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Qatar Calls Arabs SHEEP

I lived in both syria and Jordan, I should know. Syria is worse than iraq right now. Iraq had oil and billions of dollars into security until it became better, right now all the south-central, southern, and northern provinces are safe, the security problems lie in the mixed and Sunni- dominated areas.the attacks don't come from armed men fighting in open fields, rather terrorists use vehicles and IED's to bomb civilian areas, that is not as easy to detect as seeing an armed person. What's happening in syria is just a pretext for the sufyiani, il remind of what I said after a year from now, and well see how syria gets better...(not)
WYour name says it all, an evil family with a horrible history.

Abu sufyan who was one if main leaders of bani omaya fought prophet Mohammed. His wife hind killed hamza and ate his liver. Muauwaya son of Abu sufyan faught against Ali Ibn abi talib, than against Hassan Ibn Ali. Yazid Ibn muawaya killed the prophets grandson and his whole family, and took the women of the prophets family captives. Wow what a great history. You must be really proud.

Allow me to say screw you and Banu omaya. Why haven't you chosen bani Hashim instead, or your hate for the prophets family doesn't allow you. Iraqi Kurdistan may be ejected because it has no use for iraq, it is just a cash drainage, but iraq won't split, that's just a dream that you would like to happen. Iraq is growing stronger and by 2020 we will put the gulf states in their real place, it is iraq who has the say in the region, just because iraq is weak right now it doesn't mean it wit rise again.

Anbars Sunni tribes are the ones go made the sahwa and faught against Sunni extremists. Besides all the oil resources are in Shia south, so unless they want to split from a thriving economy, join syria instead which barely has money to sustain its own citizens, they won't do it. The Iraqi army controls all the towns and cities in anbar.

Iraq didn't die not even during the worst of its states in history (2004-2007). It's not going to now, especially since there is a stronger army, Better economy.

You Saudis couldn't even deal with the houthis although they are just a sma banned of fighters, So you Shouldn't be talking. Anyways all the Shia south is safe, so any conflict will mostly affect the Sunnis.
Iran is using Palestinians and Lebanese even though it knows these people dont have chance against Israel. All these Shia issue is veil of Iranian Great ambitions. I am not convinced that Iran is savior of Islam as some people claim here. Iran is oppressor of its Sunni minorities, supporter of Armenia, acting as Shia Muslim while hiding their pan-Persian aims. Iran is nowhere when it comes to Real jihad, i mean the Real war against Christians, Jews.

Syrian Alawites are pawns in the hands of Iranians. Let Iranians prove themselves in jihad. Till today, i havent seen their worth.

Oh,these internet suicide bombers.Why don't you join your brothers in Al-Qaeda and kill some 'Shias' to reach the promised 'paradise'?From there,you can manage your holy war against Shias,Christians and Jews.
Bedouines fighting again (to kill each other). Bravo, keep going. Nature's way of population control.
Oh,these internet suicide bombers.Why don't you join your brothers in Al-Qaeda and kill some 'Shias' to reach the promised 'paradise'?From there,you can manage your holy war against Shias,Christians and Jews.

I dont have problems with Shias. I have both Alevi and Caferi friends, real good friends. My personal choices dont affect my political opinion.

I havent seen Shia Persians fighting against evil West or at least Israel. Those Persians were using Turks against Turks in the past, now Arabs against Arabs.
I dont have problems with Shias. I have both Alevi and Caferi friends, real good friends. My personal choices dont affect my political opinion.

I havent seen Shia Persians fighting against evil West or at least Israel. Those Persians were using Turks against Turks in the past, now Arabs against Arabs.

Yeah,that's what Erdogan's conspiracy theories made of you.Iran trying to take over the world,Persians trying to murder all the Turks in the world,Shias sneaking underground to destroy Sunni world.
Dude,when you say you are a scholar and read many books,I really start to feel sad for the real scholars.

What are 'brave Turks' doing against 'Evil Jews and Christian'?Except cooperting with them in all fields,asking for their protection (Patriots) and all the role playing that tries to fool the already messed uo Muslim world that Turkey,at least on paper,is against Israel.

You are right,'Evil Persians' have done nothing fighting Israel and U.S,why should they when there are other resources to use?
Yeah,that's what Erdogan's conspiracy theories made of you.Iran trying to take over the world,Persians trying to murder all the Turks in the world,Shias sneaking underground to destroy Sunni world.
Dude,when you say you are a scholar and read many books,I really start to feel sad for the real scholars.

What are 'brave Turks' doing against 'Evil Jews and Christian'?Except cooperting with them in all fields,asking for their protection (Patriots) and all the role playing that tries to fool the already messed uo Muslim world that Turkey,at least on paper,is against Israel.

You are right,'Evil Persians' have done nothing fighting Israel and U.S,why should they when there are other resources to use?

Sunni-Shia issue divided Turks as it divided Arabs. Persians rose victorious from such infightings, without firing a single shot or swaying a single scimitar.

Well, it is time for Persians to prove their wortiness.
we will not give him to anyone we will hunt him down once the syrian revolution ends. all the iranian militias in Lebanon and iraq will be eliminated.

Which country is going to do that for you? You can't even get it up without viagra and you dare to menace Hizbollah, the only group that really fought and won again a renown foe...

I say toz!
How exactly is it a crime to defend your country like Hezbollah or Hamas do as some Arab members are portraying it to be ? Isn't it better than helping FSA kill your fellow Muslim brothers in Syria who were just some time back living peacefully together or issue mere statements of condemnation for Gaza attacks ? But exactly whom am I asking , the ones who got their kingdoms by betraying the Ottomans ? The ones who rent the Zionist soldiers to actually defend their country ( Gulf War , anyone ? ) or the ones who are asked to let their Monarchs sleep silently in bed with the US and Zionists ( Grand Mufti's speech ) ? :azn:

and these kids calling on to liberate Syria and Iran , when was the last time you ever fought a war and won it ? Hell , you cant even interfere in your country without US permission let alone thinking of poking your nose into other countries and here you clowns are maligning Hamas and Hezbollah freedom fighters who are actually defending their homeland and resisting unlike your majority of nation - not to mention the thousands of princes and princesses indulging in booze , drugs and sex with no regards for Ummah whilst preaching the radical and rigid interpretation of Islam everywhere ! Hypocrisy doesn't look a suitable word here - maybe a revision of Oxford dictionary is needed to describe your lot ...
Qatar Prime Minister said Most Arabs are SHEEP and Israel a wolf ..."

Yes , these puppets are more interested in adding fuel to the fire in Syria by providing arms and funds to the FSA to create unrest and chaos in the country rather than supplying weaponry to Palestinian groups to fight against Zionist army - why would they want to upset their masters at Tel Aviv and Washington D.C ! What else should they be called ? :azn:
Yes , these puppets are more interested in adding fuel to the fire in Syria by providing arms and funds to the FSA to create unrest and chaos in the country rather than supplying weaponry to Palestinian groups to fight against Zionist army - why would they want to upset their masters at Tel Aviv and Washington D.C ! What else should they be called ? :azn:

How can a bunch of do nothing, that can't even wipe their arses without having somebody doing it for them, dare to call someone a sheep. Hiring arming hodlums to kill children, women and destroy a country in the name of an Islam that none of us recognizes. A bunch of mental cases, that all what they are...
How can a bunch of do nothing, that can't even wipe their arses without having somebody doing it for them, dare to call someone a sheep. Hiring arming hodlums to kill children, women and destroy a country in the name of an Islam that none of us recognizes. A bunch of mental cases, that all what they are...

Yeah , I forgot ... We are talking about a lot that cant even get water by themselves and here they are dreaming to fight a war and classifying nations as sheep and wolves ... Their agenda is clear - export their backward interpretation of Islam the world ever whilst doing everything that can be called anything but Islamic ( Dont anyone get me started on this ! ) Recently , these kids learned a new way of keeping track of women by notifying their males if their wives , daughters , mothers or sisters have left the Kingdom ( Yes , the women are like small kids , someone else needs to make the decision for them ) !
yes you should be ashamed for your terrorist sponsoring state which is named after a corrupt ruling family. The sunnis were living peacefully for years under Bashar, what did you think prompted him to kill your brothers and sisters as you say?

People should spen at least 5 minutes actualy reading about the topic before posting.


Peacefull life under assad.

the assad family has been butchering sunnis for the last 40 years they realised its better to die with a gun in your hands than on your knees with the barrel in your mouth.
Which country is going to do that for you? You can't even get it up without viagra and you dare to menace Hizbollah, the only group that really fought and won again a renown foe...

I say toz!

Algerians are very stubborn when it comes to Israel, yes Israel is our sworn enemy but that doesn't mean everyone who pretend to enemize them are friends. My dear brother, we used to be like you but we woke up late and I wish you wake up before it's too late. I remember how stubborn I was in supporting Hizbullah just two years ago, so I understand you won't get convinced easly but I leave it for time.

By the way my mother's family name is Almoghrabi from Wahran, Algeria. :wave:
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