we might see similar kind of attack again by same group. This is the price we would pay for our insensitive attitude.

it is not mitti pao attitude man, it is lack of consensus and working in isolation.....
you have ISI working extensively in Balochistan, conducting Ops day in and out, tracking down terrorists.....
instead of Military working along them, MI is working parallel to it, in it's own space.....MI recruited contractual Intelligence Officers to working in Balochistan to Monitor the CPEC route.....that is under different wing at MI Directorate....
in a different space, you have F.C with it;s own Intelligence Wing, working at different plane .....this makes it a cluster ****....
what we need is a single coordinated effort to rootout the local support network even if that requires going after the moles in Security Forces itself.....once that is accomplished start hitting the safe havens across the borders....

It is mitti pao attitude man

We simply don't care about Baluchistan. We don't care what happens in that province. Same is the case with our security establishment. They don't care either. The nation has already forgotten this attack. PM didn't even bother to condemn this attack through his Twitter account. Same is the case with opposition corrupt scumbags like bilawal. No condbstoon. No outrage. Those who died in this attack were child of lesser god.

I hope we can change this mitti pao attitude even though I doubt that would ever happen.
in my opinion you need to press the restart button and start from the basic until we get the basics right we cant control outside interference in our country .
1 we dont need to start large size operations like we did in wana or else where .we need to learn from Israel start sending smaller teams in to mountain regions of Baluchistan with bigger fire power on call for them to carry out precise operations.you cant have fc sitting in barracks or paroling without a proper guidance who or what they are looking for . we need to use our forces to become aggressive hunters
2nd the border needs a big beautiful wall with mines anyone goin out shoot any one coming in shoot no questions ask get all the population to stay 5 km away from border areas
3rd the PTI FAN LOVERS need to realize afghans are snakes and the head of snake needs to cut for good not granting them facilities like letting them open bank accounts etc even they been living here 30 plus years .talbian khan doesn't realize it what he is doing is wrong
4th pass a law anyone giving shelters to enemy of the nation will be hanged to death no mercy and the property owned by them or any close family member will be confiscated without any court getting involved .
5 th start taking finger prints of people all the villages in Baluchistan so we know whose living where .and do aggressive house to house searches .FOr God sake dont scan the id cars scan the finger prints id cards can be fake or people still be holding multiple id cards
6th provide the police and fc with MRAPS and smaller drones without the right equipment you cant win this war
may be other members would like to add some more points or there point of view

the idea that we have defeated the terrorists is wrong you have only made there work harder but not impossible.
3rd the PTI FAN LOVERS need to realize afghans are snakes and the head of snake needs to cut for good not granting them facilities like letting them open bank accounts etc even they been living here 30 plus years .talbian khan doesn't realize it what he is doing is wrong.........................

On many issues relating to Afghans and some FATA areas , the guy really behaves like a pashtun nationalist, yesterday he was praising PTM in orakazi agency jalsa. This is a pashtun superiority disease he suffers from probably his childhood as he wrote in his biography book in 90s that his mother told him in his childhood that being a pashtun he is superior to people around him, yes this is written by him in his book published in 90s. I think he will carry this disease of pashtun superiority till the end of his life, some things just don't get out of your mind. I can tell all of you our next COAS will be a pashtun if the choice comes in imran khan's hands.
that is the problem with this guy what he said yesterday in FATA was idiotic .the guy doesn't even know properly what has actually happened in those areas in last 12 years in reality . is it just the security forces fault that the tribal people didnt stop giving shelters to the enemy of the state hell no .the whole area of FATA since the Afghan war ended was a law less shit hole every car stolen every person kidnapped .. smuggling of all kinda shit ,arms supply to whole country was done from those areas and the soo called selected prime minister is standing in front of those criminals and blaming the forces for it ..the same security forces who got him elected .
Exactly what i said last night....terror launch pads for baloch terrorist groups are in iran and they are moving in and out through that...Pakistan has a soft spot for iran hence doesnt take it head on but i think it's time to deal with it same way.. however the main area of operation an decision making is still done in Afghanistan....
Iran, Afghanistan and India they are working united against Pakistan.
I have heard rumors of Israel also being a co-player but i personally haven't seen any evidence and even able to figure their role in the evil triangle of India, Iran and Afghanistan.
Jf-17 vs f-14

that is the problem with this guy what he said yesterday in FATA was idiotic .the guy doesn't even know properly what has actually happened in those areas in last 12 years in reality . is it just the security forces fault that the tribal people didnt stop giving shelters to the enemy of the state hell no .the whole area of FATA since the Afghan war ended was a law less shit hole every car stolen every person kidnapped .. smuggling of all kinda shit ,arms supply to whole country was done from those areas and the soo called selected prime minister is standing in front of those criminals and blaming the forces for it ..the same security forces who got him elected .
that is the problem with this guy what he said yesterday in FATA was idiotic .the guy doesn't even know properly what has actually happened in those areas in last 12 years in reality . is it just the security forces fault that the tribal people didnt stop giving shelters to the enemy of the state hell no .the whole area of FATA since the Afghan war ended was a law less shit hole every car stolen every person kidnapped .. smuggling of all kinda shit ,arms supply to whole country was done from those areas and the soo called selected prime minister is standing in front of those criminals and blaming the forces for it ..the same security forces who got him elected .

It the state of pak under zia and afterwards inviting all thugs to come to fata and using its land to fight the soviets, there was a time the so called mujadeen had more power then locals and military bottom line it was US, Saudi, Egyptians and pak who funded and support and created this mess and they are the one paid with their blood to clean up and will take a generation or two to clean up
You can create [emoji48] devil but cannot control it
Jf-17 vs f-14

its not about preaching its about reality ....and admitting the truth ....the reason most people in FATA are crying or are getting involved in PTM is because they want to go back to the old days of selling drugs guns and smuggling thats why they want the army out and keep the boders open for them to fuk around again
Rented terrorists should be dealt with extreme force
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