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Qatar Calls Arabs SHEEP

WYour name says it all, an evil family with a horrible history.

Abu sufyan who was one if main leaders of bani omaya fought prophet Mohammed. His wife hind killed hamza and ate his liver. Muauwaya son of Abu sufyan faught against Ali Ibn abi talib, than against Hassan Ibn Ali. Yazid Ibn muawaya killed the prophets grandson and his whole family, and took the women of the prophets family captives. Wow what a great history. You must be really proud.

Allow me to say screw you and Banu omaya. Why haven't you chosen bani Hashim instead, or your hate for the prophets family doesn't allow you. Iraqi Kurdistan may be ejected because it has no use for iraq, it is just a cash drainage, but iraq won't split, that's just a dream that you would like to happen. Iraq is growing stronger and by 2020 we will put the gulf states in their real place, it is iraq who has the say in the region, just because iraq is weak right now it doesn't mean it wit rise again.

Anbars Sunni tribes are the ones go made the sahwa and faught against Sunni extremists. Besides all the oil resources are in Shia south, so unless they want to split from a thriving economy, join syria instead which barely has money to sustain its own citizens, they won't do it. The Iraqi army controls all the towns and cities in anbar.

Iraq didn't die not even during the worst of its states in history (2004-2007). It's not going to now, especially since there is a stronger army, Better economy.

You Saudis couldn't even deal with the houthis although they are just a sma banned of fighters, So you Shouldn't be talking. Anyways all the Shia south is safe, so any conflict will mostly affect the Sunnis.
I stopped reading here, you people lie and believe your own lies, Sunnis love and revere Ahlul Bait, and I have never ever in my whole life neither heard or read that a Sunni even prefer Mowiyah over Ali (RA).You wrote a twisted version of history and you believed it, keep believing it, you don't matter.
People should spen at least 5 minutes actualy reading about the topic before posting.



Peacefull life under assad.

the assad family has been butchering sunnis for the last 40 years they realised its better to die with a gun in your hands than on your knees with the barrel in your mouth.
Yes peaceful life.. those you posted pic of are Muslim Brotherhood terrorists..... they bombed school, hospitals and military sites... There would be no peaceful secular Syria with out Hafez Alasad attack on the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists...

I understand that Syria will not suddenly turn into a calm country as soon as the regime falls, any normal person would understand that it will take some time for things to settle down, but it will never be like Iraq, Syrian demography and location is different as well.

Anyway, let's wait and see.

Syria is worse than Iraq now.. thanks to your democracy and freedom.... Syria was ranked 4th in safest place on earth... after democracy its ranked 4th from the bottom ......
I like how some people here know themselves very well... they are defending that they are truly sheep.... notice those people are from countries that are controlled by the west...
What is qatar and other muslim countries doing, when it comes to show middle finger to china, when china is silencing uighur muslims?

Never Mind...the Muslim cause is just an eyewash for theese grredy rulers to settle their own political and diplomatic ambition...And this situation...Ujhgyur Muslim and their issue does not give them anything in return rather they are going loose more if they support the cause...
Can you explain how you could like a person and his enemy at the same time? Bani omaia are know enemies for the prophet and his family. There is no disorted history, this is the same history found in all the book including Sunni ones. The only difference is we read it, explore it and analyze the persons according to the incidents found in the history books. Can you tell me one incident of the fake hostory that you are talking about, I'll bring you a source from your own book. I'm not hating or insulting, but reality hurts.

I know most people here try say they love Ali over muawyiah, because any other view would be considered unislamic, but to try to give excuses to portray muawyiah or Yazif as innocent people is ridiculous.
actually our Syrian brother here does bring up one interesting point.......a lot of the Arabs scream death to israel but during this insurrection and revolutions in Syria many are going against Hezbollah (a Lebanese organization with ties to Iran)

i have nothing to do with that region or its politics and things like that, but i was impressed by their performance in 2006.....these guys fought their hearts out they did hold their ground --it was like a david versus goliath type thing.

i pray that Syrians unite and the mass murders committed by Assad government AND the rebels ends.....the past 2 years have been DISASTROUS for Syria --which historically-speaking is a very important country for Islam.
Never Mind...the Muslim cause is just an eyewash for theese grredy rulers to settle their own political and diplomatic ambition...And this situation...Ujhgyur Muslim and their issue does not give them anything in return rather they are going loose more if they support the cause...

Says a person from a country which is occupying and killing Muslims. Do not worry about the Chinese when you fools are full of more sht than them.

Can you explain how you could like a person and his enemy at the same time? Bani omaia are know enemies for the prophet and his family. There is no disorted history, this is the same history found in all the book including Sunni ones. The only difference is we read it, explore it and analyze the persons according to the incidents found in the history books. Can you tell me one incident of the fake hostory that you are talking about, I'll bring you a source from your own book. I'm not hating or insulting, but reality hurts.

I know most people here try say they love Ali over muawyiah, because any other view would be considered unislamic, but to try to give excuses to portray muawyiah or Yazif as innocent people is ridiculous.

I have never met a Sunni who tries to do that.
Says a person from a country which is occupying and killing Muslims. Do not worry about the Chinese when you fools are full of more sht than them.

I have never met a Sunni who tries to do that.

So what is happening in beloved country Pakistan???Every day either Army is kiiling or TTP is killing people????So do you think in both the cases the persons who are killed are Non Muslims??? Think about it...
actually our Syrian brother here does bring up one interesting point.......a lot of the Arabs scream death to israel but during this insurrection and revolutions in Syria many are going against Hezbollah (a Lebanese organization with ties to Iran)

i have nothing to do with that region or its politics and things like that, but i was impressed by their performance in 2006.....these guys fought their hearts out they did hold their ground --it was like a david versus goliath type thing.

i pray that Syrians unite and the mass murders committed by Assad government AND the rebels ends.....the past 2 years have been DISASTROUS for Syria --which historically-speaking is a very important country for Islam.
If Alasad had killed his own people, Syrians will not let him last a minute.... if Syrians wanted him out he would have been gone already... because no power on this earth can stop the will of the people...
the ones who are doing the killing is the so called FSA... and their supporters in the west, turkey, and gcc...

take a look at this video where people are calling for the Syrian army to come save them from the terrorists FSA

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I have never met a Sunni who tries to do that.

me too...
perhaps most of Shias think Sunnis dont like Hz. Ali(ra) and his all esteemed family members...I never see a Sunni esteem Hz. Ali(ra) less than Hz.AboBakir(ra), Hz.Ottman(ra) and Hz. Omar(ra)..

Sunnis love all members of Ahle Bayt and companions of our unique prophet Hz. Mohammad(saw)

But the main difference is that.. Sunni dont apotheosis any person like shias do Hz. Ali(ra) and Hz.Hussein(ra)...
Sunni never esteem and mention more any person over than our high esteemed Prothet..
Sunni never mention more any person than Allah(jj) in dayly life untill life time..

Because of high respect to their uniqe prothet Sunnis never dare to talk negativley about the members of our prophet family and persons who our prothet love and had been pleased with them untill his lifetime..They love all persons who our prothet had been pleased with them...Because Sunnis know their place..

even during the period Caliphate Hz. Omar(ra) simetimes warn muslims about not to mention more Prophet than Allah(jj)....

here is just an exxe. of Shias rites...what is it anything to do with Islam..What is diffrences between such rites and Hindu rite or idol worshippers..

Can you explain how you could like a person and his enemy at the same time? Bani omaia are know enemies for the prophet and his family. There is no disorted history, this is the same history found in all the book including Sunni ones. The only difference is we read it, explore it and analyze the persons according to the incidents found in the history books. Can you tell me one incident of the fake hostory that you are talking about, I'll bring you a source from your own book. I'm not hating or insulting, but reality hurts.

I know most people here try say they love Ali over muawyiah, because any other view would be considered unislamic, but to try to give excuses to portray muawyiah or Yazif as innocent people is ridiculous.

I am not a Sheikh, although I read about it several time and it wasn't like what you said but I won't indulge myself in this. However, you can watch Sunni point of view by watching videos on Youtube about Sunni-Shea debates in which you have never won one of them by logic. Anyway, go search about it.

No one cares about Yazeed, and we don't follow Moawiyah, we only follow Quraan and Sunnah.

Regarding the last part, we don't have Taqiyah in our religion. We say our beliefs out loud no matter how others think about it, as you know we were always the dominant sect, so why would we hide anything...
If Alasad had killed his own people, Syrians will not let him last a minute.... if Syrians wanted him out he would have been gone already... because no power on this earth can stop the will of the people...
the ones who are doing the killing is the so called FSA... and their supporters in the west, turkey, and gcc...

take a look at this video where people are calling for the Syrian army to come save them from the terrorists FSA

And you still repeating this! Syrians don't want him and that's why they are controlling Syria and following his gangs to their last resort ,Western Damascus.
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