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Qatar Calls Arabs SHEEP

And you still repeating this! Syrians don't want him and that's why they are controlling Syria and following his gangs to their last resort ,Western Damascus.
Use your brain to think about it... How can Alasad survive against his people, the west, gcc, turkey and others?? without his people Alasad would have been gone... Again you are denying the simple facts... Majority of Syrians support the government war against terrorism you people are spreading in Syria... enough bloodshed... stop sending terrorists and guns to Syria.... this bloodshed can end in days... all it takes is for people like you and countries to support peace instead of war...
Use your brain to think about it... How can Alasad survive against his people, the west, gcc, turkey and others?? without his people Alasad would have been gone... Again you are denying the simple facts... Majority of Syrians support the government war against terrorism you people are spreading in Syria... enough bloodshed... stop sending terrorists and guns to Syria.... this bloodshed can end in days... all it takes is for people like you and countries to support peace instead of war...

Bla bla bla, the terrorists are those who used heavy weapons against civilians and killed 60000 of them, displaced 500000, and destroyed their cities, not the freedom fighters who altered their lives to defend them.

The only reason that made Al Assad last for this long is that he used his sect in the army to kill Syrians, it's a well known fact that 90% of the high rank officers are mainly Alawits. This sectarian army used to have a formidable army with huge numbers of tanks and heavy equipment, but they are about to get defeated by freedom fighters with few primitive arms, they are about to win not because they are strong but because most Syrians are with them.
Bla bla bla, the terrorists are those who used heavy weapons against civilians and killed 60000 of them, displaced 500000, and destroyed their cities, not the freedom fighters who altered their lives to defend them.

The only reason that made Al Assad last for this long is that he used his sect in the army to kill Syrians, it's a well known fact that 90% of the high rank officers are mainly Alawits. This sectarian army used to have a formidable army with huge numbers of tanks and heavy equipment, but they are about to get defeated by freedom fighters with few primitive arms, they are about to win not because they are strong but because most Syrians are with them.
really? isn't Syrian army composed mostly of Sunnies? why didn't those soldiers all gang up on their high ranked officers and killed them?? that shows how smart you are...

and 60k?? tomorrow you will make it 100k... anyways like your master said you are nothing but sheep, even sheep are smarter and braver then you people
and like i said before:

lahowala wala quwat.

Ali (RA) was NOT a prophet.

It was a mistake...
and thats coming from the poodles [qatar...and "emirate"....democracy soon..]
The Amount of Support that FSA recieve abroad (light arms,finacial and volunteers) quite less than the which(tanks, heavy armoured vechiles, helis Jetsfigters, missiles various types of arms, soldiers, tens billions of USD and Militants ) Assad regime receives from Iran, Russia, China Hezbollah and Iraq..

If Assad would fight only by his power, he had already been steam under sunshine of people revolution.....
But in a very near future any power and support would not be enough to save Assad from inevitable fate of Kaddaf, Mobarak, Saddam and other dictators
Thank you for pointing out the obvious Mr Sherlock. You seem to be so misinformed, as if Shias were from another planet. Most of what you know about Shia is false. I know a Pakistani Sunni who had these same speculations. Shias belief that Prophet Mohammed is the seal of the prophets.

The Funny thing is when I corrected my Pakistani friends misconceptions about Shias he was quite amazed and realized how wrong he was.

Shias say the shahada, Shias believe in the same Quran, Shias believe in Allah, the one and only God and his messenger Mohammed(pbuh). Shias don't worship graves, Shias pray 5 prayers a day. Shias fast Ramadan. Shias DON'T believe that Ali is a prophet and don't put his rank above the prophet.

Shias believe that Ali the imam and caliphs chosen by the prophet, but he is not a prophet himself, and te imams Ali's descend are the true Imams who we should follow after the prophet. And all this is found in Sunni books.

It seems you live in another world, I think you should really do some research before posting such retarded comments such as "Ali is not a prophet", because no Muslim says Ali is a prophet, if someone says that he wouldn't be considered a Muslims because that is clearly against the shahada. Ashahdu an la illah ila Allah, wa ashhadu Ana Mohammed rasul Allah.

Allah is my god
Mohammed is my prophet
The Quran is my book
The Kaaba is my qibla
Islam is my religion
Ali Is my imam> and not prophet

Do I sound kaffir to you?
Remnants of colonialism should remain quite.

We are the phenyxes that have arisen from the ashes of our braves and feroucious ancesters that defeated colonialism and islamic fundamentalism that you have so well exported. Unlike your lot, we know our history and we will make sure it will never be repeated.

We are north africain and we have a spine and something between our legs..something that your culture omit to teach you...We don't have to rely on the US fleet to defend us, or the french to liberate our mosque or give billions in weaponnery that we will never receive, just to shore up the finances or the arms stocks our protector(s)...
and like i said before:


The sad thing, if Assad fall under the pressure of the foreign fighters, all theses countries that are helping and abetting the armed terroristes, will one day test their own medecine. If assad falls, I wouldn't give 2 nickels to the integrity of Jordan, Turquie, Saoudi Arebia, Quatar and thoses pygmees monarchies et their roitelets.
They just think that a wahabi Islam or fodamentalist one (quatari version) is the solution to the arab world. To know the face of the arab spring or arab chaotic spring, just have a look at the new Lybia, Tunisia and Egypt.
Algerians are very stubborn when it comes to Israel, yes Israel is our sworn enemy but that doesn't mean everyone who pretend to enemize them are friends. My dear brother, we used to be like you but we woke up late and I wish you wake up before it's too late. I remember how stubborn I was in supporting Hizbullah just two years ago, so I understand you won't get convinced easly but I leave it for time.

By the way my mother's family name is Almoghrabi from Wahran, Algeria. :wave:

Wrong we are not stobburn, we just like to be on the right side of history. Algerians don't like to see oppressed people. Since we lived over a century as a 3rd citizens with no rights in our own land, we value the freedom of others. Israel, is not considered our ennemi, just a foe that oppressing Palestiniens...We have no complex toward that country. We help the Palestiniens because it is our duty, without denying the right of the jews to have a country and peaceful life like any other human being.
I am not fan of hizbollah or hamas, because they are a danger to cohesion of the society where they reside. The two, although they demonstated to the arab armies that Israel is not the lion it's supposed to be and can be defeated, they made their population pay a heavy price, that is senseless.

Good to know, wlid el bled...
The Amir of Qatar is right. If it wasn't for a Kurd named Saleh uddin Ayubbi, the Arabs would still be living as slaves of European Crusaders.
Despite of 1.5 milyon of Shaheeds and despite of that unieqly heroic liberation struggle,
Unfortunately, Algeria still is not a real independent country...It is a semi independent country like a state dpendented on France..

Algeria economy, internal and foreigner policy under control of france..All interior politic events fitted and controlled by france..That is why, most of algerian politicians willy nilly act on the orbit of france..
Despite of 1.5 milyon of Shaheeds and despite of that unieqly heroic liberation struggle,
Unfortunately, Algeria still is not a real independent country...It is a semi independent country like a state dpendented on France..

Algeria economy, internal and foreigner policy under control of france..All interior politic events fitted and controlled by france..That is why, most of algerian politicians willy nilly act on the orbit of france..
ًWhat are you trying to say?
btw Turkey is the same.. Turkey would be nothing without NATO... Turkey always asks NATO for help... just recently they asked for Patriot... that shows that Turkey can not defend itself...
at least Algeria has its own Army... no need for help from NATO...
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