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Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

How you can just say that both are same where you and anyone can justify that any person who do personal act or government sponsored terrorism done by military commander "Jadhav" is equal as speaks of India’s state policy of sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan.
Since partition, India has persistently pursued the policy of trying to destroy Pakistan.
Jadhav and many other ran a network to carry out despicable terrorism and suicide bombing, targeted killing, kidnapping for ransom and targeted operations to create unrest and instability in the country.If you have any military personnel in your custody then bring it up or get lost.


Yes, his act was so obvious that he has to be tried in a military court. Not given a lawyer of his own choice. Chargsheet, witness, evidences were never shared to anyone.

On the other side there are many terrorist caught in action, tried in civil court, shared evidences, provided lawyers of their own choice and still they are innocent.

1.Kulbhush jadhav was not active member of the force.
2. He was not caught in any active action, rather kidnapped from Iran.
3. Any opaque court proceedings are illegitimate and not recognised by the world.

On the other hand we have hundreds Pakistani terrorist caught in action. Almost thousands of killed in action and you are teaching us to keep shut.
I can see that emotions are running high. I get the same feeling of 26-02-2019 when IAF trespassed and dropped the payload. Many of my countrymen were cursing the government and military exactly the way they are doing now but the next day everyone had to LICK THEIR SPIT.

I assume that our government and military brass are not some idiots without a plan. We have also forgotten that the stance of assured retaliation is still in place. I trust our government and military to do the right thing and am willing to be a little patient.
Baluchistan has so much hate against Punjabis. They sort the locals from outsiders and shoot them at point blank. Too many terrorist groups are active in Baluchistan.

If you comparing local Pakistani fishermen in Indian jail with Kalbushan , then its one of the best comparison ever read.
I can personally tell you there is no such case. otherwise there wont be any Punjabi left in Balochistan

hate is for the exploiting mafia and the face of Sherifs is one reason.
Yes, his act was so obvious that he has to be tried in a military court. Not given a lawyer of his own choice. Chargsheet, witness, evidences were never shared to anyone.

On the other side there are many terrorist caught in action, tried in civil court, shared evidences, provided lawyers of their own choice and still they are innocent.

1.Kulbhush jadhav was not active member of the force.
2. He was not caught in any active action, rather kidnapped from Iran.
3. Any opaque court proceedings are illegitimate and not recognised by the world.

On the other hand we have hundreds Pakistani terrorist caught in action. Almost thousands of killed in action and you are teaching us to keep shut.
Don't tell me who is Kulbhush jadhav.
Yeah yeah he was just doing import export business and we caught him from Mars.
YOU Indians are PhD in lying just like Sushma Swaraj where she accept that no one killed in balakot airstrike FINALLY. :woot::rofl::omghaha:.
Did they know the bus had military personal on it? It could also be they played the numbers game and just checked every vehicle until they came across members of the forces.
Why were they not armed? At the minimum they should have pistols, I'd even advocate SMG's in their bags.
Just crazy this has happened and very damming.
Did they know the bus had military personal on it? It could also be they played the numbers game and just checked every vehicle until they came across members of the forces.
Why were they not armed? At the minimum they should have pistols, I'd even advocate SMG's in their bags.
Just crazy this has happened and very damming.
Well they got payback for Pulwama. Buses, killings of military personnel.
Did they know the bus had military personal on it? It could also be they played the numbers game and just checked every vehicle until they came across members of the forces.
Why were they not armed? At the minimum they should have pistols, I'd even advocate SMG's in their bags.
Just crazy this has happened and very damming.
hakkal statement says they had prior intelligence on the presence of Military personnel....
there are two ways it went forward....They stopped the bus hoping that it may be containing any number of Punjabi or Military personnel.....second narrative is they had a 'Spotter' at the bus station we made a possible guess on the presence of Military personnel on the bus.....
Spotter passed on the information to the hit team and they stopped the bus.....
I believe this is what had happened......
hakkal statement says they had prior intelligence on the presence of Military personnel....
there are two ways it went forward....They stopped the bus hoping that it may be containing any number of Punjabi or Military personnel.....second narrative is they had a 'Spotter' at the bus station we made a possible guess on the presence of Military personnel on the bus.....
Spotter passed on the information to the hit team and they stopped the bus.....
I believe this is what had happened......

Why only Punjabi on board targeted, does this mean Sindhi & Kashmiri etc are left alone? None of these groups have a central aim. That’s why its so stupid the Indians and other external actors salivating at a ‘Baloch’ resistance - there is no such thing but 10-15 groups with different aims and goals.

If they ever get their strange goal of ‘independence’ they will end up fighting amongst each other for another 100 years.
What I don't understand is the media coverage in such events taking place in balochistan, when some hazara are killed , it makes big news but when punjabi muslims are killed in balochistan it doesn't seem to make any news or sympathy trends on facebook or twitter, but killing of hazara people draws disproportionate attention from both mainstream media as well as social media.
Pakistani patriotic media should start a giant smear campaign against all intellectchuwals who are against Pak armed forces and support insurgents be it PTM fangirls or BRA/BLA south block whores frame all of them as terrorist and take them down anyone who gave mama qadeer and likes him on air times needs to trailed in anti terrorism courts

Admiral (r) Fasih Bokhari...

I don't need blaming India part

I want revenge. And revenge should start with killing of at least 19-20 BLA/BLf rats with their pictures of their dead bodies being spread on internet.

After that we should go after their supporters and handlers.

I honestly thought his first tweet would be that they will flood the region with thousands of men and operations will begin in earnest. Instead we have to blame India first, while the murderous rabble carry on patrolling the highways.....
Most of the guys who were shaheed were navy as well.
Seriously the entire navy should locate there, bases everywhere, tens of thousands of marines and 24 hours surveillance.
hakkal statement says they had prior intelligence on the presence of Military personnel....
there are two ways it went forward....They stopped the bus hoping that it may be containing any number of Punjabi or Military personnel.....second narrative is they had a 'Spotter' at the bus station we made a possible guess on the presence of Military personnel on the bus.....
Spotter passed on the information to the hit team and they stopped the bus.....
I believe this is what had happened......
The news said that they were checking ID cards so this means they were looking for names and address on busses so this means info came from some where and that needs to be traced.

Second thing which needs to be traced is that who is giving these terrorist logistical support. These terrorist cannot move openly so they have logistical support as well we need to track that as well.
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